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AAPG Rocky Mountain Section 63rd Annual Meeting

Cracking the Source

July 20-23, 2014, Denver, Colorado, USA

Appreciation is expressed to Cat Campbell and Laura Johnson, General Chairs, Elmo Brown, RMS President, Donna Anderson and Natasha Rigg, Technical Program Chairs, for providing the abstracts.

Posted July 30, 2014
Search and Discovery Article #90193 (2014)

Technical program schedule and abstracts are also available for smart phones, iPad and Android tablet from the Mobile App stores.

ABSTRACTS (by Author)



Serendipity, Sandstone, and Shale in a Revitalized San Juan Basin

Differentiating Green River Formation Oils Sourced from Freshwater and Saline Lacustrine Facies in the Uinta Basin, Utah

Geochemical Characterization of the Cow Ridge Member, a Freshwater Lacustrine Stage of the Eocene Green River Formation, Piceance Basin, Colorado

In-Place Oil Shale Resources in the Saline Mineral and Saline-Leached Intervals, Piceance Basin, Colorado

Mineralogy of the Green River Formation, Wyoming: Mining Old Data in the Light of New Models

Sussex Sandstone, Hornbuckle Trend, Powder River Basin, Wyoming: Lithofacies and Reservoir Properties in a Tight Oil Play

Sussex Sandstone Tight Oil Play, Powder River Basin, Wyoming, Extension of the Hornbuckle-Spearhead Trend with Horizontal Drilling

Characterization and 3-D Modeling of Devonian Pinnacle Reefs for CO2 Storage and Enhanced Oil Recovery

Regional Previous HitsequenceNext Hit stratigraphic Previous HitanalysisNext Hit of the Upper Cretaceous Telegraph Creek and Eagle formations in south-central Montana

Advanced Seismic Imaging Tools for Unconventional Targets in Complex Geology?

Playa and Lunette Sedimentation Response to Artificial Water Levels: Case Study of the San Luis Lake Area

Multiphase deformation of Paleozoic and Mesozoic units, Nebraska Panhandle, USA


Diagenesis of Organic-Rich Shale: Views from Foraminifera Penetralia, Eagle Ford Formation, Maverick Basin, Texas

A core calibrated Previous HitlogNext Hit model workflow for shale gas and tight oil reservoirs


Fourier Previous HitAnalysisNext Hit of the Laminated Facies of the Middle Bakken Member, Sanish-Parshall Field, Mountrail County, North Dakota

Computation and 3D Visualization of Potentiometric Surfaces in Hydrocarbon-Bearing Formations Across the Mid-Continent

Comparison of potentiometric surfaces of the Cretaceous Dakota Group with surfaces of Paleozoic formations in the Midcontinent of the United States

Multi-reservoir characterization with multicomponent 3D seismic in North-West Denver-Julesburg Basin

Core Facies and Geochemical Previous HitAnalysisNext Hit of the Late Cretaceous Turner Sandstone, Powder River Basin, Wyoming

Core Facies, Previous HitLogNext Hit Facies and Previous HitSequenceNext Hit Stratigraphic Previous HitAnalysisNext Hit of the Late Cretaceous Turner Sandstone, Porcupine Field Area, Powder River Basin, Wyoming


Application of Rapid, Integrated, Cuttings XRF, Source Rock and Trapped Fluid Analyses to Unconventional Plays

Vitrinite reflectance of Cretaceous coals and thermal maturity of the Niobrara Formation, DJ basin, Colorado, USA

Geothermal Assessment and Modeling of the Uinta Basin, Utah

Gas geochemistry of three tight-gas-sand fields, Rocky Mountains

Fracture Creation and Observed Pitfalls in Bakken Reservoirs, Williston Basin, North Dakota

Petroleum System Model of the Mississippian Bakken Formation in the Northern Williston Basin, Saskatchewan, Southwestern Manitoba, and Southeastern Alberta

Undiscovered Petroleum Resources for the Woodford Shale and Thirteen Finger Limestone-Atoka Shale, Anadarko Basin

Facies Model and Previous HitSequenceNext Hit Stratigraphic Framework of the Devonian-Mississippian Sappington and Bakken Formations in Montana

Calibration of petrophysical Previous HitlogNext Hit response in the north and eastern Uinta Basin to allow extension of outcrop belts into the subsurface using Previous HitwellNext Hit data.

A Comprehensive Deterministic Petrophysical Previous HitAnalysisNext Hit Procedure, For Reservoir Characterization: Conventional and Unconventional ReservoirsCopyright 2014, held by the submitting authors. This paper was prepared for presentation at the AAPG RMS Annual Meeting in Denver, CO, July 20-22, 2014.


Training Image Characterization and Multipoint Statistical Modeling of Clastic and Carbonate Formations

Visual and analytical comparisons of lower Bakken “shale” cores from a west-to-east transect, McKenzie and McLean Counties, North Dakota

Diagenesis of the Upper Three Forks Formation – The North Dakota Perspective

Abrupt Basinward Changes in the Stratigraphic Expression of a Previous HitSequenceNext Hit Boundary in the Ferron Sandstone (Turonian), Southeast Utah, USA


Correlation of Rebound-hammer Rock Strength with Core and Sonic-Previous HitlogNext Hit Derived Mechanical Rock Properties in Cretaceous Niobrara and Frontier Formation Cores, Piceance Basin, Colorado

Where Did the Proppant Go?

Noble Gas Geochemistry at the La Barge Platform, Wyoming, USA: CO2 Source and Potential Total Petroleum System Investigation Tool

Utilizing Hydrocarbon Yield Determinations to Evaluate Source/Reservoir Relationships in the Bakken/Three Forks of the Williston Basin, ND

Mosser Dome Field, Yellowstone County, Montana: A Giant Stratigraphic Oil Accumulation

Petroleum Occurrences in Cretaceous Age Reservoirs, Northern Bighorn Basin, Montana & Wyoming

Play Previous HitAnalysisNext Hit of the Cane Creek Shale, Pennsylvanian Paradox Formation, Paradox Basin, Southeast Utah

Mechanical Stratigraphy and Previous HitWellNext Hit Correlation Using the Proceq Bambino in the Niobrara Shale


Detailed Chemostratigraphic Characterization of the Niobrara Formation, Cemex Quarry, Lyons CO

Applications of Pore-Scale Image Data to Exploration and Reservoir Characterization

Using a Fluvial Previous HitSequenceNext Hit Stratigraphic Framework in the Coal Bearing Formations of the Raton Basin, CO to Build a Deterministic 3D Model.


Bakken Formation Water and the Role of Shale Filtration, Williston Basin

Using Surface and Point Based Statistics to Evaluate Channel-Belt Clustering in the Fluvial lower Wasatch Formation, Uinta Basin, Utah.

Controls on Porosity and Pore Type within the Eagle Ford Formation, South Texas


Source to Sink Systems for Hydrocarbon Exploration in Lacustrine Basin Fill: Analog Examples from the Tertiary Duchesne River Formation, Northern Uinta Basin, Northeastern Utah

Distinguishing Noise from LWD Gamma Ray Data in Horizontal Wells

Using New Previous HitWellNext Hit Logging Technology with Ultra-Sensitive Detection of Hydrocarbons to Assess Hydrocarbon Composition, Compartmentalization, and By-passed Pays

Focusing Petroleum Exploration With Regional Geochemical Surveys

New Concept of Oil and Gas Origin

Solutions for Difficult Reservoirs—Direct NMR Fluid Type and Permeability

Reservoir Characteristics of the Codell Sandstone Tight Oil Play, Northern DJ Basin, Wyoming and Colorado: Extension of Wattenberg into the Oil Window

The Upper Bakken Shale Play, Elm Coulee Field, Williston Basin

3D seismic proves its value in Bakken geosteering

Paleostructural Control of Cretaceous Niobrara Productivity in a Portion of the DJ Basin of Colorado

Unconventional Exploration: Will Your Next “Sweet Spot” Have Once Been a “Hot Spot”?

The importance of high-resolution geochemistry in downspacing evaluations of unconventional plays


Basin-Scale Previous HitAnalysisNext Hit and Options for Produced Water from Tight-Gas Sand Reservoirs, Uinta Basin, Utah

Completions Optimization in the Eagle Ford Shale Play

Post-Laramide Thrust Backsliding and Arch Collapse: a Mechanism for Creating Intensely Fractured Trends and High Off-Structure Production; Wind River Basin, Wyoming

Effects of Upper and Lower Bakken Source Rock Differences on the Charge of Middle Bakken and Three Forks Reservoirs in the Williston Basin

Multivariate Previous HitAnalysisNext Hit of Geologic and Engineering Parameters on Petroleum Production in the Niobrara Formation


Calibration of FIS Factor 1 Response to Map API Gravity “Sweet Spots” in Unconventional Resource Assessments

Microbial Mat Textures in Lithofacies of the Paradox Formation, Paradox Basin, Utah

Maximize Mass Spectrometer Mud Gas Data-Experienced Previous HitAnalysisNext Hit Matters

Complexities of Previous HitwellNext Hit Previous HitlogTop interpretation observed through cored samples, Mesaverde Group, Uinta Basin

Visual and analytical comparisons of upper Bakken “shale” cores from a west-to-east transect, McKenzie and McLean Counties, North Dakota