--> Abstract: Deterministic Versus Stochastic Discrete Fracture Network (DFN) Modeling, Application in a Heterogeneous Naturally Fractured Reservoir, by Meyssam Travakkoli, Saeed Khajoee, Reza Malakooti, and Mohsen S. Beidokhti; #90105 (2010)
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AAPG GEO 2010 Middle East
Geoscience Conference & Exhibition
Innovative Geoscience Solutions – Meeting Hydrocarbon Demand in Changing Times
March 7-10, 2010 – Manama, Bahrain

Deterministic Versus Stochastic Discrete Fracture Network (DFN) Modeling, Application in a Heterogeneous Naturally Fractured Reservoir

Meyssam Travakkoli1; Saeed Khajoee1; Reza Malakooti2; Mohsen S. Beidokhti3

(1) Petroleum Exploration Engineering, IFP School - PUT, Paris, France.

(2) Calagary Univeristy PUT, Calgary, AB, Canada.

(3) Curtin University, Perth, WA, Australia.

Fracture Modeling is a multi-step process involving several disciplines within reservoir characterization and simulation. The main idea is to build on geological concepts and gathered Previous HitdataNext Hit such as interpretation of faults and fractures from image log Previous HitdataNext Hit and Previous Hit3DNext Hit seismic , use field outcrop studies as analogs for conceptual models, seismic attributes used as fracture drivers, etc. The purpose of modeling fractures is to create simulation properties with the power to predict the reservoir behavior. This note applies DFN concept in a unique and comprehensive study of fracture modeling in one of naturally fractured carbonate reservoir of Middle East.

A Discrete fracture network is a group of planes representing fractures. Fractures of the same type that are generated at the same time are grouped into a fracture set. Each fracture network containing fractures has at least one fracture set but may have many.

The simplest fracture sets are defined deterministically as a group of previously defined fractures, either as a result of fault plane extraction from a seismic cube, or as previously defined fractures.

Fractures modeled stochastically can be described statistically either using numerical input or properties in the Previous Hit3DNext Hit grid. Properties in the Previous Hit3DNext Hit grid can vary in Previous Hit3DNext Hit and can easily be modeled using seismic attributes from Previous Hit3DNext Hit seismic Previous HitdataTop.

The Scale up fracture network converts the discrete fracture network (with its defined properties) into the properties that are essential for running a dual porosity, or dual permeability simulation.

A simple simulation model is developed for three different grid types, using the software ECLIPSE 100, grid without DFN modeling, deterministic DFN modeling and stochastic DFN modeling. The results of the reservoir simulation indicate that case with Stochastic DFN has a better result (history match) rather than cases with Deterministic DFN and the grid without DFN.