--> Abstract: Practical Aspects of Land Seismic Imaging, by Dimitri Bevc, Tony Rebec, and Walt Ritchie; #90076 (2008)
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Practical Aspects of Land Previous HitSeismicNext Hit Imaging

Dimitri Bevc, Tony Rebec, and Walt Ritchie
3DGeo Inc., 4633 Old Ironsides Dr., Suite 401, Santa Clara, CA 95054

Previous HitSeismicNext Hit imaging, particularly prestack wave-equation depth migration, offers tremendous benefits to exploration and development. Improved imaging can substantially reduce drilling risk and help plan improvements for reservoir performance, but the technology must be applied correctly, and with proper planning and pre processing of the data. This talk will focus on practical issues for land imaging, particularly focusing on the approch that best suites the imaging objective. With challenging land data sets, where near-surface effects such as topography and statics come into play, the people applying the technology make a difference from step one, but also through the final velocity model building stages. The presentation will cover:
•        Data Conditioning
•        Data suitability
•        Near Surface
•        Signal Enhancement (Noise Reduction)
•        Merging and Regularization
•        Velocity Previous HitModelingTop and Geology
•        Imaging Process Selection


AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90076©2008 AAPG Pacific Section, Bakersfield, California