--> Abstract: Managing Data for Well Geosteering Operations, by Shixin Wei and Al Kok; #90077 (2008)
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Managing Data for Well Geosteering Operations

Shixin Wei* and Al Kok
Saudi Aramco
*[email protected]

Well data management is a key element in geosteering and operations activities. It requires the well data to be updated in the corporate database in a timely manner, and that the key operations projects have consistent and properly populated well data. With the widespread application of log-while-drilling and monitor-while-drilling (LWD/MWD) technology, satellite data communications with the wellsite, and interpretation in various application projects, the Previous HitfloodTop of the incoming data requires enhanced data management practices and procedures to ensure that the corporate well data repository is complete and accurate.

We have developed a workflow to inspect and integrate the well data in various master and operations projects, which synchronizes them with the corporate database. Collaboration with geologists working in these projects is essential to ensure completeness and accuracy of the data. The data managers ensure the validated well data is loaded into the corporate database and subsequently propagated across related operations projects to ensure consistency for geosteering activities. Several tools have been developed to automatically execute quality assurance and control (QA/QC) procedures. Two examples are used to show the benefits from such a data management approach.


AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90077©2008 GEO 2008 Middle East Conference and Exhibition, Manama, Bahrain