Sandbodies-Conduit Architecture and Oil
of JX1-1 Oilfield in Liaodong Bay Sub-Basin, Bohai Bay Basin
An integration of geophysics and geochemistry analysis was employed to investigate the sandy carrier-bed architecture and oil migration
and accumulation of JX1-1 oilfield. The results show that fan delta and braid delta sandstones are dominant carrier-bed for oil
and accumulation in the study area. In the 3D seismic profiles, the fan delta is characterized by a downlap seismic reflection, and the braid delta is characterized by an obvious progradation seismic reflection. In the Liaodong Bay sub-basin, the E3d3 source rocks are characterized by relatively low gammacerane/aßC30hopane and low 4-methyl steranes/?C29 steranes; the E2s1 source rocks are characterized by relatively high gammacerane/aßC30hopane and low 4-methyl steranes/?C29 steranes; and the E2s3 source rocks are characterized by relatively low gammacerane/aßC30hopane and high 4-methyl steranes/?C29 steranes. Depending on these oil-source parameters, we concluded that the hydrocarbon in JX1-1 oilfield was mainly originated from E2s3 and E2s1 source rocks. The stratigraphic contacts between the source rocks and the delta depositional systems are very beneficial to the oil
of JX1-1 oilfield. Therefore, two
pathways had been established: the
1 is the major conduit for the crude oil from E2s3 source rocks, and the
2 is the major conduit for the crude oil from E2s1 source rocks. Finally, the
1 merged into the
2 in three-dimensional space.
AAPG Datapages/Search and Discovery Article #90189 © 2014 AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition, Houston, Texas, USA, April 6–9, 2014