--> AAPG Geoscience Technology Workshop; - Abstracts, #90205 (2014).
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AAPG Geoscience Technology Workshop
Permian and Midland Basin New Technologies

September 4-5, 2014, Norris Conference Center, Houston, Texas

Search and Discovery Article #90205 (2014)
Posted January 19, 2015


Method for Evaluating Hydrocarbon Containing-Subterranean Formations Penetrated by a Directional Well Bore in Order to Measure Total Gas and Chromatography Data from Drill Cuttings,
      Bill Chandler

3D Alford Rotation Analysis for the Diamond M Field, Midland Basin, Texas,
      Oswaldo Davogustto Cataldo, Tom Thomas, and Steve Roche

Stepping Back: Exploration Synthesis & Business Opportunities that Opened up the Delaware Basin WolfBone Resource for Economic Development,
      Bill Fairhurst

The Marble Falls Fractured Resource Play: Applying Modern Technology to Turn an Old Trend into The Next Big Play,
      Ulysses "Trey" Hargrove, Craig Adams, Beau Berend, Mike Grace, and Mike Mullen

Borehole Image Textural Analysis and Integrated Petrophysics – Applications in Delaware and Midland Basins,
      Nicholas Harvey

Comprehensive Petrophysical and Geochemical Integration Studies: Permian Basin,
      Michael Holmes and Michael Dolan

Direct Reservoir Imaging,
      Sofia Khan

Does the Distribution of Encrusting Foraminifera at San Salvador, Bahamas, Provide a Model, for Small, Isolated Carbonate Platforms,
      Ronald Lewis

Refining the Tactics: Current Approaches to Exploration and Development of Shale Plays in the U.S,
      Susan Nash

Lessons Learned from the KCC #503h, Woodford Horizontal Well at Keystone South Field, Winkler County TX,
      Andrew Parker, Previous HitDavidTop Entzminger, John Leone, Mark Sonnenfeld, and Lyn Canter

Unconventional Shale Gas Reservoir Characterization at Sub-seismic Resolution Using Rock Property Modeling and 3D Seismic Inversion – The Mapping of Marl Rich Mudflows in the Horn River Basin,
      Claire Pierard, Hardeep Jaglan, Kristoffer Rimaila, Arnaud Huck, Friso Brouwer, Steve Jensen, and Eric von Lunen

Linking Stratigraphy, Rock Mechanics, and Completion Design in the Midland Basin Wolfcamp Tight Oil Play,
      Shane Prochnow

Pre-stack Amplitude Analysis: An Integrated Overview,
      Brian Russell

Understanding Seismic Attributes and Their Use in the Application of Unsupervised Neural Analysis – Case Histories, Both Conventional and Unconventional,
      Deborah Sacrey

Advances and Future Trends in Geomodeling Techniques to Populate Facies and Petrophysical Properties,
      Claude Scheepens

Identifying Porosity Sweet Spots in an Eagle Ford Vertical and Lateral Well,
      Rick Schrynemeeckers

Causes of Seal Failure and Breached Reservoirs,
      Selim Simon Shaker

Wettability Alteration and Increasing Recovery in the Permian Basin: Application to Conventional and Unconventional Reservoirs,
      Geoffrey Thyne

Applying Regional Chemostratigraphic Variability to Refine Sequence Stratigraphic Frameworks within the Woodford Shale, Oklahoma,
      Bryan W. Turner, Jessica A. Tréanton, and Roger M. Slatt

Kerogen Maturity Determinations: New Techniques and Technologies,
      Malleswar Yenugu

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