Integrated Geology, Sedimentology, and Petrophysics Application Technology for Multimodal Carbonate Reservoirs
R. Sung1, E. Clerke1, and J.J. Buiting1
The complexity and heterogeneity of carbonate reservoirs makes them extremely difficult to characterize and develop. The very large reserve base in Middle East carbonate fields requires thorough field development strategies to optimize ultimate recovery and meet rate forecasts. The very highest quality 3D geological model and rigorous reservoir simulation is required. The geological model must combine all geological, geophysical, core, and rock property information together with interpretation data to deliver the best 3D representation of these complex carbonate reservoirs. These models rely on pertinent lithofacies derived from core descriptions using sequence stratigraphic processes, and static and dynamic fluid and pore
architecture properties obtained from laboratory analyses of core and log data. Current understandings of our major limestone reservoirs have established that these reservoirs commonly contain nested multimodal
. Extensive data sets have been obtained to determine and classify these
by Clerke in a facies framework. Understanding the distribution of the hydrocarbon volumes in the various
-type combinations and then establishing proper recovery analyses and techniques could improve the field development strategies, explain reservoir high recoveries, and lead to optimal recovery.
AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90188 ©GEO-2014, 11th Middle East Geosciences Conference and Exhibition, 10-12 March 2014, Manama, Bahrain