--> Abstract: Upper Paleozoic Biogenic Buildups Complexes on the Eastern Finmark Platform, Southwestern Barents Sea, by Brit Thyberg; #90177 (2013)
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Upper Paleozoic Biogenic Buildups Complexes on the Eastern Finmark Platform, Southwestern Barents Sea

Brit Thyberg

Lateral extensive Upper Paleozoic biogenic buildups complexes are abundant (in time and space) on the eastern part of the Finmark Platform, Southwestern Barents Sea. The structural relief formed in response to Carboniferous rifting in the western Barents Sea had an important impact on the depositional systems and facies distribution throughout late Carboniferous-Permian times. Within a general platform regime, carbonate buildups, and later spiculites, were formed on top of paleohighs. The platform development and seismic facies was mainly controlled by climate (from warm to cool), seafloor relief and differential subsidence, reflecting the underlying Carboniferous rift topography (horsts and grabens). Differential subsidence of the Finmark Platform was related to differential compaction between the horst and graben structures below the buildups. New Previous Hit3DNext Hit seismic survey (acquired by Fugro Multi Client Services) covers the inner part of the eastern Finnmark Platform. Interpretation of the Previous Hit3DNext Hit Previous HitdataNext Hit, integrated with interval velocities derived from the Previous Hit3DNext Hit velocity cube and petrophysical well log Previous HitdataTop enhance the understanding of the seismic expression, prospectivity, development, distribution of the biogenic buildups in the Southwestern part of the Barents Sea. A better understanding of the Carboniferous rift structures and the overlying buildups are important for future exploration within the former disputed area between NO and Russia in the central Barents Sea as well as the ongoing exploration activities of a potential emergent play in the Southwestern Barents Sea.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90177©3P Arctic, Polar Petroleum Potential Conference & Exhibition, Stavanger, Norway, October 15-18, 2013