--> GCAGS 55th Annual Convention, Scheduled September 25-27, 2007, New Orleans, Louisiana - Abstracts, #90080 (2008)
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Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies 55th Annual Convention


Scheduled September 25-27, 2005, New Orleans, Louisiana*


New Orleans Geological Society as Host*


*Convention was not held due to the tragic Hurricane Katrina.


Search and Discovery #90080 (2008)

Posted August 10, 2008




Lower Tertiary Discoveries in the Gulf of Mexico Deepwater: Capitalizing on Success
by Ken Beeney and Greg Kelleher

Seismic Imaging at Conger: Lessons Learned in Gulf of Mexico Subsalt Imaging
by Thomas C. Bergeon

A Robust Technique for Resolving Faulting Problems on the Steeply Dipping Flanks of Salt Bodies, Using the Multiple Bischke Plot Analysis (MBPA)
by R. E. Bischke, J. Brewton, and D. J. Tearpock

Visualization and Interpretation of 3D Geological and Geophysical Data in Heterogeneous Virtual Reality Displays: Examples from the Chicxulub Impact Crater
by Christoph W. Borst and Gary L. Kinsland

The Princess Discovery—Sub Salt Gulf of Mexico: Challenges of Sub-Salt Imaging in a Fast-Paced Sub-Sea Development
by Aafke E. Bouma, Bret D. Hampton, and Ben M. Hewett

Seismic Detection of Stratigraphic and Combination Traps Without Amplitude Expression in Northern Lafourche Parish, Louisiana
by Steven H. Brachman

Wilcox Group Coal-Bed Methane in North-Central Louisiana
by F. Clayton Breland Jr. and Peter D. Warwick

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Regional Overwash from Hurricanes Frances-Jeanne and Ivan
by Marianne O'Neal Caldwell, Ping Wang, Mark Horwitz, James Kirby, and Swagata Guha

Combining Microseismic Hydraulic Fracture Monitoring, Petrophysical Evaluation and New Analytical Techniques to Improve Reservoir Management
by Joel Le Calvez, Tom Creegan, Robert Tehan, Kevin Tanner, Roy Yates, Leo Eisner, Rick Lewis, and Les Bennett

A Preliminary Examination of Geothermal Gradient Throughout Louisiana's 64 Parishes
by Douglas Carlson and Richard P. McCulloh

Sequence Correlation of the Mid-Comanche Series, South Texas Region
by Dena S. Chenault and Lance L. Lambert

Sediment and Water Analysis Adjacent to an Active Scrap Yard and Archived Superfund Site, Lafayette Parish, Louisiana
by Renee Clary, Dean Gresham, Fleur Bases, Elisabeth Hamlin, Noah Bergeron, Chad Petry, Mike LaGrange, and Eric Fischer

The Ultra-Deep Water Petroleum System in the Neptune Field Area, Gulf of Mexico
by Gary A. Cole, Alan Yu, Julye Nugent, Previous HitMichaelNext Hit Moore, and Gary Grubitz

Major World Delta Variability and Wetland Loss
by James Coleman, Oscar Huh, DeWitt Braud Jr., and Harry Roberts

Integration—The Key to Understanding Petroleum Systems in the Gulf of Mexico
by Mark Cowgill, Stephen Calvert, Marguerite Fleming, John Newsome, Antony Price, and Carl Watkins

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Shale Facies Variability and Sequence Stratigraphy: Application to Top Seal Prediction in Deepwater Depositional Systems
by William C. Dawson and William R. Almon

Classification of Holocene Foraminifera Bio-Facies Within the Transgressive Lower Lafourche Headland, Louisiana
by Chandra Dreher, Charlotte Brunner, Mark Kulp, and Matt Totten

A Brief Summary of Water Supply in Louisiana
by Timothy W. Duex

2003 U.S. Geological Survey Assessment of Undiscovered Oil and Gas Resources in Upper Cretaceous Navarro and Taylor Groups, Western Gulf Province, Texas
by T. S. Dyman, S. M. Condon, R. R. Charpentier, T. A. Cook, T. R. Klett, M. D. Lewan, M. J. Pawlewicz, R. M. Pollastro, and C. J. Schenk

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Tahoe Field Case Study—Understanding Reservoir Compartmentalization in a Channel-Levee System
by Chekwube Enunwa, Joseph L. Razzano III, Asha Ramgulam, Peter B. Flemings, Turgay Ertekin, and Zuleima T. Karpyn

Salt Withdrawal and Depositional Trends at the Pliocene/Miocene Boundary, Central Eugene Island and Ship Shoal Areas, Offshore Louisiana, USA
by T. Farley

Relative Sea-Level Rise History in Louisiana
by Sarah Fearnley, Shea Penland, Mark Kulp, Karen Ramsey, S. Jeffress Williams, and Jack Kindinger

Preliminary Assessment of Recent Deposition Related to a Crevasse Splay on the Mississippi River Delta: Implications for Coastal Restoration
by N. F. Ferina, J. G. Flocks, J. L. Kindinger, M. D. Miner, J. P. Motti, P. C. Chadwick, and J. B. Johnston

Paleocene-Eocene Deposystems and Evolution of the Gulf of Mexico Basin Petroleum System
by Richard H. Fillon, Paul N. Lawless, and Arthur S. Waterman

Backbarrier and Sea Level Controls on Tidal Prism and Their Subsequent Impacts on Adjacent Barrier Islands
by Duncan FitzGerald, Ioannis Georgiou, Zoe Hughes, Mark Kulp, Previous HitMichaelNext Hit Miner, and Shea Penland

Global Positioning System
by George C. Flowers

Geothermal Gradients and Subsurface Temperatures in the Northern Gulf of Mexico
by Joseph Forrest, Ettore Marcucci, and Paul Scott

Burial History of Central Texas Cretaceous Carbonates
by Shawn Fullmer and F. Jerry Lucia

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Modeling Future Changes in Barrier-Island Wetlands on Galveston Island, Texas
by James C. Gibeaut

Remaining Hydrocarbon Potential in Oligocene Reservoirs of Mature Fields, West Baton Rouge Parish, Louisiana
by Donald A. Goddard, Ronald K. Zimmerman, and Charles M. Meeks

Building a Facies-Based Permeability Model for Deep-Water Miocene Reservoirs, Eastern Gulf of Mexico
by T. J. Greene and B. E. O'Neill

Seismic Geomorphology of Oligocene Frio Lowstand Slope and Basin-Floor Sedimentary Bodies in Growth-Faulted Subbasins in South Texas
by Ursula Hammes, Hongliu Zeng, L. Frank Brown, Robert Loucks, and Patricia Montoya

Post 30 ma Sequence Stratigraphy, Northeastern Gulf of Mexico
by Leipin He and Nancye Dawers

Distribution and Origin of Fault-Line Scarps of Southwest Louisiana, USA
by Paul V. Heinrich

A Microbial Smackover Formation and the Dual Reservoir–Seal System at the Little Cedar Creek Field in Conecuh County of Alabama
by Ezat Heydari and Lawrence Baria

A Conceptual Model for the Sequence Stratigraphy of the Smackover Formation in North-Central U.S. Gulf Coast
by Ezat Heydari and Lawrence Baria

Seismic Attributes for Regional Reconnaissance: Deep Gas Interval, Gulf of Mexico Shelf
by H. Truman Holcombe

Sedimentological Characteristics and Internal Architecture of Two Overwash Fans from Hurricanes Ivan and Jeanne
by Mark Horwitz and Ping Wang

Sedimentological Characteristics and Internal Architecture of Two Overwash Fans from Hurricanes Ivan, Frances and Jeanne
by Mark H. Horwitz, Ping Wang, Marianne O'Neal-Caldwell, James Kirby, and Swagata Guha

Genesis 4-D Project Status and Preliminary Lookback
by Tom Hudson, Bernard Regel, John Bretches, Pat Condon, James Rickett, Brian Cerney, Phil Inderwiesen, and Russ Ewy

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Miocene Gas Trend of the Eastern Gulf Coast Province: Mississippi and Alabama State Offshore Waters
by Stephen L. Ingram Sr., Charlie Smith, and Allen Lowrie

Exploratory Progress Towards Proving the Billion Barrel Potential of the Tuscaloosa Marine Shale
by Chacko J. John, Bobby L. Jones, Brian J. Harder, and Reed J. Bourgeois

The Role of Gas Hydrate in a Global Gas Market
by Arthur H. Johnson

Cretaceous-Tertiary Boundary Microtektite-Bearing Sands and Tsunami Beds, Alabama Gulf Coastal Plain
by David T. King Jr. and Lucille W. Petruny

Hydrodynamics and Sedimentary Responses Within the Bottom Boundary Layer: Sabine Bank, Western Louisiana
by Daijiro Kobashi, Felix Jose, and Gregory Stone

The Auger 4D Case Study: Exploiting a Gulf of Mexico Turbidite Field by the Use of Time Lapsed Seismic Surveys
by Tom Kratochvil, Tim Beattie, Jim Bikun, Pete Bilinski, Klaas van Luik, Elli Tchouparova, Charles Tixier, Sid Weaver, and Helena Zirczy

Quantifying Shale Porosity—A Thermodynamically Based, Predictive Model Which Includes the Effects of Mechanical Compaction, Temperature, Mineralogy, and Chemical Diagenesis
by James T. Krushin

Long and Short-Term Variability of Subsidence Patterns Across the Mississippi River Delta Plain
by Mark Kulp

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Regional Distribution of Arsenic in the Weches Formation of East Texas
by E. B. Ledger

Stratigraphic Analysis Garden Banks Block 235, Gulf of Mexico
by Edwin I. Linares and Abu K. M. Sarwar

River Morphology as an Indicator of the Baton Rouge Fault, Louisiana
by Merethe Lindanger, Nancye Dawers, and Suzanne Leclair

Facies Changes of the Eutaw Formation (Coniacian-Santonian), Onshore to Offshore, Northeastern Gulf of Mexico Area
by Kaiyu Liu

Short-Term Performance of Segmented Breakwaters Along Raccoon Island, Louisiana
by Baozhu Liu and Gregory W. Stone

A Revised Delta Cycle Model for the Holocene Deltaic Deposits of South Louisiana, USA
by John A. Lopez

Revisiting the Importance of Secondary Dissolution Pores in Tertiary Sandstones Along the Texas Gulf Coast
by Robert G. Loucks

Free Gas Exploitation Within the Northern Gulf of Mexico: A Viable Potential?
by Allen Lowrie and Carol Blanton Lutken

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Sonar Imaging of Bay Bottom Sediments and Anthropogenic Impacts in Galveston Bay, Texas
by D. S. Maddox, W. W. Sager, and Timothy M. Dellapenna

Hydrogeology and Aquifer Storage and Recovery System Performance
by Robert G. Maliva, Weixing Guo, and Thomas M. Missimer

Petroleum Source Rocks of the Onshore Interior Salt Basins, North Central and Northeastern Gulf of Mexico
by Ernest A. Mancini, Peng Li, Donald A. Goddard, and Ronald K. Zimmerman

Potential Reef-Reservoir Facies: Lower Cretaceous Deep-Water Thrombolites, Onshore Central Gulf Of Mexico
by Ernest A. Mancini, Juan Carlos Llinas, Robert W. Scott, and Ruben Llinas

The Artesa-Mundo Nuevo Platform of the Chiapas-Tabasco Region, South-East Basin, Mexico: An Enigma
by Hugo L. Martinez-Kemp, Miguel Varela-Santamaria, Peter Bartok, and Santosh K. Ghosh

Salt Involvement in the Jujo-Tecominoacan Thrust Belt, Chiapas-Tabasco Region, South East Basin, Mexico
by Hugo L. Martinez-Kemp, J. Fernando Gonzalez-Posadas, and Peter Bartok

Numerical Constraints of Current Rates of Surface Elevation Change Due to Compaction of Holocene Sediments in the Louisiana Delta Plain
by T. A. Meckel, U. S. ten Brink, and S. J. Williams

Numerical Constraints of Current Rates of Surface Elevation Change Due to Compaction of Holocene Sediments in the Louisiana Delta Plain
by T. A. Meckel, U. ten Brink, and S. J. Williams

Morphologic Evolution of a Transgressive Tidal Inlet, Little Pass Timbalier, Louisiana
by Previous HitMichaelNext Hit D. Miner, Duncan M. FitzGerald, and Mark A. Kulp

Diagenesis of the Anastasia Formation in Eastern Coastal Florida: Beachrock or Bed-Scale Cementation
by Thomas M. Missimer and Robert G. Maliva

Play Concepts in an Emerging Major Hydrocarbon Province in the Ultra-Deep Water Gulf of Mexico
by Previous HitMichaelNext Hit G. Moore and Bryan C. Delph

Historical Subsidence and Wetland Loss in the Mississippi Delta Plain
by Robert A. Morton, Julie C. Bernier, John A. Barras, and Nicholas F. Ferina

Analysis of Geomorphic History and Restoration Efforts at Raccoon Island
by Rebecca C. Murphey and Shea Penland

Deep Sedimentary Thermal Gradient in the Continental Shelf off Alabama, Mississippi and Eastern Louisiana
by Seiichi Nagihara and Previous HitMichaelNext Hit A. Smith

Dealing with Non-Precipitation Chloride Contributions in the Chloride-Mass Balance Approach to Recharge Calculations in the Plateau Aquifer System, Texas
by H. S. Nance and John M. Sharp

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Upper Jurassic Sequence Stratigraphy, Onshore to Offshore Alabama, Eastern Gulf of Mexico
by Jamal A. Obid

Seismic Stratigraphy of the Jurassic Section in Mobile Area, Offshore Alabama, Northeastern Gulf of Mexico, USA
by Jamal A. Obid

Seismic Amplitudes and Low Gas Saturation: A Case Study from Green Canyon Block 474
by John O'Brien

Numerical Chronology of the Late Quaternary Gulf Coastal Plain; Barrier Evolution and an Updated Holocene Sea-Level Curve
by Ervin G. Otvos

Clay Mineralogy and Formation Water Salinities of Upper Wilcox Sediments, Righthand Creek Field, Allen Parish, Louisiana
by Maria Pacheco and Jeffrey S. Hanor

The Gunnison Discovery—Garden Banks Block 668, Gulf of Mexico
by Jeff Gee-shang Pan and Jim Fulcher

Transgressive-Regressive Cycle Characterization of the Jurassic Ellis Group, Wyoming and Montana: A Model for Predicting Reservoir Facies in Northern Gulf Coast Salt Basins
by William C. Parcell, Andrew L. Haner, Manwika Ploynoi, and Ernest A. Mancini

Oil-Base Micro-Resistivity Borehole Image Log Applications in Deep-Water Exploration
by Mitch D. Pavlovic

Comparative Analysis of the Stratigraphic Framework in Relation to the Geomorphic Evolution of the Caillou Bay Headland, South Central, Louisiana
by Elizabeth M. Petro and Mark A. Kulp

The Impact of Increasing Accommodation on Sediment Deposition and Hydrocarbon Accumulation in the Greater Ship Shoal Area
by Previous HitMichaelTop J. Quinn

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Rebuilding the Louisiana Coast: How Long Can We Wait?
by Denise J. Reed

Genesis 4D Project — Design and Execution Overview
by Bernard Regel, Tom Hudson, John Bretches, Phil Inderwiesen, Pat Condon, James Rickett, and Frank Descant

Gas-Charging of Late Pleistocene Shelf-Edge Delta Reservoirs and Dissociation of Gas Hydrate, Northeastern Gulf of Mexico
by Harry H. Roberts, Richard H. Fillon, and Larry Cathles III

Josephine Prospect, Cognac Field, MC195 A "Typical" Shelf Deep Pool Discovery
by Robert Rooney, Tim Bourgeois, Christina Davis, Michiel deGroot, Dave French, Machelle Johnson, John Leftwich, Brian O'Neill, and Keerthi McIntosh

Early Paleogene Isolation of the Gulf of Mexico from the World's Oceans: From Hypothesis to Theory
by Joshua Rosenfeld and Jon Blickwede

Oligo-Miocene Extension at the Louann Level in the Northern Gulf of Mexico: Kinematic Models and Examples
by Mark G. Rowan, Kerry F. Inman, and J. Carl Fiduk

Counterregional-Style Deformation in the Deep Shelf of the Northern Gulf of Mexico
by Mark G. Rowan and Kerry F. Inman

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Coastal Impacts and Processes During Hurricane Ivan
by Asbury Sallenger, C. Wayne Wright, and Jeff Lillycrop

No Active Fault Problems in Louisiana?
by Ghulam Sarwar and Reid Bohlinger

Lower Tertiary Salt-Sediment Interaction in Walker Ridge, Deep Water Gulf of Mexico
by Adam M. Seitchik and Timothy F. Powell

Geopressure Compartmentalization in Salt Basins: Their Assessment for Hydrocarbon Entrapments in the Gulf of Mexico
by Selim S. Shaker

Evolution of the Cretaceous Artesa Mundo-Nuevo Carbonate Platform, North-Central Chiapas, Southeast Mexico
by Joan M. Spaw, J. Ricardo Alcantara, Hugo Pena Ramirez, and Victor M. De la Cruz Rivera

Regional Geologic Model for Hydrocarbon Exploration of Oligo-Miocene Carbonates, Southeast Mexico
by Joan M. Spaw, Joseph Serra-Kiel, Carles Fernandez, Jose Antonio Berlanga Garcia, and Andrew Horbury

A High-Resolution Seismic Survey to Image the Top of Salt at Avery Island, Louisiana
by Dawn Standridge, Cathy Bishop, Gary Kinsland, Robert Schneider, and Laura Serpa

Challenges in Structure Prediction When Developing Remaining Field Reserves Using 3D Seismic, Gulf of Mexico Shelf, Offshore Louisiana
by Ingo Steinhoff and William A. Hill

Chemical Evidence for Migration of Deep Formation Fluids into Shallow Aquifers in South Louisiana
by Ronald K. Stoessell and Lesley Prochaska

Offshore Hydrodynamics and Geological Impacts of Hurricane Ivan Along the Northeastern Gulf of Mexico
by Gregory W. Stone and Baozhu Liu

Diagenesis of Mixed-Layer Clay Minerals in the South Timbalier Area, Gulf of Mexico
by Matthew W. Totten, Mark Dixon, and Mark A. Hanan

The Occurrence and Seismic Expression of Volcanic Ash Beds in the Gulf of Mexico
by M. W. Totten, M. A. Jurik, and M. A. Hanan

"Wheeler Diagrams": A Useful Exploration Tool in the Gulf of Mexico
by Ramon H. Trevino, L. Frank Brown Jr., Robert G. Loucks, and Ursula Hammes

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Meteorological Influences on Fecal Coliform Pollution in the Mississippi Sound
by David F. Ufnar, Jennifer A. Ufnar, T. West White, Jason T. Townsend, Dawn Rebarchik, and R. D. Ellender

Evolution of Depositional Patterns in the Mississippi Sound During the Late Holocene
by Brian M. Velardo and Samuel J. Bentley

Reach Sensitivity Index Classification of Louisiana Coastal Rivers: A Tool for Watershed Restoration
by H. Dallon Weathers, Miles Hayes, and Rebecca Murphey

Jet-Plume Depositional Bodies—The Primary Building Blocks of Wax Lake Delta
by Robert Wellner, Rick Beaubouef, John Van Wagoner, Harry Roberts, and Tao Sun

Geoscience in Coastal Ecosystem Restoration: Understanding Coast-Shelf Framework Geology, Offshore Sand Resources and Sedimentary Processes
by S. Jeffress Williams

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Deep Opportunities in the South Louisiana
by Fangjian 'Jack' Xue, Kim Hemsley, David Chi, and Dan Shan

New Techniques Reveal the Exploration Opportunities in the Louisiana Coastal and Shelf Areas
by Fangjian 'Jack' Xue, Kim Hemsley, and Dave Paddock

A Risk-Reduction Recipe Using Frequency-Based Pore Pressure Predictions from Seismic
by Roger A. Young and Robert D. LoPiccolo

An Improved Ocean Observing System for Coastal Louisiana: WAVE-CURRENT-SURGE Information System
by Xiongping Zhang, Gregory W. Stone, and DeWitt Braud

Integrated Geologic Interpretation in the Deepwater Gulf of Mexico Using Borehole Spectroscopy Logs, Microresistivity Images, Log-Derived High-Resolution Mineral-Based Lithofacies, and Regional Seismic Data
by Eric Zimmermann, Mike Schneider, Mike Gallagher, George Kear, Anish Kumar, Brian Briscoe, and David Williamson

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