--> ABSTRACT: VSP Multiple Analysis as a Guide for Multiple Elimination in Surface Seismic Data, by Owusu, John; Lesnikov, Vladislav; #90141 (2012)
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VSP Previous HitMultipleNext Hit Analysis as a Guide for Previous HitMultipleNext Hit Elimination in Surface Seismic Data

Owusu, John 1; Lesnikov, Vladislav *1
(1) Saudi Aramco, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia.

Vertical Seismic Profiling (VSP) provides one of the best tools for identifying multiples and their generators. A special Previous HitmultipleNext Hit analysis technique allows us to use VSP data to differentiate between surface-related and interbed multiples, and to determine which seismic reflectors are involved in the generation of a particular Previous HitmultipleNext Hit. The technique is based on the joint analysis of VSP wavefields processed using three different types of deterministic deconvolution: waveshaping, reference trace and conventional trace-by-trace deconvolution. These different wavefields provide an opportunity to understand the mechanism of the Previous HitmultipleNext Hit generation. The separated wavefields containing primary reflections only, surface related multiples, and interbed multiples can be generated from the deconvolved wavefields. This technique provides insight into the origin of residual multiples in surface seismic data, and helps in understanding the contribution of surface and interbed multiples to the total Previous HitmultipleNext Hit wavefield contaminating the primaries at target intervals. Using this knowledge, Previous HitmultipleNext Hit removal procedures can be designed and applied accordingly. For interbed multiples, the VSP data help to guide the removal process by providing the major reflectors involved in the generation of particular Previous HitmultipleNext Hit events. VSP data also act as a QC tool for the surface seismic Previous HitmultipleNext Hit removal procedures. The application of the proposed technique on real data from the Arabian Gulf demonstrated the usefulness of the information extracted from the VSP. The results confirmed the presence of strong Previous HitmultipleNext Hit reflections in the surface seismic data contaminating the primaries of the Khuff formation. In addition to the interbed multiples, the VSP data analysis indicated a high contamination of multiples generated from the shallow reflectors. Reprocessing carried out on 3D seismic data using the information derived from the VSP Previous HitmultipleTop analysis showed significant improvements at the reservoir level.


AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90141©2012, GEO-2012, 10th Middle East Geosciences Conference and Exhibition, 4-7 March 2012, Manama, Bahrain