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Use of Reservoir Previous HitModelsNext Hit and Dynamic Simulation in the Development of Mississippian Lime Reservoirs

Dan Costello
Chesapeake Energy Corporation


The Mississippian is an important oil and gas system in north-central Oklahoma and south-central Kansas. Meramecian and Osagean reservoirs, sub-cropping beneath the Pennsylvanian-Mississippian unconformity, have been developed by vertical wells since the 1940s and by surging Previous HithorizontalNext Hit well activity since 2008. Chesapeake Energy was among the first operators in the "Mississippi Lime" play and initiated the first Previous HithorizontalNext Hit well development program in the play with the Howell 1-33H in Woods County, Oklahoma. Since then, there have been more than 1,000 Previous HithorizontalNext Hit wells drilled in the Mississippian across Oklahoma and Kansas.

This paper focuses on the construction and uses of three-dimension reservoir Previous HitmodelsNext Hit in development of the Mississippian in northwestern Oklahoma. An interdisciplinary combination of cores, well logs, and seismic data are used to build a model of lithofacies, effective porosity, and fluid saturations. These full-field Previous HitmodelsNext Hit are used to plan Previous HithorizontalTop well trajectories and well spacing decisions for optimal development of the Mississippian reservoirs.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90201 © AAPG Education Directorate Mississippi Lime Forum, February 20, 2014, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma