--> Abstract: Process-Based Modeling of Deep-Water Depositional Systems, by Tao Sun, Kaveh Ghayour, and James Miller; #90077 (2008)
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Process-Based Previous HitModelingNext Hit of Deep-Water Depositional Systems

Tao Sun*, Kaveh Ghayour, and James Miller
ExxonMobil, USA
*[email protected]

ExxonMobil has developed a process-based forward numerical model for simulating deep-water depositional systems. The model is based on the physics of fluid flow and sediment transport. It replicates most of the important processes found in deep-water depositional systems. This model has been used to simulate East Breaks Basin 4, Gulf of Mexico. An interpreted surface from a high-resolution 3-D seismic survey was Previous HitdepthNext Hit-restored and used as the initial basal surface. The model’s inlet location for turbidity flow was also interpreted from the seismic. A trial and error approach was used to determine the discharge of the flow as well as the volumetric concentration and the size distribution of the particles in the flow. Simulation results were converted to synthetic seismic and compared with actual seismic from the basin. The comparisons show that the simulated sediment body geometries and stacking patterns closely resemble those observed in the seismic. The study has demonstrated that the forward numerical model is a powerful new geologic Previous HitmodelingNext Hit tool. Prerequisites for effective Previous HitmodelingNext Hit include: (1) accurate restoration of basin paleo-topography; (2) realistic flow characteristics including flow discharge and sediment concentration; and (3) estimates of sediment size distribution in the flow. These data are not routinely obtained from subsurface studies, but can be derived through integrated analysis of seismic volumes and well and core control. Including such analysis in the seismic interpretation and reservoir-characterization workflow is essential for the development and application of forward numerical models as next generation Previous HitEarthTop models.


AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90077©2008 GEO 2008 Middle East Conference and Exhibition, Manama, Bahrain