Containment of CO2 in CCS: Role of Caprocks and Faults
The successful commercial scale deployment of carbon capture and storage (CCS) requires assurance of the confinement of the injected CO2 at each potential storage site. The most critical elements of the confinement of CO2 are the caprock overlying the storage formation, and any faults or fractures which occur within the caprock.
The most significant aspect of containment is the
potential of the caprock, defined as the
capacity, geometry and
integrity. The sealing capacity refers to the CO2 column height that
the caprock can retain before capillary forces allow the migration of the CO2
through the caprock. Determination of capacity is achieved primarily through petrophysical analyses such as mercury injection capillary pressure (MICP)
tests. For storage in depleted fields, assessments of
capacity can be made
from empirical observations of actual hydrocarbon column heights and converting
these to CO2 physical properties (density, temperature, pressure).
Where these data sources are unavailable, the use of analogs (from known
comparable caprocks) can be a viable alternative. The measured
from MICP data must, however, be tempered by the hydrodynamic environment above
and below the
which may modify the calculated
geometry refers to the thickness and lateral
extent of the caprock. The caprock must have sufficient lateral extent to cover
whatever structural, stratigraphic or hydrodynamic storage reservoir in which
the CO2 is trapped. In addition, it must be thick enough to maintain
an effective barrier despite faults through it. In other words, the
thickness should exceed the throw of faults that cut it.
geometry is evaluated through detailed
stratigraphic and sedimentological analyses, wireline log data and seismic
techniques, which are also required for baseline surveys prior to CO2
integrity refers to the geomechanical properties
of the caprock. These properties are controlled by caprock mineralogy, regional
and local stress fields as well as any stress changes induced by injection or
withdrawal of water or CO2. The modification of the stress field
within a storage formation during and after injection of CO2 can
lead to reservoir and caprock mechanical
. This
can result in
the generation of new faults and fractures, reactivation of existing faults
and/or bedding parallel slip.. The key parameters determining whether faults
might act as conduits or as seals are the juxtaposition relationships of rocks
on either side of a fault plane, the material on the fault plane itself or the
reactivation potential of the fault. The greatest likelihood of fluid migration
up faults is during or immediately after reactivation. However, the mere
existence of faults should not automatically prohibit geological storage of
carbon dioxide. On the contrary, sealing faults commonly trap hydrocarbons and
compartmentalize oil and gas reservoirs. Such sealing faults could also form
suitable confining barriers at CO2 storage sites.
AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90142 © 2012 AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition, April 22-25, 2012, Long Beach, California