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2012-2013 AAPG Distinguished Lecture Series

Search and Discovery Article #90159 (2012)
Posted December 31, 2012


Using Paleogeographic Maps to Portray Phanerozoic Geologic and Paleotectonic History of Western North America,
      Ronald C. Blakey

The Impact of Igneous Intrusions and Extrusions on Hydrocarbon Prospectivity in Extensional Settings: A 3D Seismic Perspective,
      Christopher A-L. Jackson

3D Seismic Reflection and Borehole Expression of Tectonically-Controlled Deep-Marine Reservoirs; Examples from the Northern North Sea Hydrocarbon Province,
      Christopher A-L. Jackson

Carbonates — A Challenge for Basin Modelers,
      Marek Kacewicz

Petroleum Systems Modeling — State of the Art and Future Directions,
      Marek Kacewicz

Chasing Bits and Pieces of New Zealand from Source to Sink: Sand Provenance Studies in New Zealand Sedimentary Systems and Implications for Hydrocarbon Exploration across "Zealandia",
      Kathleen M. Marsaglia

Mudrock Reservoirs – Why Depositional Fabric and Sequence Stratigraphic Framework Matter,
      Jeffrey A. May

Mass Balance Effects in Depositional Systems,
      Chris Paola

Experimental Stratigraphy,
      Chris Paola

Oil Spills, Ethics, and Society: How They Intersect and Where the Responsibilities Reside,
      W. C. ‘Rusty’ Riese

Controls on Previous HitHydrothermalTop Dolomites and Their Reservoir Properties,
      Art Saller

Diagenetic Evolution of Porosity in Carbonates during Burial,
      Art Saller

Sequence Stratigraphy of Classic Carbonate Outcrops in West Texas and Southeast New Mexico with Subsurface Analogs,
      Art Saller

Pleistocene Shelf-to-Basin Depositional Systems, Offshore East Kalimantan, Indonesia: Insights into Deep-Water Slope Channels and Fans,
      Art Saller

The Exploration, Appraisal and Development of Unconventional Reservoirs: A New Approach to Petroleum Geology,
      Richard K. Stoneburner

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