Tectonic Evolution of the Albertine Graben of the East African Rift System; Constrained from Geological and Geophysical Data Recently Acquired in the Graben
Dozith Abeinomugisha, Frank Mugisha, and Nurudin Njabire, #90124 (2011)
Sequence-Stratigraphic Controls on Sandstone Diagenesis – An Example from the Williams Fork Formation, Piceance Basin, Colorado
Adel M. Aboktef, Matthew J. Pranter, and David A. Budd, #90124 (2011)
Current-Induced Transport and Depositional Processes of the Barnett Shale in Fort Worth Basin, Texas, USA
Mohamed O. Abouelresh and Roger M. Slatt, #90124 (2011)
Best Practices for the Collection,
, and Interpretation of Seabed Geochemical Samples to Evaluate Subsurface Hydrocarbon Generation and Entrapment
Michael A. Abrams, #90124 (2011)
Accommodation Succession Method and Mass Balance
: Predicting Sediment Distribution and Stratigraphic Architecture
Vitor Abreu, Mike Blum, John Martin, Damian O'Grady, Jack Neal, and Chris Paola, #90124 (2011)
The Hydrocarbon Potential of Keta Basin, Deep-Water Ghana
Clara Abu, Malcolm Francis, Nora Herbst, Graham Milne, and Clara Rodriguez, #90124 (2011)
The Upper Cretaceous and Eocene Source Rocks in the Sfax Offshore Permit – Gulf of Gabes - Tunisia, Pelagian Basin, North Africa: Source Rock Characterization, Petroleum Generation, Charge History and Prediction of Migration Pathways
Mohamed Hedi Acheche, Hossam Ali, Jay E. Leonard, Mohamed Elleuch, Ali M'Rabet, Mark Mathis, Patrick T. Gordon, and Hans M. Bisewski, #90124 (2011)
Facies Architecture of Sandstones and Shales in Mouth Bar Assemblages of the Late Cretaceous Ferron Notom Delta, Factory Butte, Utah
Sumiyyah Ahmed and Janok Bhattacharya, #90124 (2011)
Pore Characteristics in Microbial Carbonate Reservoirs
Wayne M. Ahr, Ernest A. Mancini, and William C. Parcell, #90124 (2011)
Assessment of Porosity and Diagenesis in the Lower Cretaceous Aptian-Albian Sligo Formation, South Texas
Eyitayo Aina and Brenda L. Kirkland, #90124 (2011)
A Process-Based Classification for Marginal Marine Systems: Linking the Ancient and the Modern
Bruce Ainsworth, Boyan Vakarelov, and Rachel Nanson, #90124 (2011)
An Architecture-Based Classification for Marginal Marine Systems: Examples from the Ancient and Modern
Bruce Ainsworth, Boyan Vakarelov, and Rachel Nanson, #90124 (2011)
How Clay Grain Coats Inhibit Quartz Cement and Preserve Deep Sandstone Porosity: Some Experimental Observations
Joanna M. Ajdukiewicz and Richard E. Larese, #90124 (2011)
Structural Framework of the Corsair and Clement-Tomas Growth Fault Systems in the Texas Continental Shelf, Gulf of Mexico
Olabisi A. Ajiboye and Seiichi Nagihara, #90124 (2011)
Origin and Thermal Maturity of Cretaceous Shales from the Orange Basin: Insights from Inorganic Geochemistry
Akinsehinwa Akinlua, #90124 (2011)
Reinterpretation of the “J” Basalt Reflector from Seismic Data Reprocessing Across the Coastal Plain of Southeastern Georgia: Potential Implications for Long-Term CO2 Sequestration
Olusoga M. Akintunde, Camelia Knapp, James H. Knapp, David M. Heffner, and John Shafer, #90124 (2011)
Hydrocarbons in the Middle Miocene Jeribe Formation, Dyala, NE Iraq
Thamer K. Al-Ameri, J. Zumberge, and Z. M. Markarian, #90124 (2011)
Petroleum System
of the Mishrif Reservoir in the Ratawi, Zubair, North and South Rumaila Oil Fields, Southern Iraq
Thamer K. Al-Ameri, Amer Jassim Al-Khafaji, and J. Zumberge, #90124 (2011)
Modeling Hydrocarbon Generations of the Basrah Oil Fields, Southern Iraq; Based on Petromod with
Thamer K. Al-Ameri, Mohamed S. A. Jafar, and Janet Pitman, #90124 (2011)
Reservoir Characterization and Petrology of the Bakken Formation, Elm Coulee Field, Richland County, MT
Chloe S. Alexandre, Stephen Sonnenberg, and J Frederick Sarg, #90124 (2011)
The Role of Evaporites in a High Frequency Sequence Stratigraphic Framework for the Late Jurassic of Northeastern Saudi Arabia
Conrad Allen, Karl Leyrer, Dwight Gustafson, and Franz Meyer, #90124 (2011)
Assessing the Relationship Between Aeolian Bedforms and Hydraulic Properties in the Jurassic Navajo Sandstone in Central Utah for the Evaluation of CO2 Sequestration
Jessica L. Allen, Si-Yong Lee, and Weon Shik Han, #90124 (2011)
Impact of Fine-Scale Turbidite Channel Architecture on Deepwater Reservoir Performance
Faruk Alpak, Jean-Christophe Noirot, Mark Barton, and Steve Naruk, #90124 (2011)
Burial Diagenesis and Petrophysical Interpretation and Its Significance in Jurassic Carbonate Reservoir Characteristics of the Middle East
Abdulrahman S. Alsharhan, #90124 (2011)
Jurassic Petroleum Systems in Kuwait
Abdulrahman S. Alsharhan and Fowzia Abdullah, #90124 (2011)
Subduction-to-Strike-Slip Transition in the Southeastern Caribbean Imaged Using Deeply Penetrating Seismic Reflection Lines and Tomography
Tricia Alvarez, Carlos Vargas, Paul Mann, Alejandro Escalona, and Joan Latchman, #90124 (2011)
Detached Micros-Continents Offshore Southern Brazil: Crustal Thickness from Gravity Inversion and Plate Reconstructions
Andy Alvey, Nick J. Kusznir, and Alan M. Roberts, #90124 (2011)
Predicting CBM Well Production Performance
Kashy Aminian, #90124 (2011)
Different Styles of Fluvial Termination Deposits Around a Large Playa
Kathryn J. Amos and Angel Soria Jauregui, #90124 (2011)
Depositional Environments of the Lake Eyre Basin
Kathryn J. Amos, Carmen Krapf, and Gresley Wakelin-King, #90124 (2011)
Basalt Grain Distribution in the Cimarron River and Its Tributaries, Cimarron County, Oklahoma
Sloan T. Anderson and Alexander R. Simms, #90124 (2011)
The Deep Subsurface Geology, Hydrology, and Enhanced Geothermal Systems (EGS) Potential of NPR-3 (Teapot Dome), Natrona County, Wyoming
Thomas C. Anderson and Jose A. Velez Gonzales, #90124 (2011)
Control of Thrust-Belt Transverse Zones on Sedimentation Patterns Revisited: Implications for Exploration Strategies in Fold-Thrust Belts and Their Adjacent Foreland Basins
Jennifer L. Aschoff, Parker M. Valora, and Bruce D. Trudgill, #90124 (2011)
Major Characteristics of Lacustrine Stromatolites
Stanley M. Awramik and H. Paul Buchheim, #90124 (2011)
Potential for Enhanced Methane Production from Coal, with Concomitant CO2 Sequestration – Examples from a High-Rank Coal (Pottsville Formation, Black Warrior Basin) and a Low-Rank Coal (Wilcox Group, Texas Gulf Coast Basin)
Walter B. Ayers, Duane A. McVay, Maria A. Barrufet, Gonzalo Hernandez, Rasheed Bello, and Ting He, #90124 (2011)
Animal-Sediment Interactions and Trace Assemblages on the Asymmetrical Fraser River Delta Front and Prodelta, British Columbia, Canada
Korhan Ayranci and Shahin E. Dashtgard, #90124 (2011)
The Sedimentary Influences of Hurricanes Hannah and Ike (September 2008) on the Caicos Platform, B.W.I.: Do High-Energy Storms Impact Sedimentation on Carbonate Platforms?
Steve Bachtel, Charles Kerans, and Christine I. Bachtel, #90124 (2011)
Reservoir Characterization of the Paleocene/Eocene First Eocene Dolomite Reservoir at Wafra Field, Partitioned Zone (Saudi Arabia and Kuwait)
Steve Bachtel, Niall Toomey, David A. Pollitt, Art Saller, Meghan Playton, Vincent Heesakkers, Dennis Dull, Paul Montgomery, Bonnie Archuleta, Erik Anthonissen, and William Meddaugh, #90124 (2011)
Seismic Geomorphology of a Tertiary-Aged Isolated Carbonate Platform System, Browse Basin, Northwest Shelf of Australia: The Spatial and Temporal Evolution of Carbonate Platform Environments II - The Upper Section
Steve Bachtel, Henry W. Posamentier, and Thomas P. Gerber, #90124 (2011)
Application of Thermography to Karst Hydrogeology and Shale Outcrop Characterization
Henry Badra and Kevin Blackwood, #90124 (2011)
Field Characterization and Analog Modeling of Natural Fractures in the Woodford Shale
Henry Badra, #90124 (2011)
Application of Geomechanics-Based Restoration in the
of Growth Dynamics in Fold-Thrust Structures
Subho Banerjee and Sankar K. Muhuri, #90124 (2011)
Unlocking Value in an Unconventional Gas Shale Play by Returning to Conventional Basics: Regional
of the Woodford Shale, Arkoma Basin
Laura A. Banfield, Mitchell Graff, Aris Pramudito, and Angeni Agrawal, #90124 (2011)
Petrophysical Characterization of Bioturbated Facies from the Upper Jurassic Ula Formation, Norwegian North Sea, Europe
Greg Baniak, Murray Gingras, Beverly Burns, and George Pemberton, #90124 (2011)
Petrographic and Facies
of Pleistocene Travertines in Southern Tuscany, Central Italy
Federica Barilaro, Giovanna Della Porta, Marco Ripamonti, and Enrico Capezzuoli, #90124 (2011)
Interpretation of the Basement Step – Some Observations and Implications in the Gulf of Mexico
Steven Barker and Souvik S. Mukherjee, #90124 (2011)
New Exploration Traps in the Espino Graben. Eastern Venezuela Basin
Yoasmali A. Barrios, Noelia Baptista, and Grover Gonzales, #90124 (2011)
Lacustrine Microbialites in Great Salt Lake; Life in a Dead Lake
Robert L. Baskin, N. W. Driscoll, and Victor P. Wright, #90124 (2011)
Stratigraphic Evolution of High Relief Slope Clinoforms from Shelf-Edge to Basin Floor, Magallanes Basin, Chile
Dustin B. Bauer and Stephen M. Hubbard, #90124 (2011)
The Dilemma of Fine-Grained, Very Thinly Bedded Reservoirs; Storage Versus Deliverability, Elon Reservoir Area, Okume Complex, Offshore Equatorial Guinea
Rick Beaubouef, Steve Uchytil, Dan Maguire, Hans Ladegaard, John Spokes, Bill Hay, and Doug Palkowsky, #90124 (2011)
Application of Outcrop-Based Modeling of Deep-Water Channels, Okume Complex, Offshore Equatorial Guinea; How Much Reservoir Detail Do You Need?
Rick Beaubouef, Bill Hay, Doug Palkowsky, John Spokes, and Steve Uchytil, #90124 (2011)
Surveillance Well Utility in 4-D Modeling of Oil Saturation Changes at Kern River Field, California, USA
Dale Beeson and Janae Singer, #90124 (2011)
Estimation of Gas Volumes in Shales Gas: Kinetic and Isotope Modeling for Methane and Ethane Generation
Françoise Behar, Daniel M. Jarvie, Laurent Mazeas, and Stéphanie Roy, #90124 (2011)
Lunar Helium-3 Value Chain: Investment and Funding
Dieter Beike, #90124 (2011)
Fault Development and Syn-rift Basin Structure Within the Corinth Rift, Greece
Rebecca Bell, Lisa McNeill, Jon Bull, and Tim Henstock, #90124 (2011)
A Digital Outcrop Analog for Upper Paleozoic Carbonate Slope Reservoirs
Jerome A. Bellian, Ted Playton, Jeroen Kenter, Paul M. Harris, and James Ellis, #90124 (2011)
Reducing Uncertainty in a Basin-Centred Gas System; Designing an Intense Data Collection Program
Philip H. Benham, Michael Argument, Samantha F. Jones, Laura A. Teterenko, and Jose Luis Chavarria, #90124 (2011)
Shale Gas: Advances in Technology and Impacts on Markets
Porter Bennett, #90124 (2011)
Recognition and Meaning of Hydrocarbon Seeps
Timothy B. Berge, #90124 (2011)
A Multidisciplinary Assessment of Generation-Migration-Charge-Leakage-Seepage Processes, Gippsland Basin, Australia
Timothy B. Berge, Geoff O'Brien, P. Tingate, L. Goldie Divko, J. Miranda, and K. Liu, #90124 (2011)
Carbonate Clumped Isotope Thermometry: A Tool for Investigating Carbonate Burial Diagenesis
Kristin D. Bergmann, John Grotzinger, David A. Katz, and John M. Eiler, #90124 (2011)
Natural Gas Supply: Not as Great or as Inexpensive as Commonly Believed
Arthur E. Berman, #90124 (2011)
Lower Magdalena Basin, Colombia: A Forearc Basin Formed Above a Zone of Active, Shallow Subduction
Rocio D. Bernal-Olaya, Paul Mann, and Carlos Vargas, #90124 (2011)
Gas Generation Reactions in Highly Mature Gas Shales
Sylvain Bernard, Brian Horsfield, Hans-Martin Schulz, Anja Schreiber, and Richard Wirth, #90124 (2011)
Constraints on Development of Anoxia Through Geochemical Facies Mapping of Devonian Black Shales in the Southern Midcontinent
Robert R. Berryman and Anna M. Cruse, #90124 (2011)
Platform-Scale Fracture Patterns in Atoll-Like Carbonate Platforms: The Latemar Case Study (Dolomites, Italy)
Giovanni Bertotti, Herman Boro, and Fred Beekman, #90124 (2011)
Current Impact on Carbonate Platform Growth and Drowning
Christian Betzler, Christian Hübscher, Joern Fuerstenau, Thomas Luedmann, Sebastian Lindhorst, Andre W. Droxler, Andreas Paul, and John Reijmer, #90124 (2011)
Unit Mouth Bars and Their Role in the Construction of River-Dominated Delta Fronts
Janok Bhattacharya, Sumiyyah Ahmed, Eric Blankenship, Daniel Garza, Yangyang Li, and Yijie Zhu, #90124 (2011)
Reservoir Geology of Mensa Field After 13 years of Production, Deepwater Gulf of Mexico (GOM)
Peter Bilinski and Muhammad Razi, #90124 (2011)
Reducing Reservoir Uncertainty in a Phased Development – Tahiti Field, Deepwater Gulf of Mexico, USA
Travis Billiter, John Bretches, Wesley Clark, Bree Goff, Ryan Guillory, Sean Hanrahan, Jordan Heltz, Tom Hudson, Nestor Rivera, Carlos Picornell, Greg Rowland, Mark Sawyer, Alastair M. Swanston, David M. Tatum, and Russell D. Wiggins, #90124 (2011)
Integrated Sedimentary, Geochemical, and Geomechanical Evaluation of the Mancos Shale, Uinta Basin, Utah
Lauren P. Birgenheier, Cari Johnson, Angela Kennedy, Brendan Horton, and John McLennan, #90124 (2011)
Understanding Controls on Produced Fluid Properties at Pinedale
Andrew Bishop, Esra Inan, Taras Bryndzia, Candyce Beck Brake, Erdem Idiz, Ivana Novosel, Carsten Buker, Mark Chapin, and Gustavo Ugueto, #90124 (2011)
Developing Information for the National Geothermal Data System (NGDS)
David D. Blackwell, Fabian Moerchen, Ian J. Duncan, Will D. Gosnold, Martin Kay, Seiichi Nagihara, Curt Robinson, and Jefferson Tester, #90124 (2011)
Sequence Stratigraphic Control on Lateral Placement in the Marcellus Shale, Appalachian Basin
David R. Blood, #90124 (2011)
Geometry of Upper Jurassic Sponge/Microbial Bioherms: 3-D Georadar
and Modelling (Swabian Alb, SW-Germany)
Martina Boldt and Thomas Aigner, #90124 (2011)
Reservoir Characterization of the Big Foot Deepwater Confined Sheet System
Joniell Borges, Rodney T. Mooney, Larry Zarra, Ricky Boehme, Stacy Smith, Rachel Dvoretsky, and Morgan D. Sullivan, #90124 (2011)
Exploration in a Frontier Area – Integrating Old Idea and New Technology “A Case Study from Mizoram Fold Belt Area of Assam-Arakan Basin, India”
Ajoya N. Borthakur and Jafrull P. Ahmed, #90124 (2011)
An Update on Biofuel Source Developments
Richard Bost and William Spence, #90124 (2011)
Tectonic Control of Sedimentary Architecture on Giant Continental Shelves: An Example from the Bonaparte Basin (North-West Australia)
Julien Bourget, Bruce Ainsworth, and Guillaume Backe, #90124 (2011)
of the Piceance Basin, Northwestern Colorado, USA
Renaud Bouroullec and Paul Weimer, #90124 (2011)
Heavy-Oil Recovery in Innovative Reservoir Micro-Models: A Comparison Between Heat and a Cost-Effective Additive on Oil Recovery
Stephen Bowden and Andrew Hurst, #90124 (2011)
The Downside of Using GR to Determine TOC Content: An Example from the Marcellus Shale in SE West Virginia
Kent A. Bowker and Tom Grace, #90124 (2011)
Hydrocarbon Potential of Upper Cretaceous Shale Sections, Including the Eagle Ford, Woodbine and Maness Shale, Central Texas
Thomas D. Bowman, #90124 (2011)
Preservation Potential of Coastal Sediments
Ron Boyd and John R. Suter, #90124 (2011)
Optimized Trishear Modeling of Incomplete Seismic Data
John P. Brandenburg, Faruk O. Alpak, John Solum, and Steve Naruk, #90124 (2011)
Predicting Fracability in Shale Reservoirs
John A. Breyer, Helge Alsleben, and Milton B. Enderlin, #90124 (2011)
Gulf of Mexico Circulation and Oil Transport Pathways
Peter Brickley, Patrice Coholan, Avijit Gangopadhyay, and Jim Feeney, #90124 (2011)
Onshore U.S. Depth Imaging and Velocity Model Building
Morgan P. Brown, Joseph H. Higginbotham, Cosmin Macesanu, and Oscar E. Ramirez, #90124 (2011)
The Outlook for U.S. Natural Gas Demand
John R. Browning, #90124 (2011)
A 60-Kilometer-Long Architectural Transition from Slope Valley to Terminal Lobe: Unit C, Fort Brown Formation, Karoo Basin, South Africa
Rufus L. Brunt, Willem Van der Merwe, Claudio Di Celma, David Hodgson, and Stephen Flint, #90124 (2011)
Significance of the Tide-Influenced Facies Distribution Within the Shelf-Margin Deposits, Kookfontein Formation, South Africa
Mary Bubb and Piret Plink-Bjorklund, #90124 (2011)
Tectonic and Eustatic Controls on Deposition of the Harmon, Cadotte and Paddy Members of the Albian Peace River Formation, Alberta and British Columbia, Canada
Robin A. Buckley and Guy Plint, #90124 (2011)
Reaction Transport Modeling of Dolomitization Reveals the Emergence of Self-Organizing Patterns
David A. Budd and Anthony J. Park, #90124 (2011)
Clumped-Isotope Thermometry: A New Tool to Delineate Diagenetic Temperatures and Fluids of Calcite Phases
David A. Budd, Katharine W. Huntington, and Edmund L. Frost, #90124 (2011)
Constraining Uncertainty in Static Reservoir Modeling: A Case Study from Namorado Field, Brazil
Juliana F. Bueno, Rodrigo D. Drummond, Alexandre C. Vidal, Emilson P. Leite, and Sérgio S. Sancevero, #90124 (2011)
Yinggehai (Red River) Strike-Slip Fault Zone Displacements and the Tectonic Evolution of the Yinggehai Basin, South China Sea Insights from Numerical Simulations
Huyen Bui, Yasuhiro Yamada, Toshifumi Matsuoka, and Amos Nur, #90124 (2011)
Evolution of Ooid Porosity in the Arab Formation, Onshore Abu Dhabi (UAE)
Govert Buijs, Ray W. Mitchell, John L. Whitworth, and Mohamed J. Al Mansouri, #90124 (2011)
Deposition and Diagenesis of Central Kansas Uplift Cambro-Ordovician Arbuckle Group Strata, Trego County, Kansas
Kevin D. Bunger, #90124 (2011)
Influence of Preexisting Basement Templates on the Deformation and Hydrocarbon Systems of the Zagros Simply Folded Belt
Caroline M. Burberry, #90124 (2011)
Investigating Carbonate Platform Types: Multiple Controls and a Continuum of Geometries
Peter Burgess, Huw Williams, Paul Wright, Giovanna Della Porta, and Didier Granjeon, #90124 (2011)
The Origins of Shallow-Water Carbonate Lithofacies Thickness Distributions: 1D Forward Modelling of Relative Sea-Level Control
Peter Burgess and David A. Pollitt, #90124 (2011)
Bump to Prospect: An Empirical Approach to the Recognition and Characterization of Isolated Carbonate Buildups on Seismic Data
Peter Burgess and Peter Winefield, #90124 (2011)
Natural Gas Production and Anomalous Geothermal Gradients of the Deep Tuscaloosa Formation
Lauri Burke, #90124 (2011)
Chlorite Cement in Sandstone Reservoirs: Analogue Studies of Clay Formation Processes in Modern Estuaries
Gemma M. Byrne, Richard H. Worden, and David Hodgson, #90124 (2011)
Geochemical Evolution of Pegmatites as Monitored by Select Indicator Elements
Kristen F. Camp, #90124 (2011)
Flexurally Driven Subsidence History of the Llanos Foreland Basin of Colombia: Implications for Hydrocarbon Exploration
Henry Campos, Paul Mann, Alejandro Escalona, and Nestor Cardozo, #90124 (2011)
Using a Numerical Forward Model to Investigate Stratigraphic Onlap Traps in a Deepwater Field. Marlim Case Study
Alessandro Cantelli, Carlo Pirmez, and Jasim Imran, #90124 (2011)
Sediment Dynamics of the Brazos River, Texas: Storage in the Lower River, Transport to the Shelf
Joseph Carlin and Timothy M. Dellapenna, #90124 (2011)
Tight Gas Sands and Natural Fractures in the Cretaceous Mesaverde Group, Greater Natural Buttes Field, Uinta Basin, Utah
Stephanie M. Carney, Thomas C. Chidsey, Jr., Craig Morgan, and Michael D. Laine, #90124 (2011)
Facies Characterization Using Multi-Resolution Graphical Clustering Techniques on the Pony Discovery (GOM) and MTJDA Fields (Malay Basin)
Stephen Carney, Grigoriy Perov, Kenneth Kemp, Ning Shin Ni Chai, Rick Beaubouef, C. R. Handford, and Ken Grush, #90124 (2011)
Sediment Volume and Facies Partitioning in Shelf-Margin Prisms
Cristian Carvajal and Ronald Steel, #90124 (2011)
Effects of Brine Composition (NaCl, MgSO4, FeSO4) and Clay Minerals (Kaolinite, Nontronite, Montmorillonite) on the Stable Isotopic Composition of Methane and Hydrogen Sulfide in Gas Hydrates
Humberto Carvajal-Ortiz and Lisa M. Pratt, #90124 (2011)
The Black Death of a Carbonate Ramp: Poisoning of the Phosphoria Platform and Its Relevance to Source Rock Depositional Models
Christopher F. Cassle and Sven Egenhoff, #90124 (2011)
Use of 3-D Seismic Inversion Data in Gas Exploration: An Example from the Arkoma Basin, Southeastern Oklahoma
Ibrahim Cemen, Christine Hager, Rodney Gertson, and Jeffrey Fuchs, #90124 (2011)
Understanding Production Performance at Pinedale from a Geological Perspective
Mark A. Chapin, Andrew Govert, Gustavo Ugueto, Nicholas Brandon, Gracel Diomampo, and Carolyn Fleming, #90124 (2011)
Variability of Well Productivities for Continuous (Unconventional) Petroleum
Ronald R. Charpentier and Troy A. Cook, #90124 (2011)
Are Rescaled Decline Curves a Solution for Shale Gas Assessment?
Jean-Yves Chatellier, Bob Menard, and Sylvestre Charles, #90124 (2011)
Power and Limitations of X-ray Fluorescence from Cuttings, a Test in the Utica and Lorraine Shales from Quebec
Jean-Yves Chatellier, Erik Quartero, Mark Urban, Marianne Molgat, Arnaud Deconinck, and Pierre Francus, #90124 (2011)
Overpressure in Shale Gas – When Geochemistry and Engineering Data Meet and Agree
Jean-Yves Chatellier, Kevin Ferworn, Nabila Lazreg Larsen, Steve Ko, Pawel Flek, Marianne Molgat, and Irene Anderson, #90124 (2011)
Reconstruction of Burial Diagenesis by 2-D Sedimentary Simulation and
of Petroleum Potential of the Upper Tertiary Sequences in Southern Ulleung Sedimentary Basin, East Sea (Sea of Japan)
Daekyo Cheong and Daehong Kim, #90124 (2011)
Potential Paleozoic Shale Gas Resources in Utah
Jr., Thomas C. Chidsey, #90124 (2011)
Updip Migrating Bedforms in the Inclined Heterolithic Strata as a Compelling Evidence of a Sinuous, Meandering Tidal-Fluvial Channel: Comparisons Between Ancient (Upper Cretaceous Neslen Formation, USA) and Modern (Macrotidal Estuary, Gomso Bay, Korea) Analogues
Kyungsik Choi, Ron J. Steel, Cornel Olariu, and Mariana I. Olariu, #90124 (2011)
Integration of Coherence and Volumetric Curvature Attributes
Satinder Chopra and Kurt J. Marfurt, #90124 (2011)
Caprock Integrity Assessment: A Case Study of Natural Fracture Characterization in Mudstones of the Clearwater Formation, Alberta, Canada
Queena Chou and Kevin Gillen, #90124 (2011)
Integrated Reservoir Modelling of the Natih E Member at a Salt-Cored Carbonate Dome, Jebel Madar, Oman
Johan S. Claringbould, J Frederick Sarg, Brittney B. Hyden, Terrance R. Birdsall, Jean-Christophe Embry, Giulio Casini, Stephane Homke, John B. Thurmond, and David W. Hunt, #90124 (2011)
Three-Dimensional Structural Evolution of a Salt-Cored, Domed, Reactivated Fault Complex, Jebel Madar, Oman
Johan S. Claringbould, J Frederick Sarg, Brittney B. Hyden, and Bruce D. Trudgill, #90124 (2011)
Radial Patterns of Bitumen Dikes Around Quaternary Volcanoes, Neuquén Basin, Argentina
Peter R. Cobbold, Gilles Ruffet, Leslie Leith, Helge Loseth, Nuno Rodrigues, Olivier Galland, and Hector Leanza, #90124 (2011)
Geochemical Monitoring During the CO2 Injection Test at Lost Hill, California
David R. Cole, Michael F. Morea, and B. Mack Kennedy, #90124 (2011)
Examination of the Post-Ouachita Paleozoic Successor Basin Strata for Undiscovered Oil and Gas Resources, Arkansas, Oklahoma, and Texas, USA
James L. Coleman, David W. Houseknecht, Troy A. Cook, Christopher J. Schenk, Ronald R. Charpentier, Timothy R. Klett, and Richard M. Pollastro, #90124 (2011)
USGS Assessment of Undiscovered Natural Gas Resources of the Lower Cretaceous Knowles-Calvin Gas Assessment Unit, Northern Gulf Coastal Plain, USA
James L. Coleman, Kristin O. Dennen, Troy A. Cook, Christopher J. Schenk, Ronald R. Charpentier, Timothy R. Klett, and Richard M. Pollastro, #90124 (2011)
USGS Assessment of Undiscovered Natural Gas Resources of the Ouachita Thrust Belt, Arkansas and Oklahoma, USA
James L. Coleman, David W. Houseknecht, Troy A. Cook, Christopher J. Schenk, Ronald R. Charpentier, Timothy R. Klett, and Richard M. Pollastro, #90124 (2011)
Examination of the Elvins Shale Gas Assessment Unit of the Reelfoot Rift for Undiscovered Oil and Gas Resources, Missouri and Arkansas, USA
James L. Coleman, David W. Houseknecht, Troy A. Cook, Christopher J. Schenk, Ronald R. Charpentier, Timothy R. Klett, and Richard M. Pollastro, #90124 (2011)
Comparison of Lower Cambrian Carbonate Facies and Halokinetic Sequences in Minibasins Developed on Opposite Sides of Wirrealpa Diapir, Central Flinders Ranges, South Australia
Aubrey Collie and Katherine Giles, #90124 (2011)
Facies and Porosity-Permeability Relationships in Red River A and B Intervals, North Dakota
James F. Colony, Benjamin E. Rendall, and Antun Husinec, #90124 (2011)
Integration of Evidence of Hydrocarbon Seepage from 3-D Seismic and Geochemical Data for Predicting Hydrocarbon Occurrence: Examples from Neuquen Basin Argentina
David L. Connolly, Roberto Garcia, and Jose Capuano, #90124 (2011)
Identifying Abnormal Geopressures Through Gas Chimney Detection
David L. Connolly and S. Renee Bourque, #90124 (2011)
Constraints on Sigsbee Salt Canopy Advancement and Its Implications for Neogene Deformation in the Northern Gulf of Mexico
Christopher Connors, Ed Haire, Don Howard, and Barbara Radovich, #90124 (2011)
A New Depositional Model for the Chicontepec Basin, Onshore Eastern Mexico
Stephen P. Cossey and Don Van Nieuwenhuise, #90124 (2011)
Eocene-to-Miocene Karst Seismic-Sag Structural Systems, Southeastern Florida Platform
Kevin J. Cunningham, Cameron Walker, and Jeffrey N. King, #90124 (2011)
Clearwater Formation, Cold Lake Oil Sands Deposit: Estuarine Incised Valley Complex?
Carolyn Currie and Murray Gingras, #90124 (2011)
U.S. Natural Gas Resources, Reserves and Production: Unconventional, Less-Conventional and Conventional
John B. Curtis, #90124 (2011)
The Near Earth Asteroids as the First Step on the Way to Mars
Bruce L. Cutright, #90124 (2011)
Bioturbation and Its Effects on Permeability in Wave-Dominated Shoreface Rocks of the Spring Canyon Member, Blackhawk Formation, Utah, USA
Les B. Dabek and Rex Knepp, #90124 (2011)
Fractures Interactions in Multistage Hydraulic Fracturing
Arash Dahi Taleghani, #90124 (2011)
Tidal Bars: An Overview
Robert W. Dalrymple, #90124 (2011)
Observations of Low Frequency, Long Duration Events in a Microseismic Dataset Recorded in a Horizontal Shale Gas Well
Indrajit Das and Mark Zoback, #90124 (2011)
A Conceptual Framework for Wave-Dominated and Tidally Influenced Shorefaces
Shahin E. Dashtgard, James A. MacEachern, Shannon E. Frey, and Murray Gingras, #90124 (2011)
Facies Assemblages on Distributive Fluvial Systems
Stephanie Davidson, Adrian Hartley, Gary S. Weissmann, Gary Nichols, and Louis Scuderi, #90124 (2011)
Differentiating Deep-Marine Overbank from Crevasse Splay Deposits in Outcrop: An Example from the Windermere Supergroup, Castle Creek, British Columbia
Leena Davis, Zishann Khan, and Bill Arnott, #90124 (2011)
Salt Deposition, Loading and Gravity Drainage in the Campos and Santos Salt Basin, Southern Brazil
Ian Davison, Lee Anderson, and Peter Nuttall, #90124 (2011)
Open-System Chemical Behavior in Deep Wilcox Group Mudstones, Texas Gulf Coast, USA
Ruarri J. Day-Stirrat, Killy L. Milliken, Shirley P. Dutton, Robert Loucks, Stephan Hillier, Andrew C. Aplin, and Anja M. Schleicher, #90124 (2011)
Syn-rift Sedimentology and Stratigraphic Development of Footwall-Sourced Conglomeratic Depositional Systems; South Hadahid Block, Suez Rift, Egypt
Jord P. de Boer, Robert L. Gawthorpe, Ian Sharp, Christopher Jackson, William Helland-Hansen, and Paul Whipp, #90124 (2011)
Using Seismic Facies to Constrain Electrofacies Distribution as an Approach to Reduce Spatial Uncertainties and Improve Reservoir Volume Estimation
Bruno de Ribet, Pedro Goncalves, Luis H. Zapparolli, and Cesar A. Ushirobira, #90124 (2011)
The Role of Paragenetic Patterns on the Quality of Clastic Reservoirs
Luiz F. De Ros, Karin Goldberg, and Andréia R. Elias, #90124 (2011)
Small Modular Nuclear Reactors: An Energy Solution to Remote Gas & Oil Production and Exploration
John R. Deal, #90124 (2011)
Non-Marine Carbonates - Facies, Diagenesis and Porosity Development
Giovanna Della Porta, Federica Barilaro, and Marco Ripamonti, #90124 (2011)
and Interpretation of Biomarkers from Seafloor Hydrocarbon Seeps
Harry Dembicki, #90124 (2011)
Dating Diagenetic Events in the Barnett and Marcellus Shale: Evidence from Paleomagnetic, Petrographic, and Geochemical
John C. Deng, Earl B. Manning, Devin P. Dennie, S. Johari Pannalal, and R. Douglas Elmore, #90124 (2011)
The K/Pg Boundary Chicxulub Impact Deposit in the Deep-Water Gulf of Mexico: Implications for Regional Stratigraphy and the “MCU”
Richard A. Denne, Erik D. Scott, Timothy S. Buddin, Steve D. Carlson, David P. Eickhoff, Ronald Hill, and Joan M. Spaw, #90124 (2011)
Biostratigraphic, Lithologic, and Seismic Characteristics of the K/Pg Boundary Chicxulub Impact Deposit, Deep-Water Gulf of Mexico
Richard A. Denne, Erik D. Scott, Timothy S. Buddin, Steve D. Carlson, David P. Eickhoff, Ronald Hill, and Joan M. Spaw, #90124 (2011)
USGS Definition of a Greater Gulf Basin Lower Cretaceous and Upper Cretaceous Lower Cenomanian Shale Gas Assessment Unit, Gulf Coastal Plain and State Waters, USA
Kristin O. Dennen and Paul Hackley, #90124 (2011)
Hydraulic Fracture and Natural Fracture Simulation for Improved Shale Gas Development
William Dershowitz, Ray Ambrose, Doo-Hyun Lim, and Mark Cottrell, #90124 (2011)
Forced-Regressive Tidal Flats: Response to Falling Sea Level in Tide-Dominated Settings
Patricio R. Desjardins, Luis A. Buatois, Brian R. Pratt, and M. Gabriela Mángano, #90124 (2011)
Geomechanical, Petrophysical and Rock Physics Characterisation of a Global Suite of Shales: Results and Learnings
Dave Dewhurst, Michael B. Clennell, Tony Siggins, Artem Borysenko, Mark Raven, Joel Sarout, Claudio Delle Piane, Matthew Josh, and Lionel Esteban, #90124 (2011)
Evolution and History of Filling of Early Pleistocene, Coarse-Grained Slope Canyons (Peri-Adriatic Basin, Central Italy)
Claudio Di Celma, Gino Cantalamessa, Riccardo Teloni, Amerigo Corradetti, and Valerio Marini, #90124 (2011)
Neoichnological Trends at the Fluvial-Tidal Transition of the Columbia River Delta, Northwest USA
Robynn Dicks, Shahin E. Dashtgard, John R. Suter, and Murray Gingras, #90124 (2011)
Hot Enough for Ya? Compilations of Heat Flow Values and Source Rock Data Along the Western Central Atlantic Margin
William Dickson and Janice M. Christ, #90124 (2011)
On the Cracking of Oil to Gas in Source Rocks and Reservoirs
Volker Dieckmann, Olaf Podlaha, Matthias Keym, Andy Bell, and Joseph Westrich, #90124 (2011)
Offshore Nova Scotia: Integrating Salt Deformation Styles, Basin Structuring and Distribution of Crustal Terranes
Menno Dinkelman and Dale Bird, #90124 (2011)
Geological Evaluation and CBM Potential Development in Tanjung Enim Area, South Sumatera, Indonesia
Cas Dira and Abdullah Sodik, #90124 (2011)
Facies Variability in Shelf-Edge Strata of the Lower Kookfontein Formation, Tanqua Karoo Basin, South Africa: An Analog for Reservoir Heterogeneity in Shelf-Edge Settings
Joshua Dixon and Ronald Steel, #90124 (2011)
The Slope Rise and Run: A Critical Factor in Explaining and Predicting the Development, Distribution, and Scale of Basin-Floor Fans
Art Donovan, #90124 (2011)
Sequence Stratigraphy of the Eagle Ford (Boquillas) Formation in the Outcrops of West Texas & Subsurface of South Texas
Art Donovan, W. Li, A. Pramudito, and Scott Staerker, #90124 (2011)
USGS Assessment of Undiscovered Oil and Gas Resources of the Lower Cretaceous Sligo Sandstone, Eastern U.S. Gulf of Mexico Coastal Plain
Colin Doolan and Alex W. Karlsen, #90124 (2011)
Canopy Evolution: Deformation Processes and Subsidence Patterns
Tim P. Dooley, Martin P. Jackson, and Mike Hudec, #90124 (2011)
Implications of 3-D Domain Transformation for Structural and Stratigraphic Interpretation
Geoffrey A. Dorn, #90124 (2011)
Potential Hydrocarbon Traps in the Detachment Folds of the Dohuk Region, Kurdistan, Northern Iraq
Jamal Doski and Ken McClay, #90124 (2011)
Rock-Physics-Based Permeability Heterogeneity and Fluid Evaluation of an Ultra-Deep Low-Porosity Carbonate Reservoir, Sichuan Basin, China: I. Petrophysical Study
Qifeng Dou, Yuefeng Sun, Hanrong Zhang, Tingting Zhang, Tonglou Guo, and Xiyuan Cai, #90124 (2011)
Tectonic Evolution of the Mardin Uplift, Southeast Turkey
Joshua P. Doubek and Weldon Beauchamp, #90124 (2011)
Produced Gas Composition Variations and Its Relationship to Sequence Stratigraphy and Structural Complexity of the Marcellus Shale
Ashley S. Douds, #90124 (2011)
Prerequisites, Processes, and Prediction of Chlorite Grain Coating Using Modern Estuarine Systems as Analogues
Patrick J. Dowey, James Utley, David Hodgson, and Richard H. Worden, #90124 (2011)
A Quick Look Determination of Oil-in-Place in Oil Shale Resource Plays
Marlan W. Downey, Julie Garvin, R. C. Lagomarsino, and David F. Nicklin, #90124 (2011)
Kinetics of the Opal-CT to Quartz Phase Transition Control Diagenetic Traps in Siliceous Shale Source Rock from the San Joaquin Basin and Hokkaido
Danica Dralus, Kenneth E. Peters, Mike D. Lewan, Oliver Schenk, Michael Herron, and Kunihiro Tsuchida, #90124 (2011)
An Overview of Clean Coal Technologies and Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS)
Ian J. Duncan and William A. Ambrose, #90124 (2011)
Reservoir Modeling of Highly Heterolithic Tidal Shoreline Deposits in the Sego Sandstone, Utah; Translating Detailed Outcrop Knowledge to Subsurface Understanding of Flow in Stratigraphically Complex Systems
Dallas B. Dunlap, Darrin Burton, and Lesli Wood, #90124 (2011)
Regional Composition and Reservoir Quality of Wilcox Sandstones, Northwest Gulf of Mexico
Shirley P. Dutton, Robert Loucks, and Ruarri Day-Stirrat, #90124 (2011)
Geochemical Evaluation of Eagle Ford Group Source Rocks and Oils from the First Shot Field, Texas: Implications and Applications for Appraisal of Eagle Ford Resource Plays
Janell Edman and Janet Pitman, #90124 (2011)
Defining the First Order Controls on Delta Stratigraphy
Doug Edmonds, David Mohrig, and John Shaw, #90124 (2011)
From Outcrop-to-Subsurface: The Regional Sequence Stratigraphic Framework and Facies Distribution Within the Lower Williams Fork Formation
Sarah Edwards and Jennifer L. Aschoff, #90124 (2011)
Evidence for Along Strike Variation in Structural Style, Geometry and Its Possible Causes: A Case Study Along the UK Flank of the Faeroe-Shetland Basin (North Atlantic Margin)
Sylvester I. Egbeni, Ken McClay, Clive Johns, Duncan Bruce, Chris Elders, and Geraldine Vey, #90124 (2011)
The Geochemistry of Montney and Lower Doig Tight Gas Reservoir, Northeastern British Columbia, Western Canada
Edwin I. Egbobawaye, Murray Gingras, and John-Paul Zonneveld, #90124 (2011)
Cyclic Nature of Intracratonic Versus Passive Margin Mudstone Systems – A Reservoir Perspective
Sven Egenhoff, Neil Fishman, and Stanley Paxton, #90124 (2011)
Climate Control on Reservoir Distribution in the Upper Devonian Three Forks Formation, North Dakota and Montana
Sven Egenhoff, Ali Jaffri, and Patrick Medlock, #90124 (2011)
Silvertip Field Development in the Ultra-Deep Water, Perdido Foldbelt, Gulf of Mexico
Vern Eikrem, Olga Kostenko, Michael Medeiros, Terrell Stroud, Yvonne Gonzalez, Gary Gray, Ruijian Li, and Julia Hamilton, #90124 (2011)
Very Large Oligocene Age Frio Reservoirs at Great White Field in the Ultra-Deepwater of the Gulf of Mexico Offer Significant Development Challenges and Long-Term Growth Potential
Vern Eikrem, Jill Thompson, Bryce McKee, Ruijian Li, James Keller, Yulia Hamilton, and Gary Gray, #90124 (2011)
Future of Microseismic
- Integration of Monitoring and Reservoir Simulation
Leo Eisner, Vladimir Grechka, and Sherilyn Williams-Stroud, #90124 (2011)
Evaluating Evaporite Karst Expressions in Outcrop Using Terrestrial LiDAR Within the Mississippian Madison Formation, Fremont Canyon, Wyoming
Joseph El-Azzi and Charles Kerans, #90124 (2011)
The Mississippian Madison Formation: Controls on the Development of a Regionally Extensive Evaporite Paleokarst Complex
Nabiel Eldam and Travis Kloss, #90124 (2011)
Controls on the Syn-rift Tectono-Stratigraphic Evolution of a Salt-Influenced Rift System: The Middle-Upper Jurassic of the Halten Terrace, Offshore Mid-Norway
Gavin Elliott, Paul Wilson, Christopher Jackson, Robert L. Gawthorpe, Lisa Michelsen, and Ian Sharp, #90124 (2011)
Magnetic Characterisation of Oil Sands and Well Cores
Stacey Emmerton, Adrian R. Muxworthy, and Mark Sephton, #90124 (2011)
Beaufort-Mackenzie Basin Offshore Shelf and Slope: Vast, Mostly Untested, Potential of Oligocene and Younger Sequences
Peter A. Emmet, Naresh Kumar, James A. Helwig, and Menno Dinkelman, #90124 (2011)
Nicaraguan Rise Offshore Honduras: Upper Cretaceous Source Rock May Contribute to a Proven Eocene Hydrocarbon System at Main Cape-1 in the Mosquitia Basin
Peter A. Emmet, Paul Mann, and Rick Roberson, #90124 (2011)
The Role of Strain in Controlling Orientation of Natural Hydraulic Fractures in Gas Shales
Terry Engelder, #90124 (2011)
Bahaman Patch Reefs: Reservoirs Under Construction
Paul Enos, Robert N. Ginsburg, Adam Harrison, and Mark S. Palmer, #90124 (2011)
Determining Reservoir Heat Content in Sedimentary Rock from Oil Field Temperature Data – First Approximations
Richard J. Erdlac, #90124 (2011)
Improving E&P Data Interoperability Through the Development of a Reusable Earth Science Ontology for Basin Characterization
Melanie A. Everett, Scott Hills, Mark Gahegan, Brandon Whitehead, and Boyan Brodaric, #90124 (2011)
The Resource Triangle – Parsing the Continuum of Continuous Accumulations
Thomas E. Ewing, #90124 (2011)
Nanopetrography, Provenance and Pore Water Geochemistry of the Lower Cretaceous Sandstone in Orange Basin, South Africa
Oluwaseun A. Fadipe, Akinsehinwa Akinlua, Paul P. Carey, and Adeniyi S. Adekola, #90124 (2011)
Testing the Basin-Centered Gas Model Using Fluid Inclusion Observations
Andras Fall, Peter Eichhubl, Robert J. Bodnar, and Stephen E. Laubach, #90124 (2011)
Development of Architecture Elements in Deepwater Depositional System from Canyon to Distal Lobe: A Comparison Example
Guozhang Fan, Genshun Yao, Lv Fuliang, Hui Sun, Dali Shao, and Zhi Cheng Xu, #90124 (2011)
Re-understanding of the Tectonic Feature of Chelif Basin in North of Algeria
Naizhen Fang, Guangpo Chen, Yirong Jia, and Juan Li, #90124 (2011)
A Preliminary Diagenetic and Paleomagnetic Study of the Fayetteville Shale, Arkansas
Sarah E. Farzaneh, Katie M. Hulsey, S. Johari Pannalal, and R. Douglas Elmore, #90124 (2011)
Experimental Study on Bedforms Created by Density Currents
Juan J. Fedele, David Hoyal, Kristopher Guentzel, and Jason Draper, #90124 (2011)
Capturing Interwell Scale Heterogeneity from Process-Based Modelling for Reservoir Flow Simulations: A Study of the Middle Triassic Latemar Platform, Dolomites, North Italy
Graham Felce, Fiona Whitaker, and Gregory Benson, #90124 (2011)
Source Rock Characteristics in the Green River Oil Shale, Piceance Creek Basin, Colorado – An Integrated Geochemical and Stratigraphic
Jufang Feng, Kati Tanavsuu-Milkeviciene, and J Frederick Sarg, #90124 (2011)
A Three-Dimensional Geometric
of Bank-Attached Bar-Forms in Sinuous Submarine Channels: A Tool for Inferring the Relative Importance of Bedload and Suspended Load Sedimentation
Anjali M. Fernandes, David Mohrig, Ron J. Steel, Sverre Henriksen, and James Buttles, #90124 (2011)
Reservoir Characterization of the Middle Jurassic Upper Shaunavon Member in the Whitemud Pool, Southwest Saskatchewan
Julianne D. Fic and Per Kent Pedersen, #90124 (2011)
The Importance of Subcritical Index for Determining Fracture Spacing in the New Albany Shale, Illinois Basin
Lucas J. Fidler, Julia F. Gale, Jon Holder, Jon E. Olson, and Stephen E. Laubach, #90124 (2011)
Stratal Stacking Patterns and Sandstone Body Dimensions in the Cretaceous Ferron Sandstone of the Henry Mountains, South-Central Utah
Christopher Fielding, #90124 (2011)
First Coalbed Methane Commercial Exploration in East Kalimantan, Indonesia
Fikri M. Fiqih and Adi Purwanto, #90124 (2011)
The Future of Natural Gas
William L. Fisher and Scott W. Tinker, #90124 (2011)
Quantification of Heterogeneity in Carbonate Reservoirs; Application to Geological and Petrophysical Property Characterization
Peter Fitch, Sarah Davies, Mike Lovell, Tim Pritchard, and Clive Sirju, #90124 (2011)
Accommodation as a Control on Coastal-Plain Architectures: Observations and Analyses of the Cretaceous Versus Paleocene Prince Creek Formation, North Slope, Alaska
Peter P. Flaig, #90124 (2011)
Stratigraphic Architecture and Hierarchy of Lobes in Distributive Deepwater Settings: An Outcrop Study of the Point Loma Formation, California
Alexandra Fleming, David Pyles, Morgan D. Sullivan, and Donna Anderson, #90124 (2011)
How Deepwater Systems Organise at Multiple Scales
Stephen Flint, David Hodgson, Anthony Sprague, Rufus L. Brunt, Jorge Figueiredo, Darren Box, Willem Van der Merwe, Claudio Di Celma, and Amandine Prelat, #90124 (2011)
Preparing for and Handling Common Complaints by Private Water Well Owners Related to Coal Bed Methane, Shale Gas and Other Unconventional Development Programs
John V. Fontana, David Seneshen, and Vincent E. Barlock, #90124 (2011)
Spatial and Temporal Variations of a High Net-to-Gross Fluvial System: Middle Wasatch Formation, Three Canyons, Utah – An Outcrop Study of Fluvial Cyclicity
Grace Ford, David Pyles, Marieke Dechesne, Brian Willis, Mark Tomasso, and Ryan Sincavage, #90124 (2011)
An Integrated System for Macro-Scale Anhydrite Classification
Rob Forkner, #90124 (2011)
Use of Insolation as a Proxy for High-Frequency Eustasy in Forward Modeling of Platform Carbonate Cyclostratigraphy - A Promising Approach
Rob Forkner, Linda Hinnov, and Peter Smart, #90124 (2011)
Sequence Stratigraphy of the Upper Cretaceous Middle Williams Fork Formation, Piceance Basin, Northwest Colorado: Implication for Reservoir Sandstones
Renee Foster, Paul Weimer, Jonathan Cantwell, and Renaud Bouroullec, #90124 (2011)
New 3-D Depth Imaging Reveals Insights into the Evolution and Pre-salt Prospectivity of the Angolan Kwanza Basin, West Africa
Malcolm Francis, Clara Rodriguez, Jake Brown, Duplo Kornpihl, Clara Abu, Graham Milne, Nora Herbst, and Murthy Inkollu, #90124 (2011)
Eolianites as Potential Reservoir Rocks
Gregory Frebourg, Claude-Alain Hasler, and Eric Davaud, #90124 (2011)
Cavernous Porosity Development and Mississippi Valley-Type Mineralization as Recorders of Multi-sourced Diagenetic Waters Migrating Through the Ordovician Galena Group Limestone (Trenton), Kane County, NE Illinois, USA
Jared T. Freiburg, #90124 (2011)
Low Temperature Porosity Preserving Microquartz from Upper Cretaceous Sandstones of the Subhercynian Basin (Germany)
Marsha French, Richard H. Worden, Elisabetta Mariani, William C. Horn, Chris E. Kliewer, William A. Lamberti, Russell R. Mueller, and Cornelius Fischer, #90124 (2011)
Early Geologic Reconnaissance in Libya 1954-1955
Weldon Frost and Stewart Chuber, #90124 (2011)
Forced Regression Versus Drift Sedimentation – Clinoform Stacking Patterns in Carbonate Platforms (Maldives, Indian Ocean)
Joern Fuerstenau, Christian Betzler, Christian P. Huebscher, Thomas Luedmann, Andre W. Droxler, Andreas Paul, and John Reijmer, #90124 (2011)
Source Rock Prediction from Seismic. Part III: Application in Basin Modelling
Marita Gading, Helge Løseth, Lars Wensaas, Kenneth Duffaut, Jorunn Johannesen, Michael Springer, Per Inge Espedal, and Richard Tøndel, #90124 (2011)
Natural Fractures in Shales: Timing, Sealing, Mechanisms of Formation, and Relevance for Shale-Gas Reservoirs
Julia F. Gale, Peter Eichhubl, Andras Fall, and Stephen E. Laubach, #90124 (2011)
Architecture of a Modern Transient Slope Fan (Villafranca Fan, Gioia Basin - Southeastern Tyrrhenian Sea)
Fabiano Gamberi and Marzia Rovere, #90124 (2011)
Application of Spectral Decomposition Technique in Reservoir Exploration in the Junggar Basin of West China
Cai Gang, Su Mingjun, Yao Qingzhou, and Gong Honglin, #90124 (2011)
Geochemistry and Microfacies of Lower Aptian Organic-Rich Beds Within the Arcillolitas Abigarradas Member of Paja Formation (Villa de Leiva, Colombia): Its Relationship to Oceanic Anoxic Global Events
Tatiana Gaona-Narvaez, Florentin J-M.R. Maurrasse, Fernando Etayo-Serna, and Carrie Rebenack, #90124 (2011)
Web-Based Georeferenced Information System-A Cutting Edge Managing Tool for Opportunity Portfolios and Oil Business
Carla K. Garcia, Jennifer Moscarella, Onofre Liscano, Domingo Garcia, and Luis Melo, #90124 (2011)
3-D Facies Architecture and Mouth Bar Development of a Flood-, Storm-Dominated Delta: Cretaceous Ferron Sandstone, Utah
Daniel Garza, Janok Bhattacharya, and Yijie Zhu, #90124 (2011)
Geology and Assessment of Undiscovered Oil and Gas Resources in the Arbuckle Group, Anadarko Basin, USA: Where is the Potential?
Stephanie B. Gaswirth, #90124 (2011)
Linking Landscape and Stratigraphic Studies in Rift Basins: Implications of Source-to-Sink Studies in Exploration of Syn-rift Plays
Robert L. Gawthorpe, Emma Finch, and Tor O. Sømme, #90124 (2011)
Seismic Technologies for Unconventional Reservoir Characterization: Wamsutter Field Case Study
Rosemarie T. Geetan, Brian Hornby, and Ricko Wardhana, #90124 (2011)
Compositional and Textural Variability of Shales as Hindrance to Understanding Shale Fracturing
Richard P. George and Marshall W. Deacon, #90124 (2011)
An Ancient "Source-to-Sink" Example in Piggyback Basins, Pyrenean Fold and Thrust Belt
Jeffrey Geslin, Vitor Abreu, and Timothy Demko, #90124 (2011)
Subsurface Facies
and Correlations for the Pennsylvanian-Permian, Western Nebraska, U.S. Midcontinent
Chesney Gilleland and Tracy D. Frank, #90124 (2011)
India Deep Focus – Investigating Sub-basalt Plays Through Integration of High-Resolution Geophysical Data
Jodie Gillespie, Mark Cowgill, and Howard Davies, #90124 (2011)
Facies and Diagenesis of Older Pleistocene Coral Reefs, Great Barrier Reef, Australia (IODP 325)
Eberhard Gischler, Andre W. Droxler, Jody Webster, and Expedition 325 Scientists, #90124 (2011)
Norphlet Aeolian Sand Fairway Established in the Deep Water Gulf of Mexico
Theodore J. Godo, Ellie Chuparova, and Daniel E. McKinney, #90124 (2011)
Exploration for the Arkansas Novaculite Reservoir, in the Southern Ouachita Mountains, Arkansas
Theodore J. Godo, Peng Li, and Michael E. Ratchford, #90124 (2011)
Microseismic Monitoring Reveals Natural Fracture Networks
Shoshana Goldstein, Margaret Seibel, and Theodore Urbancic, #90124 (2011)
Stratigraphic Architecture of a Structurally Confined, Ponded Submarine Fan: An Outcrop Study of the Guaso I Turbidite System (Ainsa Basin, Southern Spanish Pyrenees)
Gregory Gordon, David Pyles, Julian Clark, Matthew Hoffman, Jane Stammer, Jeremiah D. Moody, and Grace Ford, #90124 (2011)
Geothermal in the Oil Field
Will Gosnold, Michael Mann, and Hossein Salehfar, #90124 (2011)
Offshore Natural Gas Hydrates of the Sigsbee Escarpment: An Estimation of the Resource Potential for Gas Hydrates in the Green Canyon and Walker Ridge Regions, Gulf of Mexico
Ashley Rose Gould, #90124 (2011)
Three-Dimensional Numerical Modelling of Clinoforms Within Deltaic and Shoreface Reservoirs
Gavin H. Graham, Matthew D. Jackson, Gary Hampson, Richard Sech, and Deveugle Peter, #90124 (2011)
Understanding Mudstone Lithofacies and Geochemical Variability in a UK Carboniferous Basin
Jennifer Graham, Sarah Davies, Joe Macquaker, Mike Norry, and Kevin Bohacs, #90124 (2011)
Update on Wyoming Uranium Mining
Robert Gregory, #90124 (2011)
New Insights into Fault-Bend Folding Revealed by Area-Depth Relationships in Physical Models, the Rosario Oil Field, Venezuela, and an Outcrop Example from the Canadian Rockies
Richard H. Groshong, T. N. Hidayah, M. O. Withjack, and R. W. Schlische, #90124 (2011)
Reservoir Facies Distribution and Pore Types of Dolomitized Microbialite Reservoirs of the Ara Group, Sultanate of Oman
John Grotzinger and Zuwena Rawahi, #90124 (2011)
Petrographic Recognition of Artificially Induced Microfractures Versus Natural Microfractures in Oil/Gas Shales
Paul W. Grover, #90124 (2011)
Local and Regional Sources for Upper Permian-Lowermost Triassic Fluvial-Lacustrine Fills in the Tarlong-Taodonggou Half Graben, Southern Bogda Mountains, NW China
Wei Guan, Wan Yang, Yiqun Liu, and Qiao Feng, #90124 (2011)
A Global Perspective on LNG
Gurcan Gulen, #90124 (2011)
Economic and Regulatory Considerations for Clean Coal
Gurcan Gulen and Michelle Foss, #90124 (2011)
Tufa Facies and Their Stable Isotope Record of Lake Paleohydrological Changes, Searles Lake, California
Xuan Guo and Henry S. Chafetz, #90124 (2011)
Stratigraphic Architecture, Distribution, and Quality of Pre-salt Lacustrine Source Rocks of the Greater Campos Basin, Offshore Brazil
John Guthrie, John Hohman, Steven G. Crews, Christian Nino, and Oscar Lopez Gamundi, #90124 (2011)
USGS Assessment of Undiscovered Shale Gas Resources in the Lower Cretaceous Pearsall Formation, Maverick Basin, South Texas
Paul Hackley, #90124 (2011)
Developing Water Budgets for Unconventional Oil and Gas Production: A Study in the Williston Basin, Montana and North Dakota
Seth Haines, Joanna Thamke, Lawrence Anna, Bruce Smith, and Mark Engle, #90124 (2011)
Statistical Tools for Characterizing Autogenic Organization in Sedimentary Deposits
Liz Hajek and Kyle M. Straub, #90124 (2011)
Stylolites; Their Origin and Impact on Reservoir Quality
Joseph Hamilton, Steve Reddy, Hugo Olierook, and Nick Timms, #90124 (2011)
Non-Volcanic Rift Margin Evolution: The Temporal and Spatial Relationships Between Uplift, Extension and Erosion, Gulf of Suez and Northern Red Sea, Egypt
James Hammerstein and Ken McClay, #90124 (2011)
Controls on Fluvial Reservoir Architecture: Insights from the Blackhawk Formation Outcrop Belt, Wasatch Plateau, Utah
Gary Hampson, Royhan Gani, Thomas Jewell, Hiranya Sahoo, Andrew Ranson, and Nawazish Irfan, #90124 (2011)
The Pony Discovery, Green Canyon Block 468, U.S. Gulf of Mexico: Depositional Facies and Reservoir Architecture of Miocene Turbidite Reservoirs
C. R. Handford, Stephen Carney, Grigoriy Perov, Gigi Ellis, T. C. Huang, and Rick Beaubouef, #90124 (2011)
Typical Cenozoic Dextral Strike-Slip Characteristics of Tan-Lu Fault and Relationship with Oil and Gas in Eastern Laizhou Bay, Bohai Offshore Area of China
Shi Hao, Zhou Donghong, Niu Chengmin, and Lv Dingyou, #90124 (2011)
Unbioturbated Marine Mudstones: Environmental Stress or Rapid Deposition? A Worked Example from the Ordovician Beach Formation, Newfoundland, Canada
Dario Harazim, Joe Macquaker, Samuel J. Bentley, and Duncan McIlroy, #90124 (2011)
Facies and Lithostratigraphy of the Upper Cretaceous (Turonian-Cenomanian) Eagle Ford Formation, Central and South Texas
Ryan Harbor, Stephen C. Ruppel, and Tucker Hentz, #90124 (2011)
Quantified Facies Geometry Within a Mixed Carbonate-Clastic Reef-Rimmed Shelf: High-Resolution Sequence Stratigraphic Architecture of the Yates Formation in Slaughter Canyon, New Mexico
Charles Harman and Charles Kerans, #90124 (2011)
Late Quaternary Upper Slope Deepening (Fining) Upward Sequences Offshore the Great Barrier Reef, IODP 325 Expedition
Brandon B. Harper, Andre W. Droxler, Eberhard Gischler, Jody M. Webster, Ángel P. Bernabéu, Emilio Herrero-Bervera, Tania Lado-Insua, Luigi Jovane, and Expedition 325 Scientists, #90124 (2011)
Stratigraphic Variability of Coastal-Plain and Marginal-Marine Deposits of the Middle Mesaverde Group, Douglas Creek Arch, Colorado
Ericka Harper, Kim Hlava, Rex D. Cole, and Matthew J. Pranter, #90124 (2011)
Mars Life Cycle Field Development – Maximizing Recovery from a Deepwater Giant
Michael Harris, Kelly Lambert, and Derek Newberry, #90124 (2011)
Expression of Sea Level Cycles in a Black Shale: Woodford Shale, Permian Basin
Nicholas B. Harris, #90124 (2011)
Gas Geochemistry in Tight-Gas-Sand Reservoirs of the Rocky Mountains; Results of a Multivariate Field Study
Nicholas B. Harris, Qilin Xiao, Paul Philp, and Chris Ballentine, #90124 (2011)
Analyzing Spatial Patterns in Modern Carbonate Sand Bodies from Great Bahama Bank
Paul M. Harris, Samuel J. Purkis, and James Ellis, #90124 (2011)
Enhancing Subsurface Reservoir Models – An Integrated MPS Approach Using Outcrop Analogs, Modern Analogs, and Forward Stratigraphic Models
Paul M. Harris, Jeroen Kenter, Ted Playton, Miriam Andres, Gareth Jones, and Marge Levy, #90124 (2011)
Shale-Gas Production and Sequence Stratigraphy: What Makes the Best Part of the Best Plays?
Bruce Hart, #90124 (2011)
Distributive Fluvial Systems in the Continental Rock Record: Implications for Reservoir Development in Alluvial Systems
Adrian J. Hartley, Gary S. Weissmann, Stephanie Davidson, Gary Nichols, Louis Scuderi, and Anna Kulikova, #90124 (2011)
Controls on Alluvial Architecture During Passive Salt Diapirism, Chinle Formation, Paradox Basin, Utah
Adrian J. Hartley and Laura Evenstar, #90124 (2011)
Petroleum Prospectivity of the Eastern Australian Deepwater Frontier Basins: Insights from the Capel and Faust Basins
Takehiko Hashimoto, Nadege Rollet, Karen Higgins, Vaughan Stagpoole, Peter Petkovic, Ron Hackney, Graham Logan, Jim Colwell, Rob Funnell, and George Bernardel, #90124 (2011)
Rule-Based Static Modeling of Carbonate Shoals Environments and Related Reservoirs
Claude-Alain Hasler, Erwin W. Adams, and Brigitte Vlaswinkel, #90124 (2011)
Stacked, Lower Miocene-Burdigalian Tide Dominated Estuaries, Western Desert, Egypt
Safiya Hassan, Ron J. Steel, Ahmed El-Barkooky, Mohamed Hamdam, Ahmed Abu Khadrah, Gouda Abdel Gawad, #90124 (2011)
Intergranular Pressure Solution During the Diagenesis of Sandstone: Conditions and Controlling Factors
Wenwu He, David Sparks, and Andrew Hajash, #90124 (2011)
Oil Accumulation Modeling in the Young Traps During Fault Activation: An Example of Tanlu Fault Zone in the Southern of Bohai Sea, China
Sun Hefeng, Wang Jun, Yao Jian, and Zheng Jinggui, #90124 (2011)
Oil Accumulation Modeling in the Young Traps During Neotectonic Movement: An Example of Tanlu Fault Zone in the Southern of Bohai Sea, China
Sun Hefeng, Wang Jun, and Yao Jian, #90124 (2011)
Carbon Sequestration in the South Georgia Rift: Is the Ubiquitous "J" Reflection Synonymous with Basalt?
David M. Heffner, James H. Knapp, Olusoga M. Akintunde, Camelia Knapp, and John Shafer, #90124 (2011)
Joslyn Creek SAGD: Geologic Considerations Related to a Surface Steam Release Incident, Athabasca Oil Sands Area, Northeastern Alberta, Canada
Frances J. Hein and Brent Fairgrieve, #90124 (2011)
Look Within Your Wavelet: 3-D Seismic
Workflows to Investigate Subtle Stratigraphy
Alison Henning and Gaynor Paton, #90124 (2011)
Mapping the Northern South Atlantic Continental-Oceanic Boundary: Rift to Early Drift Along Extensional and Strike Slip Margins
Steven G. Henry, Naresh Kumar, Al Danforth, Peter Nuttall, and Sujata Venkatraman, #90124 (2011)
Regional Stratigraphic and Rock Characteristics of Eagle Ford Shale in Its Play Area: Maverick Basin to East Texas Basin
Tucker Hentz and Stephen Ruppel, #90124 (2011)
3-D Seismic Interpretation of a Meteorite Impact, Red Wing Creek Field, Williston Basin, Western North Dakota
Benjamin Herber, #90124 (2011)
Isotope Signature as the Tool for Meteoric Diagenesis in Pleistocene Reef, Southern Dominican Republic
Yulaika Hernawati, Peter K. Swart, Donald F. McNeill, James Klaus, and Gregor P. Eberli, #90124 (2011)
Densification and Alteration of Siliciclastics Adjacent to the San Andreas Fault at SAFOD: Implications for Seismic Velocity Structure and Fluid Flow
Bretani Heron, Judith S. Chester, Frederick M. Chester, and Ray Guillemette, #90124 (2011)
Student Conceptions and Misunderstandings About the Core Concepts of Sequence Stratigraphy
Juan S. Herrera and Eric M. Riggs, #90124 (2011)
Deep Cardamom Discovery Enabled by Multi-azimuth Seismic and Anisotropic Imaging
Ben Hewett, David Garner, Jan Douma, Madhu Kohli, and Duane Johnson, #90124 (2011)
Undiscovered Petroleum Resources for the Woodford Shale and Thirteen Finger Limestone-Atoka Shale, Anadarko Basin
Debra K. Higley, #90124 (2011)
Vicissitudes of the Eocene, Radical Overturning of Middle Eocene Planktonic Biostratigraphy
Shari Hilding-Kronforst and Bridget S. Wade, #90124 (2011)
An Integrated Geochemistry and Basin Modeling Study of the Bakken Formation, Williston Basin, USA
Ronald Hill, Philipp P. Kuhn, Rolando diPrimio, Jamie Lawrence, and Brian Horsfield, #90124 (2011)
Geochemical Investigation of Tanezzuft Formation, Murzuq Basin, Libya
Tarek Hodairi and Paul Philp, #90124 (2011)
Rethinking the Classic Oxbow Filling Model: Some Hope for Improved Reservoir Connectivity
John Holbrook and Neal Alexandrowicz, #90124 (2011)
The Impact of Imperfect Velocity Models and Seismic Artifacts on Interpretation of Louann Salt and Basement Structure in the Deepwater Gulf of Mexico
Steven M. Holdaway and Errol Blumenthal, #90124 (2011)
A Petrophysical Model to Estimate Free Gas in Organic Shales
Michael Holmes, Dominic Holmes, and Antony Holmes, #90124 (2011)
Evolving Lower Permian Sequence Architectures of the Eastern Shelf, Midland Basin: Stratigraphic Response to the End of the Late Paleozoic Icehouse
Peter Holterhoff, #90124 (2011)
Laboratory and Numerical Geochemical Modeling of CO2 Injection at Powder River Basin
Yevhen Holubnyak, Steven B. Hawthorne, Blaise A. Mibeck, David J. Miller, Jordan M. Bremer, Steven A. Smith, James A. Sorensen, Edward N. Steadman, and John A. Harju, #90124 (2011)
Scale Invariance in Fluvial Bars: Implications for Reservoir Modelling of Fluvial Systems
Barbara I. Holzweber and Adrian J. Hartley, #90124 (2011)
Geological Conditions and Accumulation Mechanism of Shallow Biogenic Gas Reservoirs in Andaman Basin
Wang Hongping, Lv Fuliang, Guozhang Fan, Chaolin Mao, and Ma Hongxia, #90124 (2011)
Predicting Open Natural Fractures in Unconventional Sandstone Reservoirs: Spatial Distribution, Diagenesis, Timing, and Opening Rates
John N. Hooker, Andras Fall, Guangjian Xu, Autumn L. Kaylor, Hyein Anh, Peter Eichhubl, and Stephen E. Laubach, #90124 (2011)
Identifying Exploration Fairways in the Gulf of Mexico: Deepwater Tuscaloosa/Woodbine Play
Brian W. Horn, #90124 (2011)
Re-Evaluation of the Platte River Facies Model for Sandy Braided Alluvium, Using New Surface and Subsurface Data
John Horn, Christopher Fielding, and Matthew Joeckel, #90124 (2011)
Depositional Systems and Sequence Stratigraphic Relationships of the Upper Clear Fork-Lower San Angelo Interval (Permian), Eastern Shelf, Midland Basin, Texas
Matt Horton and Peter Holterhoff, #90124 (2011)
Downstream Controlled Avulsion and Local Base Level in Submarine Fans: The Role of Hydraulic Choke and Backwater — A Scaling
David Hoyal, Juan J. Fedele, Benjamin Sheets, and Kyle Strom, #90124 (2011)
Architecture of Froude Critical-Supercritical Submarine Fans: Tank Experiments Versus Field Observations
David Hoyal, Benjamin Sheets, Robert Wellner, Darren Box, Anthony Sprague, and Roger Bloch, #90124 (2011)
Anhydrite Distribution Typing from Resistivity-Image and Open-Hole Logs in the 1st Eocene Reservoir, Wafra Field
Marina Hruska, Steve Bachtel, Bonny Archuleta, and Mark Skalinski, #90124 (2011)
Acceleration of Calcite Deposition Imposed by Organic Substrate of Self-Assembled Monolayers
Qiaona Hu, Mike Nelson, Becker Udo, and Jim De Yoreo, #90124 (2011)
Petrophysics and Rock Physics Modeling to Improve Seismic Reservoir Characterization — Case Study of Lower Hackberry Sandstone
Robert Y. Hu, Ted Holden, and Mary Broussard, #90124 (2011)
Characteristics of the Neogene Faults Activities and Hydrocarbon Migration Modes in the Jizhong Sag, Bohai Bay Basin, China
Liu Hua and Jiang Youlu, #90124 (2011)
Hydrocarbon Bitumen in Deepwater Gulf of Mexico – An Integrated Petroleum Systems and Geomechanics Perspective
Jie Huang, Steven G. Crews, Ken Grush, Gang Han, and Gunardi Sulistyo, #90124 (2011)
Geochemical Characterization of Outcrop Samples from the South Caspian Basin, Eastern Azerbaijan: The Value of a Multidisciplinary Approach in Understanding Petroleum Source Intervals
Sam Hudson, Cari Johnson, and Malakhat Efendiyeva, #90124 (2011)
Carbonate Rock Characterization and Modelling for Improved Properties Predictability: Capillary Pressure and Permeability in Multimodal Rocks
Iulian Hulea and Chris Nicholls, #90124 (2011)
Lithofacies Characterization and Sequence Stratigraphic Framework of Some Gas-Bearing Shales Within the Horn River Basin, Northeastern British Columbia
Katie M. Hulsey, Roger M. Slatt, and Rory Dunphy, #90124 (2011)
Regional Norphlet Formation Facies Correlation,
and Implications for Paleo-Structure and Geologic Provenance, Eastern Gulf of Mexico
Bryan W. Hunt, Delores Robinson, Amy Weislogel, and Thomas Lovell, #90124 (2011)
Sequence Stratigraphic Framework, Trace Element and Stable Isotope Geochemistry of the Late Ordovician Red River Formation, Williston Basin, North Dakota
Antun Husinec, James F. Colony, Benjamin E. Rendall, Krystyna Kornecki, Katie N. Hoskinson, and Kyle L. Marvinney, #90124 (2011)
Isolated, Top-Truncated, Wave-Dominated Lowstand Delta Deposits and the Potential for Stratigraphic Entrapment Within the Frontier Formation, Northeast Bighorn Basin, Wyoming
Andrew Hutsky, C. Kittinger Clark, and Christopher Fielding, #90124 (2011)
Impact of Regulation on the Power Sector: Opportunities for Natural Gas
Svetlana Ikonnikova, #90124 (2011)
Stratigraphic Complexity of a Windward Platform Margin, Exumas, Bahamas
Kelly L. Jackson, Gregor P. Eberli, Donald F. McNeill, and Paul M. Harris, #90124 (2011)
Stratigraphy of the Eagle Plain Basin, Northern Yukon Territory: Reservoir Facies Distribution and New Play Opportunities in Middle to Upper Cretaceous Strata
Kevin Jackson, Per Kent Pedersen, and Larry S. Lane, #90124 (2011)
The Pillow Fold Belt: A Key Subsalt Structural Province in the Northern Gulf of Mexico
Martin P. Jackson, Tim P. Dooley, Mike Hudec, and Angela McDonnell, #90124 (2011)
The Role of Natural and Hydraulic Fracturing and Matrix Rock Properties in Controlling Gas and Water Production from Tight Gas Sands in the Piceance Basin, Colorado, USA
Robert James, Safian Atan, Peggy Brown, Jason Chen, Darrell Eubanks, Dave Mack, and Edward Yang, #90124 (2011)
Breakthroughs in the Use of Analogues in Geological Modeling – Examples from Holocene Sabkhas of Qatar
Jeremy Jameson and Christian J. Strohmenger, #90124 (2011)
Digital Outcrop Analogues Model of Ordovician Paleokarst in North-Central Tarim Basin, China
Xavier Janson, Hongliu Zeng, Wayne R. Wright, Robert Loucks, Florence Bonnaffe, Quizhong Wang, Xiping Xia, Chunyang Wang, Shunxin Li, and Tao Yang, #90124 (2011)
Rift Basin-Fill Architecture of Fluvial-Lacustrine Lower Permian Lucaogou and Hongyanchi Low-Order Cycles, Southern Bogda Mountains, NW China
Brad Jeffrey, Wan Yang, Qiao Feng, and Yiqun Liu, #90124 (2011)
Exploration in Synclinal Areas of Tripura Fold Belt, India: A Re-found Opportunity
A. K. Jena, N. C. Das, G. C. Saha, and Asim Samanta, #90124 (2011)
Applying Innovative Production Modelling Techniques to Quantify Fracture Characteristics, Reservoir Properties and Well Performance in Shale Gas Reservoirs
Creties Jenkins, Mark Miller, and Rakesh Rai, #90124 (2011)
Integrated Reservoir Characterization of Barnett Shale Gas: Defining the Stratigraphic Influences on Production
Bin Jia and Bruce Hart, #90124 (2011)
Natural Gas Exploration Potential of BaiYun Depression, South China Sea: Implications from Gas Carbon Isotope Kinetic Modeling of Recent Discovered Gas Reservoirs
Aizhu Jiang, Yongge Sun, Junzhang Zhu, Hesheng Shi, and Pingxia Chai, #90124 (2011)
Role of External Controls on Sedimentary Distribution and Architecture in Deepwater Setting
Shu Jiang, Sverre Henriksen, Hua Wang, and Dongsheng Cai, #90124 (2011)
The Dedolomitization and Its Significance to Carbonate Diagenesis
Zhang Jie, #90124 (2011)
Tectonostratigraphic Evolution of the Exmouth Sub-basin, Northwest Shelf, Western Australia
Sukonmeth Jitmahantakul and Ken McClay, #90124 (2011)
Two Fundamentally Different Types of Submarine Canyons: Modern and Ancient Examples from the Continental Margin of Equatorial Guinea, West Africa
Zane R. Jobe, Don Lowe, and Steve Uchytil, #90124 (2011)
Global Resource Potential of Gas Hydrate
Arthur H. Johnson, #90124 (2011)
Fluvial Stratigraphic and Reservoir Architectures Using Outcrop Analogs in the Cretaceous Straight Cliffs Formation, Southern Utah: Revised Depositional Models and Synthetic Seismic Modeling
Cari Johnson, Jared Gooley, and Ernesto Sandoval, #90124 (2011)
Damage Zones Associated with Second Order Faults at Depth: Observations from SAFOD and a Gas Field in Southeast Asia
Madhur Johri, Mark Zoback, and Peter Hennings, #90124 (2011)
The Tarera-Aiduna Strike-Slip Fault Zone and Its Impact on Deepwater Channels Offshore West Papua, Indonesia
Gemma Jones, Phillip Teas, John Decker, Dan Orange, and Lidia Lonergan, #90124 (2011)
The Stratigraphic Transition from Slope to Shelf, Karoo Basin, South Africa
George Jones, David Hodgson, and Stephen Flint, #90124 (2011)
Natural Security: Border Region Renewable Energy and Strategic Mineral Opportunities
Karen L. Jones and Alison H. Jones, #90124 (2011)
Heat Flow History in the Chukchi Sea – Mega-Regional Tectonics, Local Heat Flow and Charge Implications
Marek Kacewicz, Michael Roberts, Jean Stowe, T. M. Laroche, Joe Curiale, Betty Johnson, Clark Weaver, and Vince LeMieux, #90124 (2011)
Sequence Stratigraphic Model for the Oligocene-Miocene, Land-Attached Mixed Carbonate-Siliciclastic System of Guanica Harbor, Southwestern Puerto Rico
Stephen E. Kaczmarek, Cyd Ruidiaz, Toni Simo, Hernan Santos, Shawn Fullmer, Wilson Ramirez, Franek Hasiuk, Gregor Baechle, and Sean Guidry, #90124 (2011)
USGS Assessment of Undiscovered Oil and Gas Resources for the Lower Cretaceous Sligo (Pettet) Limestone, James Limestone, and Hogg Sand Formations, U.S. Gulf of Mexico Coastal Plain and State Waters
Alex W. Karlsen and Paul Hackley, #90124 (2011)
Fracture Permeability of Shale: Effects of Roughness, Fracture Offset, Proppant, and Confining Pressure
Sarah M. Kassis and Carl Sondergeld, #90124 (2011)
Issues in Estimating Horizontal Stress with Poroelastic Models
Keith Katahara, #90124 (2011)
Reservoir and Production Characterization in a Steep-Sided Upper Paleozoic Isolated Carbonate Platform Reservoir, Karachaganak Field, Kazakhstan
David A. Katz, Ted Playton, Jerome A. Bellian, Paul M. Harris, Christopher Harrison, and Amisha Maharaja, #90124 (2011)
Triassic Carbon Isotope Stratigraphy – Correlations Between Panthalassic and Tethyan Sections
Miriam Katz, Atle Mørk, Atle Mørk, and Allen Milligan, #90124 (2011)
Chemostratigraphy of the Mudstone-Dominated Upper Green River Formation in the Eastern Uinta Basin of Utah
Dave Keighley, #90124 (2011)
Evidence of Dynamic Marine Processes in a "Black Shale" Dominated Succession Formed by Suspension Settling from Non-Glacial, Sediment-Laden Sea-Ice
Margaret A. Keller and Joe Macquaker, #90124 (2011)
An Updated Model of the Stratigraphic Architecture of the Great Bank of Guizhou, an Isolated Carbonate Platform in the Nanpanjiang Basin of South China
Brian Kelley, Meiyi Yu, Daniel Lehrmann, Adam B. Jost, Katja M. Meyer, and Jonathan L. Payne, #90124 (2011)
A Hybrid Depositional-Diagenetic Approach to Building the Reservoir Model for the Unit 1 Platform of Tengiz Field (Republic of Kazakhstan)
Jeroen Kenter, Terrell Tankersley, Mark Skalinski, Paul M. Harris, Marge Levy, Tony Dickson, and Gary Jacobs, #90124 (2011)
Stepwise Termination of the Permian Reef Complex, Permian Basin: Implications for Structural and Depositional Patterns of Saline Giants
Charles Kerans, Chris Zahm, Joseph El-Azzi, and Nathan Jones, #90124 (2011)
Identification of a Neoproterozoic Shelfal Suprasalt Carapace and Correlation to a Tapered Composite Halokinetic Sequence at Patawarta Diapir, Central Flinders Ranges, South Australia
Rachelle Kernen, Katherine Giles, Mark G. Rowan, and Thomas E. Hearon, #90124 (2011)
Stratigraphic Complexity of Shelf-to-Basin Depositional Systems – Examples from the Mediterranean Sea
Vanessa R. Kertznus and Ben Kneller, #90124 (2011)
Challenging Innovative Approach for Testing and Development of Zubair/Ratawi Reservoirs of Sabiriyah, North Kuwait
Ali N. Khan and Sajan Nair, #90124 (2011)
Geophysical, Petrophysical and Sedimentological Characterisation of Paleocene Submarine Fan Systems UK Central North Sea
Ben Kilhams, Adrian Hartley, Mads Huuse, and John Marshall, #90124 (2011)
The Pony Discovery, Green Canyon Block 468, U.S. Gulf of Mexico: Structural Evolution and Salt Tectonics
Martin W. Kilsdonk, Ryan Mann, Henry Zollinger, Ken Grush, and John E. Graves, #90124 (2011)
Turonian Tidal Inlet Architecture and Ichnological Signature, Upper Ferron Sandstone, Central Utah
Michael R. King, George Pemberton, Murray Gingras, and Rares Bistran, #90124 (2011)
Reassessing the In Situ Stress Regimes of Australia’s Petroleum Basins
Rosalind C. King, Simon Holford, Richard Hillis, Guillaume Backe, Mark Tingay, and Adrian Tuitt, #90124 (2011)
Stress Rotations Around Salt Diapirs: Examples from the Gulf of Mexico Delta Systems, USA
Rosalind C. King, Guillaume Backe, Richard Hillis, Scott Mildren, and Mark Tingay, #90124 (2011)
Characterization of Onlapping Reef Sequences: Dominican Republic Drilling Project
James S. Klaus, Donald F. McNeill, Albertus Ditya, Yula Hernawati, Gregor P. Eberli, and Peter K. Swart, #90124 (2011)
GPR Constraints on 3-D Stratigraphic Architecture and Porosity in Microbialite-Oolite Sequences, Upper Miocene, SE Spain
Katharine M. Knoph, Evan K. Franseen, Robert H. Goldstein, Georgios P. Tsoflias, and Zhaoqi Li, #90124 (2011)
Characterization of Gas Generated by Sequential Hydrous Pyrolysis of Potential Gas-Prone Source Rocks for Tight-Gas Reservoirs in the Rocky Mountain Area
Ting-Wei (Lucy) Ko, Mike D. Lewan, and Nicholas B. Harris, #90124 (2011)
Sedimentological and Sequence Stratigraphic
of the Marcellus Formation and Associated Strata
Daniel R. Kohl, Rudy Slingerland, Michael Arthur, and Terry Engelder, #90124 (2011)
Borehole Images as a Vital Tool to Constrain the Architecture of a Channelized Slope System, Karoo Basin, South Africa
Yolanda Kolenberg, Stefan M. Luthi, Emma Morris, David Hodgson, Stephen Flint, and Van Toorenenburg, #90124 (2011)
Redefining Jordan’s Oil Shale Resource; Overcoming the Challenges of Subsurface Characterisation and 3-D Modelling on a Country-Wide Level
Sadat F. Kolonic and Simon Neal, #90124 (2011)
Best Practices with Exploration and Production of Oil and Gas from Basement Reservoirs
Tako Koning, #90124 (2011)
Primary Controls on Organic Carbon Content in UK Upper Mississippian Gas Shales
Sven Könitzer, Sarah Davies, Michael Stephenson, Melanie Leng, Sarah Gabbott, Lucia Angiolini, Joe Macquaker, Chris Vane, David Millward, and Ian A. Kane, #90124 (2011)
Integrating Diagenesis and Sequence Stratigraphy for Reservoir Quality Evolution Modeling: Evidence from Fluvial and Shallow Marine Sandstones of the Cambrian-Ordovician Successions in Southwestern Sinai, Egypt
Masoumeh Kordi, Brian Turner, and Alaa Salem, #90124 (2011)
Pitfalls of “Structural Styles”
in Frontier Basins
Ana Krueger, Ed Gilbert, and Mike Murphy, #90124 (2011)
Fluvial Stratigraphic Architecture of the Jurassic Monach Formation, Northwest Alberta, Canada: Implications for Tight Gas Reservoir Delineation
Ross Kukulski, Stephen M. Hubbard, Keegan M. Raines, and Thomas Moslow, #90124 (2011)
Downstream Variations in Distributive Fluvial System Characteristics, Huesca System, Ebro Basin, Spain
Anna Kulikova, Gary Nichols, Adrian J. Hartley, Gary S. Weissmann, Stephanie Davidson, and Louis Scuderi, #90124 (2011)
Recognition of Dryland Fluvial and Terminal Splay Systems in the Pinda Formation, Offshore Angola: Implications for Predicting Subsurface Reservoir Connectivity
Andrew A. Kulpecz, Bryan Bracken, Sunday K. Shepherd, Jessica Moore Ali-Adeeb, Peter Sixsmith, and Bob Scamman, #90124 (2011)
Interpretation of Long-Offset, Prestack Depth Migrated (PSDM), Regional 2-D Seismic Data Offshore Equatorial Brazil: Tectonic Controls on Sedimentation and Comparison with Conjugate West African Margin
Naresh Kumar, Steven G. Henry, Al Danforth, Peter Nuttall, and Sujata Venkatraman, #90124 (2011)
Basin Modeling in Complex Setting: New Developments and Workflows
Jean-Marie Laigle, Isabelle Faille, Muriel Thibaut, Jean-Francois Lecompte, Marie-Christine Cacas, and Jean-Paul Callot, #90124 (2011)
Mapping of Fluvial Meandering Channels in Lower Eocene in Mumbai Offshore Basin, India: A New Play Through Integration of Geology and 3-D Seismic Attributes
Hari Lal, Sudhansu Biswal, Satyajit Bhagat, Ajay K. Tandon, and Shyam Mohan, #90124 (2011)
Borneo – Where Models Go to Die
Joseph Lambiase, #90124 (2011)
Structural Traps Modification Associated with Foreland Lithospheric Flexure
Laurent Langhi and Bozkurt N. Ciftci, #90124 (2011)
Mechanism of Up-Fault Seepage and Seismic Expression of Discharge Sites from the Timor Sea
Laurent Langhi, Yanhua Zhang, Anthony Gartrell, Dave Dewhurst, Jim Underschultz, and Bozkurt N. Ciftci, #90124 (2011)
Reconstructing Aptian Evaporite Basin Geometry: Implications for Pre-evaporite Facies Distribution in the Santos and Campos Basins, Brazil
T. M. Laroche, Jason M. Francis, Chris A. Guzofski, and Rick Eisenberg, #90124 (2011)
Sequence Stratigraphy as Expressed by Shale Source Rock and Reservoir Characteristics – Examples from the Devonian Succession, Appalachian Basin
Gary Lash and Randy Blood, #90124 (2011)
Black Shale Diagenesis: Insights from Integrated High-Definition Analyses of Post-Mature Marcellus Formation Rocks, Northeastern Pennsylvania
Christopher D. Laughrey, Herman Lemmens, Tim E. Ruble, Jaime Kostelnik, and Greg Walker, #90124 (2011)
Magnesium Isotopes in Dolomites – Results for the Paleozoic of Eastern Canada and Significance for Exploration Models
Denis Lavoie, Simon Jackson, and Isabelle Girard, #90124 (2011)
Geological Setting and Petroleum Potential of the Paleozoic Hudson Platform, Northern Canada
Denis Lavoie, Nicolas Pinet, Shunxin Zhang, Mathieu Duchesne, Virginia Brake, Jim Dietrich, Esther Asselin, Derek Armstrong, Michelle Nicolas, Patrick Lajeunesse, Jonathan Roger, and Gabriel Huot-Vézina, #90124 (2011)
3-D Architecture of Muddy Clinoforms: Control on the Distribution and Lateral Variation of Sedimentary and Reservoir Facies, Upper Cretaceous, Eastern Alberta
Dallin P. Laycock, Per K. Pedersen, Ron Spencer, Steve Larter, Haiping Huang, and Andrew C. Aplin, #90124 (2011)
A Comparison of the Geometries of Two Plio-Pleistocene Shelf Margin Delta Sequences, Vermilion South Addition and Northeast Garden Banks, Gulf of Mexico
Patricia Lee, Janok Bhattacharya, and Scott Rubio, #90124 (2011)
Facies-Belt Pinch-Out Relationships in a Distal, Mixed-Influence Shallow-Marine Reservoir Analogue: Lower Sego Sandstone Member, Western Colorado, USA
Berit Legler, Virginia Stacey, Benoit Massart, Howard D. Johnson, Gary J. Hampson, Christopher Jackson, Matthew D. Jackson, Rodmar Ravnas, and Marcus Sarginson, #90124 (2011)
Facies, Environments and Mechanism of Initiation and Termination of an Oligocene Carbonate Platform: Rajamandala Formation, West Java
Daniel Lehrmann and Brad Jeffrey, #90124 (2011)
Sequence Stratigraphy of the Upper Cretaceous Upper Williams Fork Formation, Piceance Basin, Northwest Colorado, and Its Relationship to the Basin-Centered Gas Accumulation
Mike Leibovitz, Paul Weimer, Steve Cumella, and Renaud Bouroullec, #90124 (2011)
Petroleum Systems
in the Gulf of Mexico – From Regional Framework to Predicting Fluid and Rock Properties
Klaus R. Leischner, Ellie Chuparova, Andy Bishop, Daniel E. McKinney, and Thomas Taylor, #90124 (2011)
Source-to-Sink Correlation and Facies Architecture of the Late Campanian Twenty-Mile and Trout Creek Clastic Wedges
Julio Leva Lopez and Ronald Steel, #90124 (2011)
Carbonate Ramp Nummulite Limestone Reservoir Integrated Research in Pelagian Basin, Libya
Juan Li, Tianqi Wang, Naizhen Fang, Yirong Jia, Yutan Dou, and Songling Sun, #90124 (2011)
Geophysical Recognition and Characterization of One Deep Water Channel in the Northern Slope of South China Sea
Li Li, Lv Fuliang, Guozhang Fan, Bin Wang, and Dong Yong, #90124 (2011)
Facies, Characteristics, and Depositional Model of the Deepwater Fan Complex in the Zujiang Formation, Baiyun Sag, Pearl River Mouth Basin, South China Sea
Weiguo Li and Yingmin Wang, #90124 (2011)
3-D Architecture of a Wave-Influenced Parasequence in the Ferron “Notom” Delta, Capital Reef Utah, USA: Implications for Delta Asymmetry Models
Weiguo Li and Janok Bhattacharya, #90124 (2011)
Upper Ordovician-Lower Silurian Shale Gas Reservoirs in Southern Sichuan Basin, China
Xinjing Li, Caineng Zou, Zhongjian Qiu, Jianzhong Li, Gengsheng Chen, Dazhong Dong, Lansheng Wang, Shiqian Wang, Zonggang Lu, Shejiao Wang, and Keming Cheng, #90124 (2011)
Facies Architecture of a Compound Incised Valley System in the Ferron Notom Delta, Southern Utah
Yangyang Li and Janok Bhattacharya, #90124 (2011)
Regional Approach to Solve Structural Complexity and Cataclastic Fault Seal, Southern North Sea
Herald Ligtenberg, #90124 (2011)
Mississippi Valley Type (MVT) Mineralization in the Khuff "B" and "C" Reservoirs, Saudi Arabia
Robert F. Lindsay, #90124 (2011)
Salt Welds in the Deepwater Gulf of Mexico – Uncertainties in the Amount of Remnant Salt: Seismic and Well Examples
Louis Liro and Steven M. Holdaway, #90124 (2011)
Coupled Reactive Flow and Transport Modeling of CO2 Sequestration in the Mount Simon Sandstone Formation, Midwest USA
Faye Liu, Peng Lu, Chen Zhu, and Yitian Xiao, #90124 (2011)
U-Shaped Slope Gully Systems on Low-Sediment Supply Passive Margins: Examples from Gabon (West Africa) and Timor Sea (Indonesia)
Lidia Lonergan, Nur Huda Jamin, Jennifer Bromley, Dan Orange, Howard D. Johnson, Phillip Teas, John Decker, and Christopher Jackson, #90124 (2011)
Nature and Timing of a Late Quaternary Carbonate Sediment Drift, Inner Sea of the Maldives Archipelago
Karem Lopez, Jörn Fuerstenau, Thomas Luedmann, Andre W. Droxler, Christian Betzler, John J. Reijmer, Christian P. Huebscher, and Andreas Paul, #90124 (2011)
Geochemical Evidence for Gas Hydrate Occurrences in Northern Alaska
Thomas D. Lorenson and Timothy S. Collett, #90124 (2011)
Source Rock Prediction from Seismic Part II: Identifying and Mapping Source Rocks Claystones on Seismic Data
Helge Løseth, Lars Wensaas, Marita Gading, and Kenneth Duffaut, #90124 (2011)
Spectrum of Pore Types in Siliceous Mudstones in Shale-Gas Systems
Robert Loucks, Stephen C. Ruppel, Robert M. Reed, and Ursula Hammes, #90124 (2011)
Late Rift South Atlantic Pre-salt Carbonate Sequence Stratigraphy
Frank R. Love, #90124 (2011)
Petroleum Potential of a Triassic Carbonate Platform in the Whitehorse Trough Forearc Basin, Yukon, Canada
Grant W. Lowey, #90124 (2011)
Northern Gulf of Mexico Continental Margin Deformation Proposed to Be by Simple Shear with Regional Basal Horizon Terminating Under Yucatan
Allen Lowrie and Richard H. Fillon, #90124 (2011)
Geomechanical Modeling of Stresses Adjacent to Salt Bodies: Uncoupled Models
Gang Luo, Maria A. Nikolinakou, Peter B. Flemings, and Mike Hudec, #90124 (2011)
Exploring for Tight Oil in the Pennsylvanian Cleveland Sandstone on the Nemaha Ridge Using High Resolution 3-D Seismic and Stratigraphic
: A New Play in an Old Area
Tony Lupo and Lee Krystinik, #90124 (2011)
Controls on Water Balance and Facies Development in a Lacustrine Rift Basin Setting: Lake Malawi, East Africa
Robert Lyons and Christopher Scholz, #90124 (2011)
Stratigraphic Stacking of Outcropping Slope Channels, Tres Pasos Formation, Chile: Insights into Turbidite Reservoir Delineation
Ryan V. Macauley and Stephen M. Hubbard, #90124 (2011)
The Horton Bluff Formation Gas Shale Opportunity, Nova Scotia, Canada
Adam MacDonald, #90124 (2011)
Application of Critical-Taper Wedge Mechanics to Structural Style in Fossilized and Active Late Cretaceous-Tertiary Delta—Deepwater Fold-Thrust Belts
Justin MacDonald, Dave Healy, Rosalind King, Guillaume Backe, and Richard Hillis, #90124 (2011)
A Reevaluation of Tidally Deposited “Mud Drapes”: Criteria for Recognizing Dynamically Deposited Fluid-Mud Layers
Duncan A. Mackay and Robert Dalrymple, #90124 (2011)
Offshore Transport of Mud by Combined Flows: Upper Cretaceous, Western Interior Seaway, Northern Alberta, Canada
Joe Macquaker and Guy Plint, #90124 (2011)
Reservoir Characterization for the Application of ASP Flood Technology in the Bridgeport Sandstone in Lawrence Field, Illinois
Vineeth Madhavan, Nathan D. Webb, John P. Grube, Curt S. Blakley, Beverly Seyler, and Philip Johanek, #90124 (2011)
Use of Mud Gas Compositional
to Determine Fracture Quality of Natural Fractures in the Austin Chalk
Jonathan Madren and Jessica LaMarro, #90124 (2011)
Examining Deep-Water Channel-Levee Development with High-Resolution Seafloor Data: Insights from the Lucia Chica System, Offshore Central California
Katherine L. Maier, Andrea Fildani, Brian Romans, Charles K. Paull, Stephan Graham, Tim McHargue, David Caress, and Mary McGann, #90124 (2011)
Depositional Settings for Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous Microbial Carbonate Buildups and Associated Reservoir Facies, Northern Gulf of Mexico
Ernest A. Mancini, Wayne M. Ahr, and William C. Parcell, #90124 (2011)
Role of Panama Arc-Indentor for Late Cenozoic Deformation in Colombia and Implications for Regional Distribution of Hydrocarbons
Paul Mann and Carlos A. Vargas-Jimenez, #90124 (2011)
The Pony Discovery, Green Canyon Block 468, U.S. Gulf of Mexico: Structural Uncertainty
Ryan Mann, Henry Zollinger, and Steve Checkles, #90124 (2011)
Tracking and Quantifying Fluid Flow in a Fractured Carbonate Reservoir with 4-D Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR)
Pierpaolo Marchesini, Mark Grasmueck, Gregor P. Eberli, and Remke L. Van Dam, #90124 (2011)
Sedimentary Characteristics of Fine-Grained Resurge Facies, Wetumpka Marine Impact Structure, Central Alabama
James K. Markin and David T. King, #90124 (2011)
A Reconstruction of Global Sediment Fluxes Since the Late Jurassic: Fact, Fiction or Wishful Thinking?
Paul Markwick, Daniel Campanile, Amanda Galsworthy, Lauren Raynham, Melise Harland, Kate Benny, Rob Bailiff, Kathelijne Bonne, Laura Hagan, Dorothea Eue, and Neil Wrobel, #90124 (2011)
Mudrock Reservoirs – Why Depositional Fabric and Sequence Stratigraphic Framework Matter
Jeffrey A. May and Donna S. Anderson, #90124 (2011)
The Upper Cretaceous of the Bight Basin, Australia: A Large Deltaic System in a Greenhouse World
Peter J. McCabe and Jennifer M. Totterdell, #90124 (2011)
Geochemical Characterization and Correlation of the Cathedral Bluffs Tongue, Southwestern Wyoming
Luke P. McHugh, John-Paul Zonneveld, Gregg F. Gunnell, and William S. Bartels, #90124 (2011)
Depositional Processes and Correlation of Structurally Confined Deepwater Sandstones from the Upper Jurassic Buzzard Field, UKCS
Mark McKinnon and Ben Kneller, #90124 (2011)
Stratigraphic Architecture of Shallow-Marine Siliciclastic Sequences in an Updip Passive-Margin Setting: Insights into the Miocene Aquifers of the Central Delmarva Peninsula
Peter P. McLaughlin, Paul Martin, Kenneth G. Miller, and James V. Browning, #90124 (2011)
Seismic Facies Architecture of a Recent Shelf Margin: Implications for Exploration of Ancient Shelf Edge Deltas
David McPherson, Michael DiMarco, Bradford Prather, and Ron Steel, #90124 (2011)
Impact of Carbonate Reservoir Heterogeneity on Reservoir Forecasts: Why Are Production Forecasts Too Optimistic and Can Anything Really Be Done to Eliminate Forecast Bias?
William Meddaugh, W. Terry Osterloh, and Nicole Champenoy, #90124 (2011)
Great White “WM12” Reservoir: A New Development in the Ultra-Deepwater, Perdido Fold Belt, Gulf of Mexico
Michael Medeiros, Ruijian Li, Bryce McKee, Jeremy Piefer, and Terrell Stroud, #90124 (2011)
Economic Determinants of the Global Natural Gas Balance
Kenneth B. Medlock, #90124 (2011)
Petroleum Hydrogeology of Southwestern Saskatchewan
Anatoly Melnik and Benjamin J. Rostron, #90124 (2011)
Sub-salt Petroleum Potential of the Neoproterozoic Adelaide Rift, South Australia
Sandra Menpes, #90124 (2011)
Shale Gas Prospectivity in South Australia
Sandra Menpes, Anthony J. Hill, and Arezoo Siasitorbaty, #90124 (2011)
Primary Depositional Controls on Shale Gas/Shale Oil Potential in the U.S.: A Global Sequence Stratigraphic Perspective
Ailsa C. Messer, William L. Prendergast, Owen E. Sutcliffe, and Mark A. Reynald, #90124 (2011)
Facies Modeling of Fluvial Systems, Fifty Years On
Andrew D. Miall, #90124 (2011)
Appalachian Basin Database for Devonian Gas Shales
Robert C. Milici, Robert T. Ryder, and Frank T. Dulong, #90124 (2011)
Stratigraphy and Internal Architecture of the Wave-Dominated Gum Hollow Delta, Nueces Bay, Texas: Implications for Architecture Scaling and Recording Paleo-Storminess in the Northwestern Gulf of Mexico
Sara P. Miller, James R. Garrison, Alberto M. Mestas-Nuñez, Timothy M. Dellapenna, and Joshua R. Williams, #90124 (2011)
Seismic Stratigraphy and Reservoir Sedimentology of Wave-Dominated Delta and Slope-Basinal Turbidite Reservoirs, Cretaceous Lower Barrow Group, Wa-390-P, North Carnarvon Basin, Western Australia
Jon Minken, C. R. Handford, Dean Griffin, Paul Owen, and Josh Miller, #90124 (2011)
Seismic Geomorphology and Stratigraphy of Distributary Channels and Incised Valleys of the Mungaroo Delta Plain, Wa-390-P, Exmouth Plateau, North Carnarvon Basin, Western Australia
Jon Minken, Josh Miller, Yohan Kusumanegara, and Dean Griffin, #90124 (2011)
Sequence Stratigraphic
of Middle Devonian Fluvial Deposits and Correlation with the Marine in the Appalachian Basin, New York, USA
Jason S. Mintz, Steven G. Driese, R. Hunter Harlow, T. Colby Wright, and Stacy C. Atchley, #90124 (2011)
Characterization of Unconventional Shale Gas Reservoirs Using a Shale Gas Facies Expert System to Identify Lithofacies and Optimal Completion Intervals
Arijit Mitra, Daniel Warrington, and Alan Sommer, #90124 (2011)
Direct Transfer of Sand from Shelf-Edge Deltas to the Continental Slope
David Mohrig, Michael P. Lamb, and Jeffrey Nittrouer, #90124 (2011)
Application of Whole Rock Inorganic Geochemistry to Stratigraphic Understanding of Mixed Carbonate Evaporite Reservoirs, an Example from the First Eocene of the Wafra Field, PZ
Paul Montgomery, Ken Ratcliffe, Dave Wray, Steve Bachtel, Milly Wright, Doug McCarty, Arek Derkowski, Bonny Archuleta, Niall Toomey, Dennis Dull, William Meddaugh, and Michael Urbat, #90124 (2011)
Petroleum System Modeling Implications in a Prospect Geological Risk, Western Interior Range, Venezuela
Linda Montilla, Migdalys Salazar, Solanyer Rojas, and Angel Gonzalez, #90124 (2011)
Characterizing Overbank Deposits for Use in Fluvial Reservoir Models
Jeremiah D. Moody, Bryan Bracken, David Pyles, Grace Ford, Kassandra Sendziak, Brian Willis, and Tobias Payenberg, #90124 (2011)
Giant Hams from the Laborcita Formation, Sacramento Mountains, New Mexico
Kevin M. Moore, Ian T. Gordon, Brenda L. Kirkland, and Darrel W. Schmitz, #90124 (2011)
Long-Term Deformation Versus Stress Orientations from Borehole Breakouts in the Colombian Eastern Foothills. Distinction of Compressional and Transpressional Structural Domains
Andres R. Mora Bohorquez, Angela Ramirez, Enus Zambrano Vargas, and Andres Valencia, #90124 (2011)
of Reservoir Heterogeneity and Applications of Representative Core Sampling for Gas Shale Characterization
Hugo R. Morales, Roberto Suarez-Rivera, Ahmad Ghassemi, and Sonia Marino, #90124 (2011)
New Horizons for Geothermal Energy in Sedimentary Basins in Colorado
Paul Morgan and Matthew A. Sares, #90124 (2011)
CBM in Illinois? E & P in a Very Unconventional Biogenic Coal Gas Play
David G. Morse, #90124 (2011)
Development of High-Resolution δ13C Records in Tethyan Limestones from the Anisian to Early Norian
David Mosher, Miriam Katz, Giovanni Muttoni, and Dennis Kent, #90124 (2011)
A Multilateral Case Study in the San Juan Basin: Integrated Geosteering Technology Combined with Near Bit Azimuthal Gamma Tools
Rocky Mottahedeh, #90124 (2011)
Development and Charging of Traps Adjacent to Salt in Northern Gulf of Mexico Deepwater Subsalt Plays
Van S. Mount, Keith I. Mahon, Samuel H. Mentemeier, and Andre C. Klein, #90124 (2011)
Characterization of Devonian Shale Formations in the Appalachian Basin
Thomas H. Mroz, Dustin Crandall, Kalin McDannal, and John Landis, #90124 (2011)
Unconventional (Shale Oil or Gas) Petroleum Systems of the Eastern Canadian Paleozoic Sedimentary Basins: Effects of Organic Facies, Organic-Mineral Network, and Maturation
Prasanta K. Mukhopadhyay, #90124 (2011)
Origin of Oil and Hydrocarbon Gases Within Our Solar System – Biogenic and Abiogenic?
Prasanta K. Mukhopadhyay, David J. Mossman, and James M. Ehrman, #90124 (2011)
High Resolution Magnetostratigraphy as a Tool for Investigating Basin Evolution: Example from Upper Cretaceous (Santonian-Campanian) Marine Strata of Western Canada
Andrew J. Mumpy, Octavian Catuneanu, John Lerbekmo, and Vadim Kravchinsky, #90124 (2011)
Revisiting the Apollo Lunar Surface Geophysical Experiments
Seiichi Nagihara, Yosio Nakamura, and Lynn Lewis, #90124 (2011)
Stratigraphy, Diagenesis and Fracture Distribution of the Three Forks Formation, Williston Basin
Vasilisa V. Nekhorosheva, Allaudin A. Gantyno, Stephen Sonnenberg, and J Frederick Sarg, #90124 (2011)
Evolution of Overpressured and Underpressured Oil and Gas Reservoirs, Anadarko Basin of Oklahoma, Texas, and Kansas
Philip H. Nelson and Nicholas Gianoutsos, #90124 (2011)
Bioturbations, Storms and Earthquakes: The Depositional Environment of the Cambrian Alum Shale in Southern Sweden
Warren Newby, Sven Egenhoff, Joerg Maletz, and Per Ahlberg, #90124 (2011)
Carbonate Rock Typing – Modelling Heterogeneity. A Case Study Comparison of Whole Core and Core Plug Permeability Data
Chris Nicholls, Iulian Hulea, and Rob Forkner, #90124 (2011)
Future Water Needs of the Oil and Gas Industry in Texas
Jean-Philippe Nicot, #90124 (2011)
Carbon Storage Options for the Power Industry in the Texas Gulf Coast Area
Jean-Philippe Nicot, Timothy A. Meckel, and Ramon H. Trevino, #90124 (2011)
Geomechanical Modeling of Stresses Adjacent to Salt Bodies: Poro-Elasto-Plasticity and Coupled Overpressures
Maria A. Nikolinakou, Gang Luo, Mike Hudec, and Peter B. Flemings, #90124 (2011)
Difficulty Correlating Degree of Porosity Uncertainty to Gross Rock Volume: A Multiple-Zone Solution
Charles D. Norman, #90124 (2011)
Synrift Tectonic Domains in South Atlantic Salt Basins: Observations from Long-Offset Deep Seismic Data Combined with Plate Reconstructions Allow for Comparisons of Regional Extension Along West Africa and Brazil Continental Margins
Ian Norton and Menno Dinkelman, #90124 (2011)
Evaluating the Gas Shale Potential of the Hilliard/Baxter Formation in the Green River Basin, Wyoming
Ivana Novosel, Carsten Buker, Alan S. Kornacki, and Volker Dieckmann, #90124 (2011)
Sustainable Use of Fossil Energy
Dag Nummedal, #90124 (2011)
Migration of Dynamic Subsidence Across the Late Cretaceous U.S. Western Interior Basin in Response to Farallon Plate Subduction
Dag Nummedal, Shaofeng Liu, and Lijun Liu, #90124 (2011)
Burial and Thermal History of the Haynesville Shale: Implications for Gas Generation, Overpressure, and Natural Hydrofracture
Jeffrey Nunn, #90124 (2011)
Biomarker Evidence for Paleoenvironmental Conditions in the Upper Guadalupian (Mid-Permian) Bell Canyon Formation, Delaware Basin, West Texas
Sarah O'Connor, Hiroshi Naraoka, Simon Poulson, and Paula J. Noble, #90124 (2011)
Petrographic Comparison and Contrast of Fluvial and Deltaic Sandstones, Upper Pennsylvanian Oread Cyclothem, NE Oklahoma
Jonathan Obrist and Wan Yang, #90124 (2011)
An Investigation of the Petrophysical and Acoustic Properties of Mass-Transport Sediments Within the Oligocene Frio Formation, South Texas Gulf Coast
Osareni Ogiesoba, Ursula Hammes, and Maryam A. Mousavi, #90124 (2011)
Combining Hydropyrolysis and Compound Specific Stable Isotope Measurements to Identify Sources of Biodegraded PAHs in Sediments
Gbolagade A. Olalere, Cheng-Gong Sun, Mick Cooper, Colin E. Snape, and Christopher Vane, #90124 (2011)
Quantitative Seismic Geomorphology of Miocene Submarine Channel-Levee and Distributary Channel Networks Around Growing Salt-Related Slope Topography, Offshore West Africa
Ayodeji P. Oluboyo, Dina Vachtman, and Robert L. Gawthorpe, #90124 (2011)
An Exceptionally Well-Preserved Calcisponge-Dominated Reef Facies in the Upper San Andres Formation (Permian), East Vacuum Grayburg San Andres Unit, Lea County, New Mexico
David M. Orchard, Gregory P. Wahlman, and Govert J. Buijs, #90124 (2011)
Evaluating Controls on Carbonate Sequence Development: Middle to Late Miocene Ponce Limestone, Puerto Rico
Diana Ortega-Ariza and Evan K. Franseen, #90124 (2011)
Deposition and Diagenesis of the Ediacaran Khufai Formation, Huqf Supergroup, Oman: Preservation Potential for the Shuram Carbon Isotopic Excursion
Magdalena Osburn, John Grotzinger, Gordon Love, Kristin D. Bergmann, and Alex Sessions, #90124 (2011)
Deciphering Depositional Controls on Shale-Gas Reservoir Distribution and Resource Density Using Detailed Sedimentology and Sequence Stratigraphy
Jeff Ottmann, Kevin Bohacs, Remus Lazar, Tim Demko, Jason Flaum, and Jay Kalbas, #90124 (2011)
Silurian Shale of the Baltic Syneclise: A Significant European Shale Gas Prospect
Adedeji Owoyemi, #90124 (2011)
Quantification of Effects of Cementation on Subcritical Crack Index by Comparison of Outcrop and Subsurface Samples of Williams Fork Formation, Piceance Basin
Aysen Ozkan, Kitty Milliken, Stephen E. Laubach, Jon E. Olson, and Jon Holder, #90124 (2011)
Clean Coal Technology Development and Its Impact on the Energy Industry in the Southeastern United States
Jack Pashin, #90124 (2011)
My Source Rock Is Now My Shale-Gas Reservoir-Characterization of Organic-Rich Rocks
Quinn R. Passey, Kevin Bohacs, Robert E. Klimentidis, William L. Esch, and Somnath Sinha, #90124 (2011)
The Distribution of Deepwater Reservoirs and Depositional Environments: Can They Really Be Controlled by Crustal-Mantle Interactions? Evidence from the African Atlantic Margin
Douglas Paton, Muneef Mohammed, and Richard Collier, #90124 (2011)
Carbonate Reservoir Characterisation: A Middle East Case Study Using 3-D Seismic
Gaynor Paton, Helen Basford, Anthony Avu, and Frank van Kleef, #90124 (2011)
An Ocean Record of Atmospheric Dust from Pennsylvanian Carbonates of the Akiyoshi Atoll, Japan
Elisheva Patterson, Gerilyn Soreghan, Hiroyoshi Sano, and Vladimir Davydov, #90124 (2011)
Control of Monsoonal Currents on Pleistocene Carbonate Sedimentation on the Maldives Carbonate Platform (Indian Ocean)
Andreas Paul, John J. Reijmer, Hanno Kinkel, Joern Fuerstenau, Andre W. Droxler, and Christian Betzler, #90124 (2011)
Geomechanical Controls on the Gas Production in the North Parachute Area, Colorado
Pijush Paul, Thomas Neely, Tricia Allwardt, Peter Hennings, Jason McLennan, Ray Reid, and David Brown, #90124 (2011)
Revisiting the Subsurface Classification of Fluvial Sandbodies
Tobi Payenberg, Brian Willis, Bryan Bracken, Henry W. Posamentier, Michael Pyrcz, Victor Pusca, and Morgan D. Sullivan, #90124 (2011)
Controls on Porosity and Permeability Within the Carmel Formation: Implications for Carbon Sequestration
William G. Payne, Peter S. Mozley, Douglas A. Sprinkel, and Andrew R. Campbell, #90124 (2011)
Geologic Assessment of Undiscovered Conventional and Continuous Resources of the Upper Cretaceous Austin Chalk
Krystal Pearson, #90124 (2011)
Geologic Assessment of Undiscovered Hydrocarbon Resources in the Jurassic Norphlet and Smackover Formations of the U.S. Gulf Coast
Ofori N. Pearson, #90124 (2011)
Innovative Methods for Flow Unit and Pore Structure
in a Tight Gas Reservoir, Montney Formation, NE BC
Per K. Pedersen, Chris Clarkson, Jerry Jensen, Omar Derder, and Melissa Freeman, #90124 (2011)
Methodological Design for the Use of Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery to Monitor Seepage Activity Behavior in the Gulf of Mexico
Enrico C. Pedroso, Patricia Genovez, Priscilla Bruno, Gustavo Torres, and Loren P. Martins, #90124 (2011)
Bio-Pipeline Networks in Low Permeability Gas Charged Bioturbated Reservoirs
George Pemberton and Murray Gingras, #90124 (2011)
Organic Matter,
, Bitumen, Petroleum, Generation, Sorption, Absorption, Adsorption, Expulsion and Migration: What’s the Difference and Why Does It Matter in Unconventional Resource Assessment?
Andrew Pepper, #90124 (2011)
From Seismic Interpretation to Reservoir Modeling: A Case of Study of the Diamond-M Field
Roderick Perez, Carlos Russian, Kurt J. Marfurt, and Alison Small, #90124 (2011)
Geophysical Characterization of an Oligo-Miocene Prospective Interval in Copa Macoya Field, Guárico Sub-basin, Venezuela
Yaraixa Pérez, Bice Cortiula, Jesus Sierra, Bruno De Toni, Colombo Da Encarnacao, and Crelia Padron, #90124 (2011)
Sun to Sink: Impact on Exploration Strategy in Rift Basins
Martin Perlmutter, #90124 (2011)
Impact of Albian Tectono-Stratigraphy on Upper Cretaceous Plays in the Deep Ivorian Basin, Gulf of Guinea, West Africa
Arndt Peterhänsel, Andrey Akhmetzhanov, Zsolt Schleder, Gennady Toropov, Christopher H. Bradley, Michael Neese, Ron Wallace, Gbomea Marcelle Gauly, and Gérard N'Dri, #90124 (2011)
The Stratal Signature of Backwater Hydraulic Conditions in Campanian Lower Castlegate Sandstone Paleo-Rivers, Book Cliffs, USA
Andrew Petter, Ronald Steel, David Mohrig, and Jeffrey Nittrouer, #90124 (2011)
Carbon Isotope Stratigraphy of the Cretaceous Gulf of Mexico: Global Utility and Regional Implications
Ryan M. Phelps and Charles Kerans, #90124 (2011)
Unlocking the Exploration Potential of the U.S. Beaufort Sea Continental Shelf, Offshore Arctic Alaska
Steve Phelps, John L. Shepard, Robert Foster, Jamie Lambrecht, Guenter Jaeger, Thomas X. Homza, Matthew Zechmeister, Douglas Collins, Michael Roffall, Mark Newell, Cody Teff, and Robert Scheidemann, #90124 (2011)
Stratigraphic Architecture of the MacKay River Oil Sands Reservoir: Delineation of a Shoreface Shelf Tidal Sand Bar Complex Utilizing Sedimentological and Ichnological Trends
Jenna M. Phillips, Mark Caplan, Murray Gingras, and George Pemberton, #90124 (2011)
Rapid Subsidence at Outer Continental Margins and SDR Packages During the Rift-Drift Transition: The Roles of Landward-Dipping Faults and “Magmatic Detachment”
James Pindell and Teunis Heyn, #90124 (2011)
Role of Caribbean Arc Collision on the Development of the Southeast Gulf of Mexico, Florida and Bahamas
James Pindell, #90124 (2011)
Laramide Episodic Documentation in Architecture and Depofacies of Viento Formation: Consequence of La Popa Salt Weld Evolution, La Popa Basin, Northeastern Mexico
Constantin P. Platon and Amy Weislogel, #90124 (2011)
Detailed Mineralogical Characterization of the Upper Montney Fine-Grained ‘Shale’ Interval Using Micro-CT and Electron Microprobe Analyses
Tiffany Playter, Murray Gingras, and John-Paul Zonneveld, #90124 (2011)
Fracture Characterization of the 1st Eocene, Wafra Field, Kuwait-Saudi Arabia
Meghan E. Playton, Vincent Heesakkers, Eric Flodin, and Wayne Narr, #90124 (2011)
Modeling Depositional Heterogeneity of Carbonate Ramps Using Outcrop Analogs and Multiple Point Statistics
Ted Playton, Jeroen Kenter, Marjorie Levy, Paul M. Harris, Gareth Jones, and Aurelien Pierre, #90124 (2011)
High Resolution Chronostratigraphy of a Carbonate Platform Top to Reef Transition, Upper Devonian, Canning Basin, Western Australia
Ted Playton, Paul Montgomery, Maodu Yan, Eric Tohver, Ken Ratcliffe, Milly Wright, Jennifer Sano, Kelly Hillbun, David A. Katz, Peter Haines, Roger Hocking, Paul M. Harris, and Gareth Jones, #90124 (2011)
Diagenesis and Porosity Evolution of a Dolomitized Paleocene-Eocene Carbonate Ramp; 1st Eocene Reservoir, Wafra Field, Partitioned Zone, Kuwait
David A. Pollitt, Art Saller, and Erik Anthonissen, #90124 (2011)
Visualization and Quantification of Fracture-Related Karst in Barremian Limestones, Cassis, France
Kenri Pomar, Gregor P. Eberli, Mark Grasmueck, and Juliette Lamarche, #90124 (2011)
2nd- and 3rd-Order Sequence Stratigraphy, Depositional Environments, Provenance, and Diagenesis of the Supermature Eureka Quartzite and Its Equivalents, Western North America
Michael Pope, Eric Baar, Andrew Hutto, Benjamin D. Workman, and Tracy Wulf, #90124 (2011)
of Storage Resource Estimates for CO2 Sequestration in Saline Formations
Olga H. Popova, Sean T. McCoy, Bobby Karimi, Mitchell Small Small, Andrew C. Thomas, and M. Granger Morgan, #90124 (2011)
Seismic Geomorphology of a Tertiary-Aged Isolated Carbonate Platform System, Browse Basin, Northwest Shelf of Australia: The Spatial and Temporal Evolution of Carbonate Platform Environments I – The Lower Section
Henry W. Posamentier, Steve Bachtel, Thomas P. Gerber, and Jesse Lomask, #90124 (2011)
Seismic Stratigraphic and Seismic Geomorphologic Study of Mass Transport and Sediment Wave Deposition, Offshore Eastern Canada
Henry W. Posamentier, Kila Bale, Steve M. Decker, and Rosanne Jowitt, #90124 (2011)
Source to Sink – Why it Matters
Henry W. Posamentier, Ole J. Martinsen, and Chris Paola, #90124 (2011)
Intrinsic Controls on the Range of Volumes, Morphologies, and Dimensions of Submarine Lobes
Amandine Prelat, Jake Covault, David Hodgson, Andrea Fildani, and Stephen Flint, #90124 (2011)
Integrating Outcrop Sections and Research Boreholes to Understand the Internal Organisation of Submarine Lobe Deposits
Amandine Prelat, David Hodgson, and Stephen Flint, #90124 (2011)
Basin Evaluation Comparison: Paradox, San Juan and Black Mesa Basins Utah, Colorado, New Mexico and Arizona, USA
Corine Prieto and Thomas P. Bulling, #90124 (2011)
Crustal Structure, Sequence Stratigraphy and Petroleum Potential of the Western Colombian Basin Adjacent to Costa Rica and Nicaragua
Maria I. Prieto, Harm Van Avendonk, Paul Mann, Steve Holbrook, Daniel Lizarralde, and Percy Denyer, #90124 (2011)
Structural and Stratigraphic Synthesis of the Gas Trend on the Northern Shelf of Trinidad and Tobago
Stefan Punnette and Paul Mann, #90124 (2011)
Consistencies in Vertical-to-Lateral Carbonate Facies Juxtapositions; A Direct Comparison Between Modern and Miocene is Possible
Sam J. Purkis and Brigitte Vlaswinkel, #90124 (2011)
A Multi-site Appraisal of Geobody Morphometric Properties Atop Ten Modern Carbonate Platforms
Sam J. Purkis, Kelly Alexander, Shawn Fullmer, Amy Ruf, Toni Simo, and Kelley Steffen, #90124 (2011)
Late Cretaceous-Age, Half-Graben Basin, Turbidite Fills in the North Sea Heidrun Field, Mid-Norwegian Continental Shelf
Sarika Ramnarine, Lesli Wood, and Lorena Moscardelli, #90124 (2011)
A Global Survey of the Geometry and Sedimentology of Holocene Shelf-Margin Reefs and Sandy Backreef Aprons
Eugene C. Rankey, Stacy Lynn Reeder, and Rodrigo Garza-Perez, #90124 (2011)
Complex Transition of Shallow-Marine Star Point Formation to Coastal-Plain Blackhawk Formation, Wasatch Plateau, Utah
Andrew M. Ranson, Royhan Gani, Gary Hampson, Nahid D. Gani, and Hiranya Sahoo, #90124 (2011)
Hydrocarbon Phase Prediction in Unconventional Resource Plays Using Geochemical and PVT Data
Jackie Reed, Kevin Ferworn, Stephen Brown, and John Zumberge, #90124 (2011)
Observations of Pores in the Cretaceous Eagle Ford Shale, South Texas, USA
Robert M. Reed and Stephen Ruppel, #90124 (2011)
Predicting Hydraulically Induced Fractures Using Acoustic Impedance Inversion Volumes: A Barnett Shale Formation Example
Xavier E. Refunjol, Joel H. Le Calvez, Kurt J. Marfurt, and Katie M. Keranen, #90124 (2011)
Facies and Fracture Distribution in the Miocene Cariatiz Reef Complex (Sorbas Basin, Southeast Spain)
John J. Reijmer, Robin F. du Mée, Manon J. van Goethem, Frank Zwaan, Mohamed Abd Elrahman, Herman Boro, and Giovanni Bertotti, #90124 (2011)
Importance of Dimorphosiphon and Other Skeleton-Building Green Algae for Facies and Biostratigraphic Studies of the Late Ordovician Red River Formation, Williston Basin
Benjamin E. Rendall, James F. Colony, and Antun Husinec, #90124 (2011)
Three-Dimensional Geometry of Platform-Scale Fracture Systems, Guadalupe Mountains, New Mexico, USA
Phillip G. Resor, David W. Hunt, and Eric Flodin, #90124 (2011)
The Importance of Upwelling Along the Californian Margin with Links to Sequence Stratigraphy and Petroleum Significance
Mark A. Reynald, William L. Prendergast, Andrew Davies, and Ailsa C. Messer, #90124 (2011)
The Sorong Fault Zone Kinematics: Implication for Structural Evolution on Salawati Basin, Seram and Misool, West Papua, Indonesia
Putri Riadini and Benyamin Sapiie, #90124 (2011)
Controls on Fluvial Channel Belt Architecture from the Cretaceous Blackhawk Formation of Eastern Utah
Andreas Rittersbacher, John A. Howell, and Simon J. Buckley, #90124 (2011)
East Indonesia: Plays and Prospectivity of the West Aru, Kai Besar and Tanimbar Area-Identified from New Long Offset Seismic Data
Glyn Roberts, Charles Ramsden, Trond Christoffersen, Naryanto Wagimin, and Yunan Muzaffar, #90124 (2011)
Mapping the Production Characteristics of the Haynesville Shale with a Well-Log Derived High-Density Stratigraphic Framework
Mark C. Robinson and Ramona Hovey, #90124 (2011)
Origin of the Mexican Ridges Passive Margin Foldbelt Based on Seismic and Well Integration from the Shelf-Slope-Deep Basin and Structural Restoration
Anthony B. Rodriguez and Paul Mann, #90124 (2011)
Stratigraphy, Sedimentology and Heterogeneity of Carbonates Facies and Its Relation with Global and Local Sea Level Fluctuations in a Miocene to Pleistocene Carbonate Platform in the Caribbean, Isla de Mona, Puerto Rico
Alejandra M. Rodriguez-Delgado, Luis Gonzalez, and Wilson Ramirez, #90124 (2011)
Outcrop Analogue of Pre-salt Microbial Series from South Atlantic: The Yacoraite Formation, Salta Rift System (NW Argentina)
Sebastien Rohais, Youri Hamon, and Rémy Deschamps, #90124 (2011)
The Impact of Stratigraphic Interpretation on Lucapa Field Development Planning, Deepwater Angola
Eugenia Rojas, Henry W. Posamentier, and Kathy Mabe, #90124 (2011)
Remembering the 'Source' When Applying Source-to-Sink Concepts in Clastic Stratigraphy
Brian Romans, Andrea Fildani, Jake Covault, Morgan D. Sullivan, Julian Clark, Bruce Power, Michael Pyrcz, Bryan Bracken, Brian Willis, and Tobi Payenberg, #90124 (2011)
Geologic and Geophysical Constraints on Crustal Type and Tectonic Evolution of the Gulf of Mexico
Malcolm I. Ross, Souvik S. Mukherjee, Lorcan Kennan, Gary S. Steffens, Steve Barker, Ed Biegert, Steve Bergman, and Tim Petitclerc, #90124 (2011)
Evaluating the Role of Sediment Supply and Tectonics in Sediment Partitioning and Reservoir Distribution in the Cordilleran Foreland Basin: A Basin-Scale
of the Lower Mesaverde Group, Utah and Colorado
Jared K. Rountree and Jennifer L. Aschoff, #90124 (2011)
Integrating Wireline Pressure Data, Stratigraphy, and Historic Fluid Production to Better Understand the Areal and Stratigraphic Pressure Distribution Prior to Steamflood Operations in the Wafra First Eocene Reservoir, PZ, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait
Dana Rowan, Shamsul Aziz, Nicole Champenoy, William Meddaugh, and Gregorio Gonzalez, #90124 (2011)
Entrained Section and Encapsulated Minibasins: Complex Allochthonous Salt Geometries in the Northern Gulf of Mexico
Mark G. Rowan and Kerry Inman, #90124 (2011)
Formation Evaluation of Barnett Shale by Kohonen Self Organizing Maps – An Example from North East Fort Worth Basin
Atish Roy, Roderick Perez, and Kurt J. Marfurt, #90124 (2011)
Controls on the Distribution and Geometries of Sandstone Bodies in Platform Carbonate Systems: Examples from the Middle Permian (Guadalupian), Permian Basin, Texas
Stephen C. Ruppel and Robert Loucks, #90124 (2011)
Site Characterization for CO2 Storage from Coal-Fired Power Facilities in the Black Warrior Basin of Alabama
Rachael Rutter, Whitney Harris, Andrew Goodliffe, and Jack Pashin, #90124 (2011)
Sonic Velocity
of Triassic and Paleozoic Interval of Onshore North Florida Wells to Determine Exhumation
Martha Sadlick, #90124 (2011)
Estimation of the Basalt and the Underlying Sediments from Seismic, Gravity, and Geological Data - A Case Study in the Chambal Valley in the Western Part of the Proterozoic Vindhyan Basin, India
Dipendu Saha, Dibeyendu Sar, and Vedpal Singh, #90124 (2011)
Lidar-Integrated Outcrop Characterization of Blackhawk Formation, Wasatch Plateau, Utah: Towards Improved Fluvial Reservoir Modeling
Hiranya Sahoo, Nahid D. Gani, Royhan Gani, Gary Hampson, John A. Howell, Simon J. Buckley, and Andrew M. Ranson, #90124 (2011)
Shelf Edge Architecture and Source-to-Sink Dynamics in the Northern Taranaki Basin, New Zealand
Migdalys Salazar, Lorena Moscardelli, and Lesli Wood, #90124 (2011)
Late-Stage Diagenesis and Bacterial Sulfate Reduction in the 1st Eocene Reservoir, Wafra Field, Partitioned Zone, Kuwait
Arthur Saller, David A. Pollitt, and John A. Dickson, #90124 (2011)
Partial Dolomitization of a Pennsylvanian Limestone Buildup by Hydrothermal Fluids and Its Effect on Reservoir Quality and Performance, West Texas
Arthur Saller and John A. Dickson, #90124 (2011)
Influence of the Eastern Cordillera Exhumation on the Structural Evolution of the Eastern Part of Middle Magdalena Valley Basin, Colombia
Carlos J. Sanchez, Eliseo Teson, Brian K. Horton, Andres R. Mora Bohorquez, Richard A. Ketcham, Daniel F. Stockli, and Nestor R. Moreno, #90124 (2011)
3D Seismic Interpretation of Permian-Carboniferous Carbonates in Offshore Northern Europe: Faulting and Leakage
Alfredo Sánchez-Monclú and Mateu Esteban, #90124 (2011)
Shelf-Slope Sedimentary Prism Development and Changing Deepwater Sand Distribution Pattern: Eocene Tyee Forearc Basin, Oregon
Manasij Santra, Ronald Steel, and Michael L. Sweet, #90124 (2011)
Naturally Basement Fractured Reservoir as a New Exploration Target in the Iliran High, South Sumatra Basin, Indonesia
Benyamin Sapiie, Masio Patria, RM Iman Argakoesoemah, Tedi Herdiyan, Didit A. Firmansyah, and Windi Darmawan, #90124 (2011)
Delineating Deepwater Depositional Patterns in a Foredeep Basin: An Integrated Study from North Chicontepec Basin, East-Central Mexico
Supratik Sarkar, Stephen P. Cossey, Kurt J. Marfurt, Roger M. Slatt, and Sergio Chávez-Pérez, #90124 (2011)
Using Modern Seismic Techniques to Unlock India's Deep Water Pre-basalt Hydrocarbon Potential
Gary Scaife, Richie Miller, and Richard Spoors, #90124 (2011)
Exploring the Hydrocarbon Potential Offshore Western Florida
Gary N. Scaife, Richie Miller, and Scott Bowman, #90124 (2011)
Late Cretaceous, Kilometric Scale Slides and Associated Slump Complexes, Orange Basin, SW Africa
Nicola Scarselli, Ken McClay, and Chris Elders, #90124 (2011)
Implications of Flume Studies for Shallow Marine Mud Deposition and the Stratigraphic Record
Juergen Schieber, #90124 (2011)
Lidar Characterization of a Jackfork Group Basin Floor Fan Deposit and Implications to Analog Reservoir Modeling and Production
Brett D. Schlichtemeier, #90124 (2011)
Carbon and Hydrogen Isotope Systematics in Gases from Horizontal Bakken Shale Wells
Martin Schoell and Julie LeFever, #90124 (2011)
The Complex Sedimentary and Ecological Environments of a Drowned River Valley: Port Stephens, SE Australia
Claudia Schroder-Adams and Tanya Tran, #90124 (2011)
Carboniferous Sediments in Germany: Palaeogeographic, Sedimentological, and Diagenetic Control on Shale Gas Prospectivity and Production Issues
Hans-Martin Schulz, Dorit Kerschke, Alexander Hartwig1, Sven Könitzer, Maria Mendez, Rolando diPrimio, Ralf Littke, and Brian Horsfield, #90124 (2011)
Non-Seismic Detection of Hydrocarbons
Dietmar Schumacher, #90124 (2011)
Development of a Sand Injection Complex: Volund Field, Offshore Norway
Anne M. Schwab, Eric W. Jameson, and Ann Townsley, #90124 (2011)
The PALEOMAP PaleoAtlas & PaleoClimate Atlas (ArcGIS)
Christopher Scotese and Thomas Moore, #90124 (2011)
Sediment Redistribution in the Gulf of Mexico Resulting from the K/Pg Boundary Chixculub Impact and the Resulting Influence on Wilcox Formation Sedimentation Patterns
Erik D. Scott, Richard A. Denne, James Kaiser, Timothy S. Buddin, Steve D. Carlson, David P. Eickhoff, Ronald Hill, and Joan M. Spaw, #90124 (2011)
and Sequence Stratigraphy of Tertiary Carbonates: Integrating Subsurface and Outcrop Data from the Cepu Block and Rajamandala Outcrops, Java, Indonesia
Rizky P. Sekti, Fikril Hakiki, Christian J. Strohmenger, Aram N. Derewetzky, Benyamin Sapiie, Dwiharso Nugroho, Shawn Fullmer, and Toni Simo, #90124 (2011)
Deformation in the Appalachian Foreland: Detachment Structures in the Basal Marcellus Shale, Central New York
Bruce Selleck, #90124 (2011)
*Fractures, Veins, Fluid Migration and Hydrocarbon Generation in the Utica Shale, Northern Appalachian Basin, New York
Bruce Selleck, Jacqueline Colborne, Julian Michaels, #90124 (2011)
Petroleum Source Rock Assessment of the Middle Oligosen-Lower Miocene Coal Bearing Deltaic Sediments in the NW Turkey
Samil Sen, #90124 (2011)
Diagenesis and Fracturing of a Lower Cretaceous Arabian Shallow Water Carbonate Platform: Towards a Better Assessment of Carbonate Reservoirs Heterogeneity
Claire N. Sena, Cedric M. John, and John W. Cosgrove, #90124 (2011)
Source-to-Sink Sediment Delivery in the Gulf of Papua from SEM-MLA-aided Provenance and Textural
of Turbidite Sands
Erlangga Septama, Samuel J. Bentley, and Michael Shaffer, #90124 (2011)
Salt Tectonic Controls on Fluid Flow, Gas Hydrate Occurrence and Surface Heat Flow, Kwanza Basin, Offshore Angola
Christophe Serié, Mads Huuse, and Niels Schødt, #90124 (2011)
Stratigraphic Architecture of Shallow-Marine to Coastal-Plain Parasequences: Lower Williams Fork Formation, Southeastern Piceance Basin, Colorado
Rachel V. Shaak, Matthew J. Pranter, and Edmund R. Gustason, #90124 (2011)
The Deep Water Drilling Tolerance Window: Walking a Fine Line, Case Histories from Gulf of Mexico
Selim S. Shaker, #90124 (2011)
Depositional and Facies Controls on Infiltrated/Inherited Clay Coatings: Unayzah Sandstones; Saudi Arabia
Salem Shammari, Steve Franks, and Osama Soliman, #90124 (2011)
High-Resolution Mapping of Depositional Trends over the Vulcan Structure and Bow Island Arch: Cardium Formation (Turonian-Coniacian), Southern Alberta
Joel Shank and Guy Plint, #90124 (2011)
Role of Carbon Isotopes in Addressing the Water-Energy Nexus: Example from Powder River Basin Wyoming
Shikha Sharma, Carol Frost, Joshua Baggett, Fred Mclaughlin, and Scott Quillinan, #90124 (2011)
Characterization and Modeling Study of Karst Networks in the Ordovician Carbonate Reservoirs
Feng Shen, Duoming Zheng, and Wenqing Pan, #90124 (2011)
Unlocking the Exploration Potential of the U.S. Chukchi Sea Continental Shelf, Offshore Arctic Alaska
John L. Shepard, Steve Phelps, Robert Scheidemann, Robert Foster, Mark Newell, Michael Roffall, Cody Teff, and Charles Minero, #90124 (2011)
Arabian Gulf, One More Time
Eugene A. Shinn and Chriatopher G. St. C. Kendall, #90124 (2011)
Potential Uranium Source Rocks of the White River Group in Western Nebraska and South Dakota
Steven Sibray, #90124 (2011)
Preliminary Regional Stratigraphic Correlation, Facies
and Reservoir Characterization of the Upper Cretaceous Mesaverde Group, Uinta Basin, Utah
Raju Sitaula and Jennifer L. Aschoff, #90124 (2011)
Pore Types in the Barnett and Woodford Gas Shales: Contribution to Understanding Gas Storage and Migration Pathways in Fine-Grained Rocks
Roger M. Slatt and Neal R. O'Brien, #90124 (2011)
Multi-scale, Brittle-Ductile Couplets in Unconventional Gas Shales: Merging Sequence Stratigraphy and Geomechanics
Roger M. Slatt and Younane Abousleiman, #90124 (2011)
Stratigraphic Characterization and Modeling of Fluvial Deposits of the Lower Williams Fork Formation Combining Outcrop Analogs and Multipoint Statistical Simulation (MPS), Grand Valley Field, Piceance Basin, Colorado
Jayne A. Sloan and Matthew J. Pranter, #90124 (2011)
From Dry-Hole to Discovery and Sanction-Ready Development in Less than Three Years: OBS-WAZ Seismic Enables West Boreas and South Deimos Discoveries and Fast-Paced Big Cat Development
Robert F. Sloan, Fred Diegel, Mark Mc Rae, and Annemieke Van den Beukel, #90124 (2011)
A New, Systematic Approach to Achieve Effective Completions in Unconventional Reservoirs
Charles H. Smith and Eli Menendez, #90124 (2011)
Chemostratigraphic Studies of the Marcellus Shale by Handheld X-ray Fluorescence (HHXRF)
Christopher N. Smith and Ariel Malicse, #90124 (2011)
Geologic Framework of the Southeastern Portion of the U. Jurassic Haynesville/Bossier Shale Gas Play, Northwest Louisiana
Paul R. Smith, Alan Kornacki, Holly Moore, Noureddine Yahi, Nathan Suurmeyer, Ron Mart, and Andrea Reynolds, #90124 (2011)
4-D Multi-component Seismic Modeling of CO2 Fluid Substitution in the Redwater Devonian Reef, Alberta, Canada
Taher M. Sodagar and Don C. Lawton, #90124 (2011)
Advance and Retreat of the Safaniya Delta, Offshore Northeast Saudi Arabia
Osama M. Soliman, #90124 (2011)
Techniques for Subseismic Fault Prediction: Filling the White Space
John G. Solum, John P. Brandenburg, Steve Naruk, and David Wolf, #90124 (2011)
The Use of a Source-to-Sink Methodology in Petroleum Exploration – Examples from the Mesozoic of the North Sea
Tor O. Sømme, Christopher Jackson, and Ole J. Martinsen, #90124 (2011)
Petroleum Potential of the Upper Three Forks Formation, Williston Basin, USA
Steve Sonnenberg, J Frederick Sarg, and Alan Gantyno, #90124 (2011)
Bakken Mudrocks of the Williston Basin, World Class Source Rocks
Steve Sonnenberg, J Frederick Sarg, and Hui Jin, #90124 (2011)
Middle Bakken Facies, Williston Basin, USA: A Key to Prolific Production
Steve Sonnenberg, J Frederick Sarg, and James Vickery, #90124 (2011)
Shale Diapirism and Associated Folding History in the South Caspian Basin (Offshore Azerbaijan)
Juan I. Soto, Idaira Santos-Betancor, Ismael Sánchez Borrego, and Carlos E. Macellari, #90124 (2011)
New Insights on the Upper Cretaceous Bireno-Douleb Carbonate Reservoirs Within the Gulf of Gabes-Tunisia- Pelagian Basin, North Africa: Facies, Depositional Models, Reservoir Characterization and Fairways
Mohamed Soussi, Mohamed Hedi Acheche, Mohamed Elleuch, Ali M'Rabet, Patrick T. Gordon, and Hans M. Bisewski, #90124 (2011)
Reconstructing a Source Rock System - Silurian Onlap in Time and Space
Pieter Spaak, #90124 (2011)
A Tale of Two Glaciations
Pieter Spaak and Malcolm I. Ross, #90124 (2011)
Stratigraphic Evolution and Heterogeneity of a Holocene Ooid Tidal Sand Shoal: Lily Bank, Bahamas
Andrew Sparks and Eugene Rankey, #90124 (2011)
Recognition of Mudrock Types from Integration and Upscaling of Geologic, Petrophysical and Geochemical Data Examples from Haynesville, Woodford and Marcellus Shales
Joan M. Spaw, Valery V. Shchelokov, and Jadranka Milovac, #90124 (2011)
Hydrodynamic Fractionation of Minerals and Textures in Submarine Fans: Implications for the Prediction of Reservoir Quality
Jane Stammer, David Pyles, Alexandra Fleming, Julian Clark, Morgan D. Sullivan, Gregory Gordon, and Jeremiah D. Moody, #90124 (2011)
Tidal Deposits of the Campanian Western Interior Seaway
Ronald Steel, Piret Plink-Bjorklund, and Jennifer L. Aschoff, #90124 (2011)
Fluid Flow and Compartmentalization on the Flank of a Salt Structure, Offshore Louisiana: Constraints from Temperature, Pressure, Salinity, and Seismic Data
Andrew K. Steen, Jeffrey Nunn, and Jeffrey S. Hanor, #90124 (2011)
The Barnett Shale Oil Model of North Texas
Dan Steward, #90124 (2011)
The Importance of Understanding Lithology and Depositional Environment-Rosebank Field, West of Shetlands, UKCS
Simon Stonard, Louise Duncan, and Alasdair Jarvie, #90124 (2011)
Contourite Sheet Sands: New Deepwater Exploration Target
Dorrik Stow, Rachel Brackenridge, and Javier Hernandez-Molina, #90124 (2011)
Scale-Dependent Compensational Stacking of Deepwater Deposits: Carboniferous Ross Sandstone
Kyle M. Straub and David Pyles, #90124 (2011)
Geostatistically Modeling Topographically Controlled Deposition of Sub-seismic Scale Sandstone Packages Within a Mass Transport Dominated Deep-Water Channel Belt
Lisa Stright, Anne Bernhardt, and Alexandre Boucher, #90124 (2011)
Sabkha Environments Along the Qatar and Abu Dhabi (United Arab Emirates) Coastlines: New Insights into the Depositional and the Diagenetic Variability of Sabkha Systems
Christian J. Strohmenger and Jeremy Jameson, #90124 (2011)
Spatial Diagenetic Heterogeneity of Lenticular Sandbody in Shahejie Formation, Bohai Bay Basin, China, and Its Implications for Sandstone Diagenesis
Haitao Sun and Dakang Zhong, #90124 (2011)
Aggradational Slope Channel Complexes: An Important Reservoir Element in Pliocene in the Rakhine Basin, Offshore Myanmar
Hui Sun and Jiao Yang, #90124 (2011)
Geological and Geophysical Characteristics of the Ultra-Deep High-Porosity Carbonate Gas Reservoirs, Puguang Gas Field, Sichuan Basin, China
Yuefeng Sun, Hanrong Zhang, Qifeng Dou, Tingting Zhang, Tonglou Guo, and Xiyuan Cai, #90124 (2011)
Lacustrine Carbonates and Evaporites – Facies Evolution and Diagenesis: Eocene Green River Formation, Piceance Creek Basin, Colorado
N. Suriamin, J Frederick Sarg, and Kati Tanavsuu-Milkeviciene, #90124 (2011)
USGS Assessment of Undiscovered Oil and Gas Resources of the Cretaceous Fredericksburg-Buda Carbonate Platform-Reef Gas and Oil Assessment Unit, Gulf Coastal Plain and State Waters, USA
Sharon M. Swanson, Catherine B. Enomoto, and Kristin O. Dennen, #90124 (2011)
Reducing Structural Uncertainty at Tahiti Field Using TTI WAZ Imaging
Alastair M. Swanston, Michael D. Mathias, and Craig A. Barker, #90124 (2011)
Facies Distribution and Morphologies of Miocene Carbonate Platform Deposits: The Role of Paleotopography, La Rellana Platform, Southeastern Spain
Rafferty Sweeney, Robert H. Goldstein, and Evan K. Franseen, #90124 (2011)
3-D Seismic Characterization of Zubair Pay Sands of Sabiriyah Field, North Kuwait, Kuwait
Mohammed Ismail Syed, Ali N. Khan, and Sajan Nair, #90124 (2011)
Intrinsic Fault Seal Uncertainties in Hydrocarbon Migration
Øyvind Sylta and Are Tømmerås, #90124 (2011)
Stratal Patterns in Salt-Withdrawal Minibasins: Simple Modeling and Implications for Reservoir Prediction
Zoltan Sylvester, Alessandro Cantelli, and Carlos Pirmez, #90124 (2011)
Dolomitization and Enhancement of Rock Properties During Burial by Hypersaline Brines. Arab C Member of the Arab Formation (Jurassic) Dolostone Reservoirs (Kingdom of Saudi Arabia)
Conxita Taberner, Brent Wignall, Andreas Briner, Craig Harvey, Abdul-Hameed Azzouni, Matthias Braun, Gijs Holstege, and Marietta Vroon, #90124 (2011)
*Stratigraphic Trapping in the M1 Sandstone Related to Reactivated Faulting in the Mariann Field, Oriente Basin, Ecuador
Angel Taday-Alcocer and Jincheng Lin, #90124 (2011)
Paleocene-Early Miocene Regional Stratigraphic Framework of the Central Mesopotamian Basin and Its Tectonic Implication
Po C. Tai, George J. Grabowski, Kirk W. Schafer, Chengjie Liu, and Augustus O. Wilson, #90124 (2011)
Forming of Rich and Lean Oil Shale Deposits in the Eocene Green River Lake Basin - Link to Climate Changes: Piceance Creek Basin, Colorado, USA
Kati Tanavsuu-Milkeviciene and J Frederick Sarg, #90124 (2011)
Sequence Stratigraphic Framework, Paleogeography, and Exploration Potential of the Early Jurassic Marrat Formation, Saudi Arabia
David Z. Tang, Paul Lawrence, Abdel Fattah M. Bakhiet, Arthur E. Gregory, Wenbin Tan, Abdelghayoum Ahmed, and Bradford Macurda, #90124 (2011)
Static and Dynamic Heterogeneity Modeling of a Deepwater Clastic Reservoir
Hong Tang, Diah Hanggoro, Fengjun Zhang, and Kathy Mabe, #90124 (2011)
Deep Water Reservoir Characterization Using Transient Well Test Data
Hong Tang, Fengjun Zhang, and Kathy Mabe, #90124 (2011)
Quantitative Assessment of Shale Gas Potential Based on Its Special Generation and Accumulation Processes
Yongchun Tang, Xinyu Xia, Kevin Ferworn, and J. Zumberge, #90124 (2011)
Structural Analogy Between the Inverted Structures of the Moroccan Atlas System and the Syrian Arc Structures of the Eastern Mediterranean
Gabor Tari and Haddou Jabour, #90124 (2011)
Scales of Diagenetic Processes in a Foreland Basin Mudstone Succession: The Mancos Shale, Book Cliffs, Utah
Kevin G. Taylor, Joe Macquaker, and Simon Pattison, #90124 (2011)
Vertical Changes in Shale Sedimentary Facies, Organic Content and Composition, Carbonate Content, and Clay Mineralogy of a Thick Shale Dominated Succession of the Carlile and Niobrara Formations, Southwestern Saskatchewan and Southeastern Alberta - Paleo-Oceanographic Circulation and Depositional Setting Controls
Samantha E. Taylor, Per Kent Pedersen, Ron Spencer, Haiping Huang, Steve Larter, and Andrew Aplin, #90124 (2011)
Geochemical Modeling of the Near-Surface Hydrothermal System Beneath the Southern Moat of Long Valley Caldera, California
Regina Tempel and Daniel Sturmer, #90124 (2011)
Shortening Gradients and Structural Styles in the Eastern Cordillera of Colombia. Implications for the Petroleum Systems of the Cordillera and Adjacent Foothills
Eliseo Teson, Andres Mora, Alejandro Silva, Jay Namson, Andreas Kammer, Antonio Teixell, Manuel Julivert, Jaime Castellanos, Wilson Casallas, Michal Nemcok, Javier Tamara, and Antonio Velasquez, #90124 (2011)
Industry-Driven Advances in Predictive Earth Systems Modelling: Addressing the Paleotopograhy Challenge in 4-D
Allison K. Thurmond, Ole J. Martinsen, Ian Lunt, Jakob Skogseid, and Leslie Leith, #90124 (2011)
Characteristics of Karst Paleogeomorphology of Ordovician Carbonate Unconformity, Lungu Area, Tarim Basin, West China
Jun Tian, Yanming Tong, Chunshu Luo, Yuchun Yuan, Lixin Chen, Pin Yang, Fangjian Xue, and Chunduan Zhao, #90124 (2011)
Early Miocene Cyclostratigraphy and Sea-Level Changes from the Pearl River Mouth Basin, South China Sea
Shi-Feng Tian, Zhong-Qiang Chen, and Ming Zha, #90124 (2011)
Stress Orientation Changes Around Evaporites in the Nile Delta
Mark Tingay, Peter Bentham, Arnoud De Feyter, and Axel Kellner, #90124 (2011)
Facies Distribution in Collapsed Carbonate Karsts: A Mechanical Approach
Marc-Olivier Titeux, Xavier Janson, Sanjay Srinivasan, and Larry Lake, #90124 (2011)
Sequence Stratigraphy of the First Eocene Reservoir (Paleocene-Eocene) at Wafra Field, Partitioned Zone, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia: The Use of Stacking Patterns to Define the Stratigraphic Framework of a Low-Angle Carbonate Ramp
Niall Toomey, Steve Bachtel, Dennis Dull, David A. Pollitt, Art Saller, and Erik Anthonissen, #90124 (2011)
Eagle Ford Shale Prospecting with 3-D Seismic Data Within a Tectonic and Depositional System Framework
Galen Treadgold, Steve Sinclair, David F. Nicklin, and Bruce Campbell, #90124 (2011)
Digital Image
of Conglomeratic Outcrops: A Novel Quantitative Approach to Detailing and Predicting the Temporal and Spatial Evolution of Slope Channel Systems
Natasha R. Tuitt and Ben Kneller, #90124 (2011)
Coeval Deepwater Slope Channel and Transient Fan Successions in the Eocene Juncal Formation, Coast and Transverse Ranges, Southern California
Olivia C. Turner and Mason Dykstra, #90124 (2011)
Challenges in Formation Evaluation of Tight Gas Reservoir
Anil K. Tyagi, Sanjeev K. Thakur, Vikram K. Pandey, Deepak K. Voleti, and Kamlesh Saxena, #90124 (2011)
Provenance of Sandy Sediments and Their Possibility of Hosting Gas Hydrate in the Eastern Margin of Japan Sea
Takashi Uchida, Isao Takashima, Tomoya Ito, and Ryo Matsumoto, #90124 (2011)
The Gambian Basin: Play
and Hydrocarbon Potential
Marjosbet Uzcátegui, #90124 (2011)
Channelization and Stratigraphic Architecture of a Tide-Dominated, High Tidal Resonance Basin Succession: Upper Eocene Temple Member of the Qasr Al Sagha Formation, Egypt
Boyan Vakarelov and Bruce Ainsworth, #90124 (2011)
Back to the Rocks: A New Petrophysical Model for Siliciclastics Engaging Old Petrological Techniques
Melissa Vallee, #90124 (2011)
Exploration Scale
of Down Dip and Across Slope Stratigraphic Variations in a Multiple Feeder Deepwater System, Karoo Basin, South Africa
Willem Van der Merwe, Rufus L. Brunt, David Hodgson, Stephen Flint, and John Kavanagh, #90124 (2011)
Spatial Variation of Extensive Early Diagenesis on Glover’s Reef, Belize
Noelle J. Van Ee, Gregor P. Eberli, Peter K. Swart, and Eberhard Gischler, #90124 (2011)
New Insights Regarding Aquifers in the Uinta Basin, Utah: Implications for Saline Water Disposal
Michael D. Vanden Berg, Paul Anderson, Craig Morgan, and Stephanie M. Carney, #90124 (2011)
500-Kilometer-Long Extension of the Trans-Andean Mega-Regional Seismic Transect Across the Colombian Basin and Implications for Deepwater Hydrocarbon Exploration
Carlos A. Vargas-Jimenez and Paul Mann, #90124 (2011)
The Evolution of Dryland Fluvial Systems: An Architectural
of Heterogeneity
Joanne H. Venus, William D. McCaffrey, and Nigel P. Mountney, #90124 (2011)
Reservoir and Caprock Assessment Using Existing Seismic and Well Data for CO2 Geologic Sequestration in the South Georgia Rift Basins of the Lower Coastal Plain, South Carolina
Michael Waddell, Adrian D. Addison, Daniel Brantley, and Camelia Knapp, #90124 (2011)
Overview of Deepwater Horizon Surface Oil Motion Based on Satellite Imagery
Nan D. Walker, Chet Pillley, Vandana Raghunathan, Hans Graber, and Raymond Turner, #90124 (2011)
3-D Characterization of Wave-Influenced Deltaic Reservoir Analogs: An Example from Ferron Notom Delta, Utah, USA
Deqiang Wang and Janok Bhattacharya, #90124 (2011)
A New Sedimentary Model for the Qiangtang Basin, Tibet, China
Jian Wang, Xiu-gen Fu, Fu-wen Tan, Ming Chen, and Jianglin He, #90124 (2011)
Compression Salt Tectonics and Synkinematic Strata Record in the Western Kuqa Foreland Basin, Southern Tian Shan
Xin Wang, Shiqin Li, Huiwen Xie, and Zhaoming Wang, #90124 (2011)
The Late Miocene Red River Submarine Fan in the Northwestern South China Sea: Characteristics and Exploration Significance
Yingmin Wang, Qiang Xu, Dong Li, Weiguo Li, Jianhui Han, Ming Lv, Yongfeng Wang, and Hairong Wang, #90124 (2011)
Geological Principles of Imaging Permian Salt Bodies in the North Sea and Irish Sea
Gavin H. Ward, #90124 (2011)
A Multi-scale
and Stratigraphy of Microbialites of the Lower Ordovician of Central Missouri and Kansas
Chamandika Warusavitharana and William C. Parcell, #90124 (2011)
USGS Assessment of Undiscovered Oil and Gas Resources in the Lower Cretaceous Greater Glen Rose Carbonate Shelf and Reef Interval, U.S. Onshore Lands and State Waters of the Gulf of Mexico
Peter D. Warwick, #90124 (2011)
Evaluation of CO2 Sequestration Potential in Ozark Plateau Aquifer System (OPAS) in Southern Kansas - Initial Studies
Willard L. Watney, Saibal Bhattacharya, Paul Gerlach, Jason Rush, Tom Hansen, Larry Nicholson, John Doveton, Anna Smith, Dennis Hedke, Susan Nissen, Abdelmoneam Raef, Jianghai Xia, David Koger, Ralph Baker, and John Victorine, #90124 (2011)
Identification and Quantification of Paleotraps During Petroleum System Assessments
David A. Wavrek, Daniel Schelling, Rosella Sbarra, Don Hall, Doug Strickland, and Ashley Hansen, #90124 (2011)
Capturing Porestructures with Digital Image
for a Quantitative Correlation to Physical Properties
Ralf J. Weger, Klaas Verwer, Gregor P. Eberli, and Gregor Baechle, #90124 (2011)
Security of Supply: Operational Margins at the Wellhead and Natural Gas Reserve Maturation
Ruud Weijermars, #90124 (2011)
An Integrated Geomechanical Approach for Development of the Mars Field in the Gulf of Mexico
Jeffery L. Weiland, Matt Cuttitta, Alvin W. Chan, and Kees Hindriks, #90124 (2011)
Recent Significant Discoveries in Mature Basins – Take Offshore Bohai Bay Basin as an Example
Zhu Weilin, Xia Qinglong, and Zhou Xinhuai, #90124 (2011)
Geochemical Characterization of the Donovan Sand Reservoir for CO2 Sequestration, Citronelle Oil Field, Southwest Alabama
Amy Weislogel, Brittany Hollon, Joshua Schwartz, and Keith Coffindaffer, #90124 (2011)
Sources of Earliest Clastic Input into the Eastern Gulf of Mexico and Their Control on Reservoir Prospectivity
Amy Weislogel, Thomas Lovell, Delores Robinson, and Bryan W. Hunt, #90124 (2011)
Constraints on Deepwater Sedimentation in the Karoo Basin, South Africa, from U-Pb Geochronology of Ash Interbeds
Amy Weislogel, Rufus L. Brunt, Stephen Flint, Andrea Fildani, and Jennifer Rothfuss, #90124 (2011)
Integrated Sand Source Directions, Provenance and Stratigraphy in the Møre and Vøring Basins
Peter Wellsbury, Katharina Wien, Michael Urbat, John Ford, Claire Gill, and Graham Spence, #90124 (2011)
Application of Spectral Decomposition in an East Cameron Offshore Area, Northern Gulf of Mexico
Andrew D. Welshhans, #90124 (2011)
Trace Element Distribution in Dolostones from the Permian Basin, West Texas
Allison M. Wende, Paul Tomascak, E. Troy Rasbury, Antonio Lanzirotti, and F. Jerry Lucia, #90124 (2011)
Source Rock Prediction from Seismic Part I: Links Between Rock Properties and Seismic Attributes
Lars Wensaas, Marita Gading, Helge Løseth, and Michael Springer, #90124 (2011)
Predicting Carbonate Diagenesis Using Reactive Transport Models: Emerging Insights and Challenges
Fiona Whitaker, Katherine J. Cooper, Anwar Al-Helal, Peter Smart, Sebastian Geiger, and Yitian Xiao, #90124 (2011)
New Insights into the Stratigraphic and Structural Development of the NE Greenland Margin
Richard Whittaker, Jim Granath, and Menno Dinkelman, #90124 (2011)
The Acquisition of Deep, Long Offset Seismic Data Provides New Information on the Play Fairways on the NE Greenland Margin
Richard Whittaker, Menno Dinkelman, and Jim Granath, #90124 (2011)
Integrated Reservoir Modeling: Rapid, Repeatable Model Updates for 4-D Reservoir Surveillance
Paula L. Wigley, Serge Galley, Andrew Evans, Roelof Pieterson, and Jim O'Connell, #90124 (2011)
Fluvial Sand Body Architecture in the Lower Beaufort Group, Karoo Basin, South Africa
Andrew Wilson, Stephen Flint, Jösta Vermeulen, Tobias Payenberg, Andy Palfrey, and Ajay Mistry, #90124 (2011)
Gross Depositional Environment Offshore Nova Scotia
Hamish Wilson, Matt Luheshi, and David Roberts, #90124 (2011)
The Origin and Development of the Tampa Embayment and Its Role in the Tectonic Evolution of the Eastern Gulf of Mexico
Lance Wilson, Delores Robinson, and Joe Erickson, #90124 (2011)
Vertical and Lateral Segmentation of an Evaporite-Detached Normal Fault Array: The Halten Terrace, Offshore Mid-Norway
Paul Wilson, Gavin Elliott, Robert L. Gawthorpe, Christopher Jackson, Lisa Michelsen, and Ian Sharp, #90124 (2011)
Shale and Mudstone Facies in the Middle to Upper Devonian Geneseo Shale to Penn Yan Shale Succession of New York: Implications for Accommodation During a Eustatic Sea Level Rise
Ryan D. Wilson and Juergen Schieber, #90124 (2011)
Deep-Water Resedimented Carbonate Exploration Play Types: Controls and Models
Peter Winefield, Peter Burgess, Marcello Minzoni, Bernard Pierson, Ted Playton, and Xavier Janson, #90124 (2011)
Three Cenozoic Megasequences in the Northwestern Gulf of Mexico: Depocenters, Sandstone Composition, and Hinterland Tectonic Phases
Charles D. Winker, Timothy Diggs, and Neil R. Braunsdorf, #90124 (2011)
State of the Uranium Industry in the U.S.
Henry M. Wise and Michael Campbell, #90124 (2011)
Modeling Sediment Dynamics from Source to Sink
Matthew A. Wolinsky, #90124 (2011)
Quantifying Bypassed Pay Through 4-D Post-Stack Inversion
Robert Woock and Sean Boerner, #90124 (2011)
Normal Fault Relay Zone Geometries in the Early Gulf of Corinth Rift (Greece) and Its Application as a Hydrocarbon Exploration and Production Analogue
Alan Wood, Richard Collier, and Douglas Paton, #90124 (2011)
Whole Lithospheric Folding as a Mechanism of Basin Formation and Tectonic Implications for Gondwana Evolution: Evidence from the Palmyride Trough, Syria
Barry Wood, #90124 (2011)
Sequence to Architectural Element Framework of the Tuscaloosa Massive Sandstone, Eastern Gulf of Mexico Province, USA
Kurtus S. Woolf and Lesli Wood, #90124 (2011)
The Importance of Time and Space: Understanding the Ecological Impacts of the Macondo Spill
Jeffrey R. Wozniak, #90124 (2011)
Reservoir Architectures in Non-Marine Carbonates
Victor P. Wright, #90124 (2011)
Lateral Facies Architecture and the Role of Antecedent Topography on Carbonate Facies Geometries in Incipient Icehouse Climatic Conditions Carboniferous/Lower Pennsylvanian (Baskirian/Morrowan): Hueco Mountains Texas
Wayne R. Wright and H. S. Nance, #90124 (2011)
Fluid Properties Indicated by Natural Gas Isotopes in Gulf of Mexico
Xinyu Xia, Daniel M. Jarvie, and Yongchun Tang, #90124 (2011)
The Effect of Natural CO2 Occurrence on CO2 Storage in Geological Formations
Yitian Xiao, Godron Macleod, David Advocate, Chris Reaves, and Robert Pottorf, #90124 (2011)
Main Controlling Factors of Sedimentary System of Paleogene Qi’nan Fault-Step Zone, Bohai Bay Area
Du Xiaofeng, Zhou Xinhuai, and Peng Wenxu, #90124 (2011)
Control of Oblique Collision, Transform Faulting and Uplift on Cenozoic Basin Development Along the Caribbean-South America Plate Boundary
Xiangyang Xie, #90124 (2011)
The Discovery and Exploration Potential of the Eocene-Miocene Shelf Margin Deltas in the Baiyun Sag of Pearl River Mouth Basin, South China Sea
Qiang Xu, Zhu Weilin, Yingmin Wang, Ming Lv, Kai Zhong, and Dong Li, #90124 (2011)
Deepwater (Slope and Basinfloor) Depositional Architecture and Evolution of the Northeast Bengal Fan (Miocene-Pleistocene) in Offshore Northwest Myanmar
Zhi Cheng Xu, Lv Fuliang, Guozhang Fan, and Sun Hui, #90124 (2011)
Cretaceous Deepwater (Base of Slope and Basinfloor) Depositional Architecture and Evolution in the Rio Muni Basin, West Africa
Zhi Cheng Xu, Lv Fuliang, Guozhang Fan, and Dali Shao, #90124 (2011)
Controlling Factor of Reefs in the Upper Triassic Maantang Formation and Their Impact on Hydrocarbon Exploration in the Western Sichuan Basin, China
Rongjun Yang and Shugen Liu, #90124 (2011)
Application of Illumination Compensation to Irregular Surface Areas Imaging
Yueming Ye, Ru-shan Wu, Xijin Zhuang, Bin Hu, Jianwei Chen, and Cun Yang, #90124 (2011)
Deepwater Horizon: Coastal Ocean to Marsh Margin Sedimentary Impacts
Kevin M. Yeager, Charlotte A. Brunner, Kevin B. Briggs, Patrick Louchouarn, Laodong Guo, Vernon Asper, Kimberly J. Schindler, Kevin M. Martin, Jeremy Prouhet, Nate Couey, and Carlo Fortner, #90124 (2011)
Seismic Attribute Mapping for Identification of Cypress Sands, Illinois Basin, Indiana, USA
Malleswar R. Yenugu, Kurt J. Marfurt, Charles Wickstrom, and Shane Matson, #90124 (2011)
Development of Mechanically Layered Haynesville-Bossier Shale-Gas Play
Amgad I. Younes, Holly Moore, Nathan Suumeyer, Melissa Sandstrom, and Paul R. Smith, #90124 (2011)
Faults and Their Interaction in the Offshore Bohai Bay Basin: Implication for Hydrocarbon Exploration
Yixin Yu and Liangjie Tang, #90124 (2011)
Main Geological Characteristics and Resource of Oil Shale and Its Development in Northwest China
Bai Yunlai, #90124 (2011)
Tidal and Deltaic Influence in Storm-Dominated Prograding Shoreline Deposits of Pictured Cliffs Sandstone, Northern San Juan Basin – Implication Toward Reservoir Characterization
Senthil Velan Yuvaraj and James E. Evans, #90124 (2011)
An Overview of Some Key Factors Controlling Well Productivity in Core Areas of the Appalachian Basin Marcellus Shale Play
William Zagorski, Douglas Bowman, Martin Emery, and Gregory Wrightstone, #90124 (2011)
Beni Suef Basin the Key for Exploration Future Success in Upper Egypt
Hemida Zahran, Khaled Abu Elyazid, and Moustafa El-Aswany, #90124 (2011)
An Entirely New 3-D View of the Crustal and Mantle Structure of a South Atlantic Passive Margin – Santos, Campos and Espírito Santo Basins, Brazil
Pedro V. Zalán, Maria do Carmo G. Severino, Caesar A. Rigoti, Luciano P. Magnavita, João Alberto B. Oliveira, and Adriano R. Viana, #90124 (2011)
Seismic Geomorphology and
of the Ordovician Paleokarst Drainage System in the Central Tabei Uplift, Northern Tarim Basin, Western China
Hongliu Zeng, Robert Loucks, Xavier Janson, Quizhong Wang, Yiping Xia, Bingheng Yuan, and Ligui Xu, #90124 (2011)
3-D Geologic Modeling Toward a Site-Specific CO2 Injection Simulation
Jianjun Zeng, Christopher L. Liner, Po Geng, and Heather King, #90124 (2011)
Use of Reactive Transport Modeling to Predict the Impact of Seawater – CO2 Injection for EOR in Carbonate Reservoirs
Guoxiang Zhang, Conxita Taberner, Alan Devlin, and Jan Stammeijer, #90124 (2011)
Finding New Reserves in Mature Basins Through Simulation of Dynamic Hydrocarbon Migration and Accumulation, Dongying Depression, Bohai Bay Basin, China
Shanwen Zhang, Guoqi Song, Xiaorong Luo, Likuan Zhang, and Yuhong Lei, #90124 (2011)
The Relationship Between Diagenesis, Porosity Evolution and Hydrocarbon Charging of Deeply Buried Sandstone Reservoirs in Dongpu Sag, Bohai Bay Basin, East China
Shiqi Zhang, Jinyou Wang, Huilai Liu, Guona Wang, and Qingping Li, #90124 (2011)
Experimental Gas Extraction by Rock Crushing: Evidence for Preservation of Methane in Core Samples from the Mudstones of the Eagle Ford Formation
Tongwei Zhang, Stephen C. Ruppel, Kitty Milliken, and Rongsheng Yang, #90124 (2011)
Seismic-Sedimentologic Interpretation of Fluvial Sedimentary Architectures: We Should Focus More on Development Scale
Xianguo Zhang, Hongliu Zeng, Chengyan Lin, Tao Zhang, and Chunmei Dong, #90124 (2011)
Identifying Lithology Variation and Gas Occurrence in Deep Carbonate Reservoirs Using S Transform
Zhao Zhang and Yuefeng Sun, #90124 (2011)
Algal Cysts in the Marcellus Shale (Middle Devonian), Appalachian Basin: The Impact of Algal Blooms on Gas Shale Reservoirs
Jie Zhou, Patrick Rush, and Randy Miller, #90124 (2011)
Tectonic Controls on an Unconventional Sediment Transport Pathway Interpretation Used 3-D Seismic Data
in Non-Marine Rift-Basin Setting: An Example from the Paleogene of Western Slope of Bozhong Sag, Bohai Bay, East China
Hongtao Zhu, Yang Xianghua, Zhou Xinhuai, Li Jianping, Wang Deying, and Li Min, #90124 (2011)
The Northern South China Sea Deepwater Basin: Characteristics of Hydrocarbon Accumulation and Exploration Potential
Weilin Zhu, Lijun Mi, Gongcheng Zhang, Qiang Xu, Yingmin Wang, Kai Zhong, and Dianyong Fang, #90124 (2011)
An Integrated Approach to Characterization and Modeling of the Jackfork Group at the Baumgartner Quarry Area, Western Arkansas, and Its Implications to Deepwater Exploration and Production
Fuge Zou and Roger M. Slatt, #90124 (2011)
A Study of Volcanic Rocks Identification by Seismic Methods in Subei Basin
Guoping Zuo and Guozhang Fan, #90124 (2011)
Remarks from the Recent Recognition of Oil & Gas Potential in Poland
Michal M. Zywiecki and Michael P. Lewis, #90124 (2011)