Oil Potential of the Nuiqsut Area, Colville River, Alaska North Slope,
Abdel-Rahman, Mohamed A.
Seismic Nodal Technology Test in Cook Inlet, Alaska,
Adiletta, Steve; Yates, Mike; and Yanchak, Dennis
Heterogeneous Oil Saturation in Submarine Channel and Adjacent Facies, Monterey Formation, Point Fermin, Palos Verdes, California,
Al Shammary, Nawaf and Behl, Richard J.
Detailed Surveys of a Transform Margin Morphology: Gulf of California, Mexico,
Anderson, K.; Lundsten, E.; Paull, C.K.; Edwards, B.D.; Caress, D.W.; Thomas, H.; Gwiazda, R.; Herguera, J.C.; McGann, M.; Hinojosa, A.; Mercado, B.E.M.; Garcia, A.C.S.; Conlin, D.; and Thompson, D.R.
The Turbidite Paradigm: Lessons Learned from Fifty Years of Integrated Science and Technology Exploring for Deep-Water Sands,
Armentrout, John M.
Graded or Out-of-Grade Stratigraphic Character of Basin-Floor Deposits -- Thoughts from the Neoproterozoic Windermere Supergroup,
Arnott, R.W.C. and Terlaky, V.
Geomechanically Coupled Simulation of Flow in Fractured Reservoirs,
Barton, C. A.
Implications of Discontinuous Burial or Uplift for Diagenesis, Cementation and Formation of Secondary Porosity in Siliceous Sediments,
Behl Richard J.; Deason, Charlotte T.; and Kassa, Tesfalidet
Evolution of the Puente Hills Thrust Fault,
Bergen, Kristian J. and Shaw, John H.
Stratigraphic Framework and Petroleum Potential of Mesozoic Strata on the Ugashik Creek Anticline (Pearl Creek and Hubbell Domes), Southeast Side of Becharof Lake, Alaska Peninsula,
Blodgett, Robert B.
The Karheen Formation of the Alexander Terrane of Southeast Alaska: Its Age Reinterpretation (Late Silurian) and Faunal Alliance with Other Equivalent Red Bed Successions in Northeast Asia (Kolyma Region),
Blodgett, Robert B.; Baranov, Valeryi V.; Boucot, A.J.; and Rohr, David M.
Scale Mineralogy and in-situ Silica Diagenesis in the Diatomite Steam Drive and Cyclic Steam Wells, Belridge Field, Kern County, California – Interpretation of Scale Composition, Texture, and Diagenesis,
Bloeser, Bonnie; Nelis, Mary; and Hume, Ann
Imaging of the Markley Submarine Valley Fill at Rio Vista Gas Field,
Blume, Cheryl R.; Hector, Scott; Blake, Karen E.; and Nahama, Rodney
Decadal to Millennial-Scale Erosion Rates in South-Central California,
Bookhagen, Bodo; Meelack, John; Potapenko, John; and Perroy, Ryan
Identifying Tectonic Influences in Devonian Carbonate Strata: A Quantitative Stratigraphic Analysis of the Guilmette Formation, Eastern Nevada,
Bowie, Christopher M. and Brady, Mara E.
New Information on the Wagenet Pool from Gas Storage Infill Drilling: Kirby Hill Gas Field, Solano County, California,
Boyd, Richard and Hector, Scott
New Insights into Shallow-Marine Carbonate Sedimentary Records from Cratonic Interior versus Continental Margin Settings,
Brady, Mara E.
High Resolution, 1-m Scale AUV Bathymetric Survey of the Entire Alarcon Rise Spreading Axis,
Caress, David W.; Clague, David A.; Paduan, Jennifer B.; Martin, Julie F.; Thomas, Hans; Thompson, Duane; Nieves-Cardoso, Carolina; and Santa Rosa del Rio, Miguel
Quaternary Sedimentary Structures at Monterey Dunes, California, Imaged By Ground Penetrating Radar,
Chan, J. and Craig, M. S.
,Sediment Transport and Topographic Evolution of a Coupled River and River-Plume System:
Experimental Study and Numerical Model
Chatanantavet, Phairot and Lamb, Michael P.
Facies and Architecture of the Tide-Dominated Late Pliocene Orinoco Delta (Upper Morne L'Enfer Formation) SW Trinidad,
Chen, Si, Steel, Ronald J., and Dixon, Josh
BP Alaska Heavy Oil Production from the Ugnu Fluvial-Deltaic Reservoir,
Chmielowski, Josef
Neotectonics of the Greater Monterey Area, California,
Clark, Joseph C. and Rosenberg, Lewis I.
Deepwater Facies and Architecture of the German Rancho Formation at Salt Point and Gualala Point, Sonoma County, CA,
Clark, Julian; Fildani, Andrea; Sullivan, Morgan; McHargue, Tim; Power, Bruce; and Romans, Brian
Gravity Tectonics in Submarine Canyon Fill on a Subducting Margin: Paleogene Strata at Point Lobos,
Clifton, H. Edward
Determining Slip Rates and Deformation History of Offshore Faults Using AUV and ROV,
Conrad, J. E.; Paull, C. K.; McGann, M.; Edwards, B. D.; Ryan, H. F.; Caress, D. W.; and Lundsten, E.
Shelf Paleoenvironments During Regression in the Lower Pisco Formation, Peru,
Coronado, Jankel L.; Stanton, Caleb W.; Nick, Kevin E.
Landscape Evolution Coupled to Fluvio-Deltaic Deposition: Implications for the Sequence Stratigraphy of Tectonically Active Continental Margins,
Covault, Jacob A. and Sun, Tao
Submarine Channel Initiation and Maintenance from Seafloor Geomorphology and Morphodynamic Modeling,
Covault, Jacob A.; Kostic, Svetlana; Paull, Charles K.; Ryan, Holly F.; and Fildani, Andrea
Evidence of Pleistocene Climate-Driven Alluvial Fan Activity in the Mojave Desert and Southern Great Basin, USA,
Cyr, Andrew; Miller, David; Menges, Christopher; Schmidt, Kevin; Mahan, Shannon; Maher, Katherine; and Liu, Tanzhou
Structure, Distribution, and Silica Diagenesis of the Monterey Formation in the Offshore Point Arena Basin, Central California,
Dame, Robert
Sea Surface Temperatures and Productivity Along the California Margin During the Early Pliocene Warm Period,
Dekens, P.S.; Schwartz, V.E.; Miles, J.; and Reed-Sterrett, C.
Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Uplift and Erosion in the San Gabriel Mountains, CA: Clues from Topography and Geochronology,
DiBiase, Roman A.; Whipple, Kelin X.; Heimsath, Arjun M.; Blythe, Ann E.
Interpreting Sediment Dispersal in Western North America from Detrital Zircon Ages,
Dickinson, William R.
Using Microseismic Event Radiation Patterns and Source Parameters to Better Estimate Stimulated Reservoir Volumes,
Doerksen, Michael
Miocene Tyonek Cook Inlet Stratigraphy as Seen in Cores from Cosmopolitan Oil Field,
Doherty, D. J. and Fitzgerald, M.
Characterizing Modern Sediments to Better Understand Reservoir Sand Provenance, Taranaki Basin, New Zealand,
Doran, Linda
Lithologic Expressions of Glacial/Interglacial and Millennial-Scale Variability in the Pacific Sub-Arctic Record During the Pleistocene (Bering Sea, IODP Exp. 323),
Drake, M. and Aiello, I.
Near-Surface Geophysical Characterization of Holocene Faults Conducive to Geothermal Flow Near Pyramid Lake, Nevada,
Dudley, Colton; Dorsey, Alison; Opdyke, Paul; Naphin, Dustin; Ramos, Marlon; Louie, John; Schwering, Paul; and Pullammanappallil, Satish
North Alaska Unconventional Resource Playfairway Mapping: A Hydrocarbon Phase Dependent Composite Risk Segment Approach to Evaluating Multiple Stacked Fairways,
Duncan, Edward A. and Bird, Kenneth J.
Interactions Between Fracture Formation and Burial Diagenesis in the Monterey Formation and Other Tight Matrix Reservoirs: Implications for Unconventional Reservoir Development and Production,
Eichhubl, Peter; Fall, Andràs; Gale, Julia F.; Laubach, Stephen E.
Lynch Canyon Oil Field – It’s History, Geology and Development,
Eschner, Stanford
Simulation of Hydrofracking and Induced Seismicity,
Ezzedine, Souheil and Ryerson, Fredrick
Grain-Size Analysis of the Distal Mississippi Fan: Insights into Flow Processes, Facies Distribution and Reservoir Quality Prediction,
Fildani, Andrea; Clark, Julian; Power, Bruce; Sullivan, Morgan; and Covault, Jacob
Core Description, Lithofacies Interpretation and Sedimentological Characterization of the Pleistocene Tulare Formation - Mixed Provenance Alluvial Fan, Midway Sunset Field, Kern County, California,
Fisher, Emily
Phosphogenesis and Organic-Carbon Preservation in the Miocene Monterey Formation at Naples and Goleta Beach, California,
Föllmi, Karl B.; Laurent, David; de Kaenel, Eric
Geomorphic and Stratigraphic Legacy of Dynamic Backwater Effects in Coastal Rivers,
Ganti, Vamsi and Lamb, Michael P.
Geothermal Energy Potential Within the Los Angeles Basin and Its Co-Location With Solar and Wind Renewable Energy Resources,
Glassley, William E. and Brown, Elise
Environmental Considerations for Large-Scale Solar Installations in the Desert Southwest,
Godfrey, Peter; Ludwig, Noel; and Salve, Rohit
Carbon Capture and Sequestration in the Monterey Stevens Sandstone, San Joaquin Valley, California,
Goodell, Jonathan A. and Gillespie, Janice
Fault-Controlled Turbidite Fairways, Late Miocene and Early Pliocene of Southern California,
Gordon, Greg; Pyles, David; and Schwartz, Dan
Regional Stratigraphic Framework Along the Central California Shelf Margin for Assessment of Quaternary Activity on the Hosgri Fault Zone,
Gray, Brian; Lewandowski, Nora; Abramson Ward, Hans; Arcos, Maria E. M.; and Page, William D.
Taffeta-Like Structural Fabric Produced by Internal Deformation of Miocene-Pliocene Sedimentary Rocks within the Transcurrent Hosgri Fault Zone,
Greene, H. Gary; Nishenko, Stuart; and Hogan, Phillip
Fluvial Architecture of a Cascades-Sourced “Paleo-Sacramento River” System Within the Lower Tuscan Formation in the Northern Sacramento Valley, CA,
Greene, Todd J.
Deep-Water Boulder Conglomerate Deposits in the Upper Cretaceous Panoche Formation (Campanian) of the Great Valley Group, San Luis Reservoir, Central California,
Greene, T. J. and Shapiro, R. S.
Water’s Planet,
Grimm, Kurt
An Overview of Fractures in the Monterey Formation,
Gross, Michael R.
Three-Dimensional Geometry of Coastal Deposits in the Pleistocene Merced Formation, Northern San Francisco Peninsula, California,
Grove, Karen and McGuire, Terry
Geochemical Characterization of Sediments that are a Source of Wind-Borne Dust from the Nellis Dune Recreation Area, Clark County, Nevada,
Haggard, Sarah M.; Baron, Dirk; and Horton, Robert A.
King Road Fault Block, N.W. Lost Hills Oil Field, Kern County, California,
Hector, Scott T. and Blake, Karen E.
Robbins Gas Field: A Low BTU, Nitrogen Rich Gas Accumulation,
Hector, Scott; Grenfell, Conrad; and Blake, Karen E.
Oil-Stained Sandstones of the Upper Jurassic Naknek Formation and Upper Cretaceous Kaguyak Formation, Kamishak Bay Area, Lower Cook Inlet, Alaska,
Herriott, Trystan M.; Wartes, Marwan A.; Stanley, Richard G.; Lillis, Paul G.; Helmold, Kenneth P.; Decker, Paul L.; and Gillis, Robert J.
Milankovitch Cyclicity in the Miocene-Pliocene Monterey, Pismo, and Sisquoc Formations of California,
Hill Pamela S.; Behl, Richard J.; and Strickland, Heather
Urban Seismic Exploration Case History – Long Beach 3D Seismic Survey,
Hollis, Dan
Petroleum Systems of the Santa Cruz County Coast, California,
Hosford Scheirer, Allegra; Magoon, Leslie B.; and Graham, Stephan A.
Microseismic + 3D + Log Image Data for Unconventional Targeted Drilling & Treatment,
Houston, Mark
Diagenetic Trends in the Silica Lithofacies of the Monterey Formation in the Southwestern Casmalia Hills: Santa Maria, CA,
Ijeoma, Idu Opral C. and Behl, Richard J.
Detrital Zircons Indicate No Drainage Link between Southern California Rivers and the Colorado Plateau from Mid-Cretaceous through Pliocene,
Ingersoll, Raymond V.; Grove, Marty; Jacobson, Carl E.; Kimbrough, David L.; and Hoyt, Johanna F.
Tectonic Characterization of the THUMS-Huntington Beach Fault, Offshore Southern California,
Ishutov, Sergey
Evolution of Permeability and Induced Seismicity during Reservoir Stimulation; Role of Fluid Pressure and Thermal Transients on Reactivated Fractured Networks,
Izadi, Ghazal and Elsworth, Derek
Climbing Ripple Successions in Turbidite Systems: Depositional Environments, Sedimentation Rates, and Accumulation Times,
Jobe, Zane R.; Lowe, Donald R.; and Morris, William R.
Sediment Budgets And Depositional Processes Influencing Submarine Canyon Systems, Equatorial Guinea, West Africa,
Jobe, Zane R.; McGann, Mary M.; and Lowe, Donald R.
Shallow Structure and Geomorphology of the Hosgri Strike-Slip Fault, Offshore Central California,
Johnson, Samuel Y.; Watt, Janet T.; and Hartwell, Stephen R.
Evidence for Dynamic Marine Processes in the Lower Cretaceous Pebble Shale Unit and GRZ of the Hue Shale, Petroleum Source Rocks, North Slope, Alaska,
Keller, Margaret A. and Macquaker, Joe H. S.
Panama Exploration: A GPS-Based Kinematic Model for the Western Caribbean,
Kobayashi, Dice
Are Subannual Turbidity Currents Observed in the Monterey Canyon Competent to Carve Large Crescent-shaped Bedforms within its Axial Channel?,
Kostic, Svetlana
Evidence for Northward Increasing Slip along the San Gregorio-San Simeon-Hosgri Fault,
Langenheim, V. E.; Jachens, R. C.; Graymer, R. W.; Colgan, J. P.; Wentworth, C. M.; and Stanley, R. G.
Chemostratigraphy of Hemipelagic Facies of the Monterey Formation and Equivalent Sedimentary Rocks, Los Angeles Basin, California,
Lanners, Rebecca; Behl, Richard J.; and Herzig, Charles
High-Resolution Seismic Imaging of the Geologically (and Politically) Complex Coastal and Nearshore Zone [or What Can You Get With 2-kJ or Less?],
Legg, Mark
Shelf Tidal Ridges: The Sweet Sandstone Reservoirs of the Cretaceous Upper Almond Formation, Washakie Basin, Wyoming,
Leva-López, J.; Rossi V.; Olariu C.; and Steel R.
Architectural Elements and Heterogeneity of Braided Fluvial Deposits, Middle Jurassic, Datong Basin, Northern China,
Li, Shunli; Yu, Xinghe; Olariu, Cornel; and Steel, Ron J.
Isolating Bank Strength Controls on River Terrace Evolution: Implications for Sediment Delivery to Marine Depositional Basins,
Limaye, Ajay B. S. and Lamb, Michael P.
Observations of Seafloor Fluid Venting Along the Transform Margin Between the North American and Pacific Plates in the Gulf of California,
Lundsten, Eve; Anderson, Krystle; Paull, Charles K.; Caress, Dave W.; Thomas, Hans; Gwiazda, Roberto; Herguera, Juan Carlos; McGann, Mary; Edwards, Brian; Hinojosa, Alejandro; Mercado, Beatriz Eugenia Mejia; and Sanchez, Ana Cristina
Evolution and Architecture of Deep-Sea Channels from High-Resolution AUV Imaging of the Modern Pacific Margin, Offshore Central California,
Maier, Katherine L.; Fildani, Andrea; Paull, Charles K.; McHargue, Timothy R.; Graham, Stephan A.; and Caress, David W.
A New Approach Towards Optimized Passive Seismic Survey Design with Simultaneous Borehole and Surface Measurements,
Maity, Debotyam and Aminzadeh, Fred
Integrated Fracture Characterization and Associated Error Evaluation Using Geophysical Data for Unconventional Reservoirs,
Maity, Debotyam; Chen, Qiaosi; and Aminzadeh, Fred
Interplay Between Tributary Channels and Overbank Splays in the Puchkirchen Channel Belt in the Austrian Molasse Basin,
Masalimova, Larisa U.; Lowe, Donald R.; McHargue, Timothy
Characterizing the Structure and Earthquake Potential of the Blind Ventura and Southern San Cayetano Fault Systems,
McAuliffe, Lee J.; Dolan, James F.; Hubbard, Judith; Shaw, John H.; Pratt, Thomas L.; and Rhodes, Ed
Comparison of Benthic Foraminiferal AMS
14C and Optically Stimulated Luminescence Dating Techniques Used to Determine the Timing of Holocene Sediment Transport Down the Monterey Submarine Canyon,
McGann, M.; Stevens, T.; Paull, C. K.; Ussler, W., III; and Buylaert, J-P.
A Turbidite Fan without Distributary Channels and Fed from a Dispersed Line Source is Imaged by 3D Seismic Data in an Upper Slope Setting, Nigeria,
McHargue, Tim
Sedimentary and Structural Evolution of the Neogene Salinas Basin, California: Implications for Burial History Modeling of a Strike-Slip Basin,
Menotti, Tess; Meisling, Kristian; and Graham, Stephan A.
Utilizing Channel-Belt Scaling Parameters to Constrain Lateral Extent and Drainage Basin Character,
Milliken, K.T.; Willis, B.J.; Connell, S.D.; Bracken, B.; Payenberg, T.H.D.; and Sixsmith, P.
Shallow Slip Deficit of the 1992 Mw 7.3 Landers Earthquake Using Sub-Pixel Image Correlation,
Milliner, Chris W.; Hollingsworth, James; Dolan, James; Leprince, Sebastien; and Ayoub, Francois
Baja California Sur, an Untapped Great Valley of California,
Minch, John A.; Ledesma-Vásquez, Jorge; and Guzmán, Alfredo E.
Framework of the Ancestral Brooks Range from Detrital Zircon Populations in Early Brookian Foreland Basin Deposits,
Moore, Thomas E. and O’Sullivan, Paul B.
Detailed Lithostratigraphic Characterization of the Monterey Formation at Chico Martinez Creek, California,
Mosher, Annie; Guillaume, Jonathan; and Behl, Richard J.
Is There a Paleotsunami Record in the San Elijo Lagoon, San Diego?,
Nadimi, Khadija; Kirby, Mathew E.; and Rhodes, Brady
Quantitative Analysis of the Geometry of Submarine External Levees; Exponential or Power-Law?,
Nakajima, Takeshi and Kneller, Benjamin C.
California and Other Modern Basin Floor Seismo-Turbidite Sedimentology: Implications for Active Tectonic Margin Stratigraphy and Reservoirs,
Nelson, C. Hans; Goldfinger, Chris; Gutierrez Pastor, Julia
Evaluating a Mineralogical Control on Arsenic and Lead Concentrations in California Gold Mine Tailings,
Neptune, Chad K. and DeGraff, Jerome
Diagenesis of the Oligocene Vedder Formation, Greeley Oil Field, Southern San Joaquin Basin, California, USA,
Nguyen, Diem T.; Horton, Robert A. Jr.; and Kaess, Alyssa B.
The Transition Zone: New Life from an Abandoned Pool,
Nicholson, Geoffrey E. and McKay, Charles G.
Shallow Structures In and Near an Active Transcurrent Fault Zone – The Hosgri Deformation Zone,
Nishenko, Stuart P.; Ward, Hans Abramson; Angell, Michael; Pearce, Justin; Gray, Brian; Greene, H. Gary; and Hogan, Phil
Pliocene to Quaternary Terrigenous and Calcareous Succession at ODP Site 1119 Off New Zealand as a Drift Reservoir Analogue,
Nolasco, Jasmyn M. and Marsaglia, Kathleen M.
Geostatistical and Physical Analysis of Temperature Distribution in the Akutan Geothermal Reservoir,
Ohren, Mary; Vigier, Louise; Siffert, Deborah; Garcia, Michel H.; Bonnetblanc, Paul; and Bailey, Alan
Petrology and Porosity Development in Oligocene and Eocene Sandstones of the Wasco Oil Field, San Joaquin Basin, California, USA,
Olabisi, Olawale E.; Horton, Robert A. Jr., Kaess, Alyssa B.; and Caffee, Stephanie E.
Decadal Turbidite Recurrence Intervals Recorded in a Giant Scour on Eel Fan, California,
Paull, C.K.; McGann, M.; Edwards, B.D.; Barnes, P.; Gwiazda, R.; Lundsten, E.M.; Anderson, K.; Sumner, E., and Caress, D.W.
Stratigraphic Architecture Intermediate Between Channels and Lobes: Characterization and Insight from the Tres Pasos Formation, Magallanes Basin, Southern Chile,
Pemberton, Erin A. L.; Hubbard, Stephen M.; Romans, Brian W.; and Fletcher, Sean D.T.
Chemometric Recognition of Genetically Distinct Oil Families in the Los Angeles Basin,
Peters, K.E.; Ramos, L. Scott; and Zumberge, J.E.
Architecture of Interfingering Fluvial and Lacustrine Facies of Gilbert Delta Systems in the Coalmont Formation, North Park Colorado,
Peterson, Christopher D. and Trexler, James H. Jr.
Geothermal Exploration on the Island of Montserrat, Caribbean,
Poux, Bastien and Brophy, Paul
Facies Analysis and Stratigraphic Relationships of Avulsion Splay Successions in the Paleogene Wilcox Formation, Deep Water Gulf of Mexico,
Power, Bruce; Clark, Julian; Covault, Jacob; Fildani, Andrea; Sullivan, Morgan; Carson, Brooke; Zarra, Larry; and Romans, Brian
Outcrop Analogs of Confined Channel Systems, Weakly Confined Channel Systems, and Distributive Channel-lobe Systems, Southern California,
Pyles, David; Jennette, David; Fleming, Alexandra; Sullivan, Morgan; Schwartz, Dan; and Stammer, Jane
Links Between Global Climate and the Evolution of Cold Upwelling on the California Margin Since the Late Miocene,
Ravelo, A.C.; LaRiviere, J.; and Dekens, P.
Gas Well/Water Well Subsurface Contamination – Plan for Investigation,
Railsback, Rickard
Comparison and Contrasts Between Different Tidal Sand-Bodies: the Case of the Jurassic Neuquèn Basin, Argentina,
Rossi, V. M., Steel, R., Leva-Lopez, J.
Structural and Stratigraphic 3D Seismic Interpretation of Middle Cretaceous in South East Muglad Basin, Sudan,
Saror, Dorar Hamdoba Elshaikh
New Bering Sea Basin Observations Imply that Ascending Thermogenic Methane Pools in Large Sub-BSR Accumulations and Contributes Regionally to Deposits of Near-Surface Methane Hydrate,
Scholl, David W.; Wood, Warren T.; Barth, Ginger A.; and Childs, Jonathan J.
Sequence Stratigraphic and Structural Interpretation, Modeling and Restoration in the National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska (NPRA),
Schultz, Lauren E.; Connors, Christopher D.; Houseknecht, David W.; Stier, Natalie
Coal Gasification, Cook Inlet,
Schutt, Ethan
Structural Interpretation of the Dixie Meadows Geothermal Prospect using Joint Modeling of Gravity and Magnetic Data,
Schwering, Paul C. and Karlin, Robert E.
A Reappraisal of Paleogeography and Early Slip on the San Andreas Fault Based Upon Detrital Zircon Geochronology of Paleogene Forearc Strata in Central California,
Sharman, Glenn R.; Graham, Stephan A.; Grove, Marty; Hourigan, Jeremy
Mapping Fracture Networks and Fairways Using Tomographic Fracture ImagingTM from Microseismic Energy,
Sicking, Charles; Vermilye, Jan; Geiser, Peter; Lacazette, Alfred; and Thompson, Laird
Spatial Variability in Facies and Mineralogy in Deep-Water Lobes of the Point Loma Formation, San Diego, CA,
Stammer, Jane and Pyles, David
Provenance and Detrital-Zircon Analyses of the Cajon Valley, Punchbowl and Mint Canyon Formations and Their Correlated Lithofacies in Central and Southern California,
Stang, Dallon M.; Ingersol, Raymond V.; Hoyt, Johanna F.; Coffey, Kevin T.; Jacobsen, Carl E.; and Grove, Marty
Hyperpycnal Subaqueous Fans in an Active Margin Basin, Northern Santa Barbara Channel, California,
Steel, Elisabeth; Simms, Alexander; and Warrick, Jonathan
Structural Interpretation and Modeling of the Santa Ynez Unit, Offshore Santa Barbara, California, with Implications for Transverse Range Tectonics,
Steritz, J.W. and Harkins, N. W.
Morphodynamic Models for the Construction of Submarine Channel Levees and Implications for the Hydraulic Geometry of Submarine Channels,
Straub, Kyle M.; Cantelli, Alessandro; and Sylvester, Zoltan
Fracture Architecture and Mechanical Stratigraphy in the Monterey Formation and its Relationship to Sedimentary Cycles at Montaña de Oro, California,
Strickland, Heather; Behl, Richard J.; and Gross, Michael
Is the Late Paleozoic Ely-Bird Spring Basin of Nevada an Unrecognized Ancestral Rocky Mountains Basin?,
Sturmer, Daniel M. and Trexler, James H., Jr.
Hierarchical Modeling of Deepwater Channelized Reservoirs: the Difference that Makes a Difference,
Sullivan, M.D.; Pyrcz, M.; and Covault, J.A.
The Markley Submarine Canyon in the Sacramento Basin, Northern California,
Sullivan, Raymond and Sullivan, Morgan D.
Geochemistry of Shallow Water Shales from the Virgin Limestone, NV, USA: Evidence for Periodic Shallow-Water Anoxia Following the Permian-Triassic Mass Extinction,
Sullivan, Shawn and Woods, Adam D.
Preliminary Dynamic Models of Rupture Propagation Along the San Andreas Fault System Through the San Gorgonio Pass, CA,
Tarnowski, Jennifer M. and Oglesby, David D.
A Comparative High-Resolution Study of δ15N in Modern Sediments in the Gulf of California and the California Borderland, and the Miocene Monterey Formation: Interpreting Changes in the Intensity of the OMZ,
Tems, Caitlin and Berelson, Will
Matrix-Rich Sandstones – an Essential Component of Base-of-Slope and Basin-Floor Avulsion Splays in the Neoproterozoic Windermere Supergroup,
Terlaky, Viktor and Arnott, Bill
Using Regional and Local Stacking Patterns of Architectural Elements to Model Internal Lobe Architecture in a Deep-Water Basin-Floor Fan: Windermere Supergroup, B.C., Canada,
Terlaky, Viktor and Arnott, R. William C.
Coeval Deepwater Slope Channel and Slope Fan Systems in the Eocene Juncal Formation, Coast and Transverse Ranges, Southern California,
Turner, Olivia C. and Dykstra, Mason
Active Petroleum Systems in Alaska’s Interior Basins: Nenana and Yukon Flats,
Van Kooten, Gerald K.
Petroleum Reservoir Characterization Using Noble Gas Geochemistry and GIS Engineering Technology,
Vasquez, Diego A. and Darrah, Thomas
The Changing Face of Alaska North Slope Exploration and Development,
Vendl, L.J.
Geometry and Active Tectonics of the Los Osos-Hosgri Fault Intersection,
Watt, J.T.; Johnson, S.Y.; and Hartwell, S.R.
An Integrated Multidisciplinary Re-Evaluation of the Geothermal System at Valles Caldera, New Mexico, Using an Immersive Three-Dimensional (3D) Visualization Environment,
Wildgoose, Maya; Bennett, Scott; Fowler, Andrew; and Cantwell, Carolyn
Pore Pressure Controls on Slope Failure and Transport of Sand into Deep Sea,
You, Yao; Mohrig, David; and Flemings, Peter
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