[First Hit]

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Validation of Previous HitFaultNext Hit Permeability and Transmissibility Algorithms Using Production Histories

Kachi Onyeagoro1, Steve J. Naruk1, Frans F. van der Vlugt1, Dick Eikmans3, Ellen Zijlstra3, Martin De Keijzer3, Steve Jolley3, Mette Kristensen3, Paul Reemst3, Charles Tixier2, and Richard King4
1Shell, Bellaire, Houston, TX
2SEPCO, New Orleans, LA
3Shell Europe, Aberdeen, United Kingdom
4Shell Malaysia, Sarawak, Malaysia

Previous HitFaultNext Hit compartmentalization can of course have a major impact on well performance. In some fields, the production data show that the faults are actually not significant baffles. In others, however, production shows that the faults are major baffles, retaining thousands of psi production-induced pressure differences without breaking down, even in cases where the Previous HitfaultNext Hit displacement is much less than the reservoir thickness, and the faults appeared to be non-sealing prior to production. Historically, industry has been unable to predict these differences in cross Previous HitfaultNext Hit flow, and in reservoir simulations it has been modeled by ad-hoc history-match tuning parameters. Given this uncertainty in Previous HitfaultNext Hit modeling, and the current business need to simplify and accelerate reservoir modeling, the current trend is to simply ignore small intra-reservoir faults, potentially leading to significant production forecast downgrades.

The industry-standard SGR-based Previous HitfaultNext Hit permeability and transmissibility equations yield demonstrably too much cross Previous HitfaultNext Hit flow when tested in reservoir simulation models for fields having extended production histories. Conversely, the same functions may yield too little cross Previous HitfaultNext Hit flow in some high permeability reservoirs recently developed in deep water West Africa. Consequently, Shell has developed new Previous HitfaultNext Hit permeability and transmissibility functions that include variables for the initial reservoir permeability, the effects of cataclasis and the formation of phyllosilicate-Previous HitfaultNext Hit-framework rocks, and the Previous HitfaultTop rock capillary entry pressure. “Close-the-loop” tests of the new function in fields with extended production histories have yielded good history matches in multiple wells using the same input parameters.

AAPG International Conference and Exhibition, Cape Town, South Africa 2008 © AAPG Search and Discovery