--> Abstract: Seismic Confirmation of the Existence of a Cretaceous Rift in Northern Sudan: The Misaha Graben, by Francis T. Tsehloane, Andrew Dippenaar, Ismail Ibrahim, and Omar Abu-Elbashar; #90082 (2008)
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Seismic Confirmation of the Existence of a Cretaceous Rift in Northern Sudan: The Misaha Graben

Francis T. Tsehloane1, Andrew Dippenaar1, Ismail Ibrahim2, and Omar Abu-Elbashar2
1North Africa, PetroSA, Cape Town, South Africa
2PetroSA Sudan, Khartoum, Sudan

In 2005 PetroSA executed an airborne gravity and magnetic survey over 2 prospective areas in the Previous HitBlockNext Hit 14, based on the 1980s gravity survey. Upon evaluation of the results, the Mourdi and Misaha areas on the western parts of the Previous HitBlockNext Hit were identified as being potential basins favourable for further oil and gas exploration. In 2007 and 2008 PetroSA acquired the first 2D seismic data in Previous HitBlockTop 14, along with ground based high order gravity and magnetic data and surface geochemical data. This data confirms the existence of a Cretaceous Rift Graben in the Misaha area. Gravity, Magentic, Landsat imagery, uphole geology, regional geology and geochemisty and all integrated to present the potential hydrocarbon systems of the region.

AAPG International Conference and Exhibition, Cape Town, South Africa 2008 © AAPG Search and Discovery