--> Abstract: Study for Fissure Eruption of Volcanic Seismic Reservoirology — An Example from Northwest Margin of Junggar Basin, by Wei, Pingsheng; Pan, Jianguo; Tan, Kaijun; Xu, Duonian; #90163 (2013)
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Study for Fissure Eruption of Volcanic Previous HitSeismicNext Hit Reservoirology — An Example from Northwest Margin of Junggar Basin

Wei, Pingsheng; Pan, Jianguo; Tan, Kaijun; Xu, Duonian

The Previous HitseismicNext Hit reservoirology proposes an effective research idea and method for reservoir characterization and modeling, which can be shorted for "four-step method". 1) Reservoir Geology Study. Study on geological background and the basic characteristics of reservoir by geological Previous HitdataNext Hit, geophysical Previous HitdataNext Hit, and the dynamic Previous HitdataNext Hit to confirm the reservoir genetic mechanism and establish reservoir geological model (initial model), providing the correct geological model for rock physical simulation, the standard sample and the validating model for reservoir Previous HitseismicNext Hit-geological Previous HitinterpretationNext Hit. 2) Reservoir Geophysical Simulation and Method Experiment. Based on the petrophysical test, find out Previous HitseismicNext Hit reflection characteristics of reservoir to establish geophysical model. Then, confirm the effective reservoir prediction and description techniques by different geophysical technology tests. 3) Reservoir Previous HitSeismicNext Hit and Geological Previous HitInterpretationNext Hit and Characterization. Using established reservoir prediction and description techniques carry out the reservoir identification and prediction by 3-D Previous HitseismicNext Hit Previous HitdataNext Hit. Under the guidance of reservoir model, conduct the geological-Previous HitseismicNext Hit Previous HitinterpretationNext Hit and characterization. With the research Previous HitdataNext Hit enriched, the reservoir geological-Previous HitseismicNext Hit Previous HitinterpretationNext Hit and characterization is an iterative process, where the established model of one stage is verified the verification and input value of the geological model, vice versa. 4) Comprehensive Evaluation and Modeling. Based on the above results, carry out reservoir comprehensive evaluation to determine the spatial distribution of favorable reservoir, establish the 3-D reservoir modeling by the final results. The final model can be an important basis for well deployment in the exploration, while it can play as the input model for numerical modeling during development, providing important basis for reservoir development programming.

Taking well Xia72 of northwest margin in Junggar Basin as example, using the research thinking and methods of Previous HitseismicNext Hit reservoirology, through the four aspects of reservoir geology study, reservoir geophysical simulation and experiment, the reservoir Previous HitseismicNext Hit and geological Previous HitinterpretationTop and characterization, and reservoir comprehensive evaluation and modeling, establishing a local reservoir 3-D geological model and oil reservoir model, it is strongly guiding the oil and gas exploration, as well as providing a good reference for other similar areas.


AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90163©2013AAPG 2013 Annual Convention and Exhibition, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, May 19-22, 2013