--> ABSTRACT: Seismic and Image Log Data Integration; a New Approach to Reservoir Quality Evaluation, by Frass, Manfred; #90135 (2011)
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Seismic and Image Log Previous HitDataNext Hit Integration; a New Approach to Reservoir Quality Evaluation

Frass, Manfred 1
(1)Weatherford Intl., Houston, TX.

Previous Hit3DNext Hit Seismic, is the lowest vertical resolution Previous HitdataNext Hit available to start with any reservoir characterization study and on the other hand, image logs are a Previous HitdataNext Hit source with the highest vertical resolution used to perform detailed analysis of a reservoir. The lateral coverage is best achieved with the Previous Hit3DNext Hit seismic and is mostly the only Previous HitdataNext Hit available, while the image logs are restricted to the well drilled within the area covered by the seismic. So, in order to integrate both Previous HitdataNext Hit sets different processes have been developed and are applied on a daily bases, and in the past were limited to big features like tops, structural dip, or any other structural feature, present along the interval intersected by the well trajectory. From the image logs, now new Previous HitdataNext Hit can be derived like a curve defining a sorting index of a sand sequence, or define the grain sizes of the sand sequence, or a permeability curve derived from the grain size distribution within a sand sequence, all these curves could be used to guide inversion processes of seismic Previous HitdataNext Hit, in order to generate Previous Hit3DNext Hit volumes representing these parameters which were not available before, or were just points derived from cores along standard logs, but not on a continuous log. This new methodology opens now the possibility to generate these Previous Hit3DNext Hit volumes, integrating the two most different vertical resolution Previous HitdataTop sets of sub surface evaluation of reservoir quality.


AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90135©2011 AAPG International Conference and Exhibition, Milan, Italy, 23-26 October 2011.