--> Abstract: Seismic Attribute Mapping in Carbonate Depositional Environment, Some Lessons from Case Studies, by Hong, Fei; Shipilova, Ekaterina; #90163 (2013)
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Previous HitSeismicNext Hit Attribute Mapping in Carbonate Depositional Environment, Some Lessons from Case Studies

Hong, Fei; Shipilova, Ekaterina

2-D/3-D Previous HitseismicNext Hit attribute mapping is a widely-used tool to extract geo-morphological, structural, stratigraphical and reservoir properties information from Previous HitseismicNext Hit Previous HitdataNext Hit. These geometric, kinematic, dynamic and statistical measures allow revealing a better qualitative (sometimes quantitative) Previous HitinterpretationNext Hit. One of the advantages of this approach is to illustrate subtle features, which shows no evidence on conventional Previous HitseismicNext Hit images.

However, it is difficult to choose ‘the right attributes' in specifically carbonate depositional environment, from a pool of Previous HitseismicNext Hit attributes stemmed from different mathematic algorithms. Here we present some case studies, which show that by using Previous HitseismicNext Hit attribute mapping, the evolution of lateral extension of carbonate buildup complexes in 3-D can be reconstructed. What's more, some subtle features are illustrated when the ‘right attributes' are chosen, such as the organization of karsification and of subtle shoal build up. Based on these cases studies, a Previous HitseismicNext Hit attributes ranking for the carbonate depositional environment is proposed in order to establish a list of a prior attributes to be computed at the exploration stage.

Concerning to our observations, different attributes are easily associated to some specific geological objects. For example, kartification is more visible on coherency maps. Clinofrom and progradations are visible for time slices or horizon slices. Subtle shoal buildups can be highlighted by a neural classification method and reflector convergence (3-D process of dip integration attribute applied on each Previous HitseismicNext Hit trace in order to highlight stratigraphical limits). Low frequency component in spectral decomposition can provide some coherent noise out of the zone of interest while the main frequency does not.

Basically the reliability of the Previous HitseismicNext Hit attribute is also based on the quality of Previous HitseismicNext Hit Previous HitdataNext Hit. When dealing with noisy Previous HitdataNext Hit and hunting for a laterally subtle facies change, a reconditioning processing (for example anti-noise and/or dip-driven filter) should be done for the dataset firstly to have meaningful attribute maps.

In conclusion, by investigating the texture of the Previous HitseismicNext Hit Previous HitdataNext Hit from selected volumetric, surface and interval Previous HitseismicNext Hit attributes, the geomorphology, stratigraphic information and reservoir properties can be revealed and illustrated in carbonate depositional environment, taking into account of course the limitations of Previous HitseismicNext Hit resolution and Previous HitdataTop quality.


AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90163©2013AAPG 2013 Annual Convention and Exhibition, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, May 19-22, 2013