--> Abstract: Comprehensive Petrophysical and Geochemical Integration Studies: Permian Basin, by Michael Holmes and Michael Dolan; #90205 (2014)
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Comprehensive Petrophysical and Geochemical Integration Studies: Permian Basin

Michael Holmes¹ and Michael Dolan
¹Digital Formation


This project encompasses the integration of petrophysical and geochemical analyses of source rocks reservoirs of major importance in the Greater Permian Basin. As available, geochemical data have provided the ability to make maturity, richness and other source character interpretations and will be combined with important petrophysical properties of the shale intervals to predict multiple reservoir and mechanical properties. These interpretations will provide the opportunity to support economic, development and production decisions in the geologic workflow. Best practices for sampling shale intervals, wireline testing, database and Previous HitinterpretiveTop processes will be investigated. Data compilation, project planning will be provided in the first phase of the study followed geochemical and petrophysical analysis of collected data. The final report will provide the following objectives:
1) Develop workflows for accurate pre-drill predictions of petrophysical parameters, organic richness, maturity modeling and geochemical analyses of the DJ Basin.
2) Integrate acquired data with established rock and fluids database. Acquire wireline log data, core and mud log data. Acquire geochemical rock and fluids data. Also access any public seismic data, especially 3-D interpretation data.
3) Produce highly detailed reservoir quality and geochemical prediction maps. Perform detailed petrophysical analysis. Compare with core and mud log data. Incorporate geochemical data, primarily TOC.
a) TOC Prediction Maps
b) Vitrinite Reflectance Equivalence (VRE) Maps
c) Fluid Type and quality including Gas to Oil Ratio Prediction Maps
4) Map petrophysical reservoir property variation by formation including:
a) In place hydrocarbons
b) Fracture intensity
c) Mechanical properties (brittle vs. ductile) and compare with any available seismic interpretations
d) Petrophysical properties of the shale interval
e) Integrate petrophysics with geochemistry
5) Develop geochemical baselines and apply geochemical analyses to understand reservoir quality, reservoir fluid communication and compartmentalization specific to the basins studied.
6) Design safe and cost-efficient geochemical sampling techniques for acquiring the critical data types.
a) Data designed to support development and production decisions.
b) Develop criteria for sampling time and location best practices.
7) Establish best practices for managing geochemical data libraries to ensure their security, accessibility and future value.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90205 © AAPG Geoscience Technology Workshop, Permian and Midland Basin New Technologies, September 4-5, 2014, Houston, Texas