--> ABSTRACT: Integrated 3D Fracture Network Seismic Analysis of Tectonic System for Fluid Transport along Active Fault in Ganga Basin, by Kumar, Mohit; Chaudhary, Varun; Kumar, Rajat; Rastogi, Manu; Singh, Shubham; #90155 (2012)
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Integrated 3D Fracture Network Previous HitSeismicNext Hit Analysis of Tectonic System for Fluid Transport along Active Fault in Ganga Basin

Kumar, Mohit¹; Chaudhary, Varun²; Kumar, Rajat²; Rastogi, Manu²; Singh, Shubham²
¹Petroleum engineering and earth sciences, University of Petroleum and Energy Studies, Najibabad, India.
²Petroleum Engineering and Earth Sciences, University of Petroleum and Energy Studies, Dehradun, India.

Three dimensional fracture network combined from Previous HitseismicNext Hit scale to wellbore scale can greatly enhance the knowledge of fracture contribution to hydrocarbon storage and flow inside the reservoir and for this integrated structural analysis of Previous HitseismicNext Hit and various well data are necessary to optimize hydrocarbon reservoir characterization. Through integrated analysis, pitfalls such as interpreting any linear feature on time dip Previous HitattributeNext Hit maps as fault has been avoided. Previous HitSeismicNext Hit correlation data are used to document variation in zonation thickness caused by sedimentological or structural changes. Paper demonstrates how the analysis and integration of Previous HitseismicNext Hit data, stratigraphic log correlation data gives the comprehensive understanding of the reservoir characteristics in the area around sahanjahanpur district in Ganga basin. Paper presents some of the techniques for fracture network analysis at Previous HitseismicNext Hit scale.Paper will discuss how the fracture data acquired from the combined analysis of the Previous HitseismicTop and wellbore images logs, have to be processed in order to calculate the geometrical parameter of each feature and to classify them according to their filling such as oil, water, shale, calcite etc in Ganga basin for hydrocarbon exploration.The data analysis of the fracture network related to the tectonism of the Ganga basin area will be subdivided into three steps. First will be of the post processing of the geometrical data in order to define the fracture sets and the dimensions of the fracture. Second steps will be the evaluation of the fracture orientation in order to verify the homogeneity of the fracture framework with depth. The third steps will consist of the comparison of the geometric characteristics of the total fracture along the active fault in the area around the Ganga basin for hydrocarbon exploration. We find that the nearness to the fault, fault structure and magnitude of tectonics stress play primary roles in determining whether the regional field will be perturbed in a given reservoir or permeability anisotropy will be affected by the variation in the local stress field. The technique used in this paper also helps us to identify the fracture connectivity, matrix block size, fracture porosity and the fracture permeability which helps in to identify the fluid flow through the fractured reservoir in Ganga basin.


AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90155©2012 AAPG International Conference & Exhibition, Singapore, 16-19 September 2012