Multi-Phase Flow Properties of
Rocks: Implications Prediction of Across-
Flow During Production
Fisher, Quentin1
Al Hinai, Suleiman2
Grattoni, Carlos A.3
Guise, Phil3
1Centre for Integrated Petroleum Engineering and Geoscience, University of Leeds, Leeds, United Kingdom.
2EOR Team, Petroleum Development of Oman, Muscat, Oman.
3Rock Deformation Research, University of Leeds, Leeds, United Kingdom.
Abundant data are now available on
on the absolute permeability and thickness of
rocks, which allow transmissibility multipliers to be calculated that can be applied to grid block faces adjacent to faults within simulation models to account for the effects of faults on fluid flow. In many cases, transmissibility multipliers calculated from absolute permeability values appear to overestimate
transmissibility; potentially because the multi-phase flow properties (capillary pressure and relative permeability) of
rocks have not been taken into account. Here we present results from the first ever systematic experimental study aimed at measuring the multi-phase flow properties of
rocks. These new results suggest that failure to take into account the multiphase flow properties can result in an overestimation of the transmissibility of some cataclastic faults by several orders of magnitude. When incorporated into production simulation models these new results help explain the extent of
compartmentalisation in reservoirs where cataclastic faults are abundant. In some circumstances it seems unnecessary to take into account multi-phase flow behaviour of
rocks to achieve an history match of production data. This may reflect the lack of continuity of low permeability
rocks or the fact that some poorly lithified
rocks have low capillary entry pressures and high relative permeabilities under reservoir conditions.
have also been undertaken to measure the stress sensitivity of the absolute and relative permeability of
rocks and their analogues. The relative permeability of some samples appears highly stress dependent (i.e. reducing by a factor of around 20 as effective stress is increased by 2000 psi). These results suggest that accurately modeling across-
flow in compartmentalized reservoirs may require the stress-dependence of the single and multi-phase flow properties of
rocks to be incorporated into production simulation models. In some situations it may be relatively easy to estimate variations of reservoir stresses during production. In other situations, it may be necessary to couple production simulation models to geomechanical models to estimate the fluid behaviour of faults during production.
AAPG Search and Discover Article #90100©2009 AAPG International Conference and Exhibition 15-18 November 2009, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil