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AAPG Education Directorate
Mississippi Lime Forum

February 20, 2014, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

Search and Discovery Article #90201 (2014)

Posted November 30, 2014


Application of High Resolution Conodont Biostratigraphy in Lower and Middle Mississippian Strata Tests the Idea of Compartmentalization of Reservoirs and Penecontemporaneous Tectonics,
      Darwin Boardman

Use of Reservoir Models and Dynamic Simulation in the Development of Mississippian Lime Reservoirs,
      Dan Costello

History of Previous HitHydrothermalTop Fluid Flow in the Midcontinent: A Key to Understanding the Origin and Distribution of Porosity,
      Robert Goldstein and Bradley King

Tripolitic Chert Development in the Mississippian Lime: New Insights from SEM,
      Walter Manger

Examining Innovative Techniques for Matrix Acidizing and Acid Fracturing in Limestone Formations to Minimize Damage to Equipment and Environment,
      Fred Markey, Tyler Betz, Kyle Taylor, Daniel Ackwith, and Reza Barati

Integrating PSDM Seismic into Geological and Petrophysical Modeling of the Mississippian at Wellington Field,
      Jason Rush

Decreasing Produced Water Cut in Mississippi Lime Wells,
      Charles Smith

Fluid Migration and Accumulation within the Mississippian: Why 2% Oil Cut Here, 15% One Mile Away?,
      Lynn Watney

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