--> Abstract: Systematic Geomechanical Application for Unconventional Resource Development, by Queena Chou, Jordan Gao, Mehdi Noroozi, Chris Walsh, and Rete Singbeil; #90207 (2014)
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Systematic Geomechanical Application for Previous HitUnconventionalNext Hit Resource Development

Queena Chou¹, Jordan Gao, Mehdi Noroozi, Chris Walsh, and Rete Singbeil


The application of geomechanics has been recognized as a necessary process for successful exploration and development of an Previous HitunconventionalNext Hit resource, shale gas or tight oil reservoir. This presentation summarizes geomechanical applications for Previous HitunconventionalNext Hit gas and tight oil reservoir exploration and development. Applications discussed include wellbore stability for drilling operations by way of optimizing mud weights and well trajectory; geomechanical evaluation for the possibility of openhole completion; optimization of the horizontal wellbore azimuth for multi-stage hydraulic fracturing development; geomechanical consideration for optimization of hydraulic fracturing design, stress-dependent fracture permeability, natural fracture characterization and identification of critically stressed fractures; reservoir evaluation from a geomechanical prospective on brittleness and fracability; and production prediction with considerations towards integrated geomechanical parameters. Clear knowledge on how to apply geomechanics in a proper manner will increase exploration and development efficiency in an Previous HitunconventionalTop resource reservoir.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90207 © AAPG Geoscience Technology Workshop, Unconventionals Update, November 4-5, 2014, Austin, Texas