AAPG GEO 2010 Middle East
Geoscience Conference & Exhibition
Innovative Geoscience Solutions – Meeting Hydrocarbon Demand in Changing Times
March 7-10, 2010 – Manama, Bahrain
Spatially Enabled Decision-Making with Gems Using the First Integrated Data Model
(1) Geomatics, PDO, Mina Al Fahal, Oman.
GEMS/Fastrack is an application used by prospect evaluators and portfolio analysts to assess the volumetric potential of subsurface resources and to manage their portfolios.
The HC volumes calculated in Fastrack are used to report udSFR and dSFR volumes (undiscovered- and discovered Scope-For-Recovery, respectively) and Business Case volumes, the latter being an important prospect-ranking criterion to determine which prospects will be matured.
All computation results are stored in an Oracle database that makes use of an integrated data model
meaning that the same database holds the coordinates of the target and prospect outlines as well as the non-spatial data, i.e. all other data. The integrated data
imposes a common key between the spatial and non-spatial data. This enables easy checking of consistency between the spatial and non-spatial data and allows for spatial querying of the database through a Geographical Information System (GIS). Apart from volumes, reservoir input parameters such as GOC, OWC, GWC and length of oil and/or gas column are also available. These parameters are not only used to rank the prospects but also to quality control the data.
This paper will demonstrate the benefits of an integrated data model
and will also share some examples of database queries and how the results can be displayed to facilitate database quality control by testing against spatial trends and/or combining with geological features such as faults.