--> Abstract: Completion and Stimulation of Unconventional Reservoirs: What Makes the Difference in Well Productivity?, by Randal F. LaFollette; #90179 (2013)
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Completion and Stimulation of Unconventional Reservoirs: What Makes the Difference in Well Productivity?

Randal F. LaFollette
Baker Hughes

There is often wide scatter in production results from wells in unconventional reservoirs, even over relatively small parts of a given play. A large part of this variability is related to the rock and fluid variables that drive the fundamental rate equation. Another set of driving elements is contained within well architecture parameters such as azimuth, drift angle, and completed lateral length. Similarly, well completion, particularly stage count may influence productivity, as can stimulation treatment techniques, volumes, materials, and injection rates.

Thus, when attempting to answer the question, “What makes the difference in productivity?” it must be noted that there are many different input variables that may be needed to explain well performance. Some of these variables are not ideally distributed, and others have specific relationships among independent variables that drive us toward certain data-Previous HitminingNext Hit methods and away from others.

The author’s team has performed numerous data-Previous HitminingNext Hit projects in key unconventional reservoirs in North America. The presentation will focus on data Previous HitminingTop highlights from different formations, and then address things to think about with respect to fracturing fluid and proppant selection.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90179©2013 AAPG Geosciences Technology Workshop, Houston, Texas, August 6-7, 2013