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Application of Real Time Wellsite Tool for Enhanced Geosteering and Reservoir Characterization

Chi Vinh Ly and Graham Spence
[email protected]

Recently there has been more demand by operators of shale plays for better reservoir characterization to assist geosteering of long Previous HitlateralNext Hit wells and, for better frac placement to maximize production. Until recently there has been a lack of real-time reservoir/completion characterization tools which are applicable to Previous HitlateralNext Hit wells, where often only cuttings samples are available. However, with the recent development of portable SEM tools real-time well-site reservoir characterization has become a reality. Such tools have given operators the ability to access real-time mineralogical and textural information from the formation being drilled to better understand rock chemistry, mineralogy, lithology and other rock properties data (porosity, pore size distribution and aspect ratio). The additional understanding of rock properties could be used to better model brittleness/ductility of rocks and therefore their susceptibility to fracing. A real-time on-site project on two wells (pilot and Previous HitlateralNext Hit) in the Barrnett Shale play,was successfully completed. Mineralogical and rock properties data from the pilot well was used to generate a detailed mineralogical/elemental based zonation scheme for the Barrnett and overlying/underlying formations.Constantly comparing the fresh cuttings data from the Previous HitlateralNext Hit well with the established zonation scheme enabled the on-site technical staff to give continual updates to key client personnel both on and off site, allowing them to make decisions regarding wellbore placement and TD. The real-time data generation, not only assisted in keeping the drill bit in the sweet spot for the length of the Previous HitlateralTop, but also provided quantitative rheological data that was utilized for better completions characterization.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90167©2013 GCAGS and GCSSEPM 63rd Annual Convention, New Orleans, Louisiana, October 6-8, 2013