Shelf-Edge Delta Regime as a Predictor of Deepwater Deposition
Shelf-edge delta regime, defined as the sum of the process
effects of waves, currents and tides, impacting deltas as they arrive at the
shelf edge is a key predictor for likelihood of sand transport off the shelf
edge to deep water. Conventional sequence-stratigraphic concepts assumed that
delivery of sand to the Deepwater occurs during falling and lowstand of
relative sea level, and was associated with shelf-edge incision and sediment
bypass. Recent analysis
of outcrop and subsurface datasets has shown, however,
that sediment can also be transported to the deep water during rising and highstand of sea level, provided sediment flux is high. In addition, some
examples with documented shelf edge entrenchment associated with sea level fall
did not deliver significant sand volumes to the deep water. In contrast to
relative sea level and sediment flux, the role of the shelf-edge delta itself
and its process regime in transporting sediment to the deep water has received
relatively little attention. On wave-dominated coastlines, wave energy
redistributes sediment in a shoreline-parallel direction reducing the amount
that is transported basinward. Tidal deltas that occur on the outer shelf and
shelf edge usually occur during transgression, and as such, much of the
sediment is stored within the deltaic tidal channels and not transported basinward. River-dominated deltas, however, transport significant quantities of
sediment basinward through a combination of turbidity currents and delta-front oversteepening and collapse. Shelf-edge delta regime is interpreted in outcrop
of sedimentary structures, ichno-fossil assemblages and stratigraphic architecture at the bed and parasequence scale as these features
are characteristically distinct in river-, tide- and wave-dominated deltas. In
3-dimensional seismic data, delta regime is interpreted from stratigraphic
architecture and surface seismic
methods, calibrated by well
logs and core sampling. A dataset of more than 25 shelf-margin clinoforms is
used to highlight how shelf-edge delta depositional style and particularly the
presence of a strong river-drive for shelf-edge deltas is a more reliable
indicator of Deepwater sand delivery than either traditional systems tract or
shelf-edge trajectory approaches.
AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90142 © 2012 AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition, April 22-25, 2012, Long Beach, California