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Geophysical and Geological Modelling of Potential Carbonate Reservoir of the Batu Raja Formation and its Development Strategy in Western Java, Indonesia

Adi Ringoringo* and Joko Padmono
Pertamina, Indonesia
*[email protected]

The Pondok Tengah field development project involves drilling 44 wells in two years in the carbonate reservoir of the Batu Raja Formation (BRF). The NW-trending field also produces from the fluvial deposits of Talang Akar Formation (TAF. This Batu Raja carbonate reservoir consists of a progradational sequence that is 150–200 m thick. Some zones with a porosity of 10–20 % have produced upto 1,500 bopd during tests. Currently the production is 4,000 barrels of oil per day from six wells. The hydrocarbon distribution in Batu Raja reservoir is controlled by a combination of both structural and stratigraphic aspects (facies changes), of which the latter is predominant as confirmed by 10 recently drilled wells. Two major faults impact the secondary fracture porosity.

The Batu Raja carbonate reservoir is regionally correlated southeastwards with the carbonate reservoir of Tambun field. Several models from Previous Hit3-DTop seismic data (attribute, variance and acoustic impedance) were constructed to understand the lateral and vertical continuity of the reservoir. The model is updated as new wells are completed. Some cores and advance logging were also conducted to determine the lateral and vertical heterogeneity of the facies distribution. Based on these studies plans are to produce 20,000 barrels/day for 15 years starting in 2009. This presentation will describe the geologic model within the field and strategy to develop the reservoir.


AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90077©2008 GEO 2008 Middle East Conference and Exhibition, Manama, Bahrain