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AAPG Annual Convention & Exhibition 2015

Exploring the Summit of Petroleum Geosciences

May 31 – June 3, 2015, Denver, Colorado

Hosted by Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

Posted May 31, 2015
Search and Discovery Article #90216 (2015)

Technical program schedule and abstracts are also available for smart phones, iPad and Android tablet from the Mobile App stores.

ABSTRACTS (by Author)



A Tectono-Stratigraphic Development of the Albertine Graben of Uganda, Western Arm of East African Rift System Based on Sedimentary Exposures, Seismic and Well Data

Spectral Decomposition and Colored Inversion as Tools to Extract Stratigraphic Features and Predict Lithology of the Late Ordovician Mamuniyat Reservoir, Murzuq Basin, Libya

Application of Noble Gas Isotopic Signatures at McElmo Dome-DOE Canyon to Investigate CO2 Source and System Characterization

Molecular Organic Geochemistry of the Oil and Source Rock in Railroad Valley, Eastern Great Basin, Nevada, United States

Salt Diapirism and Slope Failure in the Carolina Trough, Eastern North American Margin

Application of High-Resolution Seismic Reflection to Groundwater Resource

Chemostratigraphy and Magnetic Susceptibility Characterization of Rock Cuttings from a Well With Oil-Bearing Intervals: Upper Pennsylvanian Series, North Central Kansas

Sedimentary and Stratigraphic Expression of Fluvial-Eolian Interactions: Examples From the Skeleton Coast of Namibia and the Triassic Helsby Sandstone Formation, UK, With Implications for Reservoir Heterogeneity

Insights Into the Influence of Rift Evolution on the Emplacement and Distribution of a Sill Complex, Faroe-Shetland Basin, Northeast Atlantic

A Quantitative Approach to the Characterization of Sedimentary Architecture in Mixed Eolian-Fluvial Reservoir Successions

A Detailed Oklahoma Stress Map for Induced Seismicity Mitigation

Chemistry of Brine in an Unconventional Shale Dominated Source Bed: Understanding Organic Matter-Mineral Interactions During Hydrocarbon Generation

Regional Crustal Structure of the Gulf of Mexico From Gravity Inversion

Water and Other Volatiles on Mars: Resource Base and Implications for Terraforming

A Parallel Black Oil and Compositional Multiphase Flow Simulator for Unstructured 3-D Finite Element Grids

Sequence Stratigraphy, Chemostratigraphy and Diagenesis of the Miocene Carbonate-Evaporite Successions, Al-Jabal Al-Khdar Uplift and Soluq Trough, Cyrenaica, Northeastern Libya

3-D Structural Modelling of the East Kaibab Monocline in Northern Arizona

Valley Fill Architecture of the Missouri River Valley: Preferential Preservation Creating Classic Sequence Stratigraphic Architecture

Using a 3-D Geological Model and Petroleum Data Analyses to Help Mitigate Environmental Impacts of Heavy-Oil and Bitumen Production

Sequential Evolution and Stratigraphic Architecture of a Mixed River and Wave-Dominated Delta, Iles Formation, Colorado

Lateral Facies Trends in Deep-Marine Basin-Floor Matrix-Rich Sandstones, Neoproterozoic Windermere Supergroup, Western Canada

Organic Matter Characterization of the Lower Cretaceous Garbutt Formation, Liard Basin, Canada

Bedform Evolution Under a Steady Shear Flow: Application to Deep Marine Settings

The Importance of Grain Size and Grain Size Distribution on Deep-Marine Channel Evolution

Influence of Storm Processes on Cross-Shelf Sediment Transport

Assessing Deep Marine Sub-Environments Using Foraminifera: A Classification Model Based on Outcrop Analogues

New Stratigraphic Constraints on Spatio-Temporal Structural Evolution in the Uinta, Piceance and Denver Basins

Petroleum Geochemistry of the Mississippian Limestone Play Northern Oklahoma USA: Evidence of Two Different Charging Mechanisms East and West of the Nemaha Uplift

Outcrop Example of Intrastratal Slope Deformation Controlled by Depositional Architecture, Tres Pasos Formation, Magallanes Basin, Chile


Channels in Carbonate Environments: 3-D-Seismic Characteristics Extracted From the Sedimentary Record

Seismic Property Relationships for Characterization of a Giant Carbonate Reservoir, Grosmont, Canada

Building a Discrete Fracture Network Utilizing Constraints Derived From Microseismicty Fracture Parameters

The Australian Structural Permeability Map

Remote Sensing of Subsurface Fractures: A South Australian Case Study

Protracted Processes of Erosion, Mass-Wasting and Deposition at the Margin of a Slope Valley-Scale Deep-Water Conduit, Cretaceous Geoffrey Formation (Nanaimo Group), British Columbia, Canada

Modification in Textural and Geochemical Characteristics of Shallow Marine Black Shale in Proximity to Igneous Dykes in Kimmeridgian Jhuran Formation, India

Numerical Simulations of Hydraulic Fracture Propagation — A Coupled Eulerian-Lagrangian Approach

Alluvial Reservoir Development and Drainage Distribution in Large Igneous Provinces

Deciphering Tectonic Controls on Fluvial Sedimentation Within the Barmer Basin, India: The Lower Cretaceous Ghaggar-Hakra Formation

Linking Diagenesis to Sequence Stratigraphy – An Integrated Approach for Reservoir Characterization of the Coniacian-Santonian Mixed Siliciclastic-Carbonate Matulla Formation, West Central Sinai, Egypt

Oil Sands Fabric: The Grain Component and Influences on Reservoir Properties

Strain Migration During Multiphase Extension: Observations From the Northern North Sea

Estuarine Facies Within Incised Valley Fill Systems, Mt. Garfield Formation, Book Cliffs, Colorado

Analysis of the South Atlantic Margins From Regional Seismic Data: Implications for Break-Up Tectonics and Thermal History

The Bakken Formation Within the Northern Part of the Williston Basin: A Comprehensive and Integrated Reassessment of Organic Matter Content, Origin, Distribution and Hydrocarbon Potential

Spatial Analysis of Channel-Belt Stacking Patterns: Metrics to Discriminate Between Local and Regional Controls on Deposition in the Fluvial John Henry Member of the Straight Cliffs Formation, Southern Utah

Fitting Deterministic Arcuate Map View/Sigmoidal Cross Section Surfaces to IHS Beds in Heavy Oil Fluvial Point Bars

Function-Based Training Image Construction of Fluvial Point Bars: A Modern Analog Example From the Brazos River, Texas

Estimation of Arithmetic Permeability From a Semi-Log Poro/log10Perm Regression

Implications of Cell Dimensions on Dipping Bed Continuity in Flat-Layered Geomodels

Full Use of Dipmeter Data for Geocellular Property Modeling in the McMurray Formation, Alberta

Integrated Petrophysical and High-Resolution Sequence Stratigraphic Characterization of an Unconventional Carbonate Mudrock Reservoir

Analyzing Core From Two Emerging Tight Oil Plays in Utah: The Uteland Butte Member of the Green River Formation in the Uinta Basin and the Cane Creek Shale Within the Paradox Formation in the Paradox Basin

Integrated Geochemical and Petrophysical Characterization of the Upper and Lower Bakken Mudrock Facies

Facies Analysis of Thin-Bedded Reservoirs in Mixed-Influenced Deltaic Systems

Shale Lithofacies Classification and Modeling: Case Studies From the Bakken and Marcellus Formations, North America

Evaluating Potential for Induced Seismicity Through Reservoir-Geomechanical Analysis of Fluid Injection in the Arbuckle Saline Aquifer, South Central Kansas

Microfracture Characterization in the Lower Vaca Muerta Formation, Neuquén Basin, Argentina

Reservoir-Scale Stratigraphy, Sedimentology and Porosity Characteristics of Mississippian Reservoirs, Northeastern Anadarko Shelf, Oklahoma

Early-Formed Fractures: Precambrian-Like ‘Molar Tooth’ Mudcracks in Phanerozoic Unconventional Mudstone Reservoirs

Development and Distribution of Hypogenic Caves and Paleokarst Features in the Arbuckle Mountains of South Central Oklahoma, USA

The Structural Evolution of the Barmer Basin, Northwest India, and the Regional Context of the Rift: Insights From Linked Outcrop and Subsurface Investigations

Outcrop Evidence of Previously Unrecognised Extensional Tectonics in Northwest India

Penetrative Sedimentary Intrusions in the Pennsylvanian Tensleep Formation of Wyoming: Implications for Reservoir and Baffle Compartmentalization

La Vela Bay, Offshore Falcon Basin, Western Venezuela: Eastern Extension to the La Perla Carbonate Reservoir Trend

Using Elemental Data for Accurate Wellbore Placement and Geosteering in Unconventional Reservoirs: Examples From the Appalachian Basin

Anthropogenic CO2 for Enhanced Oil Recovery: An Under-Utilized Resource for Greener Fuels

Sand Provenance Within the Mississippi-Gulf of Mexico Drainage System: New Insights From Common Pb Isotopes in Detrital K-Feldspar

Record of Cretaceous Through Paleogene Gulf of Mexico Drainage Integration From Detrital Zircons

Scaling Relationships Between Fluvial Channel Fills, Channel-Belt Sand Bodies and Drainage Basins, With Implications for the Mannville Group, Alberta Foreland Basin

Identification of Depositional Facies, Cyclic Stratigraphy and Diagenetic Components: Upper San Andres Formation, Vacuum Field, Lea County NM USA

Formation Water Composition as a Guide to Fluid Flow and Diagenetic Processes in Three Southern California Basins

From Field Fractures to Reservoir Prediction: Utilizing Drones, Virtual Outcrop and Digital Data Analysis to Input Into Discrete Fracture Network (DFN) Models

Fold-Thrust Belt Field Analogues and Models to Predict Reservoir Damage in Carbonate Systems

Modeling the Equilibrium of a Carbonate Tidal Channel. Preliminary Results

Interbedded Source and Reservoir Rocks in a Hybrid Tight-Oil Petroleum System: Mississippian Heath Formation, Central Montana, USA

Sequence of Deformation in Thrust-Fold Belts: Implications for Cross-Section Balancing

Aggradation versus By-Pass in Coarse-Grained Deep-Water Channel Fills: Characteristics and Differences Based on Field Examples (Cerro Toro Formation, Chile, and Rosario Formation, Mexico)

Geochemical Controls on the Distribution of Carbonate Cement in the Middle Member of the Bakken Formation, Williston Basin

Unconventional Reservoir Potential of the Brown Shale, Central Sumatra Basin, Indonesia From Outcrop Characterization

Mechanical and Fracture Stratigraphy of the Utica Shale, Eastern New York State

Elastic Dislocation Modelling and Coulomb Stress Change Investigations

Stratigraphic Record of a Sediment Bypass Zone on a Stepped Slope Profile, Karoo Basin, South Africa

Interpreting Permeability From Mercury Injection Capillary Pressure Data

Surface Energy Effects on Formation and Preservation of Microrhombic Calcite Fabrics and Porosity

Morphometric Comparison of Modern Deepwater Systems With the Permian Laingsburg-Karoo: Is the Present the Key to the Past?

A 4-D Case Study: Rock Matrix Sensitivity Test on a Field in Deep Water, Nigeria

Potential Induced Seismicity in the Midcontinent: One State's Experience and Response

Toward an Accurate Reservoir Model of Heterolithic, Tidally-Influenced Deposits: An Ongoing Case Study in the Sego Sandstone Member of the Mancos Shale Through Second-Generation, Outcrop-To-Subsurface 3-D Modeling

Seismic Expression of Karst-Related Features in the Persian Gulf and Implications for Characterization of Carbonate Reservoirs

Reservoir-Scale Controls on Fracture Orientation: Structural Position Versus Mechanical Variation

Mechanical Parameters Controlling Sandstone Intrusion Emplacement and Geometry

Regional Geopressure Gradient Modeling and Interpretation of Seismic Lines in Southern Louisiana and Adjacent Areas Reveal Mechanisms of Overpressure Development

Controls on Stratigraphic Architecture in Fluvial Overbank Successions: Implications for Hydrocarbon Recovery in Low Net-To-Gross Fluvial Systems

Pore Networks in Niobrara, Piceance Basin, Western Colorado Exhibit Minimal Regional Variability as a Function of Thermal History

Basin Partitioning Along the Laramide Deformation Front in the Southern Rocky Mountains: Paleogene Provenance Record of the Raton and Galisteo-El Rito Basins

Investigation of Stacked Three Dimensional Lobe Deposit Properties Using a Set of Experimental Transitional Flows


Diagenesis and Reservoir Quality of the Oligocene Vedder Sandstone, of the Rio Bravo Oil Field, California

Carbonate Fractures Controlled by Strike-Slip Faults: A Case Study in Tazhong Uplift, Tarim Basin, NW China

Basement Transverse Faults in Kuqa Foreland Basin, Northwest China and Their Significance in Petroleum Geology

Diagenetic Evolution of Organic Matter Cements in Unconventional Shale Reservoirs

Challenges and Opportunities in a Large Oil Field With Poor Quality Data: Integrated Modelling Solution for the Barrancas Field, Cuyana Basin, Argentina

Advanced Geological Evaluation in Deep Water Using New High-Resolution Borehole Imaging Technology

Formation Conditions and Sedimentary Model of Over-Flooding Lake Deltas Within Continental Lake Basins: An Example From the Paleogene in the Jiyang Depreesion, Bohai Bay Basin

Geochemical Characteristics of Crude Oil From a Lacustrine Tight-Oil Reservoir in the Lucaogou Formation of the Jimusaer Sag, Junggar Basin

The Hydrocarbon Generation Ability of Organic Matter in Tight Sandstone of the Permian Lucaogou Formation in Jimusaer Sag, Junggar Basin and Its Significance for Tight-Oil Reservoirs

Sealing Capacity of Mass Transport Deposits: Depositional Model for a Deepwater Reservoir in the Jubilee Gas Field, Eastern Gulf of Mexico

Extreme Events on a Low-Gradient River and Delta: Evidence for Sediment Mass Movements on the Subaqueous Delta and a Mechanism for Creating Hyperpycnal Flow in the Lower River

Reservoir Induced Seismicity near Heron and El Vado Reservoirs, Northern New Mexico, and Implications for Fluid Injection Within the San Juan Basin

“Big Data” Empowering Unconventional Resource Plays

Mining Paleocene Fort Union Formation Coals of the Red Desert-Great Divide Basin, South Central Wyoming, Over the Next 100 Years

Dynamic Interplay Between Channel Evolution and Seafloor Topography Linked to Rising Salt Domes, Horn Mountain, Mississippi Canyon, Gulf of Mexico

Facies Distribution and Architectural Characterization of Turbidite Channel Complexes in the Gorgoglione Flysch Formation (Basilicata, Southern Italy)

K/T Boundary: Fossilized Trees Transported to a Deep Sea Environment in Baja California, Mexico

Quantification of Organic Nano-Pores Using a Helium Ion Microscope

Exploring Deltaic Network Growth and Stratigraphy Through a Rule Based Geometric Model

Hypogenic Karst Dissolution in Carbonate Rocks Has Implications for Karstified Carbonate Reservoirs

Use of Light Hydrocarbons Combined Biomarkers for Oil-Oil Correlations From the Pearl River Mouth Basin, Southeastern China

X-Ray Imaging for Compaction Band Characterisation in Porous Sandstones

Lessons From High-Resolution Continuous XRF on Stratigraphy and Geomechanics of Shale

Upper-Slope to Shelf-Edge Delta Architecture of the Miocene Cruse Formation Orinoco Shelf-Margin, Trinidad

An Integrated Approach to Quantify the Contribution of Multiple Lacustrine Sources to Mixed-Oils in the Triassic Reservoirs in Slope Area of Mahu Depression, Junggar Basin, Northwest China

Utica Shale Petroleum Resource Potential in Quebec, Revised Methodology and Resource Update

Reconstructing the Three-Dimensional Fluvial Architecture of the Salt Wash Member of the Morrison Formation, Utah, Using Structure-From-Motion Photogrammetry and Terrestrial Laser Scanning

Oil and Gas in the Uinta Basin, Utah, USA — What to Do With the Produced Water?

Determining Failure Behavior at Hydraulic Fracturing Conditions Through Experimental Rock Deformation

Controls on the Morphodynamics and Stratigraphic Architecture of Compound Dunes and Point Bars on the Open-Coast Macrotidal Flat in Gyeonggi Bay, West Coast of Korea

Seismic Facies Analysis Using Generative Topographic Mapping

Multiattribute Analysis Using Principal Components

Protracted Fault Growth and Reactivation in Multiphase Rift Basins: Structural Evolution of the East Shetland Basin, Northern North Sea

Quantitative Analysis of Natural Fractures in Chattanooga Shale in Selected Outcrops in Northern Alabama with Terrestrial LIDAR Images

Monitoring the Evolution of Submarine Channels on Fjord Prodeltas and Associated Depositional Basins

A Fresh Look at Unconventional Analogues

A Deterministic Lithology Model for the Green River-Upper Wasatch Interval of the Uinta Basin

Forward Seismic Modelling of Exhumed Clastic Intrusions to Improve Understanding of Architecture and Impact of Large-Scale Injectites in the Subsurface

A Late Jurassic Play Fairway Beyond the Jeanne d'Arc Basin, New Insights and Recent Exploration Success in the Northern Flemish Pass Basin

Autogenic, Allogenic and Mixed-Process Controls on Stratigraphic Architecture in the Baram and Champion Delta Systems, NW Borneo

Controls on Mixed-Energy Sedimentation Across the Miocene Baram Delta Province, NW Borneo

Geological Modeling of Outcrop Successions to Assess Analog-Based Predictions of the Sedimentary Heterogeneity in Fluvial Reservoirs

Using XRF, SEM and Pyrolysis for an Economic Appraisal of the Marcellus Formation of Western Pennsylvania for Fracking Purposes

Experimental Insights on Distributive Fluvial Systems

Atlas of Gas Chimney Occurrences Associated With Oil and Gas Fields

Determining the Origin of Shallow Gas in the Dutch North Sea Using Gas Chimney Detection: Implications for Deep Exploration

Tight Carbonates: Development of an Early-Stage Multidisciplinary Predictive Reservoir Model for the Buda, Georgetown and Edwards Formations East of the San Marcos Arch

Thermal Conductivity of Organic Shales and Coals – How Their Presence and Persistence Effect Thermal Maturity

Architecture and Rock Typing of Coal-Bearing Successions in Late Carboniferous Fluvio-Deltaic Deposits (Southeast Kentucky, USA)

Full-Physics Thinking in Unconventional Plays

A Geomaterials Approach to Fault-Zone Characterisation

Geomorphic and Stratigraphic Records of the Composite Evolution of Submarine Channels

Stratigraphic Compartmentalization of Deep-Water Channel Systems, West Africa

Predictive Organization of Deep-Water Lobes

The Palaeo-Bathymetry of Base Aptian Salt Deposition on the Angolan Rifted Margin From Flexural Backstripping and Reverse Thermal Subsidence Modelling

Hardstoft — Britain's First Oil Field

Sequence Stratigraphy, Facies Analysis and Reservoir Characterization of the Bakken Formation, Viewfield Pool, Southeast Saskatchewan

Along-Strike Variability of the Fluvial Castlegate Sandstone, Wasatch Plateau, Utah: Depositional Trend and Sequence Stratigraphic Architecture

Potential Fluid-Migration Pathways Indicated by Multichannel-Seismic Data From the Southeastern Florida Platform

Relationships Between Pre-Existing Structure, Regional Stress Orientation and Seismicity Induced by Wastewater Injection, Northern Appalachian Basin, USA

U. S. Shale-Gas Resources, Reserves and Production From 2015 Forward — A Discussion of Potential Gas Committee Shale-Gas Resource Assessments and Methodologies

Correlation of Rocky Mountain Produced Natural Gases to Sources by Application of Gas Isotope Kinetic Modeling

Beyond the Bakken, an Integrated Evaluation of Williston Basin Lodgepole/Mission Canyon, Bakken and Ordovician Petroleum Systems


Stratigraphic Traps in Sergipe - Alagoas Basin, NE Brazil

Correlation of Highly-Mature Hydrocarbon Liquids Using Higher Diamondoids

Fluvially Generated Heterolithic Stratification as a Tool for Determining Process Dominance and Location in the Fluvial-Marine Transition

Gravity Driven Collapse Systems on Passive Margins: A Field Study in Seismic

Miocene Normal Faulting in the Levant Basin: A Spectacular Exemple of Compaction/Tectonic Interaction

Constructing a Seismic-Scale 3-D Geo-Model of Stacked Slope Channel Deposits Grounded in High-Resolution Outcrop Observations, Magallanes Basin, Chile

Noble Gases Help Trace the Behavior of Hydrocarbons in Unconventional Oil and Gas Shales

Are Unbioturbated Mudstones Indicative of Anoxia?

Assessing Hydrocarbon Migration in the Hekkingen Formation Source-Rock — A New 3-D Look at the Hammerfest Basin, Barents Sea

Modeling the Size, Shape and Connectivity of Stratal Bodies in River, Wave and Tide-Dominated Deltas

North America Unconventionals: What Have We Missed?

Wellsite Mineralogical Data Acquisition; Reconciling Results From Multiple Sources

Modelling the Distribution of Organic Matter in the Hekkingen Formation (Hammerfest Basin, Barents Sea) for Basin Modelling — A High-Resolution, Three-Dimensional, Process-Based Approach

Grain Size Fractionation of Sediment by Turbidity Currents Between Slope and Basin Floor: Insights From Physical Experiments

Deposition, Diagenesis and Porosity Preservation of Campos Basin Bioclastic Lacustrine Rift Reservoirs

Geometry and Depositional Facies of an Exposed Megaflap: Pennsylvanian Honaker Trail Formation, Gypsum Valley Salt Wall, Paradox Basin, Colorado

Influence of Diagenetic Fluids on Mississippian Carbonate Rock Properties in the Southern Midcontinent

δ18O and δ13C-Zoned Carbonate Cements as Records of Porewater Temperature and Composition in Siliciclastics: In-Situ SIMS Analyses From Early Paleozoic Sandstones in the Illinois Basin, USA

From 3-D Photogrammetric Outcrop Model Towards Reservoir Models: An Integrated Modeling Workflow

Stratigraphic Architecture of Coal and Non-Marine Strata of the Mannville Group in the Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin, South Central Alberta

A New Analytical Method to Evaluate Maximum Flexure for Improved Fracture Characterization From 3-D Seismic Data

From the Reef to Slope: Architectural, Facies and Diagenetic Evolution During High-Frequency Sea Level Cycles

Deltaic Deposits at Aeolis Dorsa: Sedimentary Evidence for a Standing Body of Water on the Northern Plains of Mars

Petroleum Systems Asymmetry Across the South Atlantic Equatorial Margins

Oil Terroirs of West Africa and the South American Conjugate Basins

Evaporite Diagenesis Models of a Continental Sabkha System: Insights From the Holocene at Dukhan, Qatar

Findings and Update on the National Research Council's Committee on Induced Seismicity Potential of Energy Production and Related Technologies

Geomechanical Models Challenge Common Assumptions and Conclusions of Seismic Curvature Analysis for Unconventional Reservoirs

Cenozoic Structural Framework and Tectono-Sedimentary Evolution of the Southern Nenana Basin, Alaska: Implications for Conventional and Unconventional Hydrocarbon Exploration

In Situ Stress Variations at the Northeastern Brooks Range and Eastern North Slope of Alaska: Implications for the Regional Changes in Tectonic Setting

Advanced Workflows for Integration of Multiscale Data and Realistic Geological Modeling

Presence and Variability of Froude Transcritical and Supercritical Flow Sedimentary Structures in Fluvial Strata

Integrated Analysis on Geochemical and Petrophysical Variation in the Horn River Shale, Middle and Upper Devonian, Northeastern British Columbia, Canada

Investigation of Prominent Mineralized Fractures in Middle to Upper Devonian Organic-Rich Mudstones of the Eastern U.S.: Implications for Multi-Sourced Fluid Migration During a Mississippian Seal Breach

Formation, Rotation and Translation of Thrust Systems Formed at Basement Ramps During Early-Stage Salt Flow: Application to the Eastern Gulf of Mexico

Signal Preservation in Pulsing Turbidity Currents

Gas Geochemistry Signature of Leaky Formations Over Geologic Time

Haynesville-Bossier Shale: Diagenetic Development and Reservoir Quality Implications

Evolution of the Southwestern Midcontinent Basin During the Middle Pennsylvanian: Evidence From Sequence Stratigraphy, Core and XRF in Southeastern Colorado

Kinetics of the Opal-A to Opal-CT Phase Transition in Low- and High-TOC Siliceous Shale Source Rocks

The Growth and Interaction of Faults in Multiphase Rifts: Horda Platform, Norwegian North Sea

Dynamic Topology: A New Approach to Help Distinguish Modes of Rift Fault Network Formation?

Wet and Dry Shales — Today and 2020

Transgressive-Regressive Cycles in the Highly Metalliferous, Oil Shale-Bearing Heath Formation (Upper Mississippian), Central Montana

Transitional Facies of the Triassic Shublik and Otuk Formations at Surprise Creek, Northwest Alaska

Diagenesis of Neogene Strata in the Victoria Land Basin, Antarctica: Towards an Understanding of Reservoir Quality in Polar Settings

Evolution of a Large Tidally Influenced Meandering River System in the Cretaceous McMurray Formation, Athabasca Oil Sands, Alberta, Canada

Spatial and Temporal Evolution of an Ancient Fluvial Meanderbelt (Upper Cretaceous Dinosaur Park Formation, Southeastern Alberta, Canada) With Emphasis on Characterization of Counter Point Bar Deposits

Comparing Chlorite-Coat Coverage and Reservoir Quality in Deep Tuscaloosa Sandstones, Louisiana Gulf Coast, USA

Reservoir Quality of the Three Forks Formation, Williston Basin — An Integration of Geologic and Engineering Data

Integrated Stratigraphy of the Famennian Three Forks Formation, Williston Basin: A Study Using Physical, Biological, Sr, and S Isotopic Stratigraphic Signatures

Sedimentology, Ichnofacies, and Early Diagenesis, the Three Forks Formation, North Dakota and Montana- A Schizohaline, Storm Dominated, Intrashelf Basin


Influence of Neo-Tectonic Activity in the Cuban Fold and Thrust Belt on the Slope and Margin Failures of Cay Sal and Great Bahama Bank

A Method for Determining 3-D Anisotropy of Electrical Resistivity in Multifaceted Shale and Mudstone Samples: Application to the Horn River Basin, British Columbia

Potential Oil-Prone Areas in the Cane Creek Shale Play, Paradox Basin, Utah, USA, Identified by Epifluorescence Techniques

New Evidence for the Reactivation of Basement Faults in the Development of Alleghany Plateau Folds in the Central Appalachians

Optimized Hydraulic Fracture Design: Using High-Resolution Borehole Images for 3-D Structural Delineation in Horizontal Shale Wells

The Size, Velocity, and Suspended Sediment Distribution of Turbidity Currents Traveling Through Channels, and Their Relation with Morphological Evolution and Channel-Related Deposits

Seismic Stratigraphy and Depositional Model of the Kimmeridgian-Tithonian Dupuy Formation: Implications for Gorgon CO2 Injection

Stratigraphic and Depositional Analysis of the Faridah Reservoirs in the Central and Northeastern Parts of Saudi Arabia

Constructing a 3-D Static Model of Ras Budran Oil Field, Gulf of Suez: An Integrated Approach of Geological and Geophysical Data to Unlock Additional Volumes — Near Field Exploration

Statistical Methods of Predicting Source Rock Organic Richness From Open Hole Logs, Niobrara Formation, Denver Basin, CO

Sedimentological and Geochemical Variability of Mudrocks in Coal-Bearing Successions of the Carbondale Group (Pennsylvanian) in Southwest Indiana: A Core-Based Evaluation

Compound-Specific Sulfur-Isotopic Composition of Organosulfur Compounds in Oil: A Case Study From the Bighorn Basin, WY USA

Validation Processes for Subsurface Fracture Models

Palaeo-Bathymtic Surfaces and 3-D Modelling of Sand Deposition

The Structural Restoration of Salt, Global Case Studies of Best Practice Workflows

Integrated Diagenetic and Paleomagnetic Study of the Mississippian Limestone, North Central Oklahoma

Paragenesis of Mineralized Fractures in Organic Rich Shales

Reconstructing Basin Overpressure and Geomechanical History to Explain Observed Natural Fracture Patterns, Cleveland Basin, UK

Examining Potential Reservoirs in the Paleogene, Southern Louisiana, USA

Petrography of Silica Diagenesis in the Eagle Ford Formation, South Texas

Post-Messinian Deepwater Gas Piping in the Levant Basin, Southeast Mediterranean

Increasing Reserves Through the Characterization and 3-D Static Model of Thin Beds in a Middle Burgan Reservoir, Raudhtain Field, North Kuwait


Rodi Avila Medeiros, Outstanding Stratigrapher, Mentor and Teacher

Well Log Clustering Analysis and Upscaling Procedure of the Tuscaloosa Marine Shale, Mississippi and Louisiana

Determining Flow Directions in Turbidites: An Integrated Sedimentological and Magnetic Fabric Study of Two Miocene Turbiditic Systems (Northern Apennines, Italy)

Spatial Trends in Stratal Architectures Across the Backwater Transition in Lowland Rivers

Reconstructing the Paleo-Hydraulics of Channelized Turbidity Currents From the Submarine Channel Deposits of the Brushy Canyon Formation, West Texas

Large, Heterolithic Channel Fills of the Upper Permian Rangal Coal Measures, Queensland, Australia: Well-Exposed Analogues for the McMurray Formation

The Evolution and Interaction of Normal Faults in Multi-Phase Rifting: A Numerical Modelling Approach

Depositional Model and Reservoir Characterization of Buah Formation Carbonates (Neoproterozoic, Sultanate of Oman)

Ichnopedologic Assemblages in the Upper Triassic Chinle Formation, Stevens Canyon, Southeastern Utah: Implications for Paleohydrology and Paleoclimate During Chinle Deposition

A Potential High-Latitude Signature on a Cretaceous Paleopolar Coastal Plain: Flashiness Evidenced by Recurring Facies, Sedimentary-Pedogenic Structures and Isotopic Trends in the Prince Creek Formation of Arctic Alaska During a Greenhouse

Characterization of Fine Grained Lithofacies in Coeval Strata From a Superregional Nearshore to Offshore Transect in the Upper Cretaceous of the North American Western Interior Seaway

Evaluation of Human Health Risks Via Drinking Water for Spills of Hydraulic Fracturing Fluids

Passive-Margin Allochthonous Salt Canopies Emplaced Within an Alpine Fold-and-Thrust Belt: Example From the Betic Cordillera of Spain

Teasing Out Parasequences in Highly Sediment Starved Devonian Black Shales

Wettability Imaging of Unconventional Mudrock Reservoirs

Variation in Stacking Style of Delta-Estuary Couplets and Associated Deep-Marine Fans: An Example From the Eocene Central Basin of Spitsbergen

Anatomy of Shelf-Margin Scale Lacustrine Clinoforms With Thin Topsets, Irregular Foresets and Thick Bottomsets: Miocene Dacian Basin, Romania

Processes, Facies Trends and Lateral Variability of Hybrid Event Beds in Sand-Rich Deep-Water Systems: The North-Apennine Gottero Sandstone (Northwest Italy)

Application of Numerical Outcrops of Fluvio-Deltaic Systems in Building Geological Reservoir Models

Origination and Dispersal of Paragloborotalia Kugleri out of the Indian Ocean at the Oligocene/Miocene Boundary

A Reappraisal of the Tectonic Evolution and Structure of the East African Margin, With Specific Reference to the Mozambique Coastal Plains

The Development of Dolomite Geobodies Formed by Geothermal Convection of Seawater: Insights From New Reactive Transport Models Incorporating Platform Growth and Compaction

Predicting Sub-Seismic Fracture Density and Orientation: A Case Study From the Gorm Field, Danish North Sea

Underpressured Reservoirs Mapped in the United States

Permeability Heterogeneity in Bioturbated Sediment, Cardium Formation, Pembina Field, and Implications for Waterflooding of Tight Oil Reservoirs

Updates to the U.S. Energy Information Administration Shale and Tight Formation Play Maps

Production Profiles and Geologic Characteristics of the Niobrara Petroleum System

Lithological Controls and Correlativity of the Eagle Ford Formation: Outcrop Insights From West Texas, USA

Thermochemical Sulfate Reduction in Anhydrite-Sealed Carbonate Gas Reservoirs: A 3-D Reactive Mass Transport Modeling Approach

Rapid Exploration in a Mature Area Incorporating Data Partitioning in Northwest Kansas: Improving the Resolution of Statistical Analysis of Big Data

Large Scale Meandering Channel Processes and Product: New Insights From McMurray Formation Type Section


Bedding-Parallel Fractures in Shales: Characterization, Prediction and Importance

Straight, Asymmetric Channels and Longitudinal Bars Within Channelized Seafloor Areas: Example From The Modern Seafloor

Timing of Upland Erosion for Petroleum System and Geodynamic Implications: An Apatite (U-Th)/He Thermochronologic Approach

Stratigraphic and Structural Characteristics of a Megaflap Flanking Witchelina Diapir, Willouran Ranges, South Australia

Characterizing Seal Bypass Systems Using Seismic Previous HitAttributeNext Hit Analysis at the Rock Springs Uplift, Southwest Wyoming

Texture Inversion From Seismic Amplitude: Application to Facies Characterization, Offshore Angola, West Africa

A Novel Stage-Wise Degassing Approach to Evaluate Shale Reservoir Gas Nanoporosity and Permeability

Influence of Mantle Processes on the Formation of Petroleum-Bearing Basins in the Central Rocky Mountains, Western USA

REE Geochemistry of Organic Fractions in Mudstone Source Rock and Oil Sand From Aer Sag, Erlian Basin: Implications for Oil-Source Correlation

Trace and Rare Earth Element Partitions in Organic Fractions of Mudstones During the Oil Formation

Analysis of Geological Effects on Methane Adsorption Capacity of Continental Shale: A Case Study of the Jurassic Shales in the Tarim Basin, Northwestern China

Study on Oil Migration in Hashan Region of Junggar Basin Based on the Distribution of Pyrrolic Nitrogen Compounds

Multi-Scale Characterization of Analogues Outcrops Integrating Reservoir Properties and Geologic Processes

3-D Modeling of Carbonate Reservoir Analogue Outcrops Using Camures Methodology, Sergipe Alagoas Basin (SEAL), Northeast Brazil

A New Rock-Eval Methodology for Tight Oils

Paleostress Analysis of the Black Hills Uplift — Powder River Basin Margin of the Newcastle Area, Weston County, Wyoming

Geologic-Based Assessment of Continuous Resources in the Permian Basin, Texas and New Mexico, USA

New Evidence for Long-Term, Salt-Related Deformation at Upheaval Dome, Southeast Utah

Shale Matrix Permeability Evolution During Reservoir Depletion: Fluid Dynamic and Poroelastic Aspects

Gas Permeability Measurements on Australian Subbituminous Coals: Fluid Dynamic and Poroelastic Aspects

Molecular Concept and Experimental Evidence of Competitive Adsorption of H2O, CO2 and CH4 on Organic Material

Gas Transport Properties and Its Anisotropy of the Shale Matrix — A Review

Sealing Capacity of Salt and Rubble Zone: Signs From LWD and Mud Gas

Facies Architecture and Its Implications: Oligocene Carbonera Fm., Llanos Foreland Basin, Colombia

Tectosedimentary Evolution of Early-Middle Jurassic (Lajas-Molles–Challacó Fms.) Southeastern, Neuquén Basin, Argentina. A Conventional and Tight Basin Center Gas System

Lithological Controls on Mechanical Anisotropy in Shales to Predict In Situ Stress Magnitudes and Potential for Shearing of Laminations During Fracturing

Shale Rheology and Retained Fracture Conductivity

Comparative Ichnology of Pleistocene, Holocene and Modern Carbonate Shorefaces: A Predictive Ichnofacies Model

Petroleum Exploration on Sukhbaatar Block in Eastern Mongolia

Lateral Variability in the Stratigraphic Transition From Open Shelf to Non-Marine Deposits Along a 70 km Strike Transect, Tanqua Depocenter, Karoo Basin, South Africa

Growth Styles of Shelf-Margin Clinoforms: Prediction of Sand and Sediment-Budget Partitioning Into and Across Shelf Margins

Driving Sediment Volume and Sand Budgets Into Shelf Margins and Beyond: Sea Level and Sediment Flux?

Understanding the Correlation Between Induced Seismicity and Water Injection in the Fort Worth Basin

Controls on Deposition Within Arid Continental Basin Margin Systems: Implications for Basin-Scale Fluid Migration

Improving Hydrocarbon Column Height Estimates: Results From a Global Synthesis

Integrating Geochemical and Petrographic Analyses to Better Understand Proximal to Distal Variations in Source Rocks, Using an Example From the Bashkirian in the UK

Contrasting Extensional Basin Styles and Sedimentary Fill Across the Eastern Russian Arctic Shelf as Imaged in Crustal-Scale PSDM Reflection Data

Controls on Dolomitization of the Upper Ordovician Trenton Limestone in South-Central Kentucky

Integrated Thermal Reservoir Characterization: The Grosmont Formation at Saleski, Alberta, Canada

Challenges for Induced Seismicity: Strategies for Monitoring Seismic Activity

Women Sitting Wells: A Forgotten History

Macroscopic and Microscopic Lithologic Controls on Mechanical Properties of Mudstones

Using Noble Gases to Identify the Relationship Between Deformational Features and the Pathways of Geological Fluid Flow

Geochemical and Basin Modeling Evaluation of the Utica/Point Pleasant Unconventional Play, Eastern Ohio


Kerogen Transformations in the Early Oil Window: Organic Petrology and Micro-Spectrometry of the Molecular Geochemistry of Tasmanites Microfossils

Organic Petrology Investigation of the Upper Permian Lacustrine Lucaogou Formation, Northwest China: Similarities and Differences as a Function of Lake Type

Evolution of the Raised Rims of Isolated Buildups in the Primorsk Region, Pricaspian Basin, Kazakhstan: A Quantitative Investigation of Compaction

Geologic Frameworks Derived From Lightning Maps and Resistivity Volumes

Multi-Previous HitAttributeNext Hit Analysis of Penobscot Survey, Offshore Nova Scotia

Regional Assessment of the Eagle Ford Shale: Insights From Lithology, Water Saturation, Organic Richness and Productivity Correlations

Mass-Balance Constraints on Stratigraphic Interpretation of Linked Alluvial-Coastal-Shelfal Deposits: Cretaceous Western Interior Basin, Utah and Colorado, USA

An Approach to Numerical Simulation of In Situ Conversion of Oil Shales in Northeast China

Controls of Hydrocarbon Retention in the Unconventional Barnett and Posidonia Shale Systems

A Shale Detachment in Thailand: Evidence of Brittle Deformation

Complexities of Submarine Channel Overbank Architectures as a Result of Simultaneous Activity Within Adjacent Channels: Example From the Modern Gioia Basin Turbidite System, Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy

The Alberta Bakken/Exshaw Resource Play of Northwest Montana: Where Did All the Oil Go?

Using Noble Gas Geochemistry to Characterize Sources and Migration of Fluids in the Eagle Ford Shale

Numerical Stratigraphic Modeling of Climatic Controls on Basin-Scale Sedimentation

Savannah River National Laboratory Core Repository: Core Used in Real World Fluid and Chemical Transport Assessments

Shale Velocity and Density as Functions of TOC and Thermal Maturity: Upper Devonian Woodford Shale, Permian Basin, Texas

Carbonate Eolianites in the Exumas — The Legacy of Vanishing Ebb Tidal Deltas During a Sea Level Rise

Controls on Modern Delta Development With Implications for Predicting Reservoir Distribution in Deltaic Systems

Latitudinal Distribution of Trace Fossils in Continental and Marine Depositional Systems: Controls, Trends and Caveats

Ichnology of the Upper Triassic Chinle Formation, Colorado Plateau: Interpreting Ancient Environment, Hydrology and Climate

Geochemical Evidence of Biotic Influence in Brazilian Pre-Salt Carbonates

3-D Printing Permeable Porosity to Probe Petrophysical Problems

Micro Fracture Propagation During Post-Frac Shut in and Enhanced Gas Production From Shale

Multi-Level Detachment Structural Deformation Systems and Its Controls Upon Hydrocarbon Accumulation in East Sichuan Basin

Detachment Fold Kinematic Modeling: A Breakthrough in Quantitative Descriptions of Detachment Folds

Origin of Anomalous Magnetic Fabrics in the Woodford and Marcellus Shales

Evolution of a Fluvial System During the Rift Initiation, Central Corinth Rift (Greece)

Sedimentologic and Diagenetic Analysis of Source and Reservoir Facies Within the Phosphoria and Park City Formations, Northern and Central Rocky Mountains

Reservoir Architecture of Deep Marine Rift Climax Deposits: An Outcrop Study From East Greenland

A Storm-Influenced Shoreface Succession Within the Cambrian Mount Clark Formation of the Mackenzie Mountains, Northwest Territories

Sedimentology and Geomorphology of Carbonate Shoreface Systems: Implications for Geologic Modeling and Flow Simulation

Cambrian Rogersville Shale in the Rome Trough, Kentucky and West Virginia: A Potential New Unconventional Reservoir in the Appalachian Basin

Overpressure Development Through Time Using 4-D PVT Modeling in the Deep Anadarko Basin, Colorado, Kansas, Oklahoma and Texas

The History of Oil and Gas Development in the Denver Basin

The Mississippian-Age Oil Sands of Alabama: A Resource Worth (Re)Evaluation

Time Transgressive Submarine Slope Confinement, Increased Flow Efficiency and the Growth of Basin-Floor Fans

How Much Sediment Has Been Eroded off Southwestern South Africa Since the Cretaceous, and Where is it Now?

An Integrated Stratigraphic, Sedimentologic, and Petrophysical Study of the Upper Cretaceous Frontier Formation in the Western Powder River Basin, WY

The Impact of Fine-Scale Reservoir Geometries on Streamline Flow Patterns in Submarine Lobes: Outcrop Analogues From the Tanqua depocentre (Fan 3 & Unit 5)

X-Ray Fluorescence and Rock Hardness Relationships Within the Devonian-Mississippian Bakken and Three Forks Formations, Williston Basin, North Dakota

Preservational Complexity and Completeness in Channel Point Bars and the Heterogeneity of Heterogeneity in Their Reservoir Models

Thermochronological and Geochronological Constraints on the Origin and Evolution of the Cretaceous Ceduna Sub-Basin, Great Australian Bight

Reconciling Contemporary Stress Data With Neotectonic Structures: A Case Study From the Otway Basin, Southeastern Australia

Stratigraphic Architecture, Facies Distribution, and Reservoir Characteristics of the Colony Granite Wash, Anadarko Basin, Oklahoma

A Petrophysical Method to Estimate Fractures From Standard Open-Hole Logs

Permeability Estimations for Arbuckle Formation in South Central and Southwestern Kansas

Regional CO2 Storage Capacity Estimations for Arbuckle Saline Aquifer in South Central and Southwestern Kansas

40 TCF and Counting: Understanding the Petroleum System of the Deep Water Levant Basin

Detailed Core Facies Description of an Upper Cambrian Microbial Reef Complex (James River, Mason County, Texas)

Using a New 3-D Structural Model of the Wyoming Laramide Rockies Basement for Static Characterization and Kinematic Reconstruction

Tertiary Lake Sedimentation in the Elko Formation, Nevada — The Evolution of a Lake System in an Extensional Setting, and the Changing Location of Deep-Lake Source Rock Facies

Early Jurassic (Sinemurian) Biostratigraphy, Chemostratigraphy and Eustatic Sea Level Changes in Southwestern British Columbia and Nevada

Regional Tectonic and Petroleum Implications of Cretaceous Strata of Alaska Chukchi Shelf

Systematic Identification of Modern Analogs for Reservoir Modelling

Channel Scaling and Dynamics in the Fluvial Marine Transition

Reservoir Quality Variations in the Oligocene Kirkuk Group in Southeast Kurdistan, Iraq

Pore Connectivity and Thermal Maturation of Various American and China Shales

Reaping Potential Reserves in Mature Channel Sand Field Using Boundary Mapping Technology

External Controls on Miocene Deep-Water Slope Channel System Evolution, West Africa

How Many Turbidity Currents Pass Through a Submarine Channel and What is Their Stratigraphic Expression?

Sedimentary Responses to Tectonic and Climatic Forcing: A High-Resolution, Integrated Sedimentological-Geochemical Study in Terrestrial Foreland Deposits (Mendoza, Argentina)

Late Ordovician Stable Carbon Isotope Values of the Red River Fm., Williston Basin: Local Environmental Effects and Diagenetic Overprints

Oceanic Anoxic Events and Stable Carbon Isotope Records of Albian Adriatic platform, Croatia

Evidence for Tectonic Re-Organization of Regional Sediment Dispersal Trends Within the Middle Turonian Frontier Formation (Vernal Delta Complex) of Colorado, Utah and Wyoming

Geologic Modeling of an Active CO2 EOR and Carbon Storage Project Using 3-D Seismic Models and Extracted Attributes, Farnsworth, TX

Deepwater Massive Sandstones: Fans, Channels, Slides and Intrusions on a Seismic Scale

The Kanguk Formation: A Late Cretaceous Source Rock in the Sverdrup Basin, Canadian Arctic Islands


Characterizing Static Reservoir Connectivity of Deepwater Slope Deposits Using Sub-Seismic Outcrop-Based Facies Models, Tres Pasos Formation, Magallanes Basin, Chilean Patagonia

Coupling Reservoir-Quality Grainstone Deposition With Source Rock Distribution Around OAE 1A, Central Texas: A Holistic Approach

Geological and Geophysical Expression of a Primary Salt Weld: An Example From the Santos Basin, Brazil

Capturing Carbonate Platform Margin Topography With High-Resolution Drone Photography

Changing Carbonate Sedimentation During the Holocene Transgression: New Providence Platform, Bahamas

Rapid Reservoir Modelling: Prototyping of Reservoir Models Using an Intuitive, Sketch-Based Interface

Relay Ramps and Rhombochasms: Step Overs in the Marcellus and Utica of the Northern Appalachian Basin

Geometry, Spatial Arrangement and Connectivity of Grain-Dominated, Storm-Event Deposits in Outcrop Analogue of Late Jurassic Arab-D Reservoir, Saudi Arabia

Quantitative Analysis of Vertical and Lateral Trends in Fluvial Megafans

Negative Flower Structure in the Mississippian Lime: Evidence of Secondary Porosity and a Possible Play Concept

Textural Types of Evaporites in Holocene Sabkhas of Qatar and Their Geological Significance

Stratigraphic Expression of the Transition From Basin Plain to Slope Sedimentation in Outcropping Strata of the Magallanes Basin, Chilean Patagonia

Comparison of Source/Reservoir Rock Petroleum to Produced Petroleum Composition

Characteristics and Evolution of Paleovalley Systems in Settings Where Accommodation Decreases Down Dip

Geological Controls and Computational Schemes of Shale Gas Sorption Capacity in Lower Silurian Longmaxi Formation From the Southeastern Chongqing, China

The Impact of Fault Zone on Hydrocarbon Migration and Accumulation in Faulted Basin

The Application of Geo-Microbial Hydrocarbon Detection in Deepwater Lithologic Play Exploration in Central Canyon, Qiongdongnan Basin, Northern South China Sea

Submarine Channel Morphological Scaling Relationships: A Predictor for Architectural Heterogeneity and a Comparison to Subaerial/River Scaling Relationships

Sediment Budgets and Depositional Processes Influencing Submarine Canyon Systems, Equatorial Guinea, West Africa

Geology of Shale Oil and Potential Shale Oil Reservoirs in the Lower Part of the Green River Formation, Uinta, Piceance and Greater Green River Basins

Revisiting the Depositional Environment and Provenance of the Wasatch Formation in the Uinta Basin, Utah: Implications for the Early Eocene Paleogeography of Western North America

Stochastic Fault Network Simulation With Variable Connectivity: Application to a Compartmentalized Reservoir Affected by Large Structural Uncertainties

Early Hydrocarbon Generation Mechanisms and Characterization of Sulfur-Rich Lacustrine Source Rocks in Offshore Bohai Bay Basin

Early Transgressive Versus Late Transgressive Oil Shale Deposits — New Insights From Optical Kerogen Analysis


New Integrated Workflows for Improved Pore Pressure Prediction and Seismic Imaging

SEM-Evidence of Biotic Influence in Brazilian Pre-Salt Carbonates

Flow-Substrate Interaction at the Fringes of Deep-Marine Lobes: Skoorsteenberg Fm., Tanqua Karoo

Process-Mimicking Reservoir Modeling

Pore Structure and Petrophysical Characterization of Hamelin Pool Stromatolites, Shark Bay, Western Australia

Controls of the Geometry and Evolution of Salt Diapirs: Experimental Models and Applications

Stratigraphy and Reservoir Characteristics of the Desmoinesian Granite Wash, Southern Anadarko Basin

Bathymetric Controls on Mass Transport Flow Pathways and Sedimentation

Organic Porosity: A Geochemist's View of the Current State

An Investigation Into the Effects and Implications of Gamma Radiation on Organic Matter, Crude Oil and Hydrocarbon Generation

Fluvial-Deltaic Deposition within an Evolving Lacustrine Basin, the Farson Sandstone Member of the Eocene Green River Formation, Southwestern Wyoming, USA

Characterizing Carbonate Grainstone Geobodies

Geologic Controls on Injection Related Reactivation of Basement Faults

A Comprehensive Spill Response Program: Prevention, Preparation, Response and Restoration

Fault Evolution and Structural Inheritance Over Multiple Phases of Rifting: Horda Platform, Northern North Sea

Modeling Upper Cambrian Microbial Reefs: Bridging the Gap From Outcrops to Reservoir-Scale

Paradigm Shift in Appraisal Strategy of Deep Unconventional Reservoirs: Kuwait Case Study

Facies Analysis and Paleodischarge of Rivers Within a Compound Incised Valley, Cretaceous Ferron Sandstone, Utah

Modified Method and Interpretation of Source Rock Pyrolysis for an Unconventional World

An Integrated Approach to Reservoir Typing and Characterization of a Complex Deepwater System, Stampede Field, Green Canyon, Gulf of Mexico

Detailed Sedimentology to Sequence Stratigraphic Interpretation of Organic-Rich Mudstones of the Duvernay Formation, Alberta, Canada

Froude Number is not the Critical Factor in Behavior of Long Run-Out Turbidity Currents

Comparison of Pore Evolution in the Barnett, Eagle Ford (Boquillas), and Woodford Shale With Regard to Thermal Maturation by Laboratory Pyrolysis

Linkages Between Deepwater Fold and Thrust Belt Structuring and Reservoir/Seal Nature, Deepwater, Offshore Malaysia

Comparative Fracture Characterization of the Turonian Second White Specks Formation, Southwestern Alberta

Angola's Oil Industry — Celebrating a Century of Progress in Exploration and Production

Coupling of Basin-Floor Fan Behavior With Shelf-Margin Processes: Maastrichtian Washakie Basin, Wyoming

Controls on Lateral Facies Variability in the Ferron “Notom” Delta (Turonian), Western and Southern Henry Mountains, Utah, USA

Alluvial Response to Climate Change at the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM), Bighorn Basin, Wyoming

Topographic Forcing of Active Salt Structures in Canyonlands, Utah: Insights From InSAR Mapping and Mechanical Modeling

“3-D Close-the-Loop” Modeling of the Grosmont Reservoir

Control of Salt Tectonics on Mesozoic Unconventional Petroleum System of the Central Mid-Polish Trough

Unconventional Petroleum System of the Lower Paleozoic Baltic Basin — Insight From the Regional High-Effort Seismic Data and Integrated Geological-Geophysical Analysis

Crustal Basement Structure of the Black Sea From Integrated Quantitative Analysis of Deep Seismic and Gravity Anomaly Data

Facies Architecture of a Tidal Influenced Channel in Cretaceous Ferron Sandstone, Central Utah


Geohazards in Green Canyon, Gulf of Mexico

3-D Grain-Scale Simulation of Diagenesis and Rock Properties

Completely-Cemented Natural Fractures in Mudrocks: Flow Barrier or Highway?

Development of a Sedimentary Cover Above a Diapir: Mesozoic Dissolution, Burial and Continued Rise of the Gypsum Valley Salt Wall, Paradox Basin

Unravelling Paradigms in Vaca Muerta Formation, Neuquén Basin, Argentina: The Construction of Geochemical Wellbore Images by Geostatistical Integration of Geochemistry and Conventional Log Data With Wellbore Resistivity Images

The K/Rb Ratio and Its Geological and Petrophysical Implications: A Test Case of the San Jorge Gulf Basin, Argentina

Possible Sources of Dissolved Inorganic Carbon in the Formation of Middle and Upper Devonian Carbonate Concretions, Appalachian Basin

Variations in Shelf-to-Slope Facies Distribution, Shelf-Margin Accretion Processes and Sediment Delivery in River-Dominated Shelf-Edge Deltas

Application of Quantitative Outcrop Analogue Studies in Stratigraphic and Seismic Forward Modelling of Late Cretaceous Carbonate Platform Deposits

Late Cretaceous-Paleogene Foreland Sediment-Dispersal Systems in Northern and Eastern Mexico: Interpretations From Preliminary Detrital-Zircon Analysis

Digital Outcrop Modeling of an Isolated Carbonate Platform. Stratigraphy and Diagenesis. Bonaire Dutch Caribbean Carbonate Reservoir Analogs

Relationship Between Sedimentological Processes and Climate Cycles During Transgressive Ravinement in the Codell Sandstone and Fort Hays Limestone of Colorado and Western Kansas

Complexly-Faulted Salt Wall Terminations in the Paradox Basin: Implications for Salt Evolution, Reservoir Compartmentalization and Exploration for Natural Resources

Identifying Basement Heterogeneities and Evaluating Their Influence on Normal Fault Characteristics

The Role of Citizens, the State and Local Governments When Oil and Gas Moves in Next Door

Structure and Petroleum Potential of the South Caribbean Deformed Belt and Tayrona Basin, Offshore Northern Colombia

Reconsidering the Distinction Between Matrix and Porosity in Light of Molecular Structural Models of Coal and Petroleum Source Rocks

Projecting Cores Into the Time Dimension

Seismic Methodologies Adapted for Use in Previous HitAcousticNext Hit Logging

Evolution of Monterey Formation Strike-Slip Basins, Santa Lucia Range, California

Facies Architecture Analysis and Modelling of the Sandy Slope Channel Fills at San Clemente, California

A Transition From Tidal-Dominated Deltaic to Estuarine Environments, Eocene to Oligocene, East China Sea

Sedimentology, Geological Modeling and Prediction of Residual Oil Distribution for Complicated Fault-Block Reservoir in Weicheng Oilfield, Dongpu Depression, China

The Effect of Tectonic Deformation on Gas Outburst and Excess Coalbed Methane

Syndepositional Fault Control on Cretaceous Pre-Salt Lacustrine Facies and Diagenesis, Chihuahua Trough Rift Basin, West Texas

Role of Basin Filling Patterns on the Evolution of Carbonate Platform Margin Architecture

The Implications of Tectonic Events and Overpressure Linkage for Productive Potential of Lower Silurian and Upper Ordovician Black Shale

Seismic-Based Volcano Identification and Characterization in HD Oilfield, Tarim Basin

Controls on the Formation of a Phosphatic Interval in the Chattanooga Shale (Upper Devonian) of Tennessee – A Combined Sedimentologic and Geochemical Study

Carbonate Cementation in Clastic Reservoirs: Browse Basin, Australia

Paleogene Lacustrine Mass Transport Complexes and Turbidites at the Steep Margin of Minfeng Half Graben, Bohai Bay Basin

Linking Sedimentary Facies in Fine-Grained Deposits to Depositional Processes: Upper Cretaceous Ferron Notom Delta, Utah

Outcrop/Subsurface Geological Characterization of La Luna Formation as Gas Shale in the Northwest Lago de Maracaibo Basin and North Andean Flank, Venezuela

Numerical Model Predictions of Intrinsically Generated Fluvial Terraces and Comparison to Climate-Change Expectations

Attributes Assisted Seismic Interpretation in Pre-Stack Time Versus Depth Migration Data

Unconventional Jurassic Carbonate Source Rocks, Saudi Arabia

Geologically Constrained Seismic Characterization and 3-D Reservoir Modeling of Mississippian Reservoirs, North Central Anadarko Shelf, Oklahoma

Diversity Analysis of Various Types of Deep Water Channels in Lower Congo Basin, West Africa

A New Method to Improve the Accuracy of Depth Prediction for Underlying Strata of Shallow Gas: A Case Study From BZ Oilfield in Bohai Bay Basin

Quantitative Modelling of Sedimentary Heterogeneities of the Tight-Sand Reservoirs in the Triassic Yanchang Formation, Ordos Basin, China

Estimation of Relative Migration Distances in the Anadarko Basin Based on the Distribution of Nitrogen Compounds in Crude Oils

Sequence Stratigraphy and Seismic Geomorphology Application of Facies Architecture and Sediment-Dispersal Patterns Analysis in the Third Member of Eocene Shahejie Formation, Slope System of Sanhecun Block, Zhanhua Sag, Bohai Bay Basin, China

An Integrated Sedimentological and Petrophysical Evaluation of the Cretaceous Oil Sands in the Fengcheng Area, Jungar Basin, NW China

Post-Rift Magmatism at Passive Margins: An Integrated Study of Late Cretaceous Igneous Activity in the Northern Gulf of Mexico

Development Characteristics and Guiding Significance to Oil and Gas Exploration of the Sinian Rift in Tarim Basin of China

Natural and Induced Fractures in Core: Recognition, Uses, and Analysis

Distinguishing Organic Matter Pores Associated With Depositional Organic Matter versus Migrated Organic Matter in Mudrocks

Origin and Characterization of the Nanopore/Micropores Network in the Leonardian Clear Fork Reservoirs in the Goldsmith Field in Ector Co., Texas

Nanopore and Fracture Duel Pore Network in the Upper Cretaceous Buda Formation, Dimmit Co., Texas

Resource Play Fairway Modeling and Prediction Using an Integrated Full-Physics Compositional Model and Thermal Evolution to Predict Fluid Composition and Phase Behavior: An Example From the Tuscaloosa Marine Shale

Controls of Asymmetrical Rifting on Giant Oil Habitats Within Conjugate, Pre-Salt Carbonate Sag Basins of Brazil and West Africa

Microfossil Record of the Paleoenvironment of the Late Cretaceous Niobrara Formation, Western Interior U.S.

Unraveling Controls on Sediment Transport and Deposition From Source-To-Sink Along a Complex Passive Margin: The Agadir-Essaouira Basin, Morocco Atlantic Margin

Structural Analysis for Fracture Optimization

The Case for Another Look at the Paleocene Fort Union Formation in the Eastern Greater Green River Basin, Wyoming


Burial Evolution of Evaporites With Implications for Sublacustrine Fan Reservoir Quality: A Case Study From the Eocene Es4x Interval, Northern Minfeng Sag, Dongying Depression, Bohai Bay Basin, China

Causes of Gas Reservoir With High Water Saturation and Low Gas Saturation in the High-Temperature and High-Pressure Zone of the Yinggehai Basin, South China Sea

Dissolution Kinetics of Iron Containing Materials in Sour Wells

Multi-Scale 3-D Imaging and Quantification of Pores, Organic Matter and Minerals: An Example From the UK Carboniferous Bowland Shale

Sedimentology and Depositional Environments of Cyclic Microbial Bearing Strata of the Cambrian Point Peak Member of the Wilberns Formation, Exposed Along the Llano River and Mill Creek, Mason County, TX

Predicting Fracture Orientations and Distributions Through Elastic Dislocation Theory and Coulomb Stress Changes

A High-Resolution Source Rock Microanalysis Evaluation of the Saskatchewan Group (Duperow and Birdbear Fm), Three Forks Group (Torquay and Bakken Fm) and Lr Madison Group (Lodgepole): Northern Williston Basin

Stratigraphic Controls on Diagenetic Processes in Mudstones From the Upper Cretaceous of the North American Western Interior Seaway: Implications for Source Rocks and Unconventional Reservoir Quality

Investigating Fault Interaction and Linkage Within the Hoop Fault Complex, South Western Barents Sea, Norway

Impact of Fluid Retention on Bulk Petroleum Properties in Shale

Building Global Kinematic Plate Reconstructions Through the Phanerozoic: Testing Alternative Models for the Amalgamation of Pangea

Combining Geomechanical and Heat/Fluid-Flux Simulations to Better Understand Burial Dolomitisation in Carbonate Reservoirs

Trends and Predictions for Giant Oil and Gas Field Discoveries, 2000–2019

Recent Progress in Understanding a Two-Stage Opening Model for the Gulf of Mexico and Its Implications for Deepwater Exploration in the U.S. and Mexican Maritime Zones

Virtues and Vices of Turbidite Bed Thickness Statistics. Data Sets From Four Confined to Semi-Confined Basins of Central Northern Apennines (Italy) Compared and Contrasted

Scaling Relationships of Rib-and-Furrow Structures in Modern and Ancient Dunes and Bars in Rivers

Approaches to Source-To-Sink Reconstruction of Ancient, Outcropping Clastic Basin-Fill Successions: Examples From the Shannon Basin (Western Ireland) and the Western Interior Basin, USA

Evaluation of a Fractured Tight Reservoir in Real-Time: The Importance of Detecting Open Fractures While Drilling With Accurate Mud Flow Measurement

Quantifying Sediment Supply in Stratigraphy Using Cosmogenic Nuclides: Insights From the Pleasant Canyon Complex, Panamint Mountains, California

Evaluation of Geological Characteristics of the New Albany Shale as a Potential Liquids-From-Shale Play in the Illinois Basin

Storm Deposition and Sequence Stratigraphy of a Cretaceous Near-Shore Mudstone Unit — The Skull Creek Shale Formation, Colorado, USA

Paleoenvironmental Significance of Zoophycos: Implications of Carboniferous Coal Beds Disturbed by Trace Fossils

Influence of Texture and Diagenesis on Reservoir Quality in the Fayetteville Shale

Basin Geochemical Evolution of the Eagle Ford and Effects on Trace Element Release to Matrix Acidizing Fluids

Impacts of Diagenesis Upon Reservoir Quality of the Eagle Ford Formation, Texas

Characterization of Deepwater Channel System Architecture With Palynofacies: An Outcrop Example From the Rosario Formation, Baja California, Mexico

New Regional and 3-D Seismic Data Give Insights Into Deep Structure of the Illinois Basin

The Deep Water Plays Offshore East Africa: Understanding Their Extent and Potential From Integrated Regional Seismic Interpretation

Regional Stratigraphic Differentiation of Deepwater Fan and Channel Geometries, Offshore Tanzania and Mozambique: Size Matters

Structural and Stratigraphic Development of a Salt-Diapir Shoulder, Gypsum Valley Salt Wall, Paradox Basin, Colorado

An Integrated Actualistic Sedimentary Systems Analysis of the Southern Chaco Foreland Basin

A Data-Driven Proppant-Filled Fracture Model for Comparing Sliding Sleeve and Plug and Perf Completion Styles

Investigating Controls on the Transport Properties of Mudstone: Implications for Shale-Gas Production

Impact of Canada's Bitumen Accessing a Market in China

The Upper Devonian Duvernay Formation of Alberta: An Integrated Geochemical and Petrophysical Study in a Sedimentological and Stratigraphic Context

Calcite Concretions in a Miocene Mixed System: Geochemical, Sedimentologic and Stratigraphic Characterization

Impact of Integrated Geological and Reservoir Modeling Best Practices on Production Forecast Accuracy

Quantifying Inter- and Intra-Channel Architecture Controls on Reservoir Performance in a Deep-Water Slope Channel System, Tres Pasos Formation, Magallanes Basin

Use of Balanced Structural Sections to Improve Definition of Complexly Deformed Reservoirs in the Eastern Foothills of the Cordillera Oriental, Colombia

Application of Computed Tomography and Scanning Electron Microscopy in the Determination of Pore-Space Characterization of a Potential Unconventional Reservoir: A Case Study in Mowry Shale in the Powder River Basin, WY

Hydrocarbon Accumulation of Shahejie Formation, Southern Western Depression, Liaohe Basin, China: An Integrated Study of Basin Modeling and Structural Restoration

Petrological and Geophysical Characterization of Tight Volcanic and Pyroclastic Reservoirs: A Case Study From Malang-Tiaohu Sag, Santanghu Basin

Geologic Evolution of Lower Magdalena Valley and the San Jacinto Fold Belt in its Southern Area and the Role of Romeral Fault System

The Sarah Formation: A Glaciogenic Reservoir Analogue in Saudi Arabia

Source to Sink of the Sarah Formation, Latest Ordovician, Northwest Saudi Arabia

Predicting the Hydraulic Behaviour of Carbonate-Hosted Extensional Fault Zones

Microfacies and Mineralogy of Modern Mixed Siliciclastic-Carbonate Lagoonal Sediments of the Little Laughlands Bay, Jamaica

Compositional Classification for Fine-Grained Sediments and Sedimentary Rocks: Foundation for Bulk Rock Property Prediction

Utilizing Channel-Belt Scaling Parameters to Constrain Discharge and Drainage Basin Character With Application to the Cretaceous to Teritary Evolution of the Gulf of Mexico

Laminated Black Shales: Process Sedimentology at Lamina Scale: Examples From the Eagle Ford Formation, TX, USA

Investigating Downstream Trends in Bed Sediment Texture and Composition in The San Joaquin River, Central California

Llanos Basin: Unraveling Its Complex Petroleum Systems With Advanced Geochemical Technologies

Evaluating Sources of Groundwater Quality Variability in Residential Water Wells for Pre-Drill Sampling

Incorporating High-Fidelity Surface Processes Into Large-Scale Tectonic Models of Passive Margin Formation

Mudstone Aggregate Origins and Depositional Interpretations of the Second White Specks and Carlile Formations in Eastern Alberta

Quantitative Outcrop Characterization of System Scale Axis to Margin Changes in Stratigraphic Architecture and Static Connectivity of Transgressive Fluvial Deposits, Eocene Escanilla Formation, Ainsa Basin, Spain

Viscous and Gravitational Fingering in EOR and Carbon Sequestration

Kinematic and Thermal Modelling of Contractional Belts: An Example From the Colombian Eastern Foothill Belt

The Vaca Muerta-Quintuco Mixed Depositional System: New Insights From Carbon Stable Isotopes (δ13Ccarb and δ13Corg) and Geochemical Data at the Jurassic-Cretaceous Boundary (Neuquén Basin, West Argentina)

Basin-Scale Modeling of Jurassic and Late Cretaceous Reservoirs in the Uinta Basin, Utah, for Produced-Water Management and CO2 Storage

Calibration, Repeatability and Interpretation of In-Situ Tectonic Stress Measurement From Wireline Straddle Packer MicroFrac Testing: Case Study of an Onshore Field in the UAE

A Comparison of Handheld Energy-Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence (HH-ED-XRF) Techniques for the Evaluation of Core and Cuttings Chemostratigraphy: Examples From Late Cretaceous Strata, South Texas

A Vintage Well Perspective on Basin Model Production Prediction Within the Niobrara Formation, Southern Powder River Basin, Wyoming

Architecture and Connectivity of Coal-Bearing Reservoirs: New Insights From Outcrop Analogues

Carbon and Oxygen Isotope Variations on an Ancient Carbonate Platform: A Case Study From the Middle–Late Triassic Al Aziziyah Formation, Northwest Libya

Elemental Analysis as a Tool in Determining Wellbore Stability Issues

Depositional Environments and Integrated Stratigraphy of the Upper Triassic Kapp Toscana Group on Svalbard and the Barents Sea Shelf, Norway

Primary or Secondary Organic Pore Network and Parallel Adsorption Sites in Shale: Dependency on Organic Facies and Maturity in Selected Canadian Source Rocks

Hydrocarbons in the Solar System — Biogenic Source Rock Signatures in Carbonaceous Chondrites and Comet Dust

Use of High-Resolution 3-D Seismic Data to Evaluate Quaternary Valley Evolution History During Transgression, Offshore San Luis Pass, Gulf of Mexico

Relating Modern Analogs and Process-Based Facies Models to Ancient Deposits: A Mixed-Energy Estuary From the Cretaceous Straight Cliffs Formation, Southern Utah

Accommodation Space Controlled Delta Progradation in Arid Extensional Basins, El Qaa Fault Block, Suez Rift, Egypt

Structural Embayments and Straits Control on Early Syn-Rift Shallow Marine Deposition: Nezzazat Fault System, Suez Rift, Egypt

Forced Regressive, Wave-Dominated Deltas Within the Berea Sandstone, Athens County, Southeastern Ohio

Implications for Large-Scale Shoreline Translation in the Turonian Western Interior Seaway: Evidence From the Codell Sandstone, Colorado


Compact, Modular Heat Flow Probe for Future Lunar Missions

Integrated Sequence Stratigraphic Framework of the Late Cretaceous Western Interior, Denver Basin, CO, USA

Eustatic Controls on Stratigraphy, Chemostratigraphy and Water Mass Evolution Preserved in an Upper Wolfcamp Mudrock Succession, Delaware Basin, West Texas, USA

Mixed-Siliciclastic-Carbonate System of Facies “D” in the Middle Bakken Formation, Williston Basin

Factors Controlling Organic-Richness in Upper and Lower Bakken Shale, Williston Basin: An Application of Inorganic Geochemistry

Downstream Changes in Architecture and Fill of Distributary Channels on a Delta Fed by a Fluvial Megafan: A Case Study From the Mitchell River, Gulf of Carpentaria, Australia

A New Insight on the Mechanism of Salt Wall Collapse in Northeastern Paradox Basin, Utah

Integrated Reservoir Characterization and Depositional Model of Zubair Formation in Exploration Phase, in Bahrah Area, Kuwait

Stratigraphic Architecture of an Ancient Deep-Marine Channel-Lobe Transition Zone, Windermere Turbidite System, Cariboo Mountains, B.C.

Oceanographic Controls on Sedimentology and Geomorphology of High-Energy Ramps: Integrated Field and Modeling Analysis of Holocene Shallow Marine Carbonates, Northeastern Yucatan, Mexico

Examination of the Silurian-Ordovician Stonewall Formation's Stratigraphy, Hydrocarbon Production and Potential — Williston Basin, North Dakota

Receiver Function Analysis of the San Francisco Volcanic Field

Testing the Distributary Channel Model Against Predicted Changes in Fluvial Reservoir Geometry Transitions From Low to High Accommodation Settings: Upper Pennsylvanian of the Central Appalachian Basin

Porosity Characterization of the Cardium Formation at East and West Pembina Field, Alberta, Canada

Stratigraphic Architecture of Fluvial Distributive Systems in Basins of Internal Drainage

The Orientation of Sandstone-Filled U-Shaped Trace Fossils as Indicators of Deepwater Channel Axis Position, Tres Pasos Formation, Chile

Complex Resistivity Spectra and Fractal Pore Geometries in Relation to Flow Properties in Carbonate Rocks

Compensating for the Compensation Effect Using Simulated and Experimental Kinetics From the Bakken and Red River Formations, Williston Basin, North Dakota

Formation of the Gulf of Mexico Salt Basin

Pennsylvanian Source Rocks in the Anadarko Basin: An Example From the Missourian Series Hogshooter Formation in Mills Ranch Field (TX & OK)

Sequential Evolution and Associated Sedimentation Styles in a Fluvial Channel Belt: Three-Dimensional Outcrop Study of the Cedar Mountain Formation, Utah


Using Micro-XRF to Characterize Shales and Natural Fracture Systems

Stratigraphic Architecture of a Shallow-Water Delta Deposited in a Coastal Plain Setting, Neslen Formation, Floy Canyon, Utah

Chemostratigraphic and Depositional Characterization of the Niobrara Formation, CEMEX Quarry, Lyons, CO

Active Geosteering Strategies in Structurally Complex Niobrara Unconventional Reservoirs

Paleosol Variability Within the Upper Devonian Catskill Formation (Central Pennsylvania): Evidence for a Prograding Distributary Fluvial System

Shelf Edge to Slope to Basin-Floor Clinoforms and Turbidite Variability of the Southernmost Neuquen Basin Infill: Jurassic Los Molles Formation, Argentina

Twenty Years of CBM Production and Monitoring of the Pine River Subcrop and Gas Seeps. No Depletion

Reducing Uncertainty in the Geological Interpretation of Complex Structural Geometries Through Seismic Forward Modelling: Application to Frontal Ranges of the Llanos Basin, Colombia

Thermal Maturity Assessment and Characterization of Crude Oils in the Eastern Niger Delta

Contrasting Active Margin Slope Channel and Intra-Slope Fan Complexes, Eocene Forearc Basin, California

Regional Upwelling as a Major Control in Development of a Miocene Heterozoan-Dominated Carbonate System in a Tropical Setting, Puerto Rico

Rock Physics Modeling of Salt Plugged Carbonate Reservoir Rocks — Winnipegosis Formation, North Dakota

Reservoir Characterization of a Carbonate Reservoir in the Williston Basin, North Dakota-Winnipegosis Formation

Case Study of a Prolific Tight Gas Reservoir, Lajas Field, Neuquén, Argentina

Coalbed Methane Geology of the Jurassic Middle-Lower Series, Southern Junggar Basin, China: Low-Rank Coalbed Methane Enrichment Characteristics, Accumulation Model, and Resource Evaluation

Application of a Quantified System Scale Analyses of DFS to Predicting Basin Scale Facies Distributions

Definition and Hydrocarbon Potential of the Late Devonian Three Forks Formation, Williston Basin, South Dakota


Quantifying Subsidence and Assessing Sinkhole Potential in the Hendrick Field, Permian Basin, Texas Using Airborne LIDAR, Radar Interferometry and Microgravity

Emplacement of Sand Injections During Contractional Tectonics

A High-Resolution 3-D Architecture of a Cretaceous Point Bar Using Terrestrial Laser Scanning of Multiple Exposures: A Far More Complex Model of Bar Growth at the Scale of a Steam Chamber Than Previously Thought

Conceptual Model for Basement and Surface Structure Relationships in the Sawtooth Range, MT, and Potential for Trap Assessment

Patterns of Bed Thickness and Grain-Size Distribution in Classical Turbidite Systems

Turbidity Currents That Co-Evolve With Channels Over Lengths as Much as 1000 km: How Can They Do it?

Partial Ponding of Turbidity Currents, Castagnola Mini-Basin, Early Miocene, Northwest Italy

New Insights Into Continental Transfer Zones: Evidence From the Tanganyika-Rukwa-Malawi System

Just How Uncertain is Our Interpretation of Deep Seismic Reflection Data From Passive Margins, and Does it Matter: A Case Study From the Argentina Margin

Innovative Workflows for Mitigating the Horizontal Well Placement Challenges Associated With Deep Unconventional Reservoirs

Potential for Secondary Mineral Precipitation Down-Hole in Shale Gas Extraction Wells

Fault Evolution and Role of Salt in Extensional Tectonics in the Smørbukk Area, Halten Terrace, Offshore Mid-Norway

Regional Seismic Interpretations and Structural Modeling of the Onshore Northwestern Gulf of Mexico Basin

Paleozoic Organic Rich Lacustrine Mudstones of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, Depositional Models and Variability, Implications for Reservoir and Generated Fluid Properties

Anatomy of a Compound Delta From the Post-Glacial Transgressive Record in the Adriatic Sea

Seismic Reflectivity Modeling of Outcropping Deep-Water Slope Systems, Tres Pasos Formation, Magallanes Basin, Southern Chile: Implications for Reservoir Exploration and Development

Genetic Relation Between Volcanic Activity and High-Quality Source Rocks of the Wenchang Formation in the Zhu 1 Depression: New Ideas on Source-Rock Evaluation in the Pearl River Mouth Basin of the South China Sea

Variation of Wettability of Organic-Rich Shales With Thermal Maturity and the Implications for Oil and Gas Distributions

Transition From Storm Wave-Dominated Outer Shelf to Gullied Upper Slope: The Paleo-Orinoco Shelf Margin (Moruga Formation), South Trinidad

Unraveling Controls on Fracture Stratigraphy in Carbonates: The Influence of Regional Stress, Mechanical Properties and Diagenesis

Kynedin: Modelling Software That Simultaneously Restores and Forward Models Seismic Sections

Influence of Lower Crustal Rheology on Rifted Margin Evolution and Oceanization: A Case Study for the Campos/Angola and Camamu/South Gabon Margins

Geochemical Analyses of Oils in the Goudron Field, Onshore Trinidad

Steep Microbial-Dominated Slopes of the Zechstein Limestone Isolated Reefs (Upper Permian, Western Poland)

A Renewed View on the Petroleum Potential of the Eastern Margin of Brazil

Determining the Effect Mechanical Rock Properties Have on Variability in Fracture Gradients

Lithium Isotopic Compositions of Devonian Brines and Marcellus Shale Rocks of the Central and Northeastern Appalachian Basin

The Devonian-Mississippian Sappington Formation in the Bridger Range, Montana: An Outcrop-Based Reservoir Analog for the Bakken Formation in the Williston Basin

The Influence of the Selective Reactivation of Ancient Intrabasement Thrusts on the Geometry and Evolution of Rift Systems

Mega-Salt Basins Result From Outer Marginal Collapse at the Rift to Drift Transition

Deepwater Sandstone Fairways and Their Interaction with Substrate: Analogues From the Numidian Turbidites (Miocene) of Sicily

Case History: Big Bend Gulf of Mexico Exploration Success Through Integrated G&G Technology

Successful Lithology and Fluid Prediction Based Exploration in East Africa-Tanzania Block 2

Influence of Lateral Boundary Conditions on Fluvial Channel-Belt Clustering and Connectivity

New Approaches for Diagenetic Characterization of Carbonate Reservoirs: Examples From Tengiz Field, Republic of Kazakhstan

Monsoonal and Ephemeral River Systems: Facies Model and Controls

Geologic Mapping of Ice Cave Peak Quadrangle, Uintah and Duchesne Counties, Utah With Implications for Lower Mississippian Stratigraphy and Laramide Faulting

Fault Scaling in an Incipient Rift: Example From the Afar Triple Junction, Ethiopia and Djibouti

Sedimentological Characterization of the Highest Permeability Deepwater Wilcox Sandstones — Interaction Between Gravity Flows and Ocean Bottom Currents

EIA Marcellus Shale Play Map

Contrasting Processes During Fine-Grained Progradation Along a Regional Shelf Margin, Karoo Basin, South Africa

Should a “Typical” River-Dominated Delta With a High-Diversity Trace Fossil Assemblage Be Classified as River-Dominated? A Combined Stratigraphic, Architectural and Ichnologic Analysis of the Loyd Sandstone (Late Cretaceous) Near Rangely, Colorado

Sequence Stratigraphic Control on Distribution and Porosity Evolution in Cherts in the Mississippian of the Mid-Continent

High-Resolution Sequence Stratigraphic Architecture and Reservoir Characterization of the Mississippian Burlington/Keokuk Formation, Northwestern Arkansas

Influence of Bottom Currents on Gravity-Induced Deposits as Potential Triggers for Slope Instability and as Sediment-Redistribution Agents

Fundamental Reservoir Units of Heterozoan Carbonates: Sedimentologic and Reservoir Properties of Shoaling- and Fining-Upward Cycles

Reservoir Facies Characterization and LiDAR Model of a Mixed-Energy Estuarine-Tidal Succession, Cretaceous Straight Cliffs Formation, Southern Utah

Accommodation Space on an Isolated Carbonate Platform — Patterns and Implications


Mega-Regional View of Onshore Plays and Leads Around the Northern Gulf of Mexico Margin From an Onshore, Composited PSDM Seismic Grid

Can Hydrocarbons Be Generated on Oceanic Crust?

Comparative Geomorphology and Dynamics of Holocene Isolated Carbonate Buildups, South China Sea

Process Variability and Morphology of Mouth Bars: Examples From the Modern and Ancient

A Traditional Approach to Using New Technology: Maximizing the Efficacy of Handheld X-Ray Florescence Data – An Example From the Rietavas Licence of Lithuania

Integration of Multi-Component and Conventional 3-D Seismic in the Inversion Process — A Marcellus Shale Example

Occurrence of Organic-Matter Pores in Sub-1.0% Vitrinite Reflectance Mudrocks: Examples From the Devonian New Albany Shale, the Mississippian Barnett Shale and the Cretaceous Eagle Ford Formation

Porosity, Permeability, Pore Characterization and Rock Mechanics of the Triassic Cow Branch and Walnut Cove Formations: A Continuous Gas Assessment Unit, Dan River Basin, Stokes and Rockingham Counties, North Carolina, USA

Surviving the Red Planet: Preparing the Visiting Geologist to Live and Work on Mars

Structural Differences Between the Western and Eastern Central Depression of Qiongdongnan Basin in Northern South China Sea: New Perspectives

Unlocking the Deep Utica Play in Northeast Pennsylvania

Environmental Variability and Autogenic Stratigraphy of the Frontier Formation, Powder River Basin, Wyoming, USA

Structural Analysis and Section Balancing to Reduce Uncertainty in Field Development in the Upper Magdalena Basin, Colombia

Development of a Structurally Complex Field Without “Seeing”, Eastern Cordillera Fold and Thrust Belt, Colombia

Correlation of Geological Time Lines by Reducing Uncertainties to Regions — A Global Seismic Interpretation Workflow

Application of Hyperspectral Imaging to Measuring Organic Carbon Content and Quartz/Clay Ratios in Black Shales

Contrasting Perceptions of UK Experts and Publics in the Exploitation of Unconventional Gas

Controls on Stratigraphic Complexity in Eolian Bed-Set Architecture: Implications for Reservoir Heterogeneity

Subsurface and Outcrop Organic Geochemistry of the Eagle Ford Shale in West, Southwest, Central and East Texas

M. King Hubbert and “Peak Oil”: How do His Forecasts Look in 2015?

Geologic Characterization For CO2-EOR Simulation: A Case Study of the Farnsworth Unit, Anadarko Basin, Texas

Stable Isotope Paleohydrology of Pedogenic Carbonates in the Wayan and Blackleaf Formations (Mid-Cretaceous) of Idaho and Montana

Evolution of Reservoir Characterization and Well Optimization in the Bakken/Three Forks Play

Benchmarking Well Performance for Variable Geology and Engineering in the Utica/Point Pleasant Play

Geologic Expansion of the Eagle Ford

Regional Stratigraphy and a High-Resolution Geochemical Model of the Upper Pennsylvanian Cline Shale, Midland Basin, Texas

Widening of Salt Diapirs in the Absence of Extension: Evidence From the Megaflap of Gypsum Valley Diapir, Paradox Basin

Internal Deformation in Layered Evaporite Sequences: Evacuation and Diapirism Versus Contraction and Inflation

High-Resolution Chemical Facies Analysis of the Cenomanian-Turonian Eagle Ford Formation: Sedimentation and Water Mass Evolution in the Maverick Basin, South Texas

Significance of Organic Carbon and Bulk Nitrogen Fluctuations Across the Cenomanian-Turonian Boundary, Eagle Ford Formation, Maverick Basin, Texas

Chemostratigraphy of the Triassic Yanchang Fluvio-Lacustrine Succession, Ordos Basin, Shaanxi Province, China

Linking Channel Dynamics to Deposits: How Does Process Understanding Change With the Scale of Observation?

The Influence of Basement Structure and Volcanics on the Evolution of the Uruguayan Margin

The Influence of Resolution on Scale-Dependent Clustering in Fracture Data

Pushing the Limits of Geological Mapping Outside the Earth: 3-D Modelling of Strike-Slip and Extensional Fault Systems in Meridiani Planum Region, Mars

The Role of Inherited Salt Structures of the Isthmian Saline Basin Province on the Northern Deformation Front of the Sierra de Chiapas, Southeastern Gulf of Mexico

Defining the Age of the Eagle Ford Formation With U-Pb Geochronology: Guidelines for Improved Correlations and Definition of Facies Architecture

Geostatistical Modeling Trends for Oolitic Tidal Sand Shoals

Prediction of Internal Architecture and Heterogeneity Within Fluvial Point Bars Through Analysis of Modern and Ancient Examples

Integrated Static and Dynamic Uncertainty Workflows for Field Development Planning: An Example From the Jackdaw Discovery, Central North Sea


A Comparative Inorganic Geochemical Analysis Between the Marcellus and Utica Shales Based on XRF

Relationships Between Depositional Processes, Geochemical Signature and Seismic Geometries in the Vaca Muerta Formation, Neuquén Basin, Argentina

The Opening History of the Gulf of Mexico — Testing Plate Models in a Global Context

Coastal-Plain Paleovalleys in the Lower Blackhawk Formation, Wasatch Plateau, Utah

The Late Paleozoic Subsidence Evolution of the Fort Worth Basin in North Central Texas, USA

Analysis of Potential Uncertainties in Opening-Mode Fractures Characterization Through the Scanline Technique of Aptian Carbonates, Araripe Basin, Northeast

Carbon and Noble Gas Isotope Banks in Two-Phase Flow: Changes in Gas Composition During Migration

Outcrop-Based Fluvial and Lacustrine Sandstone Reservoir Characterization and Modeling of the Eocene Uinta and Duchene River Formations, Northern Uinta Basin, Utah

Utah's Undeveloped Oil Sand Resource

Facies Architecture and Sequence Stratigraphic Context of a Fluvial Succession, Barbalha Formation (Aptian), Araripe Basin, Brazil

New Horizons in Shale Sedimentology — How Experimental Advances Allow a New Look at the Rock Record

Slope Facies Controlling Processes Along Western Great Bahama Bank

Diagenesis of the Sappington Formation in Southwest Montana: Implications for Reservoir Quality in the Middle Member of the Bakken Formation

Basin Modelling in Western Newfoundland Using Oil Seep Samples

High TOC Source Rocks, Multiple Oils and Low Permeability Reservoir Rocks: Mississippian Heath Formation Hybrid Oil Petroleum System, Central Montana, USA

The Previous HitDerivationNext Hit of Fault Volumetric Properties From 3-D Trace Maps Using Outcrop Constrained Discrete Fracture Network Models

On the Universality of Rock Physics Trends — An Integrated Approach to De-Risking Frontier Basins

The Late Quaternary Deep-Sea Depositional System in the Gulf of Papua: Linking Source, Dynamic Sedimentation Processes and Depositional Architecture

Stratigraphy and Structural Geology of the Eastern Part of the Büyük Menderes Graben, Western Turkey Based on 2-D Seismic Reflection Profiles

An Integrated Reservoir Quality Evaluation From the Desmoinesian-Age Colony Granite Wash, Anadarko Basin, Oklahoma

In Situ Hydrocarbons Production From Oil Shale Resources in Qusier-Safaga District, Egypt: Developing Techniques

Seismic Characterization of Montney Shale Using Passey's Approach

Non-Linear Full-Waveform Inversion Using Geological Prior Knowledge

Induced Seismicity in Oil and Gas Operations: Recent Activity, Monitoring and Regulations

Recognition Criteria for Position of Ancient Deposits Within the Fluvial-To-Tidal Spectrum: Stratigraphic Architecture of a 70 km Dip Transect From the Neslen Formation, Utah

Architecture of Coarse Grained (Conglomeratic) Deep Water Lobes at the Base of a Sandstone Dominated Fan, Jurassic Los Molles Formation, Neuquén Basin, Argentina

Unlocking of the Pre-Salt Play in the Deepwater Kwanza Basin of Offshore Angola

Eagle Ford Pores, Pore Throats, and Fluid Content Identified Through NMR Analysis

Changes in Eocene-Miocene Shallow Marine Carbonate Factories Along the Tropical Southeast Circum-Caribbean Responded to Major Regional and Global Environmental and Tectonic Events

Tectonic and Environmental Factors Controlling the Distribution of Sedimentary Facies During the Cretaceous Oceanic Anoxic Events in an Epicontinental Sea: The Colombian Case

Tempest at Teapot Dome, Wyoming: The Greatest Political Scandal in the History of the American Oil Industry

Syndepositional Fault Control on Dolomitization of a Steep-Walled Carbonate Platform Margin, Yates Formation (Permian), Guadalupe Mountains, New Mexico

Detecting Morrow A Sandstone by Multi-Previous HitAttributeNext Hit Analysis of Multicomponent Seismic

Poststack, Prestack and Joint Inversion of P- and S-Wave Data at Postle Field, Oklahoma

Interpretation of P- and S-Wave Prestack Inversion for Characterizing Morrow A Sandstone

Using Image Logs to Identify Facies in Heterogeneous Turbidite and Basinal Organic Mudstone Systems From the Wolfcamp Formation, Delaware Basin, West Texas, USA

Paleotopography and Depositional Environment Controls on Potential ‘Sweet Spot’ Locations in Unconventional Resource Shales: Woodford Shale Example

Basin Margin Failure, Sturzstroms, and Turbidite Channelization in the Fish Creek-Vallecito Basin, Salton Trough, California

In-Situ, Micron-Scale δ13C & δ18O Analyses (by SIMS) of Chemo-Isotopically Zoned Carbonate Cements of Diagenetic Origin — A Case Study on the Implications for the Thermal and Burial History of the Eau Claire Fm., Illinois Basin (USA)

Importance of Micropore Networks in Shallow-Water Unconventional Carbonate Reservoirs of the Cretaceous Stuart City Trend

Codell Sandstone, Northern DJ Basin, Wyoming and Colorado: Reservoir Characteristics in a Tight Oil Play

Fitted-Fabric Grainstones — Evidence for Vadose Diagenesis?

Validation of Empirical Source-To-Sink Scaling Relationships in a Large Hydrocarbon-Rich Basin: Gulf of Mexico Cenozoic Deepwater Fan Systems

Deep-Marine to Shelf-Margin Deltaic Sedimentation, Silurian Succession, Saudi Arabia

The Nature of Pore Structure in Middle Devonian Organic-Rich Black Shale From West Virginia and Pennsylvania

Impact of Source Maturation and Migration Dynamics on the Accumulation and Leakage of Hydrocarbons in the Bredasdorp Basin (Offshore South Africa)

Geologic Factors Controlling Production in the Codell Sandstone, Wattenberg Field, Colorado

Niobrara Core Poster Highlighting Bentonite Distribution and Their Impacts on Proppant Placement

History of Petroleum Geology Investigated Through Its Textbooks

Petroleum Systems of East African Margin Constrained by Paleogeographical and Tectonostratigraphic Analyses

Influence of Basin Physiography Upon the Character and Distribution of Hybrid Event Beds

Axis to Fringe Changes in Sedimentology and Architecture of Submarine Lobe Complexes: Results From an Integrated Core and Outcrop Dataset, Karoo Basin, South Africa

Mexican Frontier Hydrocarbon Basins

The Effects of Mineral Fractionation by Turbidity Currents on Reservoir Quality: A Study From the Aspen Field, Northern Gulf of Mexico

Tectonic Controls on the Devonian Shale-Gas Plays Along the Pine Mountain Thrust Fault System

The Exploration Dilemma: Gateway to New Paradigms in Discovery Thinking

Oblique Convergence Along a Crustal Discontinuity in Western Sicily

Controls on Carbonate Factories in the Transition From Ramp to Reef-Rimmed Platform in the Hongyan Section of the Triassic Yangtze Platform: Preliminary Results

Sub-Surface Driven Completion and Well-Design Changes to Maximize Value in the Marcellus

Codell Sandstone, A Review of the Northern DJ Basin Oil Resource Play, Laramie County, Wyoming and Weld County, Colorado

A Revision of the Plate Rotation Models for the Opening of the Amerasian Basin Based on New Seismic Surveys in the Laptev, East Siberian and Chukchi Seas

New Sedimentology and Provenance From Upper Cretaceous Strata in Southern New Mexico: Implications for Sediment Dispersal Along the Southern Margin of the Sevier Foreland Basin

Rivers and Submarine Channels: A Comparison of Their Transport Processes and Resulting Stratigraphic Architecture Over Basin Filling Time Scales

Optimizing the Preservation of Deepwater Intra-Channel Architecture and Model Connectivity During Upscaling, Tres Pasos Formation, Magallanes Basin, Chilean Patagonia

Core Description, Markov Chain Analysis and AVO Modeling of a Lagoon/Tidal to Fluvial Transition Zone in the Cretaceous Straight Cliffs Formation, Southern Utah

Analysis of Carbonate Isolated Platform, Geometries and Facies Distribution of Pleistocene Carbonates in Bonaire, Southern Caribbean

Tectono-Stratigraphic Evolution of the Bornu Basin, Nigeria: Linking Plate Boundary and Plate Interior Geodynamics and Implications for the Opening of the South Atlantic Ocean

Structural Style of Normal Fault Inversion and Implications for the Hydrocarbon Potential of Rift Basins: Insights From Bornu Basin, Onshore Northeast Nigeria

Integration of Elemental and Stable Isotope Chemostratigraphy to Characterize Paleoenvironmental Diachroneity in the Duvernay Formation (Mid-Frasnian), a Mixed Carbonate-Siliciclastic Unconventional Play in the Western Canada Basin

Comparison of Sedimentary Processes in Twenty-Two Modern Submarine Canyons Along the Northern California Margin

Organic Geochemical Evidence of Redox Conditions in the Eagle Ford Formation, Southwest Texas

Thermal Alteration of Crude Oils in the Central Tarim Basin, Northwest China, as Revealed by Molecular Isotopic Compositions of Gasoline Range Hydrocarbons

A Preliminary Evaluation of the Global and Temporal Changes in Accommodation Throughout the Palaeozoic

Platform Controls on Basin Sedimentation: The Role of Paleotopography and Relative Sea Level, La Rellana Platform and Agua Amarga Basin, Cabo de Gata, Southeast Spain

The Nature of Connections Between Coastal Systems and Submarine Canyons - Implications for Sediment Transit to Deep Water


Advanced Isotope Geochemistry to Increase Production From Horizontal Wells And Reservoirs

Reservoir Quality and Rock Properties Modeling Results – Triassic and Jurassic Sandstones, Greater Shearwater Area, UK Central North Sea

The Cause of Gas Saturation in the Coals of the Cherokee Formation (Desmoinesian Age) in the Cherokee and Forest City Basins, Mid-Continent, USA

Interplay of Turbidite and Mass Transport Deposition in a Deepwater Setting: The Lower Cretaceous Britannia Sandstone Formation, UK North Sea

Deepwater Channel Architecture and Facies — A Quantitative Seismic Previous HitAttributeNext Hit Extraction Approach to Map and Model a Deepwater Channel Complex, Choctaw Basin, Gulf of Mexico

Lithology and TOC at the Base of the Vaca Muerta Formation, Neuquén Basin, Argentina

Clinoform Architecture Variations and Their Effect on Reservoir Potential in an Eocene-Oligocene Carbonate Ramp, Browse Basin, Australia

Comparison of Yet-To-Find Methods for the Determination of Recoverable Reserves From the Bakken: An Uncertainty Assessment Approach

Carbon and Sulfur Cycle Changes Across the Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event in Western North America

Fracture Characterization and Prediction in Unconventional Carbonates — “Mississippian Limestone”, Northeastern Oklahoma

Stepwise Reaction Pathway and Temperature-Dependence of Dolomitization of Aragonite Ooids

Hydrocarbon Potential of the Northeastern Caribbean Based on Integration of Depth to Basement and Source Rock Maturity Data

Vertical Momentum Controls on the Run-Out Distances of Turbidity Currents

Uncompahgre Thrust Geometry: A Seismic, Field and Gravity Study Near Nucla, Colorado, Paradox Basin, USA

Cyclicity of Inclined Heterolithic Stratification in the McMurray Formation, NE Alberta, Canada

Potential Shale Plays in Sub-Andean Basins of Peru

Potential Cretaceous Shale Plays in Talara and Sechura Basins, Northwest Peru

Tectonic Control on the Thermal Evolution of the Michigan Basin

Virtual Kerogen Kinetics for Maturity Mapping — A Fast and Powerful Workflow

Spongy-Like Porosity in a Carbonate Platform From Sicily (Italy) Close to the T/J Boundary: An Interplay Between Textural Characters, High Frequence Sea-Level Fluctuations and Mixing Water Lens

Permeability and Tortuosity Variations in Naturally Fractured Carbonate Reservoirs

Unconventional Resources Assessment of La Luna Formation in the Middle Magdalena Valley Basin, Colombia

Stacking Patterns and Petrographic Analysis of Slurry Beds of the Wilcox Formation, Gulf of Mexico: Implications for Flow Evolution and Depositional Setting

Deepwater Sedimentation in a Proximal, Rift-Margin Setting: Observations of Syn-Rift Strata, Northern Red Sea

A New Cross Section From Western New York to North-Central Pennsylvania Illustrating the Regional Structural and Stratigraphic Framework of the Northern Appalachian Basin

Unraveling the Geometry and Origin of a Northeast-Southwest Striking Linked Fault Array at Marshall Mesa, Western Denver Basin: A Solution Through Integrated Digital Mapping

The Use of Chemostratigraphy to Refine Ambiguous Sequence Stratigraphic Correlations in Marine Shales: An Example From the Woodford Shale, Oklahoma

Growth of Supra-Salt Normal Fault Arrays

Santa Maria Basin: Quaternary Uplift and Reverse Faulting Rates Along the Baseline — Los Alamos Fault at Santa Cruz Creek Determined by Optically Stimulated Luminescence Dating of Offset Fluvial Terraces

Critical Review of Research on Potential Upward Migration of Hydraulic Fracturing Fluid and Brine


Confluence Scours Versus Incised Valleys: Examples From the Cretaceous Ferron Notom Delta, South East Utah

Interpreting Backwater Effects on Fluvial Style and Architecture Within a High-Gradient Compound Incised-Valley Deposit: Example From Cretaceous Ferron Notom Delta, South East Utah

Guided Sampling of Pore-Scale Imaging for Heterogeneous Mudrocks

Rupture Behavior of Induced-Triggered Seismicity Observed During Hydraulic Fracture Stimulations

Southern South Atlantic Conjugates Passive Volcanic Margins Reconstruction: Building on Geology, Geophysics and Geochemical Data

Evidence of Sea-Level Oscillations Within the Last Interglacial From the Miami Limestone and Bahamian Oolitic Shoals

Development of Banding in the Deposits of Experimental Transitional Flows


A Regional Diagenetic and Petrophysical Model for the Montney Formation, Western Canada Sedimentary Basin

A Practical Approach to Hierarchical Marginal Marine Classification Illustrated With Modern and Ancient Examples

Tectonophysical Processes and Their Surface Feedback in the Ashmore Platform Region: A Combined 2-D and 3-D Seismic-Reflection Analysis

Evaluation of Reservoir Properties and Their Affects on Production in the Cardium Formation: A Light Tight-Oil Play in Garrington, Alberta, Canada

Porosity Creation in Carbonate Reservoirs by Pre-Oil Charging With Source Rock-Derived Corrosive Fluids: One-Dimensional Reactive Mass Transport Modeling

Spatial Changes in Depositional Processes in a Progradational Mixed-Influence Deltaic Succession, Jurassic Lower Lle Formation, Halten Terrace, Offshore Norway

Tough Gas Reservoirs in Fluvial Crevasse Splay Sandstones

Reservoir Architecture of Fluvial Crevasse Splay Deposits

Three-Dimensional Characterization of Diagenetic Geobodies

Climatically Forced Progradation During Transgression? Supercritical-Flow Signature of an Extreme Fluvio-Deltaic Flood in the Late Carboniferous Pennine Basin (UK)

Superplastic Nanofibrous Slip Zones Control Seismogenic Fault Friction

Building a Predictive Model in a Fluvial, Low Net-To-Gross, Multilayered Reservoir With Heavy Oil: A Case Study From El Guadal Sur (EGS) Field, Golfo San Jorge Basin, Argentina


Diagenetic Trends and Porosity Evolution Associated With Unconformities in the Mid-Cretaceous High Relief Carbonate Platform, the El Abra Formation, Mexico

Three-Dimensional Stratigraphic Complexity Within Mixed Eolian-Fluvial Successions: Implications for Reservoir Connectivity

Wolfcamp Formation Reservoir Characterization From Full Diameter Core

Eagle Ford Lateral Wellbore Analysis Using Drill Cuttings

Geological Modeling for the Strong Heterogeneity Fluvial Reservoirs: A Case Study of the Upper Permian Formation in Su6 Experimental Area, Ordos Basin, Northern China

The Submarine Landslide Types and the Response With BSRs in Dongsha Sea Area, South China Sea

Plan-View Paleochannel Reconstruction of Ancient Meanderbelts, Cretaceous Ferron Sandstone, Henry Mountains Region, Utah

Recognition of Fluvial Megafans: Comparison of Early Eocene Green River Formation in the Uinta Basin and Late Cretaceous Williams Fork Formation in the Piceance Basin

Role of Relative Sea Level Change on Geometric Characteristics of Submarine Fans (Onlapping versus Non-Onlapping)

Ultra-Deep Fractured Tight Sandstone Gas Reservoirs: Characteristics and Quantitative Evaluation of Fractures in the Lower Cretaceous, Kuqa Depression Tarim Basin, China

Fractured Granite Basement Reservoir Discoveries in the Bongor Basin of Chad

Low Frequency Seismic Technology: A New Era for Reservoir Solutions

A Qualitative Flow Model for Parallel Bedding and Simple Cross Beddings Sandstones to Predict Reservoir Quality

Like Space and Time, Transformation Ratio is Curved

Preliminary Methodology for a National Assessment of Technically Recoverable Oil Using the Carbon Dioxide-Enhanced Oil Recovery Process

Constraints on the Evolution of Structural Compartments With Unconventional Reservoir Potential in the Southeastern Georgina Basin Area, Australia, From Adjacent Basement Exposures

Fluvial to Shelfal Strata of the Late Cretaceous to Paleogene Dorotea and Tres Pasos Formations, Magallanes Basin, Patagonia, Argentina

Previous HitAcousticNext Hit Properties of Unconventional Mineral Combinations From the Vaca Muerta Formation, Neuquén Basin, Argentina

Tidal Signatures in the Lower Brent Group of the Northern North Sea

Structural and Paleogeographic Controls on Sediment Transport Pathways in the Jurassic Eastern Gulf of Mexico: Implications for Along-Strike Provenance Variation Within the Norphlet Erg

Do River Channels Decrease in Width Downstream on Distributive Fluvial Systems? An Evaluation of Modern Megafans of the Chaco Plain, Andean Foreland Basin, South America

Influences and Evolution of Fracture Surface Roughness and Its Dependence on Slip

Impact of Microbes on Reservoir Quality

Assessing Compositional Variability and Migration of Natural Gas in Antrim Shale in the Michigan Basin Using Noble Gas Geochemistry

Regional Analysis of Residual Oil Zone Potential in the Permian Basin

Imaging of Deepwater Channel Architectural Elements of the Jackfork Formation, Arkansas, Using Ground Penetrating Radar and Application to Reservoir Modeling

Sequence Stratigraphic and Geochemical Insights Into Paleoceanography and Source Rock Development in the Shublik Formation and Adjacent Units, Northern Alaska

Stratigraphic Framework of Triassic Rocks in the Eastern North Slope, Alaska

Reconstruction of Paleoenvironments Through Integrative Sedimentology and Ichnology From Core and Formation Micro-Imager (FMI) Logs in the Kinder Morgan Katz Field Unit, North Central Texas

Large Fluvial Fans: Aspects of the Previous HitAttributeTop Array

Understanding the Paleoenvironment of Black Shale Resources: Are Depositional Conditions Important Factors in Determining the Economic Success of Unconventional Oil and Gas Resources?

Diagenetic Controls on the Evolution of Fault-Zone Mechanical Properties and Permeability Structure: Loma Blanca Fault Zone, Socorro Basin, NM

Fluvial Channel Belt Reservoirs

Classification of Shallow Marine Depositional Complexes

Unified Trap Model for Production Variation in Mississippian Reservoirs of the Cherokee Platform

The Role of Muddy Hyperpycnites in Shelfal Mudstones and Their Effect on Reservoir Quality: Examples From the Geneseo Formation of New York, USA

Detailed Sequence Stratigraphic Framework of the Middle Devonian Geneseo Formation of New York, USA: Implications for Unconventional Reservoir Quality and Distribution

3-D Fault Geometries and Interactions Associated With Multiphase Extension

Shallow Hazard and Gas Escape Systems Modelling From 3-D Seismic

Understanding Your Elemental Data Sources — What are the Limitations and Advantages of Different Elemental Data Acquisition Methods?

Near Bed Flow Process Inferred From Bar Morphology, Sediment Transport and Grain Size Distribution of a Plan-View Exposed Ancient Point Bar Complex

A Successful Seismic Integration Case in Exploration of the Deep Thrust Zone in Mountain Area of Qaidam Basin, West China

Stress of Salt Diapir Reactivation in an Oblique Extensional System: A 3-D Geomechanical Modeling Approach

Extensional Structures in Foreland Basin Development: Insights From Northwestern Bonaparte Basin, Australia

4-D Time-Lapse Characterization of Porosity Evolution in Organic-Rich Shale: A Case Study of Chang 7 Shale, Ordos Basin, North Central China

Chemostratigraphic Analysis of Green River Formation in Douglas Pass, Piceance Basin: A Tool for Unraveling the Behavior of Lacustrine Source Rocks


Organic Carbon Preservation During Oceanic Anoxic Events

Origin and Development of a Stratiform Dolomite in Barremian Oil Field Carbonates, Offshore Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Permeability Anisotropy Related to Braided Fluvial Facies Architectural Elements in Middle Boggy Formation, Middle Pennsylvanian, McIntosh County, Oklahoma

High Precision Determination of Trace Elements in Crude Oils by Using Inductively Coupled Plasma-Optical Emission Spectrometry and Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry

Flume Studies With Graded Quartz Powders and a Mixture of Quartz and Kaolinite — Implications for Silt Laminated Shales in the Rock Record

Rock Physics Driven Seismic Modeling of CO2 Injection in a Carbonate Reservoir From Canada

A Location-Based Multiple Point Statistics Method: Modeling the Reservoir With Non-Stationary Characteristics

Tan-Lu Fault Zone in Offshore Bohai Bay Basin, Eastern China: New Structural Observations From High-Quality 3-D Seismic Data

Physical Simulations of CO2–Oil–Brine–Rock Interaction at in situ Pressure-Temperature Reservoir Conditions


Evaporite Paleokarst on a Tectonically-Enhanced Unconformity, Mississippian Madison Formation, Wyoming, USA

Overview of Advancement in Core Analysis and Its Importance in Reservoir Characterization for Maximizing the Recovery

Characterizing Organic Rich Mudstone Facies of the Upper Cretaceous Second White Specks Petroleum System, Implications for Reservoir Fairway Distribution Across West-Central Alberta, Canada

Introduction of MicroScope HD in the Permian Basin: Revealing the Hidden Fracture Complexity in the Wolfcamp

Seismic Characterization of Thin Interbeds Guided by Seismic Geomorphology and Waveform Analysis in Wheeler (Stratal-Slice) Domain

Paleoenvironmental Reconstruction and Sequence Stratigraphic Analysis Using Element Geochemical Analysis in Pear River Mouth Basin, South China Sea

Origin of Botryoidal Dolostone of the Sinian Dengying Formation in Sichuan Basin, China

Decreased Channel Dimensions and Sediment Flux Through the Paleocene Raton-Wilcox Rivers: Implications for Wilcox Shelf Margin

Application of Meshwork-Carpet Hydrocarbon Accumulation Theory in Carboniferous Reservoirs in Tazhong 4 Oilfield, Tarim Basin

Integrated Natural Fracture Characterization in a Metamorphic Buried Hill Reservoir: A Case Study From South JinZhou25–1 Field, Bohai Bay Basin, Eastern China

Gases Released From Organic-Rich Shales by Crush Analysis: Implications for Gas Generation, Desorption, Storage and Deliverability

Insights Into Reservoir Development Based on Integrated Studies of Organic Matter and Pore Size in Lacustrine Shale: Triassic Yanchang Formation, Ordos Basin, China

Shallow-Water Deltaic Systems in Lacustrine Raoyang Depression, Bohai Bay Basin, China

Constructing a Geological Model to Estimate the Capacity of Commercial Scale Injection, Utilization and Storage of CO2 in the Jacksonburg-Stringtown Field, West Virginia, USA

Barite in the Middle Devonian Marcellus Shale, Appalachian Basin: Occurrence, Petrography, Geochemistry and Its Implications

Modeling of Complex Hydraulic Fracture Propagation in Shales Through Dual-Lattice Discrete Element Method

Sedimentology, Paleoecology, and Diagenesis of Mudmound Reefs on an Upper Devonian (Frasnian) Ramp, Western Alberta, Canada

Paleogeomorphological Controls on the Distribution of Depositional Systems and Sand Bodies in Lower Cretaceous Tanan Lacustrine Syn-Rift Basin, Mongolia

Intraslope Basin Stratigraphy Documents the Evolution of Salt Wall Growth in the Lower Congo Basin, Offshore Angola

Utica-Pt. Pleasant Condensate Yield Prediction Using 3-D Maturity Modeling

3-D Forward Stratigraphic Modeling in Reservoir Quality Prediction – Arab-D Reservoir, Ghawar Field, Saudi Arabia

Las Animas Arch Oil Geochemistry

Lithologic Heterogeneity of the Wall Creek Member of the Frontier Formation in the Tisdale Anticline, Northeastern Wyoming