--> Abstract: Random Genetic Simulation of Lobes: Internal Architecture Construction and Gridding, by Pierre Biver, Dimitri D'Or, and Alexandre Walgenwitz; #90082 (2008)
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Random Genetic Simulation of Lobes: Internal Architecture Construction and Gridding

Pierre Biver, Previous HitDimitriTop D'Or, and Alexandre Walgenwitz
GSR/TG/G&I, TOTAL SA, Pau, France

In geostatistical facies models, the sedimentary genetic processes are often neglected. As a consequence, the realizations are not very realistic in terms heterogeneity patterns. In this paper, following the methodology initiated by Hu and al. in 1994, a random genetic simulation process is developed for modelling lobe sand bodies (deep water lobe sediments for instance). This technique is used to produce a realistic facies model of lobes internal architecture and to fill in the space between horizons of deposition. This methodology is encouraging to produce realistic images of lobes that can be good candidates for multiple point geostatistics but also to obtain reservoir gridding of such geological objects in conformity with the depositional scheme. Some improvements of the modelling procedure are also discussed such as turbiditic channels incorporation and lobe complex building.

AAPG International Conference and Exhibition, Cape Town, South Africa 2008 © AAPG Search and Discovery