--> Abstract: Geocellular Modelling of the Mangala Field, Barmer Basin, Rajasthan, North West India - A Basis for Efficient Field Development, by Sujoy Mukherjee, Amit P. Singh, Paul M. Compton, Shiju C. Joseph, Tim O. Sullivan, David L. Sturrock, and V. Ravichandran; #90081 (2008)
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Geocellular Modelling of the Mangala Field, Barmer Basin, Rajasthan, North West India - A Basis for Efficient Field Development

Sujoy Mukherjee1, Amit P. Singh1, Paul M. Compton1, Shiju C. Joseph1, Tim O. Sullivan1, Previous HitDavidTop L. Sturrock1, and V. Ravichandran2
1Reservoir Development, Cairn India Ltd, Gurgaon, India
2Sub Surface, Sterling Global Oil Resources Limited, Lagos, Nigeria

Static geocellular modelling is a common tool in the petroleum industry for evaluating producing or potentially productive fields. In concert with dynamic models (matched with production history when available), a static model can help identify undeveloped portions of fields and aid in waterflood and EOR planning. In the Mangala Field in the Barmer Basin, Rajasthan, India, static geocellular modeling has been an integral part of development planning, which includes secondary and tertiary recovery schemes from the onset of oil production.

Accurate geocellullar modelling relies on a large amount of detailed structural, stratigraphic facies and petrophysical data as integrated input to form the model’s basic building blocks. With this in mind, Cairn India has acquired high quality 3D seismic data, a comprehensive conventional core inventory, suite of wireline petrophysical logs and detailed pressure data during the field discovery and appraisal stages.

In the Mangala Field, the workflow was applied to a reservoir comprising a range of fluvial depositional facies. The structural model is based on the interpretation of high quality 3D seismic and well data. The facies coding at the wells was primarily based on detailed core sedimentological interpretation and innovative rock-log facies correlation. The rock model was populated using an object-based approach, wherein the sedimentological basis for the object parameters (ie channel widths and thicknesses, etc) are based on published analogues of fluvial reservoir architecture.

The reservoir properties were populated using Sequential Gaussian Simulation and biased to the rock model.These static geocellular models were upscaled accordingly and exported for dynamic simulation. A range of sensitivities were carried out in the dynamic simulation model which enabled optimization of the resulting field development plan.

Presentation GEO India Expo XXI, Noida, New Delhi, India 2008©AAPG Search and Discovery