Predicting Pore
Types in Khuff Reservoirs: A Step Towards Improved Permeability Predictions
Ian Billing
Saudi Aramco
[email protected]
The Upper Permian Khuff-B reservoirs of Saudi Arabia are prolific gas producers, with much of the production coming from stacked grain-rich shoals. While such stacked shoals often have excellent primary inter-particle porosity, this is frequently superseded by a phase of pore
cementation and grain leaching. Thus, ooid- and peloid-rich reservoirs are frequently characterized by oo- or pel-mouldic
. Such
may contain significant hydrocarbons but connectivity may be limited due to the isolated nature of these pores. The detection of the relative abundance of poorly connected oo-mouldic porosity is essential for applying accurate porosity-permeability transforms. This study investigated the use of conventional wireline log data to identify relative percentages of well-connected and poorly-connected
in Khuff-B reservoirs. Detailed core descriptions were carried out on two calibration wells, producing digital tracks of five major classes of
types. Careful depth matching and correlation with reprocessed wireline logs created a highly constrained dataset. A combination of sonic, density and neutron logs produced predictive algorithms which identified calibrated zones of poorly connected porosity. Blind-testing of these same algorithms on a wireline log suite from a third Khuff-B well produced a very good match. Ongoing work is now investigating the transform from
-type distribution to improved permeability predictions. These new algorithms act as a proxy for creating boundaries to the permeability distributions; the resultant transforms match the datasets significantly better than a simple linear transform method, and can be routinely used as part of the process of Khuff-B reservoir assessment.
AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90077©2008 GEO 2008 Middle East Conference and Exhibition, Manama, Bahrain