--> Abstract: Evaluating CO2 Utilization and Storage in Kansas, by Lynn Watney, Jason Rush, Tiraz Birdie, Saugata Datta, John Doveton, Martin Dubois, Thomas Hansen, Yevhen Holubnyak, Mina FazelAlavi, Jennifer Roberts, and Dana Wreath; #90176 (2013)
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Evaluating CO2 Utilization and Storage in Kansas

Lynn Watney, Jason Rush, Tiraz Birdie, Saugata Datta, John Doveton, Martin Dubois, Previous HitThomasTop Hansen, Yevhen Holubnyak, Mina FazelAlavi, Jennifer Roberts, and Dana Wreath

Kansas currently has no large scale source of CO2 available to support an active CCUS industry, yet oil fields in Kansas offer substantial reserves potentially recoverable by CO2-EOR (~ 2 billion bbls). Oil fields in southern Kansas also overlie a deep (>1200 m), thick (150 to 300 m) Arbuckle saline aquifer that could greatly increase CO2 storage capacity in these fields. Operation of overlying fields could also serve to monitor, verify, and account (MVA) for CO2 that is injected and aid in achieving cost-effective management of commercial scale CO2 storage (10's millions of metric tons) in the saline aquifer while reducing uncertainty. A multi-disciplinary investigation funded by DOE and cost share from industry partners is evaluating the CO2 storage capacity in five oil fields and establishing regional storage capacity of the deep saline Arbuckle aquifer. Regional 3D seismic, digital well logs, potential fields, and remote sensing data are being used to build geomodels and conduct simulations at additional sites potentially best suited for commercial scale CO2 storage. Together field and site studies will serve to calibrate the regional model. CO2 will be injected on a small scale in a Mississippian reservoir and the underlying Arbuckle saline aquifer in one of these fields, Wellington Field, Sumner County, Kansas. Drilling, coring, and seismic acquisition in Wellington and more recently at Cutter Field in Stevens County, Kansas has added new information about the complex hydrostratigraphic units that comprise the Arbuckle and characteristics of the overlying caprock. Geomodeling and reservoir simulations of Morrow and Chester sandstone reservoirs in southwestern Kansas, and the Osage-Meramec dolomitic chert reservoir at Wellington Field are focused on evaluating the efficacy of CO2-EOR. This extended knowledge is being applied to gain a Class VI permit to inject CO2 into the Arbuckle at Wellington Field. 

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90176©AAPG Mid-Continent Meeting, Wichita, Kansas, October 12-15, 2013