--> AAPG Hedberg Research Conference, September 30 - October 3, 2007, Banff, Alberta, Canada - Abstracts, #90075 (2008)
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AAPG Hedberg Research Conference
Heavy Oil and Bitumen in Foreland Basins – From Processes to Products

September 30 - October 3, 2007, Banff, Alberta, Canada

Search and Discovery Article #90075 (2008)
Posted February 28, 2008

Note: Item preceded by asterisk(*) is extended abstract.

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*Controls On The Variability Of Fluid Properties Of Heavy Oils And Bitumens In Foreland Basins: A Case History From The Albertan Oil Sands
by Jennifer Adams, Barry Bennett, Haiping Huang, Tamer Koksalan, Dennis Jiang, Mathew Fay, Ian Gates, and Steve Larter

The Origin of Matrix and Fracture Mega-Porosity in a Carbonate Bitumen Reservoir, Grosmont Formation, Saleski, Alberta
by K.R. Barrett, J. Hopkins, K.N. Wilde, and M.E. Connelly

*Oil Sands Reservoir Characterization A Case Study at Nexen/Opti Long Lake
by Laurie Weston Bellman

*Geochemical and Isotopic Study of Crude Oils from the Orinoco Oil Belt, Venezuela
by Verónica Carmona, Wendy Murillo, José Sánchez, José Antonio García, Héctor Henríquez, and Alejandro Martínez

*Geological and Reservoir Characterization of North-Eastern Neuquina Basin Heavy Oil Belt, from discovery to EOR in 3 years (Argentina)
by Martín Cevallos, Diego Vaamonde, Nicolás Marot, Gregg Vernon, Bernardo Franco, and Gustavo Fortunato

Global Petroleum Systems Analyses as Related to Heavy Oil and Bitumen Occurrence
by Steve Creaney

Using Borehole Electrical Images in Previous HitModelingNext Hit a McMurray Formation Heavy Oil Reservoir in NE Alberta
by T. Cupkovic, P. Fothergill, and B. Rahman

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Geology, Geostatistical Previous HitModelingNext Hit, and Production Performance from Suncor’s Oil Sands In-Situ Project in northeastern Alberta, Canada
by Eugene A. Dembicki, Marina Skoblikova, and Randolph J. Rice

*The Utility of Palynofloral Assemblages for the Interpretation of Depositional Paleoenvironments and Sequence Stratigraphic Systems Tracts in the Mcmurray Formation at Surmont, Alberta
by Thomas D. Demchuk, Graham Dolby, David J. McIntyre, and John R. Suter

CHOPS Worm Hole Predictor
by G.Drebit and M.Tesciuba

*3D Previous HitSeismicNext Hit on Surmont – Improving Resources and Risks Assessment
by Denis Druesne, Richard Shang, and Bryan Vandal

*Controls on Bitumen Heterogeneity in the Athabasca Oil Sands Deposit - Evidence from Cores and Outcrops
by M. Fustic, B. Bennett, H. Huang, R. Spencer, S. Hubbard, and S. Larter

High Resolution Characterization of Reservoir Fluid and Rock Properties: Integrating Sedimentology and Advanced Geochemical and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Methods – A Case Study from the Athabasca Oil Sands Deposit
by M. Fustic, J. Bryan, B. Bennet, H. Huang, A. Mai, R. Spencer, S. Hubbard, A. Kantzas, and S. Larter

*Geological Mapping and Reservoir Characterization of Oil Sands Reservoir by Integrating 3D Previous HitseismicNext Hit, Dipmeter, Core Descriptions, and Analogs in the McMurray Formation, NE Alberta
by M. Fustic, L. Skulski, W. Hanson, D. Vanhooren, P. Bessette, D. Hinks, L. Bellman, and D. Leckie

Design of Geotailored Recovery Processes to Produce Oil Sand Reservoirs
by Ian D. Gates, Steve Larter, and Jennifer Adams

The Lure and Challenge of the Oilsands - a look beyond SAGD
by Subodh C. Gupta

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*Overview of the Oil Sands and Carbonate Bitumen of Alberta: Regional Geologic Framework and Influence of Salt-Dissolution Effects
by F.J. Hein, R.A. Marsh, and M.J. Boddy

History of Filling of the Northern Alberta Oil Sands Based on 4-D Petroleum System Models
by Debra K. Higley, Michael D. Lewan, and Laura N. R. Roberts

*Relating Chemical and Physical Properties of Heavy Oil
by Amy Hinkle and Mike Batzle

Interpreting Reservoir Geometries and Assessing Reservoir Qualities from Oil Sands Cores – Challenges during Exploration and Development
by S. M. Hubbard, M. Fustic, R. Spencer, I. Gates, and S. Larter

Heavy Oils from the West Sak Field, North Slope, Alaska: Geochemical Oil-Property Prediction and Columnar Gradients
by B. Huizinga, M. Werner, Z. Chen, A. Holba, E. Michael, S. Redman, and Bret Chambers

'Lakes of Heavy Oil': Cretaceous Incised Valley Fill Reservoirs of the Cold Lake Giant Oilfield, Alberta, Canada
by Clive R. Jones, Howard R. Feldman, Kevin L. Treptau, G. Glen McCrimmon, and Bogdan L. Varban

*Reservoir Characterization of Plover Lake Heavy-Oil Field
by Larry Lines, Joan Embleton, Mathew Fay, Steve Larter, Tony Settari, Bruce Palmiere, Carl Reine, and Douglas Schmitt

*Integration of Chemical Data into Reservoir Simulation- A Case Study from Western Canada
by N. Marcano, H. Samimi, S. Larter, I. Gates, B. Mayer, H. Huang, B. Bennett, J. Adams, and R. Spencer

*Assessment of Alberta’s Crude Bitumen Resources
by R. A. Marsh and T. M. Hurst

*Sedimentological and Stratigraphic Analysis for High-Resolution Reservoir Characterization of the Oficina Formation (Sincor Field, Orinoco Heavy Oil Belt, Venezuela)
by A.W. Martinius, J. Casas, M. Exposito, X. Mathieu, R. Mjøs, and J. Peralta

Case Studies of Heavy Oil Reservoirs: South Belridge Field, California
by Connie L. Mongold and Malcolm E. Allan

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*Sequence Stratigraphic and Depositional Facies Framework of the Lower Cretaceous McMurray Formation, Kearl Oil Sands Project, Alberta
by Thomas Nardin, Joan Carter, Bob Falls, John Irish, R. Stancliffe, Bogdan Varban, Nancy Wilson, Lidia Zabcic, and Lynn Pratt

The Contribution of Alberta Extra Heavy Oil/Bitumen to World Oil Production, 2005 – 2020
by Richard Nehring

High Gamma Radiation in Heavy Oil Steam Zones: A Condensation-Induced Effect
by Terence P. O’Sullivan

*Defining Vertical Permeability Distribution in a Steam Assisted Gravity Drainage Project: An Integrated Multi-Scale Approach to Modelling a Heavy Oil Reservoir
by Peter Phillips and Renjun Wen

*Stratigraphy and Sequence Stratigraphic Surfaces of the McMurray Formation
by Michael J. Ranger and Murray K. Gingras

*The Role of Ichnology in the Stratigraphic Interpretation of the Athabasca Oil Sands
by Michael J. Ranger, Murray K. Gingras, and S. George Pemberton

Distinguishing Legacy Dipmeters from Borehole Images in Oil Sands Geological Interpretations
by Satyaki Ray

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*Effect of Hydrogen Donors on Chemical Reactions Involved in the Aquathermolytic Treatment for Downhole Upgrading of Extraheavy and Heavy Oil Under Low Severity Conditions
by Diego Sánchez, Cala Miranda, Solange Rivero, and Yani C. Araujo

Visualizing the Reservoir Distribution of a West-Central Saskatchewan Heavy Oil Field by Integrating 3D Previous HitSeismicTop and Well Log Data
by Sabrina Sarzalejo and Bruce Hart

Palynofacies Analysis of the Kearl Oil Sands Project Area: A Key to Resolving the Depositional Environments of the McMurray Formation of Northeastern Alberta, Canada
by R.P.W. Stancliffe and Y.Y. Chen

Role of Reservoir Lithofacies and Associated Well Placement on Optimizing SAGD Production
by Rudy Strobl

Challenges to the Heavy Oil and Tar Sand Industry – A Comparative Analysis of the Petroleum Systems for Two Super-Giant Foreland Basin Accumulations: The Canadian Athabasca Oil Sands and the Faja Petrolifera Del Orinoco (Venezuelan Heavy Oil Belt) and the Impact of Reservoir and Fluid Heterogeneities on Sustainable Recovery of Energy from Bitumen Reservoirs
by John R. Suter, Dale A. Leckie, and Steve Larter

*Sedimentology and Stratigraphic Framework of the Upper Clearwater Formation at Caribou Lake, Alberta
by Stuart C. Tye, Wendy Warters, Shaurat Sayani, Emeline Lamond, and Michael J. Ranger

*New Developments in Orinoco Oil Belt Projects Reflect a Positive Effect on Reserves
by Teófilo Villarroel M.

*Regional Distribution and Controls of Heavy Oil and Oil Sand in the Eastern Venezuelan and Trinidad Basins
by Grant D. Wach, Curtis Archie, and Hasley Vincent

*Reservoir Heterogeneity and Characterization in Deltaic Depositional Systems- Outcrop Analogs for Heavy Oil and Oil Sand Developments
by Grant D. Wach and Hasley Vincent

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