--> Abstract: Deformation Monitoring of Oil Platforms, Oil Fields and Understanding Reservoirs Using High Accuracy GNSS/GPS Networks, by Paul G. Althaus, Norbert Benecke, and Karsten Zimmermann; #90105 (2010)
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AAPG GEO 2010 Middle East
Geoscience Conference & Exhibition
Innovative Geoscience Solutions – Meeting Hydrocarbon Demand in Changing Times
March 7-10, 2010 – Manama, Bahrain

Deformation Previous HitMonitoringNext Hit of Oil Platforms, Oil Fields and Understanding Reservoirs Using High Accuracy GNSS/GPS Networks

Paul G. Althaus1; Norbert Benecke1; Karsten Zimmermann1

(1) Exploration & Geosurvey, DMT GmbH Co. KG, Essen, Germany.

Since the beginning of Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) in the early 1980ies by American GPS satellites, this technology became a common part of our daily life. Apart from widening the use of GNSS systems in our daily activities, efforts have also been undertaken to strongly enhance the precision and accuracy of GNSS observations. By using highly sophisticated equipment and post-processing procedures, the accuracy of measurements can be enhanced up to a few millimetres for a permanent observation in horizontal and vertical direction. In many cases, GNSS Previous HitmonitoringNext Hit therefore will substitute levelling and subsidence Previous HitmonitoringNext Hit with traditional techniques. These networks can operate locally in a small area of only several sqm up to covering large areas of hundreds of sqkm at a time.

Typical applications of this high precision on line Previous HitmonitoringNext Hit are the short- and long-term behaviour of industrial plants, oil platforms, structures or oil fields. The highest demands on the accuracy of GNSS surveying systems are often made on projects related to Previous HitmonitoringNext Hit time dependent behaviour and deformation of buildings, structures and areas. Previous HitMonitoringNext Hit and evaluating the smaller changes will allow to anticipate the potentially occurring stronger changes, which are unwanted or may even cause unsafe situations, but the focus often is to reveal smallest impacts from deep underground operations and geologic inhomogenities.

The precise Previous HitmonitoringNext Hit of Previous HitreservoirNext Hit exploitation and management and the deformations that may result at surface allow a better understanding of the underlying processes, which in turn has led to improved operating procedures aimed at minimising such deformation effects and / or enhancing Previous HitreservoirTop exploitation.

Such effect is also well known, examined and documented also in the mining sector worldwide for the last 130 years. This presentation shows the current state of GNSS technology, the methodological approach, the post processing of GNSS data and the excellent results that are obtainable. Case studies are shown from oil and gas and mining projects.