--> Abstract: Deep-Water Depositional Systems in Southern Green Canyon: Interpretation from Well Data, Paleo, Seismic and Pressure Data, by R. Nagy and R. Seng; #90090 (2009).
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Deep-Water Depositional Systems in Southern Green Canyon: Interpretation from Well Data, Paleo, Seismic and Pressure Data

Nagy, Rick 1; Seng, Robbie 1
1 GOM Deepwater Exploration, Devon Energy, Houston, TX.

The Mission Deep prospect was a subsalt 3-way structural trap drilled in the Gulf of Mexico in the Green Canyon protraction area on Block 955. The well was spud on July 6, 2006 and reached TD on December 19, 2006 at a depth of 26, 582’ discovering 252’ of net oil pay in 3 Miocene sands. Previous HitSidetrackNext Hit #1 was spud on January 4, 2007 to test the extreme downdip closure to the south. It reached a depth of 26,758’ md/25,545’ tvd. GC 956 #1 Previous HitsidetrackTop 2 was spud August 4, 2008 to test paysand continuity in an easterly direction. The well reached a depth of 24,753’ md and 24,073’ tvd.

Miocene aged sands were encountered in all 3 wells. A deepwater depositional interpretation is proposed by integrating well data, paleo, seismic and pressure data. While no conventional core was obtained, the data suggest that the system comprises unconfined amalgamated sheet sands in a mid-slope environment. Detailed correlations and seismic data suggest that individual sands thicken off structure. In the absence of conventional core, lithological examination of cuttings from the wells were incorporated in support of the correlation. Paleo data confirms the presence of multiple unconformities on the crest of the structure. Seismic data supports correlative onlap events and other data support presence of additional sands not seen on the crest of the structure.

This work provides an excellent example of the need to incorporate multiple datasets when working in a deepwater environment.


AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90090©2009 AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition, Denver, Colorado, June 7-10, 2009