Effective Communications for Explorationists
Explorationists are subjected continually to relating and selling their ideas to management. They are forced to portray their ideas on a level where management or clientele can grasp the salient points in a minimum length of time. Many prospects are never drilled because the explorationist failed to present the data and maps in a manner that caused management to be receptive to the ideas. Far too often, geologists fail to communicate effectively and efficiently.
In a presentation it is necessary for management to be cognizant of all factors associated with the geological and/or geophysical prospect, such as: the land situation, a comprehensive economic review, which includes the prognosticated cash flow generated from the prospect, and a clear, concise set of maps, charts, and other pertinent related data. All this information should be presented in an orderly and concise manner by the individual who has developed and conceived the idea; he should be proficient in written and oral communication and present the prospect in a positive, profound, and realistic manner.
AAPG Search and Discovery Article #91051©2012 AAPG Rocky Mountain Section Meeting, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 23-26 February 1969