--> Abstract: Estimation of Barrel of Oil Equivalent of Gas Using PVT Multi-Stage Separation Data, by Mohammad AlBahar, Anup Bora, and B. B. Singh; #90105 (2010)
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AAPG GEO 2010 Middle East
Geoscience Conference & Exhibition
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March 7-10, 2010 – Manama, Bahrain

Estimation of Barrel of Oil Equivalent of Gas Using PVT Multi-Stage Separation Data

Mohammad AlBahar1; Anup Bora1; B. B. Singh1

(1) Kuwait Oil Company, Kuwait City, Kuwait

Over last 60 years, Kuwait’s gas production has been mainly coming from associated gas sources from its large and thick reservoirs undergoing natural depletion. Recent discoveries of the deep Jurassic gas discoveries, the relative make-up of overall gas stream has undergone considerable changes. The current gas stream includes gas production from existing oil reservoirs, deep gas reservoirs, condensate, and volatile oil reservoirs. As a result of this, gas stream is becoming richer.

However, in the past there has been no systematic attempt to understand and estimate the Barrel of Oil Equivalent of overall gas based on relative contribution from the reservoirs in Kuwait. This study is a first attempt to develop a new methodology and process to estimate the BOE factor for Kuwait taking into account all the major oil/gas producing reservoirs in Kuwait.

The study considered all gas composition information including PVT test data on all PVT samples for more than 200 wells and gas outlet points. The study focused on the gas composition behavior and the amount of energy associated with different sources of gas.

The study shows that any oil company must develop and adopt its own BOE factor for reporting the gas volumes in terms of oil equivalent.

Key technical contributions of this work include: data evaluation techniques, estimation of calorific values and conversion of the calorific value to BOE factor per (well, reservoir, field and company), and general correlations of gas and fluid properties for quick projection of BOE value.