--> Abstract: A New Tool for Fluid Saturation Determination in Cores - Liquid Trapper™ Coring Technology, by Abdel Hamid Anis and Bas Schipper; #90105 (2010)
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AAPG GEO 2010 Middle East
Geoscience Conference & Exhibition
Innovative Geoscience Solutions – Meeting Hydrocarbon Demand in Changing Times
March 7-10, 2010 – Manama, Bahrain

A New Tool for Fluid Saturation Determination in Cores - Liquid Trapper™ Coring Technology

Abdel Hamid Anis1; Bas Schipper1

(1) Corpro Systems Ltd., Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

A new coring tool which samples core and its fluid contained within pores has been designed, developed and tested in field trials.

The tool is run as a conventional operation, with minimal modifications to routine coring operations. The Liquid Trapper™ consists of a specifically designed liner assembly, which through an inflatable seal system ‘traps’ the liquids escaping from the core during the retrieval of the corebarrel to the surface. Cores and fluids obtained allow the determination of the fluid saturations representative of formation saturations.

The technique of Liquid Trapper™ coring was originally devised to provide in-situ Previous HitresidualTop oil saturations, however, because crude-oil samples are collected, the Liquid Trapper™ also furnishes additional data and information that is essential for formation evaluation.

The tool has been proven in a number of coring operations for a variety of rock types.

This paper describes the features and operation of the Liquid Trapper™ tool and a case history is discussed to illustrate its potential use in formation evaluation.