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Sequence Stratigraphy: Correlation of the Indian and Arabian Plates and Implications for Prospectivity

Joanne Wyton, Sarah Laird, Mike Simmons, and Owen Sutcliffe
Neftex Petroleum Consultants, Abingdon, United Kingdom

Correlation of the Palaeozoic stratigraphy of the Indian and Arabian Plates is well established in a broad sense. Applying sequence stratigraphy to relevant sedimentary successions enables a higher resolution correlation. Sequence stratigraphy also provides a framework for extending this correlation to post-Jurassic syn-rift and post-rift sediments. An independent global Previous HitmodelNext Hit of sequence stratigraphy has been developed by us which allows plate to plate stratigraphic correlation based on biostratigraphically constrained maximum flooding surfaces (MFS) and sequence boundaries (SB). This Previous HitmodelNext Hit is effective even in tectonically active areas, since the pace and amplitude of eustatic events overprints tectonics and sediment supply.

A eustatically-mediated sequence stratigraphic Previous HitmodelNext Hit provides a powerful means of predicting key play elements such as lowstand clastics, meteorically-enhanced highstand carbonates and transgressive organic-rich facies. As an example, in our sequence stratigraphic Previous HitmodelTop, a second order sequence boundary occurs within the latest Eocene, which is recognised, for example, at the base of the Arida Formation in the Sirt Basin (Libya). The Arida Formation represents a significant influx of clastic sediment into a previously carbonate basin. This same relationship is seen in the Lower Indus Basin. In the Central Indus Basin the sequence boundary develops into subaerial exposure and subsequent erosion of the Kirthar carbonates. This surface is coincident with the marked growth of Antarctic ice sheets, likely caused in part by the uplift of the Himalayas, amongst other factors. Other sequences will be discussed within the presentation.

Presentation GEO India Expo XXI, Noida, New Delhi, India 2008©AAPG Search and Discovery