--> Abstract: Preliminary Structural Interpretations of the Frontal Ouachita-Arkoma Basin Transition Zone: A Cross Section of the Ione and Barber Quadrangles in Central-Western Arkansas, Based on Field Mapping, by Levi A. Crooke; #90182 (2013)
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Preliminary Structural Interpretations of the Frontal Ouachita-Arkoma Basin Transition Zone: A Cross Section of the Ione and Barber Quadrangles in Central-Western Arkansas, Based on Field Mapping

Levi A. Crooke
The University of Alabama

The Arkoma Basin is an asymmetrical foreland basin located parallel to strike along the frontal Ouachita thrust belt across eastern Oklahoma and western Arkansas. The basin is bounded to the south by the Ouachita Mountains and to the north by the Ozark Uplift. The transition zone between the highlydeformed Ouachita frontal thrust belt and the mildly-deformed Arkoma foreland basin is exposed at the surface providing the availability of field mapping. Constraining the structural geometry and Previous HitmagnitudeTop of shortening within the frontal Ouachita-Arkoma Basin transition zone is fundamental to understanding the nature of thrust propagation into foreland settings and is essential to continued hydrocarbon exploration efforts in the Arkoma Basin. The Ione and Barber quadrangles are located at the intersections of Logan, Scott, Franklin, and Sebastian Counties in central-western Arkansas. A preliminary structural cross section based on field mapping across these quadrangles reveals mildly deformed Pennsylvanian aged formations creating the southern limb of the broad Washburn anticline, located between the north-vergent leading edge thrust of the frontal Ouachitas and the north-vergent Washburn fault.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90182©2013 AAPG/SEG Student Expo, Houston, Texas, September 16-17, 2013