--> ABSTRACT: Geological Characteristics and Developing -Prospecting Foreground of Oil shale in Tongchuan- Huangling District, Shaaxi, North China, by Yunlai, Bai; #90155 (2012)
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Geological Characteristics and Developing -Prospecting Foreground of Previous HitOilNext Hit Previous HitshaleNext Hit in Tongchuan- Huangling District, Shaaxi, North China

Yunlai, Bai
NWGI, Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration and Development, PetroChina, Lanzhou, China.

Abstract Previous HitOilNext Hit Previous HitshaleNext Hit is becoming a research hot point with decreasing increasingly in hydrocarbon resources at the moment. It is indicated that there are abundant Previous HitoilNext Hit Previous HitshaleNext Hit resources in ORDOS basin by predecessors and us. Previous HitOilNext Hit Previous HitshaleNext Hit resources in ORDOS basin is 60% of that in middle-west China and order in first among all basins in China. The main beds of occurrence Previous HitoilNext Hit Previous HitshaleNext Hit is the upper of lower bench of Yanchang Formation(Ty), and were formed in middle Triassic period(late T2). The crops of Previous HitoilNext Hit Previous HitshaleNext Hit mainly distributed in Tongchuan city-Huangling county. The thickness of main ore beds is generally 2-36m . The Previous HitoilNext Hit-bearing rate is 1.8 -13.7% , caloric value 1.66-11.45MJ/Kg and type of kerabitumen I-II1 ,rate of hydrocarbon -producing400Kg/t(moderate -better ) . The proved resources amount is around10000 million tons and reserves amount is closely100 million tons in the area . It is pointed out that Previous HitoilNext Hit Previous HitshaleNext Hit were formed in light wate-nearshore -powerful reduction- wealthy organic material depositional environment by differ data and fell into hemi-deep lacustrine facies in large inland lake. The burial of Previous HitoilNext Hit Previous HitshaleNext Hit is shallow and reserves is large, and traffic condition is advantageous in the area. If Previous HitoilNext Hit Previous HitshaleNext Hit is developed on time, not only preliminary economic results may be acquired but precious experience in develop Previous HitoilNext Hit Previous HitshaleNext Hit may gain in ORDOS basin also. Besides, Previous HitoilNext Hit Previous HitshaleTop mine is nearest to Xian city and having great sense for developing


AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90155©2012 AAPG International Conference & Exhibition, Singapore, 16-19 September 2012