--> Abstract: Optimizing Hydraulic Fracture Stimulation: Are We Working With or Against Reservoir Conditions?, by Shawn Maxwell; #90185 (2013)
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Shawn Maxwell

Hydraulic fracture geometries are generally dictated by the reservoir conditions, which control fracture height, complexity and preferential growth. The stimulated fracture network depend on the reservoir geological characteristics, particularly the preexisting faults and fractures and both vertical and lateral mechanical rock properties. To some extent the fracture geometry can be controlled with well positioning and completion, as well as the fracture stimulation design. The presentation will focus on microseismic observations to illustrate the factors that impact the fracture geometry, and examples of Previous HitoptimizingTop the stimulation for specific reservoir conditions.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90185 © AAPG Geoscience Technology Workshop, Revisiting Reservoir Quality Issues in Unconventional and Conventional Resources, Austin, Texas, November 12-13, 2013