--> 2008 Annual AAPG Convention, April 20-23, 2008, San Antonio, Texas, #90078 (2008)
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AAPG Annual Convention

April 20-23, 2008, San Antonio, Texas

Search and Discovery Article #90078 (2008)
Posted April 30, 2008

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Origin of the Large-Sized Sedimentary Structures in the Upper Eocene Birket Qarun Formation, Wadi El-Hitan (Whale Valley), Fayum- Egypt
by Z. A. Abdel-Fattah, M. K. Gingras, and S. Pemberton

Comparison of Onshore and Offshore Petroleum Systems in the Central Caspian Region
by M. A. Abrams and G. W. van Graas

Integrating Core, Well Logs and Seismic Interpretation to Improve Understanding of Albian Patch Reefs, Maverick Basin, SW Texas
by E. S. Aconcha, C. Kerans, and H. Zeng

Evaluation of Potential Petroleum System in Jurassic Strata of the Espino Graben, Eastern Venezuelan Basin
by N. C. Acosta, L. Duerto, P. Bastos, R. Mendoza, and A. Pico

Basin-Scale Salt Tectonic Processes at the North-Central Scotian Margin: Insights from Integrated Regional 2D Seismic Interpretation and 4D Physical Experiments
by J. Adam, C. MacDonald, C. Campbell, J. Cribb, M. Nedimovic, D. Grujic, and C. Krezsek

A New Genetic Classification of Carbonate Porosity and Its Application to Reservoir Characterization
by W. M. Ahr

Compartmentalization Prediction in Marginal Marine Deposits: Sequence Stratigraphic-Based Insights from 3D Reservoir Modeling Studies
by R. Ainsworth

Improved Prediction of Depositional Elements in Mixed-process Coastal Depositional Systems
by R. Ainsworth and B. K. Vakarelov

Sedimentology and Palynostratigraphy of a Section Penetrated By Ane-1 Well, Niger Delta, Nigeria: Implications for Palaeoenvironmental Interpretation
by N. E. Ajaegwu, E. K. Anakwuba, O. E. Akpunonu, and B. I. Odoh

Predicting Deep Porosity Preservation in Eolian Reservoirs from Early Grain-Coat Formation Processes: a Modern Desert Sand Study
by J. Ajdukiewicz, W. Esch, P. Rumelhart, S. Franks, C. Van Dijk, B. Carrigan, and R. Larese

Niger or Benue Delta: A new Insight
by O. O. Akaa, U. Nicholson, P. Clift, and D. Macdonald

Comparative Sequence Development of Arab-D reservoir from Three Fields, Saudi Arabia
by S. Al-Awwad, K. AlTemimi, J. F. Read, L. Smith, and G. Hughes

High-Resolution Sequence Stratigraphy of the Triassic Khuff A and B Carbonates in the Subsurface of Haradh Area, Southern Ghawar Field, Saudi Arabia
by R. K. Al-Dukhayyil and A. A. Al-Tawil

Dolomitization and Reservoir Characterization of the Creataceous Upper Qamchuqa Formation, Khabaz Oil Field, Kirkuk Embayment, Northern Iraq
by B. J. Al-Qayim, F. Qadir, and F. Al-Biaty

Assessment of Slurry Injection in Burgan Oil Field, Southern Kuwait
by N. K. Al-Zabout

Lithofacies Variability and Organic-matter Preservation in a Clastic-starved Intra-shelf Basin: Upper Cretaceous Natih B Member, Northern Oman
by S. A. Al Balushi, J. H. MacQuaker, and H. Droste

Variability in Channel-belt Basal Scour Surface and Implications for Connectivity between Channel-belt Reservoirs
by N. Alexandrowicz and J. Holbrook

Facies Variations within Shoreface Packages in the John Henry Member of the Upper Cretaceous Straight Cliffs Formation, Southern Utah
by J. L. Allen and C. Johnson

Deconvolving Tectonic and Climatic Influences within the Fluvial Record: An Example from the Late Carboniferous Succession of the Cumberland Basin, Atlantic Canada
by J. P. Allen, C. R. Fielding, M. C. Rygel, and M. R. Gibling

Hydrocarbon Exploration in Northern Canada: Upper Paleozoic and Cretaceous Investigations in the Peel Region, Yukon Territory
by T. Allen and T. Fraser

Sedimentology of the Turbidite-Dominated Upper Paleozoic Tuttle Formation, Peel Plateau, Yukon, Canada
by T. L. Allen and T. A. Fraser

Celebrating the Year of Science 2009
by M. L. Allison, J. Scotchmoor, and R. O'Grady

Building a Global Interoperable Geoscience Information Network
by M. L. Allison and L. C. Gundersen

Sequence Stratigraphy, Sedimentology and Hydrocarbon Potential of the Late Permian Carbonates (Khuff Formation), Southern Arabian Gulf Basin
by A. S. Alsharhan

Coniacian to Lowermost Campanian Stratigraphy of the Austin Chalk, Northeast Texas
by A. A. AlShuaibi

Tectonic Geomorphology of the Eastern Trinidad Shelf, Implications for Influence of Structure on Reservoir Distribution and Nature in Older Basin Fill
by T. Alvarez and L. Wood

Identifying New Opportunities in a Mature Basin using Genetic Analysis: An Example from the Mississippian Banff Formation, Alberta, Canada
by R. H. Alway, R. Buckley, J. Ardic, F. Haueter, A. French, et al.

An Unusual Deep Occurrence of Gypsum in the Ferry Lake Anhydrite, South Mississippi Salt Basin
by F. O. Amadi, R. P. Major, and L. R. Baria

Lunar Oddities: Asymmetric, Non-main-sequence Craters as Indirect Indicators of Basin-scale Impacts
W. A. Ambrose

Sequence Stratigraphic Controls on Complex Reservoir Architecture in Fluvial-Dominated Deltaic and Lowstand Valley-Fill Deposits in the Woodbine Group, East Texas Field
by W. A. Ambrose, T. F. Hentz, F. P. Wang, F. Bonnaffe, R. G. Loucks, and L. F. Brown

Energy Minerals in the Solar System: Resources for the 21st Century
by W. A. Ambrose and H. H. Schmitt

Sampling and Processing Technologies of Deep-Biosphere In-Situ Cores with PRESS (Pressurized Core Sub-sampling and Extrusion System)
by E. C. Anders and W. H. Müller

The Origin of Erosional Confinement in Deepwater Conglomerate Channels: Upper El Rosario Formation (Paleocene), San Carlos, Baja California, Mexico
by B. J. Anderson, M. H. Gardner, and J. G. Schmitt

Using the Record of Sea-Level Rise Along the West Louisiana and Texas Coast to Predict Coastal Response to Accelerating Sea-Level Rise
by J. B. Anderson and K. T. Milliken

Soil Properties Governing Potentially Plant Available Lead in Contaminated Residential Sites
by S. P. Andra, R. Datta, D. Sarkar, and S. M. Saminathan

Stromatolites in Modern Reef Settings: Key Insights from the Exuma Cays, Bahamas
by M. S. Andres,  P. Reid, and J. E. Eckman

Reinterpretation of the Upper Devonian-Lower Mississippian Bakken Formation of Subsurface Saskatchewan: Integrating Sedimentologic and Ichnologic Data Within a Sequence Stratigraphic Framework
by S. Angulo, L. A. Buatois, and S. Halabura

Low Accommodation Depositional Systems in the Lower Cretaceous Dakota Formation, Northwestern Nebraska and Southern Utah
by J. Antia, C. R. Fielding, and M. Joeckel

Petroleum System of the Gulf of Hammamet- A 1D and 3D Integrated Approach
by J. L. Aouicha,  J. Rudkiewicz, B. Hamad, and G. de Marsily

Response to Climate Change: Adaptation and Mitigation Requires a Robust Economy
by J. M. Armentrout

High-Latitude Canyon Development and Associated Depositional Element Evolution; Southwest Grand Banks Upper Slope, Canada
by D. A. Armitage,  D. T. McGee, W. R. Morris, and D. Piper

A Study of the Subsurface Properties of Black Shale in the Northern Appalachian Basin with Focus on the Frasnian Geneseo (Berket) Black Shale
by L. A. Arnold and T. Engelder

Graded and Massive Beds: A 3D Mosaic of Coalesced, Rapidly-Deposited “Pod”-Like Elements?
by B. Arnott

Paleoclimate Research and Human Evolutionary Studies
by G. M. Ashley, C. S. Feibel, and A. S. Cohen

TYPHOON: A Web Integrated Micropaleontological Database System
by M. J. Aubry and M. Bonnemaison

Selection of Best Drilling, Completion and Stimulation Practices, Coalbed Methane Reservoirs
by W. Ayers, S. Ramaswamy, and S. Holditch

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Quaternary Turbidite Systems Along the Algerian Margin: Morphology and Structure of the Kramis and Algiers Deep-Sea Fans (Maradja Project)
by N. Babonneau, A. Nougues, J. Déverchère, B. Savoye, A. Cattaneo, and K. Yelles

Modeling Sonic Velocity in Carbonates Using Thin Sections
by G. Baechle, G. P. Eberli, R. J. Weger, and A. Colpaert

Analysis of Fault Segment Evolution in Oblique Asymmetric Rift Systems Using Analogue Models
by E. Baker and K. McClay

3-D Structural Model of Basement-Involved Anticlines Along the Western Margin of the Bighorn Basin, Wyoming
by S. Banerjee and S. Mitra

“Conventional” Unconventional Gas: Perspectives on Wamsutter, a Tight Gas Accumulation in the Eastern Greater Green River Basin
by L. A. Banfield, W. A. Hill, K. Meisling,  R. Lieber, T. McClain, N. McInnis, L. McRae, and J. Vaitl

Evidence for the Onshore Extension of the Deep Water Jurassic Salt Basin in the Majunga Basin, Northwest Madagascar
by N. Banks, B. Cooper, S. Jenkins, and E. Razafindrakoto

Characterisation of Wave / Storm Influenced Nearshore Marine Reservoirs: Outcrop Analogues From the Permian of Eastern Australia
by K. L. Bann, C. R. Fielding, S. C. Tye, J. A. MacEachern, and B. G. Jones

Ichnology and Facies Analysis of Enigmatic Reservoir Intervals in the Triassic Doig Formation, West-Central Alberta
by K. L. Bann and P. Proverbs

Hydrothermal Dolomitization of Fluid Reservoirs in the Michigan Basin, USA
by D. A. Barnes, G. Grammer, and T. M. Parris

What is The Role of Carbon Dioxide in Climate Change During Earth History?
by E. J. Barron

Focused Accumulations of Methane Hydrate Above Deeply-Buried Basement Highs in the Deep-Water Bering Sea Basins
by G. A. Barth, J. R. Childs, and D. W. Scholl

The Depositional System of the Green River Oil Shale in Western Colorado
by Y. Bartov, D. Nummedal, and R. Sarg

Lowstands on the Rise?
by S. L. Becker

Fluid Inclusion Constraints on the Opening History of Fractures in Tight Gas Sandstone Reservoirs
by S. P. Becker, S. E. Laubach, P. Eichhubl, R. M. Reed,  and R. H. Lander

New Structural Geological Insights of the Caribbean and Andean Deformation (Southern Merida Andes, Venezuela)
by L. Benkovics, R. Limachi, J. Schmithalter, R. Tocco, A. Franco, A. Enchanove, and M. la Cruz

Sub-Salt Structures In the Officer Basin, Australia
by P. J. Bennett, J. F. Allender, and P. Boult

Cubanite in Stardust: An Indicator of the Thermal and aAqueous Processing on Comets
by E. L. Berger and D. S. Lauretta

Seismic Stratigraphy and Petroleum System in the Simeulue Forearc Basin, Northern Sumatra
by K. Berglar, R. Lutz, C. Gaedicke, D. Franke, and Y.S. Djajadihardja

Basin Modeling as a Tool to Evaluate Satellite or Marginal Oil Fields
by C. Bernard, R. Jean-Luc, and T. Muriel

Facies Architecture In A Mass Transport Dominated Axial Channel Belt, Miocene To Oligocene Puchkirchen Formation, Upper Austrian Molasse Basin
by A. Bernhardt and D. R. Lowe

Stepwise Processing and Photointerpretation - Keys in Using ASTER Imagery For Mineral Indications of Hydrocarbon Microseepage
by J. Berry, A. Lundgren, John L. Berry, C. Dacre, E. Demyanick, and D. Coulter

Miocene Transitional Carbonates: Facies, Stratigraphic Architecture, and Early Diagenesis of a Fault-Block Carbonate Platform in Sardinia (Central Mediterranean Sea)
by C. Betzler, M. Benisek, S. Lindhorst, M. Mutti, and G. Marcano

Sedimentological Controls on Mud-Cored Growth Faults: Outcrop Analogs
by J. P. Bhattacharya, E. Blankenship, M. Murphy, R. K. Davies, and K. McGowen

Applying the Clinoform Concept to Correlation of Deltaic and Shallow Marine Deposits
by J. P. Bhattacharya

The Economic Interplay Between CO2 Sequestration and Enhanced CH4 Production from Coal Beds: Two Scenarios From Eastern Kansas
by S. Bhattacharya, K. D. Newell, and T. R. Carr

Areas of Historical Oil and Gas Exploration and Production in the United States
by L. R. Biewick

Using Stream Sampling and a Helicopter Electro-Magnetic Survey to Locate Oilfield Brine Sources Affecting Streams
by P. Billingsley and B. Smith

Sedimentology, Stratigraphy, Petrography of Mid Pliocene Productive Series, Azeri Field (Offshore Azerbaijan) South Caspian Basin
by E. Binyatov and E. Rzayev

Stratigraphic and Sedimentologic Evaluation of the Carboniferous Ice-Proximal Record from Eastern Australia Reveals Climatic Variation on Multiple Timescales
by L. Birgenheier, C. R. Fielding, T. D. Frank, and M. C. Rygel

Ancient Climates, Future Challenges: Lessons from the Geologic Record
by E. M. Bishop

Role of Simultaneous Inversion of Seismic Angle Stacks in Reservoir Characterization
by S. Biswal

Evaluation of Sampling Methods and Various Preservation Techniques for Offshore Surface Geochemical Surveys
by M. Bjorøy and I. L. Ferriday

Implementation of GIS Technology at the Rocky Mountain Oilfield Testing Center (RMOTC), Casper, Wyoming
by B. J. Black and J. W. Buelt

Sedimentology and Structure of Gravitationally Collapsed Flood-Dominated Mouth-Bars in the Cretaceous 'Notom Delta', Ferron Sandstone Member, Utah
by E. L. Blankenship, J. P. Bhattacharya, M. Murphy, Y. Zhu, and D. Garza

Innovative In-Situ Groundwater Remedial Technologies at the Savannah River Site
by G. C. Blount and J. J. Thibault

Continental Shelves as the Lowstand Fluvial Longitudinal Profile: Possible Implications for Icehouse vs. Greenhouse Stratigraphic Records
by M. Blum

The Role of Oil Shale in the Future of Hydrocarbon Production
by J. Boak, Y. Bartov, and D. Nummedal

Middle and Late Paleozoic Organic-Rich Gas Shales of the North American Midcontinent
by D. R. Boardman, J. Puckette, and I. Cemen

The Role of Sequence Stratigraphy in Unraveling and Applying the Complex Controls on Mudstone Reservoir Properties
by K. M. Bohacs and O. R. Lazar

Fill to Bypass in the N and O Sands, Auger Basin, GOM
by C. W. Bohn, M. Reilly, J. Valenti, D. Seren, P. Flemings, and T. Ertekin

Quantifying the Effects of Prior Knowledge and Interpretational Methodology on the Creation of Structural Models
by C. Bond, A. D. Gibbs, Z. K. Shipton, and R. J. Lunn

Identification of Depositional Elements in Deep Water Channel Setting of K-G Basin, East Coast India: A Study from OBMI Image Analysis
by D. S. Bora, C. Shrivastva, A. Tyagi, S. Hati, R. Guha, and V. Dantla

A Quantitative Approach to Define the Potential of Microbial Mat Induced Sedimentary Structures as an Indicator of Depositional Setting
by S. Bose and H. S. Chafetz

Deep-Water Coarse- and Fine-Grained Sediments and What Seismic Analyses May Overlook
by A. H. Bouma

Effects of Syn-Depositional Deformation on the Stratigraphic Architecture of an Interbasinal Deep-Water Conduit, Grand Coyer Sub-Basin, Eocene-Oligocene Grès d’Annot Formation, SE France
by R. Bouroullec, D. R. Pyles, and M. Tomasso

Recent Activity in the Floyd, Neal, and Chattanooga Shale Plays, Black Warrior Basin, Alabama and Mississippi
by K. A. Bowker

Shelf to Basin Sediment Transport on the South East Australian Continental Margin
by R. Boyd, K. Glenn, L. Fountain, and J. Keene

Palaeoclimatic Drivers of a Global Sequence Stratigraphic Model and Implications for Exploration
by A. Brasier, D. Kemp, R. B. Davies, B. Kilner, M. J. Oxford, E. V. Nunn, P. R. Sharland, M. D. Simmons, and O. E. Sutcliffe

Digital Oil-Play Maps of the Permian Basin
by C. L. Breton, S. P. Dutton, and R. F. Broadhead

Hydrocarbon Potential of the Barnett Shale (Mississippian), Delaware Basin, West Texas and Southeastern New Mexico
by J. A. Breyer, A. B. Busbey, T. J. Kinley, C. W. Cook, and D. M. Jarvie

Transformation and Interpretation of Seismic Data in the Wheeler Domain: Principles and Case Study Examples
by F. Brouwer, D. Connolly, G. de Bruin, and P. de Groot

Pore Pressure Prediction as a Prospecting Tool, Input to Exploration Trap Risk, Volumes and Field Development
by J. P. Brown and R. Bt HJ A Karim

Testing the Possible Linkages between the Miocene Reticulofenestra Event, the Biogenic Bloom, Tropical Gateways, and Sea Level Changes
by E. Browning, R. Leckie, P. McClain, S. Nathan, and C. John

Oblique Helicopter-mounted Lidar Combined with Multiresolution Modelling for the Creation of High Resolution, Wide-Area Virtual Geological Outcrops
by S. J. Buckley, J. A. Howell, W. Wheeler, J. Vallet, and A. Braathen

Stratigraphy of the Woodford Shale from Behind-Outcrop Drilling, Logging, and Coring
by N. Buckner, R. M. Slatt, B. Coffey, and R. J. Davis

Enhancing Biogenic Methane Production from Coals; How the Microbial Ecology and Diversity Responds
by K. Budwill, T. Penner, and J. Foght

Chemistry and Derivatives of Petroleum Hydrocarbons Reacted with Hydrogen Peroxide in a Laboratory Environment
by N. R. Buell, D. W. Schmitz, R. M. Clary, and C. P. Dewey

Structural History of the Andean Foreland, Peru, and Its Relation to Subduction Zone Dynamics
by A. Bump, J. Fallon, and L. Kennan

Fault Geometry Control on Fluid Migration and Localisation of Diagenesis Around the Moab Fault, Utah
by S. D. Burley, S. M. Clarke, and R. I. Garden

The Influence of Matrix Diffusion on Production Rates of Gas Shales: Results from Experimental and Numerical Analyses
by A. M. Bustin, X. Cui, and R. M. Bustin

Fold-Thrust Geometries – Is There a Right Model?
by R. Butler, D. A. Paton, E. J. Mortimer, and C. E. Bond

Lithofacies and Petrophysical Properties of Mesaverde Tight-Gas Sandstones in Western U.S. Basins
by A. P. Byrnes, J. C. Webb, R. M. Cluff, D. A. Krygowski, and S. D. Whittaker

Reservoir Characterization Problems Requiring Core-Scale Characterization Solutions: Sometimes You Just Have to Know What is Happening Every Foot
by A. P. Byrnes

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TemisFlow: The Next Generation of Basin Modelling Simulators
by M. Cacas, J. Rudkiewicz, I. Faille, D. Granjeon, and M. Thibaut

Occurrence and Its Implications of Organic Matter Bound in Interlayer of Montmorillonite in Source Rocks
by J. Cai, L. Lu, D. Zheng, Y. Bao, and J. Xu

Ductile Deformation in Deepwater Nigeria
by R. H. Camerlo

Quantification of Thermal Maturity Indicies with Relationships to Predicted Shale Gas Producibility:Gate-Way Visualization and Attribute Technique
by M. S. Cameron,  F. E. Walles, and D. M. Jarvie

The Nature and Extent of Uranium Reserves and Resources and Their Environmental Development in the U.S. and Overseas
by M. D. Campbell, J. D. King, H. M. Wise, R. I. Rackley, and B. N. Handley

Astrogeology, the Key to Global Tectonics
by P. J. Cannon

Turbulent Structures in Gravity and Turbidity Currents and Their Implications on Spreading Rates and Sediment Deposition Patterns
by M. I. Cantero, G. Parker, J. Best, M. H. Garcia, and S. Balachandar

Overview of Woodford Gas-Shale Play of Oklahoma, U.S.A
by B. Cardott

Paleo-Currents in Eocene to Jurassic Strata of North Central Louisiana
by D. A. Carlson

Surface Draping and Surface Wrapping in CASI: User-Guided Automated Technologies for Rapid Interpretation of Structural and Stratigraphic Features
by J. Carlson and G. Dorn

An Outcrop Derived, Deterministic Base-Case Fluvial Model for Reservoir Analog Studies: Modeling Coastal-Plain Deposits From the Blackhawk Formation of Eastern Utah
by C. Carlsson, H. Enge, S. Buckley, J. A. Howell, D. L. Moreno, and S. Aanonsen

Pre-Salt Structures in Offshore Southeast Brazil: Risk and Sensitivity Modeling of Critical Factors for Economic Feasibility
by J. Carneiro, F. O. Andrade, F. T. Gonçalves, G. Bacoccoli, F. L. Fernandes, and R. P. Bedregal

The Genesis of Late Quaternary Caliche Nodules in Mission Bay, Texas: Faithfulness of Stable Isotopic Compositions of Caliches for Paleoclimates
by H. S. Chafetz and J. Zhou

Regional Shale Gas Potential of the Lower Cretaceous Buckinghorse Formation, Northeastern British Columbia, Canada
by G. R. Chalmers and R. Bustin

Background Frequency of Large Field Occurrence and Its Application to Geologic Risk in Assessment of Frontier Areas
by R. R. Charpentier

Genesis and Expression of a Clinoforming Carbonate Ramp from a Geological and Geophysical Perspective
by J. Chatellier, J. Closson, and A. Hargreaves

Fault Locking and Alternate Fault Activity in Outcrop and Subsurface, a Transfer Mechanism
by J. Chatellier

Detailed Backstripping and Reassembly of the Architectural Elements of a Channel Complex Filling an Incised Valley in the Pennsylvanian East of Pikeville, Kentucky
by S. K. Chatterjee and C. G. Kendall

Play Resource Evaluation and Geological Risk Assessment with Model-Based Simulation
by Z. Chen, K. G. Osadetz,  S. Hu, Q. Guo, and S. Mi

Using Benthic Foraminifera to Understand Seagrass Abundance, Salinity and Sea Level Variation in Florida Bay
by J. Cheng and C. Laurel

Application of Borehole Imaging to Evaluate Porosity and Permeability in Carbonate Reservoirs: An Example from Permian Basin
by V. D. Chitale, C. Johnson, H. Manley, D. Entzminger, and L. Canter

Volumetric Curvature Attributes for Mapping Faults, Fractures, Depositional and Diagenetic Features
by S. Chopra and  K. J. Marfurt

Seismic Attributes for Fault/Fracture Characterization
by S. Chopra and K. J. Marfurt

The Work of Mr. Ted A. Small and Its Impact on Current Understanding of The Edwards Aquifer a Complex Karstic System
by A. K. Clark, A. R. Clark, and G. B. Ozuna

Deepwater Channel Bypass and Backfilling Processes from the Eocene Ainsa Basin, South-Central Pyrenees, Spain
by J. D. Clark, A. Fildani,  and N. J. Drinkwater

Improved Facies Modeling Using Multipoint Geostatistics in the Brent Reservoir Interval, Total Alwyn North Field, UK North Sea
by S. Clark,  D. McCormick, T. Zhang, D. Brethaut, M. Slim, and N. Hurley

Seismic Delineation of a Complex Tectonic Wedge, Rocky Mountain Foothills, Alberta, Canada
by K. L. Classen, D. C. Lawton, and D. A. Spratt

Sequence Stratigraphic Setting and Reservoir Compartmentalization of Leonardian Oolitic Basin-Floor Fan Complexes, Midland Basin, TX
by J. L. Clayton

Joined up Data: Using GIS to Enhance the Multi-Scale Analysis and Interpretation of Overpressure Distribution
by P. Clegg, S. A. O'Connor, R. E. Swarbrick, and D. T. Scott

Multiple Discrete Pore Systems in Arab D Limestone
by E. A. Clerke and J. J. Buiting

Large Submarine Slides on a Steep and Narrow Continental Margin (Camamu Basin, NE Brazil)
by P. R. Cobbold, G. Marais-Gilchrist, D. Chiossi, F. Fonseca Chaves, F. Gomes de Souza, and R. Lilletveit

Process-Based and Stochastic Modelling of a Fluvial Meandering System: Example of the Loranca Miocene succession (Spain)
by I. Cojan, F. Geffroy, D. Renard, J. Rivoirard, C. Beaudelot, S. Laratte, and C. Rigollet

A Versatile Alternative for Distribution of Geospatial Data
by J. S. Cokinos, V. I. Egorov, J. R. Vivian, J. W. Haney, and G. W. Shields

Comparison of Producing and Potential Shale Gas Reservoirs in the Eastern United States
by J. L. Coleman, C. S. Swezey, R. T. Ryder, and R. C. Milici

Assessment of Undiscovered, Technically Recoverable, Oil and Natural Gas Resources of the Eocene Jackson and Oligocene Vicksburg Groups, Onshore Gulf of Mexico Basin, U.S.A
by J. L. Coleman and D. O. Hayba

Geologic Controls on the Occurrence of Gas Hydrates in the Indian Continental Margin: Results of the Indian National Gas Hydrate Program (NGHP) Expedition 01
by T. S. Collett

Woodford Shale in Southern Midcontinent, USA - Transgressive System Tract Marine Source Rocks on an Arid Passive Continental Margin with Persistent Oceanic Upwelling
by J. B. Comer

Using Integrated Gas Chimney Processing, Frequency Attenuation Attributes, and Seismic Facies Classification to Delineate Oil Filled Reservoirs: Case Studies from the Oriente Basin, Ecuador
by D. L. Connolly, F. Aminzadeh, and C. Selva

Detecting Vertical Hydrocarbon Expulsion from Source Rock in Seismic Data
by D. L. Connolly and F. Aminzadeh

Seismic Acoustic Impedance and Well-Log Data Integration: Applications to Carbonate Reservoirs, Partitioned Neutral Zone (PNZ), Saudi Arabia and Kuwait
by A. Contreras, R. Latimer, X. Li, S. Griest, and S. Meddaugh

Structural and Stratigraphic Correlations Across the Burro Negro Fault Zone, Northeastern Margin of the Maracaibo Supergiant Basin
by D. Contreras, P. Mann, A. Escalona, and M. Nunez

Choosing Drilling, Completion, and Stimulation Fluids for Shale Gas Completions
by M. W. Conway, G. Salter, R. S. Miller, and C. Hall

Structural, Lithological, and Regional Tectonic Controls on P-Wave Azimuthal Previous HitAnisotropyNext Hit: Casper Arch, Wyoming
by R. Cooley and E. A. Erslev

CO2 Sequestration Field Test, West Pearl Queen Field, Permian Basin, New Mexico
by S. P. Cooper, L. C. Bartel, D. F. Aldridge, J. L. Krumhansl, G. J. Elbring, R. J. Pawar, R. D. Benson, and R. B. Grigg

Deep-Water Coral Mound Growth and Burial on the Lower Slope of Great Bahama Bank
by T. B. Correa, G. P. Eberli, M. Grasmueck, and J. K. Reed

Compositional Mass Balance of Major Oil Fields in Reconcavo Basin, Ne Brazil – An Integrated 1D, 2D and 3D Petroleum System Modeling Aproach
by L. C. Coutinho, H. B. Penteado, F. Lorant, and J. Rudkiewicz

Stratigraphic Signals of Shelf-Edge Delta Progradation with Special Reference to Delta-Front Turbidites: Upper Cretaceous Tres Pasos and Dorotea Formations, Magallanes Basin, Chile
by J. A. Covault, B. W. Romans, and S. A. Graham

Turbidite-Reservoir Architecture in Complex Wedge-Top Depocenters, Tertiary Molasse Foreland Basin System, Austria
by J. A. Covault, S. A. Graham, and S. M. Hubbard

The Histria Petroleum System: A Petrophysical Outline
by C. Cranganu, M. Saramet, and M. A. Villa

Sub-Millennial Anatomy of Late Miocene Deep-Water Mass-Transport Deposits: Case Studies of the Use of Foraminifera to Decipher the Stratigraphic Architecture of the Mount Messenger Depositional System, Taranaki Basin, New Zealand
by M. P. Crundwell and M. J. Arnot

Controls of the Antecedent Topography on Holocene Carbonate Shoals: Ocean Cay, Western Great Bahama Bank
by F. E. Cruz and G. P. Eberli

Messinian Stratigraphic Architectures in the Lacustrine Pannonian Basin, Hungary – Insights from Computer Simulations
by I. Csato, C. Kendall, and P. Moore

The Evidence for a Changing Climate Recorded in Ice Sheets and Mountain Glaciers
by K. M. Cuffey

Detailed Stratigraphic Architecture of the Mesaverde Group Determined from Principle-Component Analysis of 3D Seismic Data, Mamm Creek Field, Piceance Basin, Northwest Colorado
by S. P. Cumella and J. Scheevel

Structure and Kinematics of a Syndepositional Paired Detachment System, Triassic Ischigualasto Basin, NW Argentina
by B. S. Currie and T. Albrecht

U. S. Shale Gas Resources: Classic and Emerging Plays, the Resource Pyramid and a Perspective on Future E&P
by J. B. Curtis and D. G. Hill

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Abiogenic Alkane Gas Fields in the Xujiaweizi Fault Depression, Songliao Basin, China
by J. Dai, J. Li, C. Zou, S. Zhang, X. Luo, G. Hu, Y. Ni, M. Li,  Z. Feng, and Z. Feng

Bryant Canyon/Fan and Rio Grande Fan Turbidite Systems: Shelf to Basin Modern Analogues for Productive Tertiary Mini-Basin Systems
by J. E. Damuth, C. Nelson, and H. Olson

Reservoir Characterization of the Mid-Cretaceous Dakota Formation, Southern Uinta Basin, Utah, U.S.A
by J. P. Dark, B. S. Currie, and M.L. McPherson

Urea-Catalyzed Extractability of 2,4,6-Trinitrotoluene from Contaminated Soils: Preliminary Results
by P. Das, K. C. Makris, R. Datta, D. Sarkar, and P. A. Punamiya

Tidal Influences on the Deposition of Gravel: Examples from the Megatidal Bay of Fundy, Canada
by S. E. Dashtgard and M. K. Gingras

Extreme Ichnology: Burrowing in Gravel
by S. E. Dashtgard, M. K. Gingras, and S. Pemberton

The Canadian Energy Future in the Context of North America
by J. Davidson and R. R. George

Capturing Credible Reservoir Architecture in 3-D Sub-Surface Models of Shoreface and Paleovalley Reservoirs: A Comparison of Some Geostatistical Versus Deterministic Approaches
by P. Davies, H. Williams, and S. Pattison

Demonstrating the Full Potential of Controlled-Source Electromagnetic (CSEM) Technology for Hydrocarbon Exploration: A Case Study of a Deep Gas Discovery From The Upper Cretaceous of the Norwegian Sea
by R. Davies, J. Hesthammer, A. Verechtchaguine, P. Gelting, M. Boulaenko, and T. Wedberg

Controls On Siliciclastic Mudstone Deposition and the Preservation Of Organic Matter
by S. Davies, J. Macquaker, and M. Leng

Shale Variability in Deep-Marine Depositional Systems: Implications for Seal Character - Subsurface and Outcrop Analogs
by W. C. Dawson, W. R. Almon, K. Dempster, and S. J. Sutton

Mississippian Barnett Shale: Characterization and Concretions
by R. J. Day-Stirrat, R. G. Loucks, K. L. Milliken, and B. A. van der Pluijm

Tectonic evolution of the Western Brooks Range Fold and Thrust Belt, Alaska
by J. de Vera and K. McClay

Development Plan for Block 67: First Production from the Heavy Oil Belt, Marañon Basin, Peru
by J. S. Dean, B. J. Schulein, and A. Galarraga

Stratigraphic and Sedimentological Model of the Mesozoic Section in the El Toco Oilfield, Anzoátegui State, Eastern Venezuelan Basin
by M. Delgado, M. Espín, and Y. Peña

Hyperpycnal Flow Within Low Gradient River Deltas and Implications for Both Sand and Mud Transport onto the Shelf: Brazos River, Northern Gulf of Mexico
by T. M. Dellapenna, R. Webster, C. J. Noll, and B. R. Fielder

Establishment of Isochronous Stratigraphic Framework and Reservoir Prediction of Fluvial Strata
by H. Deng, H. Wang, and L. Gu

Effective Development of Two Kinds of Tight Gas in China
by H. Deng, X. Zhang, B. Gong, B. Cui, G. He, and D. Zhong

Enhanced Oil Recovery: Breakthrough Technology
by M. Dennis and D. Hitzman

Controls on the Dimensions and Architecture of Late Pleitocene Submarine Lobes off East Corsica
by M. Deptuck, D. Piper, B. Savoye, and A. Gervais

3D Analogue Modelling of Salt Diapirs: Comparisons with a Natural Example in the Great Kavir Province
by F. Despinois, K. McClay, and E. Baker

Facies Criteria to Differentiate Between Wave-/Storm-Dominated Deltas and Strandplain Shorefaces, Lower Cretaceous Falher Member, Spirit River Formation, Alberta, Canada
by A. J. DesRoches, J. A. MacEachern, and C. R. Thompson

Quantifying Heterogeneities and Their Impact On Fluid Flow in Fluvial-Deltaic Reservoirs: Lessons Learned from the Ferron Sandstone Outcrop Analogue
by P. E. Deveugle, M. D. Jackson, G. J. Hampson, C. S. Calvert, A. R. Sprague, M. E. Farrell, and J. Stewart

A Comparative Study of Reservoir Modeling Techniques in Fluvial-Deltaic Reservoirs Using an Outcrop-Based Benchmark Model
by P. E. Deveugle, M. D. Jackson, H. J. Gary, I. Khattak, M. D. Clough, T. I. Ehighebolo, and J. Stewart

'Good Log Characteristics' for Mesaverde Reservoirs of the Piceance Basin, Colorado: Evaluating Movable Water in Tight, Shaly Sandstones
by P. E. Devine

Outcrops Hold a Key to Improve Your Fractured Reservoirs Understanding and Profittability: An Example from Cretaceous Platform and Basin Limestones of the Maiella Mountain (Italy)
by R. Di Cuia, D. Casabianca, A. Shakerley, and M. Masini

Fracture Pattern Evolution During Diagenesis: Fracture History of Cambrian Eriboll Group, Northwestern Scotland
by K. Diaz Tushman and S.E. Laubach

Low-Temperature Geothermal Power Generation with HVAC Hardware
by H. K. Dickey

Caicos Platform Shoals: Formation and Erosion, Turks and Caicos Islands
by J. A. Dickson and A. Saller

Upgrading SAR Slick Interpretations in West Africa with Piston Cores, Oil Samples and Potential Fields Data
by W. Dickson, C. Schiefelbein, A. Williams, M. E. Odegard, and J. M. Brooks

Extended Families: Predicting and Correlating Lacustrine Sourced Oils in a Pre-Salt Play, Santos Basin, Brazil and along the Eastern Brazil Margin
by W. Dickson, C. Schiefelbein, and M. E. Odegard

Looking for the Mother Lode of the Pearl River Mouth Basin, China
by W. Dickson, J. Granath, M. E. Odegard, and J. M. Christ

Relationship Between Pore Geometry and Pore-Throat Geometry as a Means to Predict Reservoir Performance in Secondary Recovery Programs for Carbonate Reservoirs
by C. M. Dicus

Transition from 'Ice - Contact' to Non 'Ice - Contact' Depositional Systems : Implications for Reservoir Architecture - A Case Study from the Late Ordovician of the Tassili N'Ager Outcrop Belt & the Subsurface Illizi Basin, Algeria
by R. J. Dixon

Late Pleistocene to Holocene Sea Level Curve Derived from South Carolina Coastal Terraces: a Correlatable Datum for Both the O18 and Coral Reef Terrace Sea Level Curves?
by W. R. Doar and C. G. Kendall

New Interpretations of the Evolution of the West Siberian Basin, Russia: Implications for Exploration and Production
by J. Dolson, V. Igoshkin, D. Sidarov, O. Bakuev, S. Hafizov, and R. Herbert

Reservoir Potential of Fluvial Sheet Sandstone: Ten Boer Claystone, Southern Permian Basin
by M. E. Donselaar, I. Overeem, J. H. Reichwein, and C. A. Visser

A Case Study of Semi-Automatic True Volume Interpretation in CASI of Both Structure and Stratigraphy from a 3-D Survey in the Gulf of Mexico
by G. A. Dorn, F. A. Coady, J. Marbach, W. S. Hammon, J. A. Carlson, B. J. Kadlec, and G. Pech

Regional Controls on Syn-Halokinetic Carbonate Platforms from Extensional Basins
by S. L. Dorobek

Regional Virtual Subsurface Geology: Development of Subsurface Information System (SIS) Web-Based Tools for Geological Imaging and Problem-Solving in the U.S. Midcontinent
by J. Doveton, J. Victorine, E. Franseen, and L. Watney

Carbon Sequestration Challenges in Kentucky
by J. A. Drahovzal, B. C. Nuttall, S. F. Greb, T. M. Parris, D. C. Harris, and C. F. Eble

Caicos Platform Models of Quaternary Carbonate Deposition Controlled by Stronger Easterly Trade Winds - Applications to Petroleum Exploration
by J. J. Dravis and H. R. Wanless

Switch in Carbonate-Siliciclastic Sediment Delivery and Accumulation During the Last 130 Ky, Gulf of Papua Shelf Edge and Adjacent Basins
by A. W. Droxler, J. Francis, S. Jorry, B. Carson, J. Dickens and L. Beaufort

Depositional Setting and Distribution of Sands Within Type A Halokinetic Sequences: An Example from the Paleocene Upper Mudstone Member, Potrerillos Formation, La Popa Basin, Mexico
by J. J. Druke and K. A. Giles

Geology and Assessment of Undiscovered Oil and Gas Resources in Tertiary Strata of the Gulf Coast, U.S.A
by R. F. Dubiel and P.D. Warwick

Use of a Second and Third Order Sequence Stratigraphic Analysis of the Arabian Plate As a Tool For Understanding the Current Distribution of Hydrocarbon Reserves and Predicting Future Plays
by P. D. Duff, C. G. Kendall, C. Kerans, and A. S. Alsharhan

Recognising the Effect of Restoration on Surface Morphology to Reduce the Uncertainty of Forward Modelling
by D. Duggan, M. Krus, C. Bond, S. McLean, and D. Waltham

Effect of Surface Morphology on Sediment Deposition Patterns: Potential to Use Field Data as a Control on 3D Geological Models
by D. Duggan, M. Krus, Z. Schleder, S. McLean, and D. Waltham

New Face of Deepwater Kerala, India: Ground for Elephant Hunting
by N. Duggirala, R. Bastia, R. Verma, S. Tenepalli, and K. D'Silva

Mass Transport Deposits in Offshore Morocco, Safi Haute Mer Area
by D. Dunlap, L. Wood, and L. Moscardelli

Petroleum Systems Dynamics of the South Caspian Basin
by S. J. Duppenbecker

Sedimentologic and Petrographic Comparison of Some Deep and Shallow Marine Shales and Their Sealing Character
by F. Duque-Botero

Sequence-Stratigraphic Analysis of Middle Miocene Paralic Deposits (Agbada Formation), Ewan and Oloye Fields, Central Niger Delta
by A. A. Durogbitan and R. L. Gawthorpe

How Sedimentological Variations in Carbonate Cemented Sandstones Affect Seismic Impedance?
by T. Dutta, T. Mukerji, and G. Mavko

Do the Seismic Velocities Depend on Time-Temperature Index?
by T. Dutta, T. Mukerji, G. Mavko, and K. Peters

Extending Diagenetic Trends in the Eocene Wilcox Formation with Data from Deep to Ultradeep Sandstones of the Northern Texas Gulf of Mexico Coast
by S. P. Dutton and R. G. Loucks

3-D Reservoir-Analog Characterization of Focused-Flow, Deepwater Carbonate Deposits, Upper Miocene Agua Amarga Basin, SE Spain
by R. A. Dvoretsky, R. H. Goldstein, E. K. Franseen, and A. P. Byrnes

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Implication of Unfilled Accommodation Space in Carbonate Depositional Systems for Cyclo-Stratigraphy
by G. P. Eberli, P. M. Harris, and G. Grammer

Downstream Control on Delta Distributary Channel Avulsions
by D. A. Edmonds, R. L. Slingerland, D. Hoyal, and B. A. Sheets

Shallow-Marine Massive Sandstone Heets – How Synsedimentary Seismic Events Enhance Reservoir Connectivity
by S. Egenhoff and C. Hildebrandt

Reconstructing Remobilisation of Deepwater Reservoir Sequences from Core Data: the Britannia Sandstone Formation, UK North Sea
by J. T. Eggenhuisen, B. McCaffrey, P. Haughton, and R. Butler

The Effect of cm-dm Scale Erosive Substrate Topography on Turbidity Flow Structure
by J. T. Eggenhuisen, B. McCaffrey, P. Haughton, and R. Butler

Experimental Gravity Currents: Correlation of Flow Structure and Pressure Field
by J. T. Eggenhuisen and B. McCaffrey

The Relationship Between Deepwater Deposition and an Active Accretionary Wedge, Ultra Deep Water Trinidad
by P. N. Eisner, M. Etemadi, L. Benkovics, L. Anzulovich, D. Jones, and J. Gerard

Outcrop Study of Secondary Porosity in the Mid-Ordovician Trenton Dolomite of Northern Illinois and its Implications for Reservoir Characterization and Development
by D. W. Ekberg

Reservoir Distribution in the 2nd Order Rhaetian to Sinemurian Sequence, Western Sverdrup Basin, Canadian Arctic Archipelago
by A. Embry

Depositional Sequence Boundaries in Carbonate Strata – Problems and Proposals
by A. Embry

Integration of Outcrop and Subsurface Data Through Forward Stratigraphic Modelling: Application to Middle East Cenomanian-Turonian Carbonate Platforms
by J. Embry, D. Hunt, I. Sharp, S. Soltvedt, and A. Jahanpanah

Hopedale Basin Exploration Potential, East Coast Atlantic Canada
by M. E. Enachescu, J. Stead, J. Hall, M. Martin, A. Carroll, and P. Einarsson

The Stress Polygon: 20 Years Later, Still the Tool for Evaluating and Integrating the Scale of Stress Influence
by M. Enderlin

Crosscutting Vs. Abutting Joints: A Reflection of Joint-Normal Effective Stress
by T. Engelder and G. Lash

Core Work--Critical Piece of the Reservoir Puzzle: DEB (Wolfcamp) Field, Gaines County, Texas
by D. Entzminger, L. Canter, M. Sonnenfeld, J. Blaylock, and S. Haberman

Deep Permian Basin Geothermal Electric Power Production: A First Year Assessment
by R. J. Erdlac, R. Trentham, L. Armour, R. Lee, and B. Miller

Hydrocarbon Exploration Plays in the Great Caribbean Region and Neighboring Provinces
by A. Escalona, P. Mann, and L. Bingham

Early Grain-Coat Formation in Chaco Dune Field, New Mexico: Insight into Formation Mechanisms, Distribution, and Implications for Predictive Modeling to Assist in Deep Play Identification
by W. L. Esch, J. M. Ajdukiewicz, and A. C. Reynolds

Simulation of the Stratigraphic Architecture of the Pab Turbiditic Channels: the Additional Value of a Process-Based Numerical Approach with the CATS Model
by R. Eschard, V. Teles, T. Salles, and S. Lopez

Reservoir Characterization in the Sacroc Unit of the Kelly-Snyder Field, Horseshoe Atoll, Permian Basin, Texas, Via Probabilistic Clustering and Prediction Procedures Using Limited Well Log and Core Data
by E. Eslinger and R. Gonzalez

Sandstone Reservoir Property Modeling To Define Flow Unit for Secondary Recovery Project: Layer Z-600 Rantau Field Case Study, Indonesia
by V. F. Eveline, Y. Hartono, B. H. Adibrata, and I. Suhartanto

New Insights to the Structural History of Otway Basin Using Automated Techniques
by L. Evins

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Fault Facies Modeling: Applications in Various Sedimentary and Fault System Configurations
by M. Fachri, J. Tveranger, N. Cardozo, and S. Schueller

Structure and Stratigraphy of the Laurentian Basin by Phonse Fagan* A.J. Fagan Consulting Inc., St. John’s NL, Canada And Michael Enachescu Memorial University, St. John’s NL, Canada
by P. Fagan and M. Enachescu

Subtle Sea-Level and Paleotopographic Controls on Heterogeneity of an Oolite-Bearing System
by J. M. Fairchild, R. H. Goldstein, and E. K. Franseen

Microbial Activity in Australian CBM Reservoirs
by M. Faiz and P. Hendry

Shale Gas Potential Attributes of Selected Formations from the WCSB: Comparison to US Shale Gas Formations
by B. Faraj

Sediment Dynamics and Stratigraphic Architecture of a Mixed Carbonate-Siliciclastic Ramp: The Upper Ordovician (Hirnantian) Ellis Bay Formation, Anticosti Island, Québec, Canada
by C. Farley and A. Desrochers

Soil Hydrocarbon Alteration: Solid Phase Versus Gas Phase Hydrocarbon Detection
by J. M. Fausnaugh

Climatically-Driven Cyclicity in the Quaternary of the Gulf of Thailand
by Z. Feng, C. Patrick W. M., and R. Westerman

Diagenesis of Deep Volcanic Reservoirs in the Songliao Basin, NE China
by Z. Feng, Y. Tong, and H. Shao

Deep Gas Discoveries and New Exploration Horizons in the Songliao Basin
by Z. Feng, W. Huang, H. Wu, J. Qi, and C. Yin

Bed Scale Reservoir Heterogeneities and Compartmentalization in Salt Mobilized Deepwater Sediments – Donkey Bore Syncline, Flinders Ranges, South Australia
by B. I. Fernandes

Facies and Architectural Analysis of the Upper Cretaceous Ferron Sandstone in the Western Henry Mountains, South-Central Utah
by C. Fielding

Timing, Duration and Character of Glaciation During the Late Paleozoic Ice Age
by C. Fielding, T. D. Frank, and J. L. Isbell

Stratigraphic Analysis of Cretaceous Slope Channels: Tres Pasos Formation, Sierra Dorotea, Southern Chile
by A. Fildani and S. Hubbard

Geomorphic Responses to Relative Sea Level Change Above a Developing Salt Dome Resolved with Seismic Stratal Slices
by R. H. Fillon and H. Zeng

Mudstone and Claystone Units: Seals for Ancient Microbial Gas Accumulations in the Upper Cretaceous Milk River Formation, Alberta and Saskatchewan
by N. Fishman, D. Higley, J. Neasham, and D. Hall

Alluvial Architecture of the Late Cretaceous Prince Creek Formation, North Slope, Alaska
by P. P. Flaig, P. J. McCarthy, E. Brandlen, and A. R. Fiorillo

Sequence Stratigraphy in a Rift Basin: An Example from the Middle Jurassic Hugin Formation, Southern Viking Graben, North Sea
by A. Folkestad and N. Satur

Salt Flow at Basin-Scale in the Gulf of Mexico
by X. Fort and J. Brun

United States Natural Gas Prices to 2015: Update and Views on International Natural Gas and LNG Developments
by M. M. Foss

Glendonites as Paleoclimatic and Paleoceanographic Indicators: A Case Study From the Glacially Influenced Permian System of Eastern Australia
by T. D. Frank, S. G. Thomas, and C. R. Fielding

DepthX – An Autonomous Underwater Robot Explorer
by E. Franke, M. Rigney, W. C. Stone, and M. O. Gary

3D Volume Reconstruction and Visualization of Delta Analogue Models: Applications to Seismic Interpretation
by E. Frankowicz, J. E. Wu, J. de Vera, U. Ngala, and K. R. McClay

Lithospheric Stretching and South Atlantic Pre-Salt Petroleum Systems - Important Insights from the Espirito Santo Basin
by S. I. Fraser, R. J. Davies, and R. P. Nourse

Bore Hole Imaging, The Technology for Reservoir Characterization
by M. Frass and R. Christie

Reducing the Structural Uncertainty in Poor 2D Seismic Data, Gambier Embayment, Otway Basin, Australia - A Minimum Strain Approach
by B. Freeman, G. Yielding, and P. Boult

Mapping Geologists Not Just Geology and Why That Is Important
by C. Fried and C. C. Fried

The Challenges of Hazard Management for Commercial Carbon Sequestration Projects
by J. Friedmann and R. Aines

Sequence Stratigraphy of Lower Carboniferous Deposits in Western Libya
by S. Frohlich, L. Petitpierre, J. Redfern, P. Grech, and S. Lang

Methane Hydrate Resource Assessment of the Outer Continental Shelf: In-Place Gulf of Mexico Results
by M. Frye, J. Hunt, B. Shedd, J. Grace, J. Schuenemeyer, and G. Kaufman

Colorado Petroleum Infrastructure
by R. Fuller

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Eric Mountjoy: Geologist for Everyone
by B. Gadd

Slope Instability in a Tectonically Active Jurassic Sedimentary Basin, Northwest British Columbia, Canada
by J. Gagnon and J. Waldron

Natural Fractures in Shales: Origins, Characteristics and Relevance for Hydraulic Fracture Treatments
by J. F. Gale and J. Holder

Fracture Enhanced Permeability within a Crystalline Porous Dolostone Matrix: A Reservoir Model in the Knox Formation, Maben Gas Field, Mississippi
by J. F. Gale, R. M. Reed, and M. S. Cameron

Regional Mapping of Genetic Units in the Almond Formation, Greater Wamsutter Field, Southwest Wyoming: Phase II: What To Do Without a Flooding Surface: Mapping The Coastal Plain
by T. L. Gammill, A. J. Roelofs, A. J. Scott, M. L. Bacon, N. M. Rigg, B. J. Kessel, and W. D. Monn

Brookian Clinoform Play within Deepwater Torok Formation, Northeast NPRA, Alaska
by M. Gani and N. D. Gani

Advancement in Understanding the Structural and Stratigraphic Evolution of the Blue Nile Basin, Northwestern Ethiopian Plateau by Integrating Optical-Radar Remote Sensing Analysis with Field Studies
by N. D. Gani, M. Gani, M. G. Abdelsalam, and S. Gera

Numerical Model of Reflux Circulation During the Deposition of the Permian San Andres Formation, Guadalupe Mountains and Algerita Escarpment
by B. Garcia-Fresca, J. Lucia, and C. Kerans

Shale Gas Exploitation Technology Evaluation
by B. Gardes

Melting on Asteroids in the Early Solar System: A Look at Primitive Achondrite Meteorites
by K. Gardner-Vandy, D. Lauretta, Y. Goreva, D. Hill, and M. Killgore

Improving Play Concept Development Using Semantic Technologies
by A. Gary, A. Majumdar, J. Sowa, and W. Full

Reducing Uncertainty in Paleoecological Models Using Fuzzy Logic
by A. Gary, G. Johnson, and E. Yu

Intra-Reservoir Generation of Organic Acids and Late Stage Enhanced Porosity in Sandstones
by R. Gaupp and R. Schoener

Wafra First Eocene Reservoir Characterization Study to Assess Water Encroachment and Remaining Resource Potential, Partitioned Neutral Zone, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait
by K. Gautreau, W. Meddaugh, J. McAuliffe, S. Griest, and N. Toomey

Three-Dimensional Characteristics of Rift-Initiation Depositional Sequences and Controls on Their Origin: Abu Zenima and Nukhul Formations, Nukhul Fault Zone, Suez Rift, Egypt
by R. Gawthorpe, F. Rarity, P. Wilson, and D. Hodgetts

Western Australia’s Geothermal Resources
by K. R. Ghori

Fracture Connectivity Patterns of Folded Carbonates, Teton Anticline, Sawtooth Range, Montana
by K. Ghosh and S. Mitra

Basin Margin Evolution in Mixed Carbonate Siliciclastic Evaporate Sequences, Eastern Margin of the Pennsylvanian Paradox Basin, Southwestern Colorado
by G. L. Gianniny, K. J. Miskell-Gerhardt, and S. M. Ritter

Does Scenario Modelling Really Lead to an Explosion in the Work We Have to Do?
by A. D. Gibbs, C. Bond, R. J. Muir, and Z. K. Shipton

Carbonate-Siliciclastic Mixing on a Small Platform: Pliocene-Pleistocene, Bocas del Toro Archipelago, Panama
by L. C. Gillespie, J. S. Klaus, D. F. McNeill, and W. A. Morgan

Extensive Bahamian Submarine Hardgrounds are Foundations for Microbiolites and Patch Reefs
by R. N. Ginsburg and N. Planavsky

Virtual Outcrop Models and Subsurface Investigation Resolutions: Lessons Learned from Lodève Triassic Deposits (South of France)
by F. Girard, R. Labourdette, and M. Lopez

Late Quaternary Reef Growth and Sea-Level Rise in the Maldives (Indian Ocean)
by E. Gischler and H. Hudson

Reservoir Petrofacies of the Echinocyamus Formation (Talara Basin, Peru): An Approach for High-Resolution Reservoir Characterization
by K. Goldberg, L. F. De Ros, C. Scherer, M. Abel, and J. A. Daudt

Hot Rocks Downunder – Geothermal Plays in Australia
by B. A. Goldstein, A. J. Hill, M. Malavazos, A. R. Budd, and F. Holgate

Hot Rocks in Australia – National Outlook
by B. A. Goldstein, A. J. Hill, M. Malavazos, A. R. Budd, and F. Holgate

Foreland Basin Fills: What Controls Carbonate Versus Clastic Accumulation?
by D. J. Gombosi, D. L. Barbeau, and C. G. Kendall

Incised Valley System: Insights from High-Resolution Seismic Stratigraphy and Geomorphologic Modeling from the Acu River Mouth and Shelf, Potiguar Basin, Ne Brazil
by M. P. Gomes, H. Vital, J. W. Macedo, and E. P. Frazão

The Iles Clastic Wedge in the Sand Wash Basin: High-Frequency Sequences and Shoreline Processes Within the Wedge
by C. A. Gomez-Veroiza and R. Steel

Paleozoic Sedimentary Basins and Petroleum Systems of Brazil: Geological Knowledge and Exploratory Status
by F. Goncalves, J. T. Carneiro, R. P. Bedregal, F. L. Fernandes, F. O. Andrade Jr., and S. P. Rostirolla

Exploratory Impact of Early Identification of Compartmentalized Reservoir in the Travi Area. North of Monagas, Venezuela. Case of Study
by A. P. Gonzalez, J. A. Reyes, Y. J. Guevara, and R. A. Falcon

Hydrocarbons Sourced from the Mississippian-Devonian Black Shales in the Appalachian and Illinois Basins
by P. J. Gooding and F. R. Ettensohn

Biogenically Enhanced Permeability: A Petrographic Analysis of Macaronichnus Segregatus Burrowed Bluesky and Cardium Formation Sandstones
by J. B. Gordon, S. G. Pemberton, M. K. Gingras, and K. O. Konhauser

Aqueous and Thermal Alteration of Very Primitive Chondrites
by J. Goreva and D. Lauretta

The Potential Impacts of Co-Produced Geothermal Waters
by W. Gosnold, H. Salehfar, Z. Zeng, and M. Mann

Geochemical Exploration: An Investigation of Sample Density
by C. K. Goudge

Field-Based Observations of La Paz and Las Ventanas Diapirs, La Popa Basin, Northeast Mexico
by F. Graf and C. Holbrook

3D Structural Evolution of the Salt-Controlled Frampton Anticline, Atwater Valley Fold Belt, Deep Water Gulf of Mexico
by G. Grando, Z. Schleder, R. Shackleton, G. Seed, T. Buddin, and K. McClay

Dynamic Hydraulic Boundaries Within the Western Edwards Aquifer
by R. T. Green, P. Bertetti, A. Morris, D. Ferrill, and R. Klar

Epigenetic Dolomitization and Mississippi Valley-Type Mineralization in Cambro-Ordovician Carbonates of North America
by J. M. Gregg and K. L. Shelton

Diagenesis of the Oligocene-Early Miocene Panjgur Formation, Paleocene Ispikan Formation and Wakai Exotic Blocks in the Makran Accretionary Belt, Southwest Pakistan
by J. D. Grigsby, A. M. Kassi, and A. S. Khan

Metrics of Karst: Quantitative Analyses of Caicos Platform Dolines and Implications for Improved Geologic Modeling of Diagenetic Features
by S. A. Guidry, A. N. Derewetzky, and F. J. Hasiuk

Exploring Deepwater Play System, Makassar Strait Area, Indonesia;Play & Risk Assessments for Hunting Future Discoveries
by B. K. Gunawan, S. E. Saputra, and A. Darwis

Ichnological Gradation of Subtidal Deposits, Ogeechee Estuary, Georgia, U.S.A
by S. C. Gunn, M. K. Gingras, S. Pemberton, and R. Dalrymple

The Origin and Significance of Cryptobioturbation in Alluvial Plain and Coastal Plain Channel Deposits, Late Cretaceous Neslen, Price River, and Williams Fork Formations, Uinta and Piceance Basins, Eastern Utah and Western Colorado
by E. R. Gustason

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USGS Assessment of Undiscovered Conventional Oil and Gas Resources, Middle-Upper Eocene Claiborne Group, Gulf of Mexico Onshore and State Waters, USA
by P. Hackley

Subsalt Exploration Potential of the Moroccan Salt Basin
by J. Haddou and G. Tari

Paradigms for Problem Stratigraphy: Interpolation, AVO, and Thin Gas Charged Viking Reservoirs in West Central Alberta
by S. Hadley, L. H. Hunt, M. Hadley, J. Downton, and J. Zhang

Karst-controlled Diagenesis and Reservoir Implications: An Example from the Middle Cretaceous Sarvak Formation, Southwestern Iran
by E. Hajikazemi, I. Al-Aasm, and M. Coniglio

Channel Formation by Turbidity Currents: Navier-Stokes Based Linear Stability Analysis
by B. Hall, E. Meiburg, and B. Kneller

New Insights into Regional Sequence Stratigraphic Correlations of the Oligocene Frio Formation in South Texas
by U. Hammes, D. L. Carr, R. G. Loucks, and F. L. Brown

Seismic Imaging of Sediment Ridges in Growth-Faulted Subbasins of the Oligocene of the South Texas Gulf Coast—Are They Shale, Salt, or Seismic Artifacts?
by U. Hammes and O. Ogiesoba

Domain Transformation in CASI: Building a Volume of Paleo-Depositional Surfaces
by W. S. Hammon, G. A. Dorn, B. J. Kadlec, and J. Marbach

Outcrop Characterization of Along-Strike Variability in Shallow and Marginal-Marine Strata
by G. J. Hampson, N. Irfan, K. E. Sharman, and M. Gani

Re-Os Dating of Black Shales: Timing and Duration of Sedimentary Processes
by J. L. Hannah, H. J. Stein, G. Yang, A. Zimmerman, and B. Bingen

Re-Os Geochemistry of Source Rocks and Hydrocarbons: Ages, Correlations, and Timing of Migration
by J. L. Hannah and H. J. Stein

Field Evidence for Debris Flows Beneath an Allochthonous Salt Canopy, Willouran Ranges, South Australia
by P. Hannah, T. E. Hearon , T. F. Lawton, K. A. Giles, and M. G. Rowan

An Integrated Ichnological-Sedimentological Model for a Mixed Wave- and River-Influenced Asymmetric Delta Lobe, Upper Cretaceous Basal Belly River Formation, Central Alberta
by C. D. Hansen and J. A. MacEachern

Organic-Inorganic Interaction and Alteration of Petroleum Reservoirs: A Case Studies from Puguang Gas Field, Sichuan Basin, China
by F. Hao

Using a Waste By-Product to Remove Metals from Contaminated Shipyard Stormwater
by M. Hardy, D. Sarkar, K. Makris, and R. Datta

Towards a More Refined Lower Miocene Calcareous Nannofossil Biostratigraphy in the Gulf of Mexico
by B. Harkins, D. K. Watkins, and M. J. Styzen

Development of a Hydrofacies Framework for Dual-Domain Transport Modeling
by M. K. Harris, M. R. Millings, and G. P. Flach

Soils, Slopes and Source Rocks: The Roles of Soil Chemistry and Nutrient Delivery to Source Rock Deposition in Rift Lakes
by N. B. Harris and G. Tucker

Quantifying Facies Attributes of the Caicos Platform
by P. M. Harris and B.M. Vlaswinkel

Satellite Imagery and Visualization of the Caicos Platform
by P. M. Harris and J. Ellis

Surface Seismic Multicomponent Imaging of Deep Tight Gas Sands
by R. Harris and J. O'Brien

Geometric and Property Uncertainty Modelling Within Complex Fault Zones
by S. D. Harris, S. Freeman, R. J. Knipe, and Z. Khatir

Seismic Imaging of Carbonate Diagenesis
by B. Hart

Stratigraphic Controls on a 'Basin-Centered' Gas Accumulation, Alberta Basin
by B. Hart and T. McCullagh

Geological Aspects of Carbon Dioxide Sequestration in Northeast British Columbia, Canada
by A. Hartling

Recent Advances in the Analytical Methods Used for Shale Gas Reservoir Gas-In-Place Assessment
by R. C. Hartman, N. Bhatta, and P. Lasswell

Ichnopedologic Fabric Analysis: Developing a New Method That Incorporates Ichnofabrics and Pedofabrics in Sedimentologic and Stratigraphic Analyses
by S. T. Hasiotis, J. J. Smith, B. F. Platt, J. W. Counts, and M. J. Kraus

Risk Analysis for Unconventional Resource Opportunities
by W. Haskett

The Stratigraphy of the Libyan Sedimentary Basins and Their Current and Potential Entrapment of Hydrocarbons
by H. S. Hassan and C. G. Kendall

Preliminary Sedimentologic Analysis of Santonian and Campanian Strata Near Billings, Montana
by J. Hauer, M. S. Hendrix, and O. Catuneanu

Gradient Changes and the Evolution of Sediment Gravity Flows on Non-Equilibrium Slopes
by P. D. Haughton, L. Baudouy, C. Davis, W. McCaffrey, and S. Barker

Evolution of Tight Gas Sandstone Plays and Production, Western Canada Sedimentary Basin
by B .J. Hayes

Compaction, Pressure Solution, and Porosity Evolution of Sandstones: Insights from Experiments and Numerical Modeling
by W. He, A. Hajash, and D. Sparks

The Origin of the Magnetic Susceptibility Signal and the Timing of Burial Diagenesis the Woodford Shale, Oklahoma
by G. Heard, M. Aufill, S. Pannalal, D. Walker, R. Elmore, A. M. Cruse, and S. Paxton

Neoproterozoic Allochthonous Salt-Body Geometry, Minibasins and Salt-Influenced Sedimentation in the Willouran Ranges, South Australia
by T. E. Hearon IV, P. T. Hannah, T. F. Lawton, K. A. Giles, and M. G. Rowan

Reservoir Trends and Exploration Potential of the El Vado Sandstone Member of the Mancos Shale, Northwestern New Mexico
by T. Hedayati and L. Wood

‘Scale is Everything’ The Permian Cedar Mesa Outcrop, a Qualitative Analog for the Permian Unayzah, ‘Wet’ Eolian Depositional System in Saudi Arabia
by C. J. Heine and J. Melvin

Exploration and Production Potential of the Point Thomson Area, North Slope Alaska
by K. P. Helmold, S. R. Moothart, P. L. Decker, P. C. Anderson, D. L. Krouskop, D. P. Shellenbaum, J. A. Houle, J. D. Hartz, J. F. Meyer, and T. A. Arion

High Resolution Calibration and Correlation of the Permian-Triassic Boundary Interval Across the Panthalassic Ocean
by C. M. Henderson

Identifying New Petroleum Systems using Regional PSDM Data in Deep Water East India
by S. G. Henry, A. Danforth, and S. Venkatraman

Exploration Applications of PSDM Data in Deep Water West Africa
by S. G. Henry, A. Danforth, S. Venkatraman, P. Nuttall, and B. Lachaux

Deformation During Multiple Phases of Extension: Complex Fault Patterns and Reservoir Compartmentalization
by A. A. Henza, M. O. Withjack, and R. W. Schlische

Hydrocarbon Exploration in an Intermountain Basin, The Altiplano of the Central Andes: New Play Concept and Petroleum System Logic
by W. Hermoza, J. Fernandez, E. Martinez, and P. Baby

2D Modelling of the Petroleum System in a Structurally Complex Area: the Madrejones Structure, South Bolivia
by D. Herrera, F. Schneider, L. Sage, F. Dartois, P. Wojciak, and C. Cruz

Accretionary-Wedge Shortening Ccaused by Advance of the Sigsbee Escarpment, Alaminos Canyon, Gulf of Mexico
by T. Heyn, B. H. Hart, R. L. Propes, M. D. Reasnor, H. L. Harrison, G. Vinson, W. D. Bunting, M. Jackson, and M. R. Hudec

Modern Analogue for Interlayered Evaporites and Seaward Dipping Volcanic Reflectors: Danakil Depression, Northern Afar, East Africa
by T. Heyn, E. Baker, M. Thompson, and K. P. Boyd

Caribbean Arc Revised Geological History Affecting Circum-Caribbean Oil Exploration
by R. Higgs

Colombia-Venezuela-Trinidad Oil Province: Revised Triassic-Recent Depotectonic History
by R. Higgs

Caribbean Plio-Quaternary (5-0 Ma) Plate Interaction and Basin Development, Colombia-Venezuela-Trinidad Oil Province
by R. Higgs

The Application of Chemostratigraphy to Understanding Play Systems in Low Accommodation Settings
by G. V. Hildred, K. T. Ratcliffe, A. M. Wright, and B. A. Zaitlin

Evaluating Devonian Gas-shales from the Appalachian Basin, U.S.A
by R. Hill, N. Fishman, G. Claypool, A. Blum, and D. Eberl

Variable Pace of Deposition and Deformation Recorded at High-Resolution by Climate Cycles in Growth Strata, Spanish Pyrenees
by L. A. Hinnov, D. J. Anastasio, K. P. Kodama, and J. M. Pares

Milankovitch-Controlled Paleoclimate Signal Recorded by Rock Magnetics, Lower Cretaceous Platform Carbonates of Northern Mexico
by L. A. Hinnov, D. Anastasio, D. Latta, K. Kodama, and M. Elrick

Applications of the Sedimentary Record of Astronomically-Driven Paleoclimate Oscillations and Trends
by L. A. Hinnov and J. Ogg

Increased Scale and Combined Microbial and Sorbed Soil Gas Techniques Advance Hydrocarbon Microseepage Strategies for Both Exploration and Development Programs
by D. C. Hitzman and B. Rountree

Modeling Crossing Conjugate Faults in Structural Frameworks
by K. S. Hoffman, J. W. Neave, and E. H. Nilsen

Shear Properties of Oil Shales
by R. Hofmann, M. L. Batzle, and J. Behura

Integrated Reservoir Characterisation for EOR; A Case Study from a Giant Carbonate Reservoir in the Middle East
by C. Hollis, S. Tull, M. Caputi, Y. Huang, and V. Vahrenkamp

Sequence Stratigraphic Model for Incised Channels in a Continental Ramp Setting: An Example from the Lower Permian Shanxi Formation, Ordos Basin, China
by Z. Hongtao, L. Keyu, and C. Kaiyuan

Case Study of Integrated Approach to the Cleanup of Ogallala Groundwater Impacted by Oilfield Brine, Haskell County, Kansas
by K. S. Hopson and M. A. Jacobs

Three-Dimensional Character of the Holocene Platte River Alluvium in Nebraska
by J. D. Horn, C. R. Fielding, and R. M. Joeckel

Gas Generation and Retention in the Bakken Shale, Williston Basin
by B. Horsfield, R. di Primio, P. Kuhn, G. P. Muscio, K. Grice, and E. Maslen

A Comparison of Orogenic Architecture and Foreland Basin Evolution in Colombia (Northern Andes) and Bolivia (Central Andes)
by B. K. Horton, M. Parra, and A. Mora

Sequence Stratigraphy of the Red Fork Sandstone (Middle Pennsylvanian) in the Vicinity of Southeast Thomas, Squaw Creek, and Bridgeport Fields, Anadarko Basin, Oklahoma
by C. A. Houston and D. R. Kerr

Modeling of Intra-Channel Belt Depositional Architecture in Fluvial Reservoir Analogs from the Lourinha Formation, Portugal
by J. Howell, A. Ekeland, N. Pedersen, I. Viste, W. Nemec, and K. Keogh

Controls on Channel Formation in Deep Water Distributive Systems
by D. Hoyal, B. A. Sheets, C. M. Edwards, and R. B. Bloch

Role of Stress Field and Hydrofracturing in Enhanced Oil Recovery Through 3-D Fluid-Injection
by K. J. Hsu

Geological Risk Evaluation and Mapping in Nanpu Sag of Bohai Bay Basin, China
by S. Hu, Q. Guo, S. Mi, H. Xie, and Z. Chen

High-Resolution Sequence Stratigraphic Framework of a Saline Lacustrine Basin, Qianjiang Formation, Jianghan Basin, Central China
by C. Huang, P. Weimer, K. Chen, and Z. Fang

Episodic Advance of the Sigsbee Salt Canopy, Deepwater Gulf of Mexico
by M. R. Hudec

Diachronous Growth of Fold Limbs on the Mad Dog Anticline: Implications for Base-Salt Deformation in the Atwater Fold Belt
by M. R. Hudec

Dismembered Sutures Formed During Asymmetric Salt-Sheet Collision
by M. R. Hudec, T. P. Dooley, and M. P. Jackson

Gas Hydrate Research and Stratigraphic Test Results, Milne Point Unit, Alaska North Slope
by R. B. Hunter, S. A. Digert, R. Boswell, and T. S. Collett

Modeling Hydro-Isostasy: Isostatic Flexure Along the Global Coastlines Due to Sea-Level Rise and Fall
by E. W. Hutton and J. P. Syvitski

Quantification of Uncertainty in Reservoir-Scale Extensional Fault-Propagation Folds, Part 2: Probabilistic Modeling Results
by L. Huyse, C. J. Waldhart, D. S. Riha, B. J. Bichon, K. J. Smart, A. P. Morris, and D. A. Ferrill

Return to top


Fluid-Mud deposits of the Lower Jurassic Tilje Formation, Offshore Mid-Norway
by A. A. Ichaso and R. W. Dalrymple

Using Outcrop Geology to Constrain Uncertainty in Three-Dimensional Structural Models of Sub-Seismic Scale Fault Networks
by J. Imber, J. J. Long, R. H. Wightman, K. J. McCaffrey, R. E. Holdsworth, N. De Paola, R. R. Jones, and N. S. Holliman

Helical Flow in Sinuous Submarine Channels
by J. Imran and M. Islam

Shale Tectonics At Rifted Continental Margins: Insights From Margin Scale Numerical Models That Couple Deformation To Fluid Flow
by S. J. Ings, C. Beaumont, M. Albertz, and C. Morency

Applying the Process-Based Source Rock Modeling Software OF-Mod 3D to Approach Organic Carbon Burial in Modern Marine Settings
by M. Inthorn, U. Mann, K. Seiter, M. Zabel, and J. Zweigel

Return to top


Interaction Between Hyperpycnal Flow-Derived Turbidites and Debrites on Submarine Slopes; An Outcrop Example from the Temburong Fm, Labuan, NW Borneo
by C.A. Jackson

Modeling of Strain Partitioning during Gravity-driven Deformation of Multilayered Evaporites and Overburden
by M. P. Jackson, T. P. Dooley, M. R. Hudec, and J. A. Cartwright

How and Where is the Sigsbee Escarpment Advancing?
by M. P. Jackson, M. R. Hudec, and T. Heyn

Superposed Deformation and Structural Control of Salt Breakout in Radially Expanding Canopies
by M. P. Jackson, T. P. Dooley, and M. R. Hudec

Case Study of Site Characterization and Remedial Plans for Removal of Contamination from Oilfield Produced Waters, East Poplar Oil Field, Fort Peck Indian Reservation, Roosevelt County, Montana
by M. Jacobs, T. Christa, and B. Smith

Skeletal Mound Growth Model Based on Examples from the Carboniferous and Middle Cretaceous
by X. Janson and C. Kerans

Advanced Horizontal Technologies Improve Drilling Performance in The Barnett Shale
by S. Janwadkar

Seismic and Geologic Evidences of a Complex Structural Inversion:”Pop Up” Structures into the Eocene Sequence Along Strike Slip Lama-Icotea Fault. Maracaibo Basin, Venezuela
by A. A. Jaramillo, L. Gonzalez, and T. Labrador

A Quantitative Palynological Zonation for Eastern Colombia
by C. Jaramillo, M. Rueda, and V. Torres

Practices and Pitfalls in Estimating Coalbed Methane Resources and Reserves
by C. Jenkins, DeGolyer, and MacNaughton

Horizontal Geo-Navigation of Geothermal Wells
by D. D. Jenkins and P. Sandwell

New Horizons and Technology for the Petroleum Exploration in China
by C. Jia

The Secondary Porosity and Permeability Characteristics of Tertiary Strata and Their Origin, Liaodong Bay Basin, China
by S. Jiang, P. Weimer, D. Cai, G. Zhu, X. Hu, and X. Zhu

Relationship Between Fluvial Architecture and Remaining Oil in the Gudong Oilfield, Bohai Basin, China
by X. Jiang, S. Wu, and D. Yu

Structure and Stratigraphy of the Tobago-Barbados Ridge and its Implications for Hydrocarbons in the Barbados Offshore Area
by X. Jiang, P. Mann, and A. Escalona

Facies Models Constrained by a High A/S
by Z. Jiang and L. Wang

Spectral Gamma-Ray Signatures Across the Devonian/Carboniferous Boundary, Woodford Shale, Oklahoma
by P. Jim, D. Boardman, M. Bryan, J. Berryman, R. Berryman, and D. Hurst

Charging and Dissipating of the Biogas and its Accumulation in the Sebei Gasfield, Qaidam Basin, China
by Q. Jin, F. Cheng, and G. Zhu

Improving Infill Development Decision Making with Interval Estimation
by M. Jobe and  H. Jobe

Thick Successions of Climbing-Ripple and Scour-Fill Deposits in Overbank/Off-Axis Deep-Water Environments: Tanqua Karoo, South Africa and Magnolia Field, Gulf of Mexico
by Z. R. Jobe, D. R. Lowe, W. R. Morris, and H. Wickens

Sequence Stratigraphy of the Dakota Sandstone in the San Juan Basin, New Mexico, USA
by P. Johannessen and D. Nummedal

The Development Path for Hydrate Natural Gas
by A. H. Johnson and M. D. Max

Science Priorities for the Lunar Exploration Architecture
by B. L. Jolliff

Laboratory Studies of Biogenic Methane Production from Coal by Microbial Consortia: Identifying Organisms, Reactions and Intermediates
by E. J. Jones, M. A. Voytek, W. H. Orem, M. D. Corum, A. L. Bates, and H. E. Lerch

An Investigation of Early Diagenesis in an Isolated Carbonate Platform: Caicos Platform, British West Indies
by G. D. Jones, E. Braun, R. Brown, G. van Gaalen, S. Gaswirth, W. Holzwarth, P. Houser, J. Longo, J. Markello, G. Otten, W. Reese, M. Thomas, H. Tseng, Y. Xiao, and A. Lee

Depositional Porosity and Permeability Calculated from Modern Carbonate Sediments, Turks and Caicos, British West Indies
by G. D. Jones and D. N. Awwiller

Application of Exploration Geochemical Methodology Application of Exploration Geochemical Methodology to CO2 Monitoring
by V. T. Jones and R. J. Pirkle

Impact of Variable Shoreline Trajectory on Facies Preservation During Marine Transgression
by O. Jordan, S. Gupta, G. J. Hampson, and H. D. Johnson

Deformation Style in a Forearc Basin with Shale Gas Potential, Northern Chile
by T. E. Jordan and P. Nester

Authigenic Carbonate Rock at Hydrate Environments in the Gulf of Mexico: Consideration of Thermodynamic Properties
by W. Jung and R. Sassen

The 'GeneSys Project': New Concepts for Geothermal Heat Extraction from Tight Sedimentary Reservoirs
by R. Junker, S. Wessling, H. Sulzbacher, T. Tischner, R. Jatho, P. Kehrer, K. Hofmeister, H. Evers, and R. Jung

Return to top


An Integration of Fault Rock Properties Through Time with Basin Modeling
 by M. Kacewicz, R. K. Davies, and R. Knipe

Mapping Surficial Sediment Distributions on Caicos Platform: A Quantitative Approach Integrating Statistical Analysis of Landsat Spectral Data and Field Observations
by S. E. Kaczmarek and F. J. Hasiuk

3D Semi-Automated Fault Interpretation in CASI Using Evolving Surfaces
by B. J. Kadlec, G. A. Dorn, J. Marbach, and F. A. Coady

Controls on Sinuosity Evolution Within Submarine Channels
by I. Kane, B. McCaffrey, and J. Peakall

Intrachannel Architecture and Reservoir Heterogeneities Within Sand-Rich Carboniferous Slope Channels, Northern England, UK
by I. Kane, W. D. McCaffrey, and O. J. Martinsen

The Upper Cretaceous Source Rocks and Petroleum Transportation of the West Slope Region in the Western Songliao Basin, Daqing Oilfield, Northeast China
by D. Kang, X. Pang, Y. Lv, and G. Fu

Seismic Stratigraphy of Pre-Salt in the Southernmost of Santos Basin
by M. K. Karam, R. Porto, and M. Saito

Petrophysical Properties of Barnett Shale
by A. Karastathis, C. Rai, and C. Sondergeld

Modelling and Mapping of Thermal and Geochemical Parameters in Mexican and Japanese Deep Waters
by H. R. Karg and D. M. Santamaria Orozco

Petrophysical Characterization of a Lower Cretaceous Carbonate Reservoir Onshore Abu Dhabi, UAE
by S. Karri and Y. Al Mehairi

Flow Evolution in Submarine Channel Bends: Experimental Insights Into Flow Tuning
by G. M. Keevil, W. D. McCaffrey, and J. Peakall

LNG, Pipeline Expansions, and the Coming Effects on Energy Markets and Basis
by E. Kelly

Niobrara Gas in the Eastern DJ Basin: Components of Economic Development
by B. Kelso, J. B. Dubois, C. R. Durkoop, and D. Donoho

Structural Restoration and Petroleum Systems Modeling of the Wyoming-Utah-Thrust Belt, U.S.A
by H. Kemna, K. Kornpihl, M. Majewska-Bell, and K. Mahon, Anadarko, Woodlands, TX

Eustasy Recording Potential of an Isolated Devonian to Pennsylvanian Carbonate Platform in a Foreland Basin Setting (Tengiz, Pricaspian Basin, Kazakhstan)
by J. Kenter and M. Harris

Outcrop and Subsurface Models of Permian Slope and Basin Floor Carbonates
by C. Kerans, T. Playton, and X. Janson

Environmental Conditions During Recovery from the End-Permian Extinction: Comparative Analysis of Carbon Isotope Data from China, Japan, and Turkey
by R. A. Kernen, D. Follett, M. Nothem, D. Lehrmann, M. Summers, E. Schaal, and J. Payne

A Geostatistical Analysis of Temperatures in Deep Regional Aquifers, Northeast British Columbia
by B. Kerr and W. Walsh

Spatial Variation in Texture and Facies in Confined Sheet Sands
by V. R. Kertznus, B. Kneller, and M. Dykstra

Regional Mapping of Genetic Units in the Almond Formation, Greater Wamsutter Field, Southwest Wyoming: Phase I: A Visual Twist on an Old Approach: The Middle Main Almond Unit
by B. J. Kessel, N. M. Rigg, W. D. Monn, F. E. Kilbride, A. J. Scott, M. L. Bacon, J. R. Lawrence, B. W. Greenhalgh, and R. J. Heckman

A New Paleobiological Model for Origin of Dolomites in Mississippian Reservoirs, Midale Beds, Weyburn Oilfield, Saskatchewan
by A. D. Keswani and G. Pemberton

Levee Asymmetry in a Deep-Water Channel Bend: Example from the Isaac Formation (Windermere Supergroup), Southern Canadian Cordillera
by Z. Khan, L. Navarro, and B. Arnott

Potential Environmental Issues of CO2 Storage in Saline Aquifers: Metal Mobilization from the Frio-II Brine Test, Texas, USA
by Y. K. Kharaka, T. D. Bullen, K. G. Knauss, D. R. Cole, and S. D. Hovorka

A Sequence Stratigraphic Interpretation of the Middle Mississippian Strata in the Black Warrior Foreland Basin, Alabama and Mississippi
by C. A. Kidd and W. A. Thomas

Controls on Transgressive Shallow-Marine Sedimentation in a Salt-Influenced Rift: Hugin Formation, South Viking Graben, Offshore Norway
by R. L. Kieft, C. A. Jackson, G. J. Hampson, and E. Larsen

Three-Dimensional Nature of Channelforms in Recent Sequences of the Sunda Shelf, Indonesia
by B. Kiel and L. Wood

Age of Sediments Encasing Allochthonous Salt in the Gulf of Mexico; Clues to Emplacement History
by R. E. Kilby, F. A. Diegel, and M. J. Styzen

Climate System Modeling 2007: from a Global to a Regional Perspective
by T. Killeen

Meteorites, an Economic Commodity and Valuable Resource
by M. Killgore and D. S. Lauretta

Pre-Holocene Island Geology of the Caicos and Mayaguana (Bahamas) Platforms: Similarities and Differences
by P. F. Kindler, F. Godefroid, and E. Samankassou

Neotectonic Provinces of NW Borneo
by R. C. King, R. Hillis, and M. Tingay

Present-Day Stress Orientations Across a Delta-Deepwater Fold-Thrust Belt System, NW Borneo
by R. C. King, R. Hillis, and M. Tingay

Role of Organic Matter in Precipitation of Cement: Examples from Three Different Environments
by B. L. Kirkland, F. Lynch, A. M. Owen, J. E. Mylroie, J. D. Culpepper, W. K. Funderburk, and R. L. Folk

Reservoir Compartmentalization of a Cretaceous Valley-Fill Deposit, Dakota Formation, San Rafael Swell, Utah
by M. Kirschbaum and C. Schenk

The Impact of Valley Confinement on Growth Processes and Magnitude of Point-Bar Type Reservoirs; Missouri River
by G. W. Kliem, J. M. Holbrook, J. L. Blankenship, B. Leddy, and A. Rios

Advances in Reservoir Quality Assessment of Tight-Gas Sands - Links to Producibility
by R. Klimentidis and J. Welton

3D Imaging and Analysis of Grain Compaction
by M. Knackstedt, M. Myers, L. Hathon, H. Averdunk, J. Middleton, A. Sheppard, and C. Arns

Carbonate Petrophysical Parameters Derived from 3D Images
by M. Knackstedt, M. Madadi, C. Arns, G. Baechle, G. Eberli, and R. J. Weger

Using CO2 Flooding to Rejuvenate Old Fields in a Mature Basin: History, Results, and Lessons Learned
by R. Knepp, J. P. Grube, J. R. Damico, and B. Seyler

Faults, Critical Stress, and Production Profiles, North La Barge Field, Sublette County, Wyoming
by C. N. Knight and J. Miskimins

Conjunctive Use of Downhole Geophysical and Traditional Mapping Methods to Improve Site Characterization for Remedial Planning at a Petroleum Hydrocarbon Release Site
by R. L. Knox, T. McKinsey, and M. Benchabbat

Morphology and Architecture of Recent Valley-Channel Complex of the Bengal Fan
by V. Kolla, A. Bandyopadhyay, P. Gupta, B. Mukherjee, and D. V.Ramana

In Search of New High-Resolution Chronostratigraphic Constraints on the Sea-Level and Deglacial History of Polar Regions
by P. Kouremenos, A. Simms, and R. DeWitt

Building a Fault Framework, Structural Modeling and Fracture Prediction in the Clair Field, UK
by R. W. Krantz, A. Conway, and A. Cole

Facies Architecture of a Dryland River Convex Bar, Umbum Creek, Lake Eyre, Central Australia
by C. B. Krapf, T. Payenberg, M. Reilly, and S. Lang

Rapid Paleoenvironmental Change During the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM), Bighorn Basin, WY
by M. J. Kraus, D. Woody, J. Smith, and S. Hasiotis

Sorption and Desorption Processes of Methane and Carbon Dioxide on Coals and Shales - Experiments and Theory
by B. M. Krooss, A. Busch, Y. Gensterblum, and D. Prinz

Petrography and Biostratigraphy of #101 Las Cañas & Mesita #1 Cores, Golden Lane/Poza Rica Trend, Mexico
by P. R. Krutak and P. Krutak

Miocene Evaporites of The Carpathian Foredeep Basin - Their Internal Structure and Role in Compressional Tectonics (250 Years Perspective)
by P. Krzywiec

Late Cretaceous Syn-Inversion Sedimentation in Vicinity of Compressionally Reactivated Salt Structures from the Mid-Polish Trough
by P. Krzywiec

Discovery of One of the Thickest and Deepest Gas Hydrate Occurrences Yet Known Along the Indian Continental Margins
by P. Kumar, M. V. Ramana, T. Ramprasad, M. A. Desa, and M. V. Lall

Integration of Ground-Based Lidar and Hyperspectral Scanning – New Methods for the Remote Mapping of Geological Outcrops
by T. H. Kurz, S. J. Buckley, and J. A. Howell

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Elementary Channel Migration in Turbidite Systems: Random or Process-Related Evolutions?
by R. Labourdette and M. Bez

Geomorphology Applied to Heterogeneity Distribution in Point-Bar Setting, Example From the Fluvio-Estuarine McMurray Formation, Canada
by R. Labourdette and V. Delhaye-prat

Fracture Controlled Platform Margins, Implications in the Evolution of Karst Processes: An Approach from a 3D View
by G. Labrana, J. Pueyo, and D. Hunt

The Relationship of Thermal Maturity and Structural Geology to Produced-Gas Composition in the Barnett Shale, Fort Worth Basin
by R. F. LaFollette, K. A. Bowker H. Zhao, and D. M. Jarvie

Potential Shale Gas Resources in Utah
by M. D. Laine, T. C. Chidsey, Jr., and C. D. Morgan

Gulf Coast Examples of the Regional Perspective of Local Structure Gained by the Analysis of Near-Surface Magnetic Responses
by J. Land, R. Van Nieuwenhuise, L. A. Jamison,  and M. Kidwai

Prediction of Fibrous Illite and Associated Secondary Porosity Formation in Sandstones
by R. H. Lander and L. M. Bonnell

Architecture of Reservoirs Confined by Early Diagenesis in Paleosols at Sequence Boundaries in Permian Eolianites
by R. P. Langford, K. Pearson, P. Depret, D. M. Tatum, L. Adams, and K. Duncan

Effect of Non-Hydrostatic Pore Pressure on the Depth to the Base of the Hydrate Stability Zone
by R. W. Lankston

The Influence of Basin Dynamics on Depositional Patterns of the Middle Devonian Marcellus Shale, Western New York and Northwestern Pennsylvania
by G. Lash

Structural Diagenesis: The Integration of Structural Geology and Diagenesis
by S. Laubach, K. Milliken, P. Eichhubl, J. Olson, R. Lander, L. Bonnell, and A. Thomas

Asteroid Sample Return and the Path to Exploration of Near-Earth Space
by D. S. Lauretta

Paleozoic Hydrothermal Dolomites in Eastern Canada: Multiple New Targets for Oil and Gas Exploration
by D. Lavoie abd G. Chi

Controls on Organic Carbon Sequestration in the New Albany Shale: An Examination of the Relative Role of Organic Carbon Production, Preservation, and Dilution
by O. R. Lazar and J. Schieber

How Variable is the Sun, and What are the Links Between This Variability and Climate?
by J. Lean

An Overview of Productive Horizons and Inferred Facies, Greater Natural Buttes Area, Uinta Basin, Northeastern Utah
by C. Lee, H. White, S. Kelly, L. MacMillan, S. Matthews, D. Popovich, A. Ragas, M. Ritter, D. Schutt, R. Single, S. Stancel, and R. Cole

The Deeper and the Deeper, New Plays in the Ulleung Basin, Offshore Korea
by K. Lee, C. Jeong, K. Shin, K. Bae, D. Lim, H. Kim, S. Choi, S. Park, and C. Kim,

Using a Petroleum System Approach for Evaluation of CO2 Sequestration Potential in Saline Reservoirs
by H. E. Leetaru, D. G. Morse, S. M. Frailey, and J. McBride

High-Resolution Sequence Stratigraphic Interpretation of the Upper Jurassic Arab Formation on New Field Development, Offshore Abu Dhabi
by C. T. Lehmann, K. Ibrahim, H. Bu-Hindi, R. Al-Kassawneh, D. Cobb, and A. Al-Hendi

Role of Antecedent Topography and Local Environmental Controls on the Evolution and Facies Heterogeneity of Miocene Carbonate Platforms, Southern Java, Indonesia
by D. J. Lehrmann and A. Satria

The Influence of Bioturbation on the Resource Quality of Low Permeability Gas Charged Reservoirs - A Case Study from the Upper Cretaceous Alderson Member, Southwestern Saskatchewan, Canada
by R. T. Lemiski, M. Gingras, G. Pemberton, and J. Hovikoski

Bakken Shale Oil in the Eastern Williston Basin: “It's a Mystery Wrapped in a Riddle Inside an Enigma!”
by J. E. Leonard, R. J. Coskey, and V. J. Matt

Tertiary Depositional Systems in Upper Cook Inlet, Alaska: Influence of Fluvial Style on Reservoir Geometries and Stratigraphic Trap Potential
by D. LePain, M. A. Wartes, R. Gillis, L. Silliphant, K. P. Helmold, D. Shellenbaum, S. Peterson, P. Decker,  P. J. McCarthy, J. Mongrain, and R. G. Stanley

Sedimentology and Stratigraphy of Upper Cretaceous Strata in the Sagavanirktok River Area, East-Central North Slope, Alaska
by D. L. LePain, M. A. Wartes, R. J. Gillis, P. L. Decker, D. P. Shellenbaum, J. R. Mongrain, and R. Kirkham  

Salt-Sediment Interaction: A Quantitative Analysis of Depositional Systems in an Evolving, Salt Controlled Mini-Basin, Gulf of Mexico
by C. Leppard, T. M. Løseth, and G. O. Sundsbø

The Effect of Geologic Parameters and Uncertainties on Subsurface Flow: Deepwater Depositional Systems
by M. Levy, W. Milliken, S. Strebelle, and Y. Zhang

Evaluating Products and Yields of Green River Oil Shale by Fisher Assay, Rock-Eval, Micro-Scale Sealed Vessel, and Hydrous Pyrolysis
by M. D. Lewan and T. E. Ruble

Gas Generation from Oil-Prone Source Rocks Containing Type-II and -IIs Kerogen as Determined by Laboratory Pyrolysis Experiments
by M. D. Lewan, M. J. Kotarba, D. Wieclaw, and J. B. Curtis

Modeling Flow Barriers in Distributary Systems Using a Numerical Analog from a Process-Based Model
by H. Li and T. Sun

Predicting Oil Acidity Based on Oil Composition and Basin Modeling
by M. Li, S. Achal, D. Cheng, X. Wang, L. Dou, D. Hou, Q. Shi, Z. Wen, and Y. Tang

Origin of Crude Oils in the Subtle Petroleum Traps in the Dongying Depression and Implications for Exploration in Deep Horizons of the Bohai Bay Basin
by S. Li, X. Pang, Z. Jiang, M. Li, K. Liu, G. Qiu, and Y. Gao

Compound Valley Systems and Sequence Stratigraphy of the Notom Delta, Ferron Sandstone Member, Henry Mountains Region, Utah
by W. Li, C. Campbell , and J. P. Bhattacharya

Coalbed Methane in the United States: An Updated GIS Study
by S. Limerick, G. Long, D. Morehouse, R. King, J. Perrin, P. Chapman, and L. Luo

Top 100 Oil and Gas Fields in the United States, 2005
by S. Limerick, G. Long, S. Grape, J. Perrin, P. Chapman, L. Luo, D. Morehouse, and R. King

Features and Sealing Mechanism of Shallow Biogenic Gas in Incised Valley Fills (The Qiantang River, Eastern China): A Case Study
by C. Lin, Y. Li, Z. Zhang, and H. Zhuo

Shu'aiba Porosity Types, Saudi Arabia
by R. F. Lindsay and P. K. Swart

Evolution and Reservoir Significance of a Mixed Carbonate-Siliciclastic Sequence Stratigraphic Model of the Grayburg Formation, Permian Basin
by R. F. Lindsay

Structural Correlation Between the Northern Calcareous Alps (Austria) and the Transdanubian Central Range (Hungary) and its Hydrocarbon Potential
by H. Linzer and G. Tari

Paleotopographic Controls on Geometries and Facies Distribution in Oolite-Microbialite-Reef Sequences, Upper Miocene, SE Spain
by C. J. Lipinski, R. H. Goldstein, and E. Franseen

Hydrocarbon Charge History of the Jiyang Sub-Basin, East China as Revealed by an Integrated Fluid Inclusion, Spectroscopic and Geochemical Investigation and Modelling
by K. Liu, X. Pang, S. Li, and S. Zhang

Origin of Natural Gas from the Ordovician Paleo-Weathering Crust and Gas-Filling Model in Jingbian Gas Field, Ordos Basin, China
by Q. Liu, L. Wenhui, M. Chen, P. Han, L. Jian, and Y. Guo

How It All Began – The Early Days of the Turks and Caicos Field Seminars
by R. M. Lloyd, R. D. Perkins, S. D. Kerr, and S. A. Cole

Distribution and Origin of Toxic Elements in the Hudson River
by W. Loc, R. Adkins, J. White, J. McCoy, and M. M. Kolkas

Severe Tropical Weather in West Texas During the Early Late Cretaceous?
by B. E. Lock and F. S. Bases

Estuaries Without Incised Valleys - Example from the Tarbert Fm, Norwegian Block 30/9
by T. M. Loeseth and M. Young

The Concept Of Sedimentary Steering: A New Sedimentological Dimension Using High Resolution Electrical Borehole Images While-Drilling
by J. Lofts and S. Morris

Geochemical Exploration for Oil in Self-Sourced Reservoirs, West Siberian Basin
by N. V. Lopatin, I. L. Levinzon, T. P. Emets, and E. A. Romanov

The Barnett Shale of the Southern Fort Worth Basin; Comparison of Depositional Setting, Lithofacies, and Mineralogy with Equivalent Deposits in the Northern Basin
by R. G. Loucks and S. C. Ruppel

Shell and Grain Layers in the Barnett Shale; Event Deposition or In Situ Accumulations?
by R. G. Loucks and S. C. Ruppel

Depositional Mechanisms in River-Dominated Deltas: Case Study from The Upper Cretaceous Panther Tongue in East Central Utah
by N. F. Louni and D. Kamola

Strain Analysis of Elliptical Grains from a Fold and Thrust Belt, Kavik River Area, Northeastern Alaska
by A. M. Loveland, P. R. Delaney, J. G. Clough, and M. A. Wartes

Constraining Fold Geometry with Airborne Laser Swath Mapping Data and Numerical Interpolation at Sheep Mountain Anticline, Wyoming
by P. J. Lovely and D. D. Pollard

The Influence of Flow Rheology on the Architecture of Deep-Water Depositional Systems
by D. R. Lowe

Coalbed Methane Potential Of The Bonnet Plume Formation (Cretaceous-Tertiary), Yukon, Canada
by G. W. Lowey

Hydrocarbon Potential Of The Bonnet Plume Basin: A Frontier Basin in Yukon, Canada
by G. W. Lowey

Seafloor Through Mantle Dynamics Apparently Guide Geologic Evolution of the Gulf of Mexico and Similar Thickly Sedimented Continental Margins
by A. Lowrie and L. H. Jenkins

Reversed 'Forward Modeling' from a Known Present, Database Development Into an Unknown Past
by A. Lowrie and L. H. Jenkins

3D Seismic Imaging of the Shelf-Margin of South Marsh Island Though the Use of 3D Seismic Geometric Attributes
by F. A. Lozano and K. J. Marfurt

Control Effects of Source Rock and Regional Cap Rock to Hydrocarbon Reservoir
by B. Lu, P. Zhao, and Y. Wu

Novel Beneficial Use of Oil Field Brine and Bauxite Residue for Carbon Sequestration
by P. Lu, C. Zhu, R. Dilmore, and Y. Soong 

Burial Dissolution of Anhydrite in Permian Reservoirs, Origin and Petrophysics
by F. J. Lucia and S. C. Ruppel

3-D Flexural Numerical Modeling of the Late Cretaceous Forebulge Migration Across the Southwestern Wyoming
by H. Luo and D. Nummedal

Heterogeneous Characteristics of Hydrocarbon Migration: Observations, Controlling Factors, and Consequences
by X. Luo, L. Zhang, Q. Liao, D. Xiao, J. Su, S. Yuan, and C. Yu

Research Well Data from an Outcrop Analogue Study, Permian Basin Floor Fans, Tanqua-Karoo Basin (South Africa): An Aid for the Development of Fine-Grained Turbidite Reservoirs
by S. M. Luthi, D. M. Hodgson, S. Flint, G. R. Cees, and J. Goedbloed

Return to top


Successful Delineation of a Deep Sour Gas Play in the NE Sichuan Basin: Puguang and More Recent Discoveries
by Y. Ma and X. Cai

Revisiting Judy Creek: Uncovering 100 Million Barrels of In-Place Oil
by Y.Z. Ma, E. Gomez, A. Seto, and D. Edwards

Wave-Dominated Deltaic Facies of Suspended-Load Rivers: The Jurassic (Oxfordian) Nuiqsut Formation, North Slope of Alaska
by J. A. MacEachern and B. A. Burns

The Pros and Cons of Various Dolomite Models: Some Work, Many Don’t
by H. G. Machel

An Unconventional Facies Classification Scheme for an Unconventional Oil Reservoir: Interpreting Tidal Paleoenvironments in the Heterolithic Bluesky Fm., Peace River, Alberta
by D. A. Mackay and R. W. Dalrymple

Exploring Minimum Geographic Ranges and Diversity Dynamics of Western Interior Ammonoids (Late Cretaceous) Using Geographic Information Systems (GIS), PaleoGIS, Spreadsheets, and Recreational Topographic Mapping Software
by R. A. MacKenzie and M. Yacobucci

Stratigraphic and Sedimentologic Analysis and Hydrocarbon Reservoir Potential of the Lower Cretaceous Jackass Mountain Group, Chilko Lake Area, British Columbia, Canada
by C. I. MacLaurin, P. S. Mustard, J. Goodin, B. Mahoney, and J. W. Haggart

The Quest for a Comprehensive Understanding of Storage and Flow Patterns Within the Edwards Aquifer, San Antonio Area, Texas
by B. Maclay

Lithofacies Variability In Fine-Grained Mixed Clastic Carbonate Successions: Implications For Identifying Shale-Gas Reservoirs
by J. Macquaker and S. Davies

Stratigraphic Architecture of a Salt-Withdrawal Intraslope Minibasin, North-Central Green Canyon, Gulf of Mexico: Implications for Misinterpreting Sea Level Change
by A. S. Madof, N. Christie-Blick, and M. H. Anders

Turbidites and Mass Transport Deposits in an Active Margin Setting: the Semantan Formation (Middle-Upper Triassic), Central Peninsular Malaysia
by M. Madon, H. Ismail, and Z. Abu Bakar

Seismic Geomorphology and Architecture of the Atoka Interval Channels, Fort Worth Basin, Texas, U.S.A
by V. Maharaj and L. Wood

Petroleum System Modeling of the Rovuma Delta Basin, Mozambique
by K. Mahon, V. Mount, C. Law, T. Fletcher, and T. Dunbar

High-Resolution Imaging of Reservoir Architectures in Weakly-Confined Deep-Water Channel Systems
by K. L. Maier, S. A. Graham, A. Fildani, T. McHargue, J. Clark, W. R. Normark, M. McGann, C. K. Paull, and D. W. Caress

Nitrous Oxide Solubility in Animal Waste Suspensions
by K. C. Makris, S. S. Andra, D. Sarkar, R. Datta, S. B. Bach, and C. Mullens

Carbonate Reservoir Characterization for Identification of Stratigraphic Traps: Eastern Gulf Coastal Plain
by E. A. Mancini, M. Cameron, W. C. Parcell, W. M. Ahr, V. O. Ramirez, and J. C. Llinás

Michigan’s Antrim Shale Play—A Two-Decade Template for Successful Devonian Gas Shale Development
by T. R. Maness and W. R. Goodman

Low Temperature Gas Generation in Marine Shales
by F. Mango, S. Garcia, and D. M. Jarvie

The Experimental Conditions for Generating Low-Temperature Gas in Marine Shales
by F. Mango, S. Garcia, and D. M. Jarvie

Coupling Flow and Deposit Properties of Partly Cohesive High-Density Turbidity Currents: An Experimental Approach
by R. Manica, R. D. Maestri, A. O. Borges, J. H. Baas, and J. Peakall

Reconstructing the Paleopositions of 27 Giant Oil and Gas Clusters Through Geologic Time
by P. Mann, L. Bingham, L. Gahagan, M. Horn, and M. K. Horn

Paleogene Arctic Wide Source Rocks: A Semi-Quantitative Appraisal
by U. Mann and J. Knies

Albian-Cenomanian Foraminifera in Northeastern British Columbia and Western Alberta: Paleoecology and Integration of Biostratigraphy with Allostratigraphy
by D. Mans

The Inclusion of Faults in Conventional Flow Simulation Models: a Consideration of Representational Assumptions and Geological Uncertainties
by T. Manzocchi, J. J. Walsh, B. Palananthakumar, C. Childs, and A. E. Heath

Source Facies Prediction in the Mesozoic and Cenozoic Circum-Arctic
by P. Markwick, L. Gill, and P. Valdes

Middle Miocene Palaeogeography and Palaeolandscape of Indochina
by P. J. Markwick, K. L. Wilson, and V. Lefterov

The Late Cretaceous Uplift History of the South Atlantic Continental Margins: Example from the Santos and Campos Basins of Southeast Brazil
by P. J. Markwick, M. C. Raddadi, and R. J. Hoult

High-Pass Band Filter of the Southern African Landscape
by P. J. Markwick and V. Lefterov

Deciphering Possible Paleoceanographic vs. Tectonic vs. Eustatic Signals in the Passive-Margin Bounty Fan, South Island, New Zealand
by K. Marsaglia, S. Shapiro, C. E. Martin, C. Q. Kautz, and L. Carter

Oil Generation Capacity of Oil Shales as a Function of Aliphatic Structure
by C. P. Marshall and A. N. Olcott

Sequence Stratigraphic Expression of an Evolving Experimental Fluvial-to-Marine Depositional Profile
by J. Martin, C. Paola, V. Abreu, J. Neal, and B. Sheets

Identifying and Mitigating the Impacts of Climate Change on New York’s Energy Infrastructure
by J. P. Martin and A. D. Stevens

Developing a New Gas Resource in the Heart of the Northeastern U.S. Market: New York’s Utica Shale Play
by J. P. Martin, R. Nyahay, J. Leone, and L. B. Smith

Ecostratigraphic Expression of Holocene Parasequence Boundaries in Incised Valleys Along Delaware Bay: Response to Rapid Sea-Level and Climate Change
by R. E. Martin, E. Leorri, and P. P. McLaughlin

Understanding Deep-Water Architecture from Process Interpretation at Outcrop: Details Provide the Difference
by O. Martinsen

The Relationship of Allocthonous Salt Withdrawal to Expanded Shelf Edge Sedimentation, Offshore Southeast Louisiana
by B. A. Matsutsuyu, K. O. McDowell, K. E. Meisling, and R. F. Barrett

Controls on Late Quaternary Valley Incision: A Look at Coastal-Plain Systems from the Mid-Atlantic and Northern Gulf of Mexico Margins
by C. R. Mattheus and A. B. Rodriguez

Overview of Shale Gas Stimulation Techniques
by H. L. Matthews

Monitoring Steam-Induced Geomechanical Deformation Using Microseismicity and Tiltmeters
by S. Maxwell and J. Du

Outcrop-to-Subsurface Correlation of the Blackhawk Formation, Uinta Basin: Shoreline Trends, Parasequence Distributions, and Gas Production
by J. A. May, D. S. Anderson, R. W. Falk, and A. Grau

Use of Fracture-Mapping Technologies to Improve Well Completions in Shale Reservoirs
by M. J. Mayerhofer

Seismic Characterization of Deep Illinois Basin Reservoirs as Possible Targets for Carbon Sequestration
by J. H. McBride, R. Keach, and H. E. Leetaru

Subtidal Origin of the Hawkesbury Sandstone, Middle Triassic, Sydney Basin, Australia
by P. J. McCabe

Complex System Interpretation: Challenges in Understanding Channel Levee Development
by W. D. McCaffrey

Horizontal Wellbore Placement Can Have a Critical Impact on Economic Success of Hydraulic Fracturing Stimulation
by B. W. McDaniel

Geometry, Origin and Significance of Coast-Perpendicular Anticlines in a Growth-Faulted Setting
by A. McDonnell and M. P. Jackson

Experiments on Substrate Erosion Via Subcritical Turbidity Currents
by B. McElroy, D. Mohrig, and J. Buttles

A Predictive Model for Turbidite Channel Element Dimensions and Fill Characteristics Relative to Equilibrium Gradient
by T. McHargue, J. Clark, A. Fildani, N. Drinkwater, H. Posamentier, M. Pyrcz, and M. Sullivan

Testing the Conspiracy Theory: Estimating Ghawar's Decline Rate from Monitoring Oil Field-Induced Subsidence in Saudi Arabia Using Satellite-Based Radarinterferometry
by N. A. McMahon, L. Petrat, and U. Gangkofner

The Risk Police – Evil Naysayers or Exploration Best Practice
by G. E. McMaster

Styles of Reef Development on a Shelf Margin Mixed System: Miocene-Pliocene of the Cibao Basin, Northern Dominican Republic
by D. F. McNeill, G. P. Eberli, and J. S. Klaus

Optimizing CO2 Injections for Both Seal Integrity and Economic Return
by T. Meckel and N. Kalyanaraman

Heterogeneity in Carbonates – The Effect of Data Density on Reservoir Modeling of the Wafra First Eocene Reservoir, Partitioned Neutral Zone (PNZ), Saudi Arabia and Kuwait
by W. Meddaugh, N. Toomey, K. Gautreau, and S. Griest

Paleoenvironments and Biofacies Based on Eocene Foraminifera of the Pauji Formation of the Area Zulia East, Western Venezuela
by J. Medina

A Potential Neoproterozoic Hydrocarbon Play in the Mississippi Embayment, Southern Midcontinent
by L. K. Meeks

High-Resolution Simulations of Gravity and Turbidity Currents
by E. Meiburg, B. Hall, F. Blanchette, V. Birman, B. Kneller, M. Glinsky, C. Lerch, and M. Strauss

Flow Cell Experiments of Organic Compounds in Clastic Reservoir Rocks
by A. Meier, R. Gaupp, B. M. Krooss, and R. Littke

The Super Giant Great Lagoa Feia Petroleum System: The New Frontier of Exploration in the Pre-Salt Sequences of the Great Campos Basin,Brazil
by M. R. Mello

The Giant Lacustrine Source Rock Systems of the South Atlantic Realm: Implications in the Deep and Ultra Water Exploration
by M. R. Mello, N. C. Azambuja Filho, and J. M. Moldowan

Sulfate-Rich Eolian and Wet Interdune Deposits, Erebus Crater, Meridiani Planum, Mars
by J. M. Metz and J. P. Grotzinger

Protecting Natural Gas Pipelines from Geo-hazards Exacerbated by a Change in Climate
by H. Meyer and B. L. Paskett

Core Analysis Issues in Tight Gas Reservoirs
by M. A. Miller, R. Lieber, E. Piekenbrock, and T. Mcginness

Expanding Plays - A Creative Approach
by R. Miller

Sediment Flux Variations Correlated with Climate Zones of the Gulf of Mexico for the Past 10kyr
by K. Milliken, J. B. Anderson, A. R. Simms, A. B. Rodriguez, P. Taha, and J. Maddox

Structural Evolution of the Eyan Salt Body, Offshore Gabon
by K. Milroy

Integrated Late Santonian-Early Campanian Sequence Stratigraphy New Jersey Coastal Plain: Implications To Global Sea-Level Studies
by S. F. Mizintseva, J. V. Browning, and K. G. Miller

Characterization of the Sligo (Lower Cretaceous – Aptian) Platform Margin in South Texas: Understanding Facies Distributions Using 3D Seismic and Modern Analogs
by C. J. Modica and D. J. Katz

Turbidity Current Flow out of Channels and its Contribution to Constructing the Continental Slope
by D. Mohrig, J. Buttles, and K. M. Straub

Re-Stimulation: Candidate Selection Methodologies
by L. P. Moore and H. Ramakrishnan

Regional Impacts of Orbital Cycles On The Cretaceous World
by T. L. Moore, R. Plotnick, and M. Perlmutter

Turbidite Reservoir Representation for Flow Simulation
by M. A. Moraes, R. K. Romeu, P. L. Paraizo, C. C. Lima, F. P. Silva, and G. M. Ragagnin

Multi Surface Restoration and Petroleum System Evaluation in the Gulf of Suez
by I. Moretti and J. Gargani

2005 Hurricane Impacts to U.S. Energy Infrastructure in Coastal Louisiana
by K. Morgan

Holocene Sediments of Northern and Western Caicos Platform, British West Indies
by W. A. Morgan

Critically Stressed Reservoirs: The Influence of Effective Intermediate Principal Stress in Complex Extensional Fault Regimes
by A. P. Morris, D. A. Ferrill, D. W. Sims, D. Y. Wyrick, and D. J. Waiting

The Multi-Transient ElectroMagnetic Method, Deep Subsurface Hydrocarbon Mapping from Surface Acquisition Both Onshore and in Shallow Water. A Case Study from Onshore Trinidad
by E. Morris, J. Robinson, B. Walker, and J. R. Lach

Making the Mold for Sedimentary Fill: How Fluvial Strath Terraces Indicate the Role of Climate Forcing and Bedrock Type in Developing a Variety of Valley Geometries
by T. H. Morris, T. C. Hicks, J. L. Eddleman, W. F. Christensen, S. L. Morris, and S. C. Sorber

Carbon Dioxide Sequestration in Illinois Basin Coal
by D. G. Morse, A. Anderson, S. Frailey, M. Mastalerz, J. Rupp, and S. Harpalani

Processes of Late Tertiary-Age Mass Transport and Associated Deposits Along the Eastern Mexico Margin, Southern Gulf of Mexico
by L. Moscardelli, L. Wood, R. Torres-Vargas, J. Bermúdez, and G. López-Leyva

Tight Gas Reservoirs of the Western Canada Deep Basin
by T. F. Moslow and B. A. Zaitlin

Mississippian Lacustrine Horton Formation Source Rocks from Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, Eastern Canada: A Major Shale Gas and Oil Shale Resource Plays
by P. K. Mukopadhyay

The Ohio Geological Survey CO2 Stratigraphic Test Well: A Diverse Team Achieves Common Objectives and Realizes Added Benefits
by D. Mullett and L. Wickstrom

Age Relationships and Stratigraphic Architecture of the Lea Park Formation and Equivalents, Southern Alberta and Saskatchewan, Western Canada Sedimentary Basin
by A. J. Mumpy and O. Catuneanu

Uncertainty Analysis of Fault Dependent Prospects Represented as 2D Maps
by T. Murray, D. Richardson, and M. Kleven

Ichnofabric Analysis and Classification in the Deltaic Depositional Environment of the Eocene Roda Sandstone Formation, Spain
by G. Musial and G. Musial

Modeling Diagenetic Overprint in Both Fluvial and Tidal Influenced Deltaic Deposits, Outcrop Example Form the Eocene Roda Sandstone Formation, Spain
by G. Musial and R. Labourdette

3D Interpretation of Carbonate Margin Geometries from Digital Outcrop Models: the Escarpment of the Maiella Platform Margin
by M. Mutti, A. Peterhänsel, J. Thurmond, D. Hunt, and U. Baaske

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Petrographic and Geochemical Study of Hydrothermal Dolomitisation Fronts (Cantabrian Mountains, Spain): Implications on Reservoir Characterization and Diagenetic Modeling
by F. H. Nader, M. Shah, B. Vincent, R. Eschard, and R. Swennen

Hydrothermal Volcanism-Related Dolomitization (Jurassic, Lebanon): Field Geometry, Petrography and Geochemistry
by F. H. Nader, R. Swennen, R. Ellam, and S. Gleeson

Long-Term Monitoring of Organoarsenical Degradation in Drinking- Water Treatment Residual-Amended Soils
by R. Nagar, D. Sarkar, K.C. Makris, and R. Datta

Lunar Heat Flow Measurements: Previous Findings and Future Plans
by S. Nagihara, Y. Nakamura, P. Taylor, B. Milam, and P. Lowman

Spatially Variable Sedimentary Thermal Regime of the Continental Shelf off Central Texas Coast
by S. Nagihara

New Intra-Channel Architecture Within Sinuous Amazon Slope Channel Revealed by a 3D Seismic Study
by T. Nakajima, J. Peakall, W. D. McCaffrey, and P. Thompson

Geomicrobial Evaluation of Seismic Prospects Enhances Productivity of Exploration: Case Studies from Indian Basins
by D. E. Nathaniel

Architectural Hierarchy, Processes and Reservoir Implications of Channel-Mouth Lobe Complexes in the Transition from Basin Floor To Base-of-Slope Strata, Neoproterozoic Windermere Supergroup, Canada
by L. L. Navarro and R. C. Arnott

The Role of the Lunar Exploration Analysis Group (LEAG) in Enabling a Sustainable Exploration Effort to the Moon, Mars, and Beyond
by C. R. Neal

Bioprovinciality Within Foraminiferal Assemblages- Cenomanian/Turonian Texas Gulf Coast
by D. D. Nebrigic

Texas Heat Flow Patterns
by P. T. Negraru, D. D. Blackwell, and M. Richards

Highest Possible Resolution Seismic Attributes
by N. S. Neidell, A. Cuttel, and B. Kamps

Examples of Shelf to Basin Modern Turbidite System Depositional Patterns in the Gulf of Mexico: Potential Analogues for Subsurface Petroleum Systems
by C. H. Nelson, J. E. Damuth, H. C. Olson, D. C. Twichell, and C. Escutia

Overpressure, Stress Gradients, and Hydrocarbon Accumulations in Tertiary Strata, Gulf Coast of Louisiana
by P. H. Nelson

Upper Campanian, Maastrichtian and Danian Carbonates of the Paraíba Basin, NE Brazil: Facies Models and Sequence Stratigraphy
by V. H. Neumann, M. Lima Filho, G. L. Fambrini, and J. A. Barbosa

The Case of the Barren Basin: the Salina Basin of Kansas
by K. D. Newell and D. F. Merriam

Petrophysical and Geophysical Characterization of Karst in a Permian San Andres Reservoir, Waddell Field, West Texas
by S. E. Nissen, J. H. Doveton, and W. Watney

Temperature Reconstructions for the Last Millennium
by G. R. North

Subsidence and Eustatic Sea Level Records in the Stratigraphic Architecture of the U.S. Cretaceous Western Interior Basin
by D. Nummedal, S. Liu, and H. Luo

Evolution of an Allochthonous Salt System, Southern Mars-Ursa Basin, Northern Gulf of Mexico
by J. A. Nunn and A. Pell

Thermal Constraints on Gas Hydrate Stability on Continental Margins
by J. A. Nunn, J. S. Hanor, and A. M. Belanger

Gas in Place Identification from Mudlog Gas, Barnett Shale - Fort Worth Basin, Texas
by J. E. Nunneley

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Pore Pressure Profiles in Deep Water Environments: Case Studies from Around the World
by S. O'Connor, R. E. Swarbrick, P. Clegg, and D. T. Scott

First-Order Morphology of Modern Clastic Deep-Water Systems
by D. O'Grady

Cold Fusion: Igniting North Atlantic Cold Spots; Continental Margin Re-Evaluation with New Tools, Data and Techniques
by M. E. Odegard and W. Dickson

Geosequestration Approach – Modeling for a Safer Future
by B. I. Odoh and A. U. Utom

Integrated Geophysical, Geological and Hydrogeological Studies for Correlating and Characterizing Hydraulic Previous HitAnisotropyTop in Fractured Shale Aquifer
by B. I. Odoh and F. Ogala

Tidal Dunes of the Eocene Baronia Sandstone, Ager Basin, Spain: Distinguishing Tidal Dunes from Tidal Bars; Why Bother?
by C. Olariu, R. J. Steel, R. W. Dalrymple, M. K. Gingras, and J. Rubino

River Delta Behavior During Cross-Shelf Transits: A Step Forward Toward Understanding Three-Dimension Architecture of the Continental Margin
by C. Olariu and R. J. Steel

Quantitative Analysis of 3-D Geologic Outcrops: Deep-Water Jackfork Sandstone at Big Rock Quarry, Arkansas
by M. I. Olariu, C. L. Aiken, J. F. Ferguson, and X. Xu

Chemotaxonomy of Oil Shales
by A. N. Olcott, T. I. Eglinton, and C. P. Marshall

Mercury Injection Capillary Pressure (MICP)- A Useful Tool for Improved Understanding of Porosity and Matrix Permeability Distributions in Shale Reservoirs
by R. K. Olson and M. W. Grigg

Radiometrics and Magnetotellurics a Combination Methodology to Reduce Exploration Risk
by R. W. Olson and D.A. Woods

Characterization of Shoreface and Incised Valley Fill Deposits in Gbokoda A-04 and A-05 Reservoirs, Niger Delta, Nigeria
by R. E. Onyirioha, P. Plink-Bjorklund, N. Hurley, and T. McHargue

Fracture Modeling Based on Lithologic Controls, Geometry and Tectonic Evolution in the Llanos Foothills, Colombia
by A. Ortiz, G. D. Mesa, and R. X. Beltran

Stratal Patterns of the Upper Cretaceous Hunter Canyon (Williams Fork) Formation, Piceance Basin, Colorado
by R. Ost and D. Kamola

Migration Markers on the Test Bench: Extending the Use of Benzocarbazoles as Migration Markers by Measuring Their Compound-Specific Nitrogen Isotopic Composition
by C. Ostertag-Henning

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Evaluation of Potential Petroliferous Using an Integrated Basin Modeling 3D in Carupano Basin, Offshore Venezuela
by A. Pérez and A. Vargas

Precision Volumetric Calculations of Modern Karst Voids
by A. Pachos, I. D. Sasowsky, and E. S. Wright

Seismic Reservoir Characterization of a Gas Shale Utilizing Azimuthal Data Processing, Pre-Stack Seismic Inversion and Ant Tracking
by D. Paddock, C. Stolte, J. Young, L. Zhang, and J. Durrani

Optimizing Hydraulic Fracturing Performance of the Fractured Utica Shale, New York State
by J. Paktinat, J. Fountaine, G. Lash, and M. Forgione

3D Modelling of Epeiric Carbonate Reservoirs: A Workflow from Outcrop to Streamline Simulation
by D. Palermo, S. Nardon, T. Aigner, and W. Blendinger

Source Rocks in Deep Water Depositional System in East and West Coasts of India
by D. K. Pande, R. Singh, and K. Chandra

Autogenic Processes in Physical Stratigraphy
by C. Paola, J. Martin, D. J. Jerolmack, and W. Kim

How do Carbonate Minerals Grow?
by J. Paquette

Visualizing Uncertainty in Carbonate Reservoir Models with Semiotics and Information Systems: Examples from Outcrop and Core Studies
by W. Parcell

Cenozoic Orogenic Growth of the North Andes Revealed Through Basin Analysis and Low Temperature Thermochronology in the Eastern Cordillera of Colombia
by M. Parra, E. R. Sobel, M. R. Strecker, A. Mora, C. Jaramillo, P. B. O’Sullivan, and R. González

Structural Model and Petroleum System of the Travi Area. Maturin Sub-Basin, Venezuela
by M. Parra, P. Delgado, R. A. Falcón, and F. Schneider

Paleclimate, the Stratigraphic Record, and Implicaions for Energy Exploration
by J. Parrish

Origin and Consequences of Variable Gas Saturation in Coalbed Methane Reservoirs of the Black Warrior Basin
by J. Pashin

Flow Behaviour of Ponded Turbidity Currents: an Experimental Study
by M. Patacci, P. Haughton, W. M. McCaffrey, G. Keevil, and J. H. Baas

Flow Processes in Slope-Confined Turbidity Currents: Evidence from the Annot Sandstone, Late Eocene, SE France
by M. Patacci, P. Haughton, and W. M. McCaffrey

Effect of Glomus Mosseae on Lead Uptake by the Vetiveria Zizanioides
by M. J. Patel, S. Barber, R. Datta, and D. Sarkar

Icehouse Carbonate-Platform Meteoric Bulk-Porosity Evolution: Insight from Forward-Modeling with CARB3D+
by R. J. Paterson, F. F. Whitaker, P. L. Smart, and G. D. Jones

Oceanic Flood Deposits in the Cretaceous Western Interior of North America
by S. A. Pattison

Significance of Isolated Shelf Turbidites and Coarse-Grained Sandstone Bodies in Shallow Marine Correlations
by S. A. Pattison

A Methodology for Incorporating Geomechanically Constrained Fault Damage Zones Into Reservoir Simulation
by P. K. Paul, M. D. Zoback, and P. Hennings

The Acquisition and Use of Outcrop Analogue Data in Reservoir Characterisation
by T. Payenberg and S. C. Lang

Present Day Fracture and in Situ Stress Distribution in the National Petroleum Reserve of Alaska (NPRA): Implications for the Evolution of a ‘Fracture Window’ Through Time
by J. Payne, A. Kleck, A. Duncan, C. Hanks, P. O'Sullivan, and M. Parris

Carbon and Nutrient Cycling During the Stepwise Frasnian-Famennian Extinction Event, Rocky Mountains, Western Canada
by J. H. Payne, M. T. Whalen, and J. E. Day

Salt System Evolution in the Northern Paradox Basin
by M. Paz, B. Trudgill, and C. Kluth

Restoration and Structural Interpretation of Seismic Lines in Southern Louisiana – Implications for Undiscovered Hydrocarbon Accumulations
by O. N. Pearson, J. K. Pitman, and R. F. Dubiel

Potential Fracturable Facies Identification Based on Seismic Attributes and Microseismic at the Barnett Shale, Newark East Field, Texas
by R. Perez and R. M. Slatt

Evidence for Oil in Lower Miocene Turbidites in South-West Trinidad, a Petroleum Systems Approach
by K. M. Persad

Multi-Stage Dolomitization of the Upper Permian Zechstein Limestone (Ca1) Carbonates (SW Poland)
by T. M. Peryt and M. Jasionowski

Restoration of Circum-Arctic Upper Jurassic Source Rock Paleolatitude Based on Crude Oil Geochemistry
by K. E. Peters, Z. C. Valin, L. Ramos, J. E. Zumberge, and C. R. Scotese

Modern Observations: Temperature Data and Their Interpretation
by T. C. Peterson

New Velocity Model Building Techniques to Reduce Sub-Salt Exploration Risk
by S. Petmecky, M. L. Albertin, and N. L. Burke

Small Lowstand Deltas as a Consequence of Sustained Alluvial Aggradation During Relative Sea-Level Fall
by A. L. Petter, R. J. Steel, and T. Muto

Turbidite Deposition: The Role of Initiating Process and Slope Morphology on Mid-Latitude Continental Margins
by D. J. Piper and W. R. Normark

Penecontemporaneous Diagenesis in Bahamian Microbialites
by N. Planavsky and R. N. Ginsburg

Walking with Elephants: Quantifying the Impact of Megafaunal Tracks on Sedimentary Properties
by B. F. Platt and S. T. Hasiotis

Framework of Factors Controlling the U.S. Natural Gas Market Outlook
by J. Platt and S. Thumb

Mapped Quartz Cement Growth History in Opening-Mode Fractures from the La Boca Formation, Northeast Mexico
by M. Playton, S. E. Laubach, and R. H. Lander

Characterization, Variations, and Controls of Reefal Carbonate Foreslopes
by T. E. Playton, C. Kerans, and X. Janson

Can Occurrence of Hyperpycnal Flows be Linked to Hyperthermals?
by P. Plink-Bjorklund

Are Hyperpycnal Flows “True” Hyperpycnal Flows?
by P. Plink-Bjorklund

Ecological Accommodation; a Key to the Interpretation of Carbonate Platform Architecture Variability
by L. Pomar and C.C. Kendall

Sequence Stratigraphy and Reservoir Characterization of the Glauconitic Sandstone Member, Mannville Group, Southern Alberta Basin
by M. A. Portela, P. Plink-Björklund, and D. C. Jennette

Seismic Stratigraphy and Seismic Geomorphology of a Slope Depositional Environment – Case Study from Offshore Angola, West Africa
by H. W. Posamentier

Tectonostratigraphy and Tectonic Inheritance: The Cordilleran Foreland Thrust and Fold Belt, Southern Canada and adjacent U.S.A
by R. A. Price

Integrating Multiple Data Sources to Reduce Uncertainty in the Conceptual Site Model
by V. Price, T. Temples, and T. J. Nicholson

A Simple GIS Approach to Interpolating Stratigraphic Contact Data for Palaeogeography: Deriving Palaeolandscape Models of the Palaeozoic-Cretaceous Boundary and Subsequent Cretaceous Islands in Central Texas
by S. J. Prochnow

Turbidity Currents Physical Modelling at Three Different Scales: Data Parameterization Through Dimensional Analysis and Multiple Regression Models
by E. Puhl, A. O. Borges, and R. D. Maestri

Phytoextraction of Lead in Soil Using Lead-Accumulating Grass (Vetiveria Zizanioides) in the Presence of Beneficial Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi
by P. A. Punamiya, M. J. Patel, R. Datta, and D. Sarkar

Economics of Unconventional Natural Gas Plays in North America…or The Implications of Less Exploration Risk and More Completion Risk
by D. Pursell, D. Heikkinen, and D. Pickering

On the Relationship Between Submarine Channel Sinuosity and Symmetry
by D. R. Pyles

Applying the Concept of Grade to Basin-Scale Stacking Patterns and Stratigraphic Architecture Along the Shelf to Basin Profile: An Outcrop Perspective
by D. R. Pyles, J. P. Syvitski, and R. Slatt

3D Stratigraphic Architecture of Distributary Channel-Lobe Systems: Outcrop Analysis of the Bridges of Ross Exposure, Carboniferous Ross Sandstone, Ireland
by D. R. Pyles, R. Bouroullec, and D. Jennette

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A Tale of Two Saddle Dolomites: Research Continued from Earlier Work with Professor Mountjoy
by H. Qing

Coal-Bed Methane Exploration in China
by H. Qiu, D. Zhang, S. Ren, D. Qiao, C. Jin, W. Jiang, and C. Liu

Effect of Soil Ageing on Arsenic Bioaccessibility and Geochemical Speciation: A Greenhouse Study
by S. Quazi, D. Sarkar, and R. Datta

Salt Tectonics in Southeast Brazil
by D. G. Quirk, D. Buchanan, D. Hsu, T. Kiley, M. Nielsen, and M. Raven

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Evolution and Reservoir Development of an Ancient Carbonate-Siliciclastic Ramp Margin: Middle Triassic of Western Canada
by M. A. Radomski, T. F. Moslow, and C. M. Henderson

Integrated Chirp, Remote Sensing and Sedimentologic Characterization of Geomorphic Variability Along a Shelf Margin, Northwest Caicos Platform
by E. C. Rankey, S. L. Reeder, S. A. Guidry, R. Garza-Perez, and H. Guarin

Morphology and Sedimentology of Ambergris Ooid Shoal, Caicos Platform
by E. C. Rankey, T. B. Correa, and S. L. Reeder

Dates, Rates and Global Correlation of the Permian of West Texas Based on Coupled U-Pb Carbonate Ages and Sr Chemostratigraphy
by T. Rasbury, G. Hemming, T. Dickson, J. Barrick, and A. Saller

Dated Marine Carbonates Aid in Reconstructions of Deep- Time Climate Change
by T. Rasbury, W. Ward, N. Hemming, I. P. Montanez, and G. Grammer

Morphology, Distribution, and Genesis of Nanometer-Scale Pores in the Mississippian Barnett Shale
by R. M. Reed, R. G. Loucks, S. C. Ruppel, and D. M. Jarvie

Seismic Geomorphology of Fluvial and Shallow Marine Deposits, Gulf of Thailand: Eustatic and Structural Controls
by H. M. Reijenstein, J. P. Bhattacharya, J. P. Castagna, and H. W. Posamentier

Turbidites and Debris Flows: Sea-Level Variations Versus Tectonic Processes
by J. J. Reijmer, R. Groen, S. Kerkvliet, P. Palmieri, and M. Floquet

Shale Gas – U.S. Trends and Expansion
by D. Reimers

Integrating Geomechanical Modeling and Three-Dimensional Mapping to Constrain Deformation Associated with Growth of the Permian Capitan Reef Complex
by P. G. Resor and E. Flodin

LRO Lyman-Alpha Mapping Project (LAMP): Exploration of Permanently Shadowed Regions and the Search for Water Ice on the Lunar Surface
by K. D. Retherford, R. Gladstone, J. W. Parker, D. C. Slater, M. W. Davis, D. E. Kaufmann, T. K. Greathouse, A. Stern, D. H. Crider, W. R. Pryor, and P. D. Feldman

Surface Expressions of Vertical Migration Containing Moderate Lateral Components
by G. K. Rice

Using BHT Values to Redefine Texas Geothermal
by M. Richards, D. Blackwell, K. Erkan, P. Stepp, and P. Sandwell

Almond Formation Lithostratigraphic Genetic Units, Greater Wamsutter Field, Southwest Wyoming: Phase III: An Iterative Geostatistical Approach to High-Grading Well Locations
by N. M. Rigg and J. M. Yarus

Insrastructure and Environmental Impacts Under Rising Sea Level, Intensifying Tropical Storms, and Population Pressure: Louisiana Coastal Plain
by H. H. Roberts

Regional Stratigraphic Correlation Utilizing High-Density Digital Well-Log Displays
by M. C. Robinson and R. Williams

Evaluating Bayhead Delta Back-Stepping Mechanisms by Quantifying Sediment Accommodation and Accumulation Throughout the Holocene in Mobile Bay, Alabama
by A. Rodriguez, J. Anderson, A. Simms, and D. Greene

Source Rocks and Paleogeography, Austral Basin, Argentina
by J. F. Rodriguez and M. J. Cagnolatti

Overpressured Gas Systems Modeling in the Neuquen Basin Center
by F. Rodriguez Monreal, G. Olea, D. Delpino, and R. Baudino

Gulf of Mexico Sediment Evaluations for Microbial-Mineral-Hydrate Associations
by R. E. Rogers, J. L. Dearman, G. Zhang, W. W. Wilson, and C. B. Lutken

Quantifying Allogenic Forcing of Alluvial-Fan Stratigraphy by 3D Numerical Modeling and Comparison with Outcrop Examples
by S. Rohais, D. Ventra, and P. L. de Boer

Application of a Turbidite Bed Amalgamation Metric to Slope Deposits of the Tres Pasos Formation of Southern Chile: Implications for Evaluating Reservoir Connectivity and Sedimentary Body Architecture from One-Dimensional Data
by B. Romans, J. A. Covault, and S. M. Hubbard

New Insights on the Formation of “Waulsortian Mud-Mounds” in the Sacramento Mountains, NM: Mississippian Epicenters of Seafloor Methane Seepage and Mud Volcanism?
by G. Romero and K. A. Giles

Applications of 2D-NMR Maps and Geometric Pore Scale Modeling for Petrophysical Evaluation of a Gas Well
by P. A. Romero, G. Magenta, G. Azpiroz, and M. Gladkikh

Emerging Hydrocarbon Sensor Technologies and Their Potential Use as Complimentary Exploration Devices
by A. Ross, P. Eadington, B. Pejcic, E. Crooke, C. S. Barton, L. Wieczorek, B. Raguse, and M. Roberts

The Importance of Pore Structural Heterogeneities for Shale Gas Reservoir Evaluation
by D. J. Ross and R. Bustin

Geological Characterization for the IEA GHG Weyburn-Midale CO2 Monitoring and Storage Project: Past Successes and Future Challenges
by B. Rostron and S. Whittaker

Evidence for an Appalachian Basin Source for Oils from the Findlay-Kankakee Arch Region, Indiana and Ohio
by E. L. Rowan, C. S. Swezey, R. T. Ryder, and J. R. Hatch

Regional-Scale, 1D Modeling of Thermal Maturation History for the Paleocene-Eocene Wilcox Group, Texas Coastal Plain
by E. L. Rowan, P. D. Warwick, and J. K. Pitman

Advance of Allochthonous Salt Sheets: Field Evidence from the Patawarta Diapir, Flinders Ranges, South Australia
by M. G. Rowan, T. F. Lawton, K. A. Giles, P. T. Hannah, and T. E. Hearon

Mississippian Barnett Formation: Bulk Geochemical Constraints on the Severity of Hydrographic Restriction and the Biogeochemical Cycling and Fate of Iron
by H. Rowe, S. Rimmer, R. Loucks, and S. Ruppel

Experimental Investigations on the Role of Jets in Submarine Channel Initiation
by J. C. Rowland, G. Hilley, A. Fildani, and T. McHargue

Application of Borehole Imagery to Estimate Paleoflow Directions in Structurally Complex Areas: Case Study from Assam Shelf, India
by D. B. Roy, C. Shrivastava, A. Pal, V. Sivarao, and G. J. Rajbob

Causes and Suggested Methods to Exploit Low Productivity Sand — A Case Study from Miocene Tipam Sand of Geleki Field in North Assam Shelf, Assam & Assam-Arakan Basin, India
by S. K. Roy Moulik and H. J. Singh

Capturing Depositional Processes Using MPS Simulation with Multiple Training Images
by P. Roy and S. B. Strebelle

The Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous Cabao Formation of Northern Libya: A Large Scale Tidal Siliciclastic Sand Dune Complex Fringing the Southern Tethyan Margin
by J. Rubino, F. Lafont, A. Sbeta, and H. Eichenseer

Automated Thermo-Tectono-Stratigraphic Basin Reconstruction - Examples from the Norwegian Sea and North Sea
by L. Rupke, D. W. Schmid, Y. Y. Podladchikov, and S. M. Schmalholz

The Devonian Woodford Fm of the Permian Basin: Complex Depositional and Temporal Variations Across an Anaerobic Marine Basin
by S. C. Ruppel and R. G. Loucks

Appalachian Basin Framework Geology and Petroleum Systems: Insights from New Regional Geologic Cross Sections, Thermal Maturity Maps, and Burial History Models
by R. T. Ryder, C. S. Swezey, R. C. Milici, J. E. Repetski, L. F. Ruppert, E. L. Rowan, R. D. Crangle, and M. H. Trippi

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Biostratigraphy of the La Pica Formation (Late Miocene to Early Pliocene): Paleoenvironments and Reworking problems
by D. Sánchez and I. Rodríguez

The Influence of Eustatic Sea-Level Variations on Shelf Morphology and Sediment Distribution in Source-to-Sink Systems
by T. O. Sømme, W. Helland-Hansen, O. J. Martinsen, and J. B. Thurmond

Source Rock Potential of Organic Matter in Caicos Salinas and Tidal Flats, Turks and Caicos Islands
by A. Saller, C. Weaver, and J. Curiale

Erosion and Infilling of Donna Cut, Caicos Platform, Turks and Caicos Islands
by A. Saller and D. Katz

3D Sequential Restoration and Facies Reconstruction of a Turbidite-Filled Growth Syncline (Annot, SE France)
by L. Salles, M. Ford, P. Joseph, N. Leseur, and A. Le Solleuz

Distal Thin Bedded Pay Analogs in Shelf Edge Delta Deposits of the Columbus Basin, Trinidad and Tobago
by D. I. Sanabria and R. Winter

Neogene Mixed Carbonate-Siliciclastic Systems on the Northwest Shelf of Australia: Influences of Siliciclastics Distribution on Shallow-Water Carbonate Sedimentation
by C. M. Sanchez, C. S. Fulthorpe, and J. A. Austin

New Approach for Understanding the Paleogeography of the Maturin Sub-Basin During Early - Middle Miocene in North Monagas State - Venezuela
by G. J. Sanchez, A. Finno, L. Montilla, N. Batista, and O. Guzman

Classifying Mud-Rich Facies Successions in Dryland Systems
by M. L. Sandstrom, C. B. Krapf, R. F. Daniel, K. Amos, and T. H. Payenberg

Slope Channels and Fan Channels from Eocene Tyee Formation, Oregon
by M. Santra, R. J. Steel, and M. Sweet

New Hydrocarbon Exploration Opportunity in the Eastern Indonesia
by B. Sapiie, R. Priyono, and J. Wijarnako

Strike-Slip Deformation and Formation Hydrocarbon Traps in the Seram Island, Eastern Indonesia
by B. Sapiie, M. Hadiana, and A. M. Ibrahim

Play System from the Last Decade Discoveries in Indonesia Basins
by S. E. Saputra, B. K. Gunawan, M. K. Utama, C. Armandita, and J. A. Paju

Determination of the Dominant Surface Water Source for the Eastern Margin of the Maastrichtian Western Interior Seaway Using Calcareous Nannofossils as Paleoecologic Indicators
by J. A. Sarao and D. K. Watkins

A Petrophysical Study on Floyd Shale
by M. Sarkar, C. S. Rai, and C. H. Sondergeld

Depositional Setting of the Upper Jurassic Smackover Carbonate Source Rock, Northern Gulf of Mexico: Link to Paleoclimate
by R. Sassen

Quantitative Analysis of the Structural Evolution in a 4D-Analogue Sandbox Experiment to Constrain Models of Palinspastic Restoration
by W. Sassi, G. Seed, R. Shackleton, Z. Schleder, and A. M. Saeed

Shelf to Basin Evolution of Small Sandy Turbidite Systems Deposited off East Corsica Margin (Western Mediterranean)
by B. Savoye, C. Labaune, M. E. Deptuck, D. J. Piper, and A. Gervais

Role of Tectonic Inversion and Salt Mobility in Controlling Trap Geometries and Chalk Group Reservoir Quality in the Norwegian Central Trough
by S. Sawyer, J. R. Underhill, and H. S. Beeley

Utah Shale Gas: A Developing Resource Play
by S. Schamel

Modified Sequence Stratigraphic Techniques Permit Correlation of Basinal Stratigraphy: Example from the Cretaceous of the Campeche Basin Mexico
by R. A. Schatzinger, A. O. Chernikoff, A. Bustos Vazquez, E. Aguirre Cerda, and J. Garcia Hernandez

Deposition and Sequence Stratigraphic Framework of Late Devonian Black Shales in the Eastern US
by J. Schieber

Authigenic Silica in Shales – An Important Factor in Early Pore Occlusion and Fracturing Behavior?
by J. Schieber

The Jurassic Petroleum System of the Sub-Andean Basins - Paleogeography and Geochemistry of the Organic Rich Sequences
by C. Schiefelbein and C. Urien

Hypogene Processes Edwards Aquifer in South-Central Texas, a New Conceptual Model to Explain Aquifer Dynamics
by G. M. Schindel, S. Johnson, and E. Alexander

Incorporating Stochastic Sediment Transport Models in Time-Resolved Numerical Models of Turbulent Flows in Rivers
by M. W. Schmeeckle, D. J. Furbish, J. M. Nelson, and R. Akahori

Evidence of Regional Holocene Climate Change Based on Four Different Diatom Records Across the Nebraska Sand Hills
by J. Schmieder and S. Fritz

Lunar Resource Mining, Processing, and Refining
by H. H. Schmitt

New High-Precision ID-TIMS U-Pb Zircon Constraints on the Durations of Pennsylvanian – Lower Permian (Cisuralian) Stages
by M. D. Schmitz, V. I. Davydov, W. S. Snyder, and C. J. Northrup

Source Rock Variability in a Tropical Rift Lake: New Results from Scientific Drilling in Lake Malawi, East African Rift
by C. A. Scholz

The Louisiana Mercury Reduction Act: Voluntary Assessment and Remediation at Natural Gas Production Sites On Land and Over Water
by W. H. Schramm

Exploration Potential for Coalbed Methane in Northern Louisiana
by W. Schulingkamp

The Moon: Dead or Alive?
by P. H. Schultz

Biogenic Methane Formation in the Gas Field Atzbach-Schwanenstadt (Upper Austrian Molasse Basin)
by H. Schulz and W. van Berk

Successful Surface Geochemical Surveys: Seven Pitfalls to Avoid
by D. Schumacher

From 3-D Visualization to Modeling of Windermere Deep-Water Turbidite Outcrop Analogues, Castle Creek, B.C., Canada
by E. Schwarz, S. Buckley, J. A. Howell, V. Terlaky, and R. W. Arnott

Using Paleoclimate Models to Predict Source Rock Occurence: Results from the Gandolph Project
by C. Scotese, J. Zumberge, H. Illich, T. Moore, and S. Ramos

Plate Tectonic and Paleogeographic Mapping: State of the Art
by C. Scotese

Albian Sea Level and Reservoirs in Gulf Coast Carbonate/Siliciclastic Sequences
by R. W. Scott, E. A. Mancini, and W. C. Ward

Influence of Proterozoic Belt-Purcell Rift System on Phanerozoic Facies, Isopachs, Structures, and Hydrocarbon Prospectivity in Montana, USA
by J. W. Sears

High-Resolution Chemo- and Chronostratigraphy in Terrestrial to Transitional Marine Environments
by M. P. Segall and P. Sikora

Is the Largest Potential Petroleum Trap of World in the NW Turkey? The Korudag Anticlinorium in the South Thrace Basin
by S. Sen and S. Yillar

Illinois Basin: Potential of Under-Explored Lower Paleozoic Strata
by B. Seyler, J. E. Crockett, B. G. Huff, P. M. Johanek, Z. Askari, J. Brenizer, Y. Lasemi, and D. Ekberg

Cleavage Pattern Used to Determine the Structural/Topographic Framework of the Taconic Orogeny in Western Massachusetts and Eastern New York
by R. V. Shaak and D. M. Fisher

The Double Edged Sword: The Impact of the Interaction Between Salt and Sediment on Sub-Salt Exploration Risk in Deep Water
by S. S. Shaker

The Strat-Geopressure Fairways: A New Technique Advances Risk Assessment and Prediction of Deeper Potentials, Case History from the Gulf of Mexico
by S. S. Shaker

Evolution of the Cretaceous Calcareous Nannofossil Genus Eiffellithus and its Biostratigraphic Significance
by J. L. Shamrock and D. K. Watkins

Key Unresolved Issues in Tight-gas Exploration and Production
by K. W. Shanley, R. M. Cluff, S. P. Cumella, and J. W. Robinson

Integrated Multidisciplinary Approach to the Middle Miocene, Serravallian Reservoir Study: A Case Study from Akhen Field, Nile Delta, Egypt
by E. Sharaf, O. Abdel-Aal, and K. El-Hadidi

Geological Modeling and Reservoir Characterization of the Upper Pliocene Sediments, Offshore East Nile Delta, Egypt: Ha’py Field after 6 Years of Production
by E. Sharaf, M. Reda, P. Bartlome, and N. Soliman

Sedimentology, Sequence Stratigraphy and Reservoir Characterisation of Middle Cretaceous Carbonates of the Middle East
by I. R. Sharp, P. Gillespie, D. Hunt, and J. Embry

Fayetteville Shale Play of North-Central Arkansas: A Project Update
by P. Shelby

Surface Geochemical Exploration in East Siberia: Methods and Case Histories
by O. Shiganova, P. Sobolev, and S. Dykhan

Thin Bed Reservoir Thickness Prediction Using Tuned 3D Seismic Impedance
by M. L. Shoemaker, R. D. Harger, T. E. Shaw, S. M. Brown, O. P. Langton, S. T. Quimby, and N. L. Anderson

Campanian-Maastrichtian Calcareous-Nannofossil Biostratigraphic Framework And A New Zonation Scheme For ODP Leg 207, Demerara Rise
by A. Shumnyk and S.W. Wise

Contrasting Biogenic Gas Systems in the Eastern Great Plains of North America
by G. W. Shurr

A Facies Model for Shallow Coastal Ponds and its Bearing on a Proposed Mid-Holocene Highstand Within the Northwestern Gulf of Mexico
by A. R. Simms, N. Aryal, and Y. Yokoyama

Holocene-Pleistocene Geology of a Transect of an Isolated Carbonate Platform, NW Caicos Platform, British West Indies
by J. Simo, C. E. Harris, T. Hughes, C. Iannello, R. Parker, A. Ruf, A. N. Derewetzky, G. Rankey, H. Guarin, and S. Guidry

Analysis of Fault Network and Rock Mass Connectivity in Pull-Apart Basins
by D. W. Sims, A. P. Morris, K. J. Smart, D. A. Ferrill, and D. J. Waiting 

Paleocene-Eocene Play - Future Exploration Focus for Deeper Prospects in North Assam Shelf, Assam & Assam Arakan Basin, India
by H. J. Singh, R. K. Singh, S. K. Roy Moulik, M. Akhtar, and A. Baveja

"How is the Barnett Shale Stratified? Extracting the Answer from Cores and Logs..."
by P. Singh, R. M. Slatt, C. Rai, and C. Stamm

Process Models Describing the Architecture of Submarine Channel-Levee Systems
by K. I. Skene

Detailed Comparison of Wave- and River Influenced Clinoforms of the Chimney Rock Sandstone, Flaming Gorge Reservoir, Utah
by J. P. Skinner and P. Plink-Björklund

Reservoir Characterization of the Barnett Shale, Newark East Field, TX
by R. M. Slatt, P. Singh, G. Borges, R. Perez, R. M. Portas, J. Vallejo, M. Ammerman, and E. Eslinger

Quantification of Uncertainty in Reservoir-Scale Extensional Fault-Propagation Folds, Part 1: Finite Element Modeling Results
by K. J. Smart, A. P. Morris, D. A. Ferrill, L. Huyse, D. S. Riha, and C. J. Waldhart

Past High Sea-Stands and Platform Stability: Evidence from Conch Bar Cave, Middle Caicos
by P. Smart, G. Moseley, D. Richards, and F. Whitaker

Sediment Transport from Shelf to Slope Offshore Nova Scotia
by B. Smith

Multidisciplinary Studies of the Edwards Aquifer and Adjacent Trinity Aquifer of South-Central Texas
by B. D. Smith, C. D. Blome, D. V. Smith, A.G. Hunt, D. W. Moore, D. P. Miggins, G. P. Landis, J. R. Faith, and G. B. Ozuna

Reconnaissance Study of Perchlorate Contaminated Sites
by B. D. Smith and D. Sarkar

Widespread Hydrothermal Dolomitization of Ordovician Trenton and Black River Groups, Eastern North America
by L. B. Smith and G. R. Davies

Thermal Maturity of the Upper Mississippian Barnett Shale in Southeastern Wise County, Texas
by M. A. Smith, G. S. Bayliss, K. W. Schwab, G. D. Wood, and N. B. Yoder

Injection of Acid Gas (CO2/H2S) into a Devonian Pinnacle Reef at Zama, Alberta, for Enhanced Oil Recovery and Carbon Sequestration
by S. Smith, J. Sorensen, A. Dobroskok, E. Steadman, J. Harju, B. Jackson, and D. Nimchuck

Estimating Reservoir Scale Fracture Networks in the Tensleep Formation Using FMI Logs and 3D Seismic, Teapot Dome, Wyoming
by V. L. Smith, T. H. Wilson, A. L. Brown, and B. C. Schwartz

Flow Simulations in the Context of Upscaled Fracture Networks Using Petrel 2007
by V. L. Smith, T. H. Wilson, and A. L. Brown

Understanding the Relationship Between Porosity and Permeability Using High-Pressure Mercury Injection Capillary Pressure Data Gives Insight into Hydrocarbon Recovery
by J. S. Sneider and G. Bolger

The Great Pliocene Salt Squirt – Mechanics of Folding Along the Down-Dip Limit of Salt, Gulf of Mexico
by J. K. Snow

New Tectonics from Higher Resolution Chronostratigraphy: Upper Paleozoic of the Western United States
by W. S. Snyder, V. I. Davydov, M. D. Schmitz, J. H. Trexler, and P. H. Cashman

Quartz Cementation Along Cataclastic Fault Zones: Quantitative Modeling and Exploration Implications for Hydrocarbon Recovery
by W. Solano Acosta, A. R. Thomas, M. Kacewicz, R. H. Lander, and R. M. Reed

Quantifying the Geologic Control of Reservoir Heterogeneity in Clastic Reservoirs, Bohai Bay Basin, China
by Q. Song, Y. Sun, X. Che, and L. Zhuang

Ice, Dust and Cold in the Late Paleozoic Tropics
by G. S. Soreghan, M. J. Soreghan, D. E. Sweet, and M. A. Hamilton

Characterization and Modeling of the Broom Creek Formation for Potential Storage of CO2 from Coal-Fired Power Plants in North Dakota
by J. A. Sorensen, T. P. Bailey, S. A. Smith, A. Dobroskok, D. Fisher, W. D. Peck, E. N. Steadman, and J. A. Harju

Detailed Thrust Fault Architecture: Cedar Mountain Thrust, N San Rafael Swell, Utah
by C. Souque, R. J. Knipe, M. Welch, R. K. Davies, and H. Lickorish

Sequence Development on a Sediment-Starved, Low Accommodation Epeiric Carbonate Ramp: Silurian Wabash Platform, USA Mid-continent During Icehouse to Greenhouse Transition
by A. Spengler and J. F. Read

Integration of Core-Based Chemostratigraphy and Petrography of the Devonian Jauf Sandstones, Uthmaniyah Area, Ghawar Field, Eastern Saudi Arabia
by R. A. Sprague, J. X. Melvin, F. Conradi, T. Pearce, and M. Dix

The Poles of the Moon and Their Significance
by P. D. Spudis

Structural Style, Sedimentation Pattern and Evolution of Siliciclastic Dominated Depositional System in Deep Water Area of Krishna–Godavari Basin, India
by A. K. Srivastava, K. B. Trivedi, and N. K. Verma

Examining the Effect of Glacial-Interglacial Climate Change on Atmospheric Dust Loading and Source Rock Deposition in the Upper Paleozoic Bird Spring Formation (Arrow Canyon, NV)
by A. Stagner and L. Soreghan

Perspectives on Cost and Performance Factors to Drive Future Unconventional Gas Developments
by P. H. Stark

Geometric Trends for Floodplain Lakes in High Accommodation Floodplains
by S. Stoner and J. Holbrook

Investigating the Existence of Anabranching Channels in Submarine Slope Turbidite Systems; Can They Exist?
by L. J. Strachan and R. L. Gawthorpe

Methanogenic Microbial Degradation of Organic Matter in Indiana Coal Beds
by D. Strapoc, M. Mastalerz, F. Picardal, C. Turich, I. Schaperdoth, J. Macalady, J. S. Lipp, Y. Lin, T. F. Ertefai, F. Schubotz, K. Hinrichs, and A. Schimmelmann

GIS and Remote Sensing for “Cradle to Grave” Hurricane Impact Assessment
by D. Streit, C. Dacre, E. Wemmelmann, and C. Joyce

Climate Signals and Clean Meteorological Data: Key Elements to Consider in Assessing the Local Impact of Global Climate Trends
by D. Streit, M. Rogers, and C. Dacre

Geologic and Seismic Modeling of a West African Deep-Water Reservoir Analog (Black’s Beach, La Jolla, CA.)
by L. Stright, J. Stewart, M. Farrell, and K. Campion

The Arid Shallow Subtidal to Supratidal Environment: A Case Study from the Abu Dhabi Sabkha (United Arab Emirates)
by C. J. Strohmenger, A. Al-Mansoori, O. Al-Jeelani, I. Al-Hosani, A. Al-Shamry, S. Al-Baker, H. Shebl, and K. Al-Mehsin

Tectonic and Sea Level Control in Plato Basin (Lower Magdalena Province, Colombia)
by M. Suárez and L. Rendon

GIS Web Based System for Exploration Data Management in Managing Upstream Oil & Gas Business in Indonesia
by D. Sudarmawan, A. Ibrahim, S. E. Saputra, A. H. Rustam, and A. Amir

Gas Hydrate Distribution at Mud Volcanoes from Offshore Trinidad
by S. M. Sullivan and L. J. Wood

Interpreting Static and Dynamic Connectivity Across Potential Structural and Stratigraphic Boundaries: A Case Study in a Mature Oil Field
by L. T. Sumpter, E. Meurer, K. Petersen, and D. Bill

Climatically Driven Shifts in Eolian (Dust) Flux to Upper Pennsylvanian Cycles of the Midland Basin, West Texas
by S. Sur and G. S. Soreghan

Comparison of Outcrop and Core Samples for Assessing Mudrock Characteristics
by S. J. Sutton, F. G. Ethridge, W. C. Dawson, and W. R. Almon

Eocene to Oligocene Structural History and Paleogeography of the North Malay Basin; The Key to Formation 0 Exploration
by P. Suwanruji, R. C. Shoup, and C. K. Morley

USGS Assessment of Undiscovered Oil and Gas Resources in the Oligocene Frio and Anahuac Formations, Onshore Gulf of Mexico Basin, U.S.A
by S. M. Swanson and A. W. Karlsen

Pore Pressure – Stress Coupling and the Requirements for Seal Breach
by R. Swarbrick, S. O'Connor, and R. Lahann

A New Model for the Production of Synchronous Changes in the Carbon Isotopic Composition of Platform Derived Sediments
by P. K. Swart and G. P. Eberli

The Stratigraphy and Correlation of the Bell Canyon Formation (Middle Permian, Guadalupian Series) in the Apache Mountains Near Van Horn, Texas
by M. J. Sweatt and M. K. Nestell

A Novel Adaptive Gridding Approach to Hydrocarbon Migration Modelling
by O. Sylta and A. Tommeras

ExxonMobil’s Electrofrac Process for In Situ Oil Shale Conversion
by W. A. Symington, D. L. Olgaard, G. A. Otten, T. C. Phillips, M. M. Thomas, and J. D. Yeakel

Delivering Terrestrial Sediment to Continental Slopes: An Overview of Mechanisms
by J. P. Syvitski and E. W. Hutton

Spectral Analyses of 3-D GPR Data Reveal the Morphology of Shoreface Deposits in the Upper Cretaceous Ferron Sandstone Formation, Utah
by R. B. Szerbiak, K. Lee, and G. A. McMechan

Return to top


Improved Characterization of Marginal Eolian Reservoirs, UK Southern North Sea, Through Modelling of Outcrop Analogs
by S. Taggart, G. Hampson, and M. Jackson

In Situ Reduction and Immobilization of Radionuclides and Metals Using Hydrogen Gas as a Reductant
by P. Talla, A. Mondal, D. Ramirez, and L. W. Clapp

Expression of the Atlas Inversion Tectonics in Deepwater Offshore Morocco: Implications for Hydrocarbon Exploration
by G. Tari, D. Einarsson, K. Louden, and W. Yue

Salt Tectonics in the Atlantic Margin of Morocco
by G. Tari and H. Jabour

Late Pliocene/Pleistocene Siliciclastic Influx and Resulting Burial of a Tertiary Carbonate System in the Gulf of Papua
by E. Tcherepanov, A. Droxler, P. Lapointe, and K. Mohn

Applications of Mud Gas Isotope Logging to the Tahiti Field Development Program, Gulf of Mexico: Early Assessment of Reservoir Complexity and Assisting Drilling Operations
by S. Teerman, B. Cribbs, S. Turner, N. Suwatcharapanit, J. Bretches, and R. Kaufman

A Process-Based Cellular Automata Model for Turbiditic Reservoirs (CATS) Applied to Complex Turbiditic Systems
by V. Teles, R. Eschard, S. Lopez, and T. Salles

Comparison of Basin-Floor Deposits Along a Proximal to More Distal Transect: Upper and Middle Kaza Groups, British Columbia, Canada
by V. Terlaky, H. Longuépée, K. Privett, G. van Hees, and R. Arnott

A Mushwad of Floyd Shale in the Appalachian Thrust Belt in Alabama, Combining the Structure of the Conasauga Gas Play with the Stratigraphy of the Floyd Gas Play
by W. A. Thomas

Ichnological and Sedimentological Criteria for Differentiating Brackish-Water Bay-Head Deltas and Fully Marine Open-Coast Deltas
by C. R. Thompson, J. A. MacEachern, and A. J. DesRoches

Protection of Rainforest Microhabitats During 3-D Seismic Exploration
by M. Thurber, S. Valdivieso, G. Noboa, D. Westlund, and F. Benalcazar

Applications of Remote Sensing and Geospatial Data in Petroleum Exploration from Global to Submeter Scale Using Google Earth Enterprise Solution
by A. K. Thurmond, O. J. Martinsen, J. Skogseid, and D. Lorimer

Understanding and Quantifying Object Scaling in 3D Outcrop Data
by J. B. Thurmond, I. Lunt, O. Martinsen, and J. Archibald

Sr Isotope Stratigraphy of the Early Permian Cisuralian Epoch (Artinskian-Kungurian Stages) at Laibin, China
by K. Tierney, J. Yan, M. Saltzman, K. A. Foland, J. Linder, B. D. Cramer, and A. Munnecke

Biogenic Gases in the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin
by B. Tilley and K. Muehlenbachs

Geological and Seismic Forward Modeling of a Tidal Channel Outcrop Analog: Dry Wash, Upper Ferron Sandstone, Utah
by M. Tomasso, K. Lee, and R. Bouroullec

High Resolution Sequence Stratigraphy in the First Eocene Carbonate Reservoir at Wafra Field, Partitioned Neutral Zone (PNZ), Saudi Arabia and Kuwait
by N. Toomey, W. Meddaugh, K. Gautreau, and S. Griest

Geology and Petrophysics of a Reservoir from Cañón Field, Burgos Basin, México
by H. A. Torres, H. C. Aguayo, V. M. Alvarez, and M. Leal

Crustal Structure of the Northeastern Brazilian Margin Constrained by Seismic Reflection and Potential Field Data and Modelling
by F. Tsikalas, O. A. Blaich, and J. Faleide

Overview of the United States Regulatory Framework for In-Situ Leach Uranium Extraction
by D. R. Turner and D. Pickett

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Structural Control on Enigmatic Carbon Dioxide Gas Occurrences in the Southern North Sea Basin: Implications for Play Evaluation and Risk Assessment
by J. R. Underhill and S. Shafique

Multidisciplinary Study of the Cuyana Basin, Argentina
by C. Urien, A. Zavattieri, and C. Schiefelbein

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Local Tectonic Control on Parasequence Architecture: Upper Cretaceous Second Frontier Sandstone, Powder River Basin, Wyoming
by B. Vakarelov and J. P. Bhattacharya

The Quest to Build Robust Stratigraphic Models for Shallow Marine Systems: Lessons from the Holocene
by B. Vakarelov and R. Ainsworth

Creating Reservoir Analogs from Outcrop: Immersive 3D Digital Models from 2D Mapping
by J. M. Van Alstine and M. K. Czernuszenko

Implications of Slope Failures for the Hydrocarbon System in the Orange Basin, Offshore South Africa
by D. van der Spuy, G. Kuhlmann, R. di Primio, and B. Horsfield

Ooids and Grapestone - A Significant Source of Carbonate Mud on Caicos Platform
by N. Van Ee and H. R. Wanless

Estimation of the Uncertainty in the Hydrocarbon Exploration Through Geographic Information System (GIS). Case of Study: Espino’s Graben , East of Venezuela
by D. Varela and L. Duerto

Shale Analysis Using Rotary Sidewall Samples
by M. A. Vasilache

Tectonic Controls on Middle Eocene to Recent Stratigraphic Sequences Along the Guajira Margin of Northern Colombia
by E. M. Vence, P. Mann, and A. Escalona

High Resolution Spatial Models of a High-relief Carbonate Platform Slope (Early Jurassic, Djebel Bou Dahar, High Atlas, Morocco)
by K. Verwer, O. Merino-Tome, G. Della Porta, J. Kenter, E. Adams, P. Harris, and T. Playton

The Structure of the South and North Chukchi Sedimentary Basins and the Wrangel Arch on the Basis of Newly Acquired Seismic Data (Chukchi Sea, Russian Arctic)
by V. E. Verzhbitsky, T. Savostina, E. Frantzen, K. E. Trommestad, M. Ullnaess, A. Little, S. D. Sokolov, M. I. Tuchkova, T. Travis, and O. Martyntsiva

3D Structural and Analog Modeling Integration Applied to Pico Del Águila Anticline (Sierras Exteriores, Southern Pyrenees)
by O. Vidal Royo, J. Muñoz, and H. A. Koyi

NMR Relaxation Measurements in Carbonates: Impact of Early Diagenesis on Pore-Space and Rock-Typing Perspective
by B. Vincent, Y. Santerre, M. Fleury, and M. Han

The Shell In Situ Conversion Process
by H. J. Vinegar

Channel Architecture and Facies in a Sand-Rich Turbidite System, Eocene to Oligocene Western Champsaur Sandstones, SE France
by J. Vinnels, B. McCaffrey, R. Butler, and R. Brunt

Sediment Distribution and Architecture Around an Intra-Basinal Structure - An Example from the Eastern Champsaur Basin, Annot Turbidite System, SE France
by J. Vinnels, B. McCaffrey, and R. Butler

Reconstructing the Alpine Foreland Basin of SE France – New Insights from the Annot and Champsaur Turbidite Systems
by J. Vinnels, R. Butler, B. McCaffrey, G. Apps, F. Peel, and H. Lickorish

Applicability of Diffuse Spectral Reflectance for Clay Mineral Identification in Sedimentary Sequences
by Y. A. Vlack, J. D. Ortiz, E. H. Carlson, B. Curry, J. T. Haynes, and N. K. Grant

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Depositional Environments and Ichnofauna of the Ordovician Tumblagooda Sandstone, Western Australia
by G. Wach, R. Hocking, and A. Mory

Using Pseudo 3D P-Wave Seismic Reflection Data in Developing a More Robust Geologic Conceptual Model in Site Characterization: An Example from P-Area, Savannah River Site, SC
by M. Waddell, D. Brantley, J. M. Shafer, and A. Addison

Fracture-Fill, Albian/Cenomanian Planktic Foraminifers in the Stuart City/Edwards Shelf Margin, Pawnee Field, South Texas
by L. Waite, T. Loseke, and R. W. Scott

Alternative Energy for U.S. Military Installations
by L. D. Wakeley, J. R. McKenna, S. W. Broadfoot, B. Russo, M. Richards, and T. Hartranft

Extension, Shortening, and Salt Tectonics at a Paleozoic Transcurrent Plate Boundary: Cumberland Basin, Nova Scotia
by J. Waldron and M. C. Rygel

Lacustrine Sequence Stratigraphic and Stable Isotopic Expression of the Overfilled to Balanced-Filled Transition of the Tipton Member of the Green River Formation, Wyoming
by J. C. Walker and A. R. Carroll

Facies Assemblages for Two Transgressive Barrier Islands
by D. J. Wallace and J. B. Anderson

Utilizing Solid Expandable Tubulars into Shale Well Design
by J. Wallace

Devonian Carbonate Reservoirs, Western Canada, The Gift That Keeps on Giving, A Small E&P Company’s Perspective
by R. A. Walls and M. Hadley

A Geometric Model of Fault Zone and Fault Rock Thickness Variations: Reconciling the Fault Zone Structure of Small to Large Displacement Faults
by J. J. Walsh, C. Childs, T. Manzocchi, M. P. Schöpfer, C. G. Bonson, and A. Nicol

Mechanisms of Percolation of Emulsion in Porous Medium and the Application in Tertiary Recovery in Low-Permeability Reservoirs, Ordos Basin, North China
by F. Wang and Z. Qu

Anatomy of Upper Cretaceous Lacustrine Source Rocks in Songliao Basin: Distribution, Depositional Model and Implications for Hydrocarbon Potential
by F. Wang, H. Zhen, B. Wang, T. Jing, X. Wang, W. Fang, and Z. Feng

Simulating Naturally Fractured Reservoirs: Comparing Discrete Fracture Network Models to the Upscaled Equivalents
by H. Wang, C. Forster, and M. Deo

Evidence for Kaijiang-Liangping Trough and its Role for Giant Gas Accumulations in the Sichuan Basin
by Y. Wang, C. Xu, X. Huang, G. Yang, H. Hong, M. Xia, and Y. Wen

Role of Storms and Prevailing Energy in Defining Sediment Body Geometry, Composition, and Texture on Caicos Platform
by H. R. Wanless

Pleistocene Reefal and Oolitic Core Sequences from West Caicos, Caicos Platform
by H. R. Wanless

Counter-Intuitive Braid Deposits in an Active Channel Belt
by D. E. Ward, A. D. Moreno, N. Alexandrowicz, J. Garrett, and J. Holbrook

USGS Assessment of Undiscovered, Technically Recoverable Oil and Natural Gas Resources of the Lower Paleogene Midway and Wilcox Groups, and Carrizo Sand, Claiborne Group, Onshore Gulf of Mexico Basin, U.S.A
by P. D. Warwick

USGS Assessment of Undiscovered Technically Recoverable Gas Resources in Cretaceous-Tertiary Coal Beds of the Gulf Coast Region
by P. D. Warwick

Use of Horizontal Well Image Tools in the Completion of Barnett Shale Wells
by G. Waters

High-Resolution Sequence Stratigraphic and Chronostratigraphic Investigations of the Lower Shelf and Basinal Lithofacies of the Mississippian Subsystem in the Southern Midcontinent U.S.A
by W. L. Watney, J. H. Doveton, K. Newell, J. Victorine, E. K. Franseen, T. L. Thompson, E. Starbuck, D. R. Boardman, T. Rasbury, and N. Suneson

Not in My Back Yard - How Much of the Nation's Federal Oil and Gas is Locked Up?
by R. Watson and J. Eppink

Integrated Characterization of Middle East Outcrops: From Rocks to Fluid Flow Simulation
by L. Weber, L. Vaughan, and S. Khan

Sediment Flux and Composition Changes in Canyons on a Carbonate-Siliciclastic Margin: Evidence from Turbidite Deposits Along the Great Barrier Reef Margin
by J. Webster, D. Ludman, R. Wust, R. Beaman, W. Renema, and P. Moss

Fairway James Lime Field, East Texas: Still Developing After 48 Years
by R. E. Webster, D. Luttner, and L. Liu

Extrabasinal Tectonic and Paleo-Wind Control on Variations of Regional-Scale Carbonate Stacking Patterns in the Middle-Upper Devonian Beaverhill Lake Group in South-Central Alberta
by J. Wendte and T. Uyeno

Geosequestration of CO2 in Low-Permeability Sedimentary Systems: Opportunities and Challenges in the Sydney Basin, Eastern Australia
by M. Werner, J. Kaldi, and F. Mohinudeen

Source Rock Characterization of the Lower Cretaceous Ostracode Zone, Southern Alberta, Canada
by W. M. Wheeler, N. B. Harris, and D. C. Jennette

GIS for Depositional Synthesis, Analysis, and Exploration in the Gulf of Mexico
by T. Whiteaker and P. Ganey-Curry

Fractures Identification and Reservoir Characterization of Gas Carbonates Reservoir at Merbau Field, South Palembang Basin, Sumatra, Indonesia
by R. A. Wibowo, P. D. Silitonga, R. Raguwanti, W. Hindadari, and S. Alam

Woodford Shale Gas in Oklahoma
by C. W. Wickstrom

The Use of Terrestrial Laser Scanning in Quantifying Fault and Fracture Attributes in Reservoir Outcrop Analogues
by R. H. Wightman, J. Imber, K. J. McCaffrey, R. E. Holdsworth, R. R. Jones, and N. S. Holliman

Understanding the Stratigraphic Evolution of the Upper Slope and Shelf Edge: the Key to Deepwater Sand-Shale Distribution
by R. Wild, D. M. Hodgson, and S. S. Flint

Setting, Stratigraphic Architecture, and Diagenesis of Spiculite Platform-to-Basin Systems: Mississippian, South-Central Kansas
by B. W. Wilhite, I. Woolsey, and S. Mazzullo

Seismicity and Seepage Revisited. Combining Earthquake and SAR Data to Uncover the Deep-Water Giants of the Future
by A. K. Williams, N. Kellerman, M. King, and G. M. Lawrence

A Model for the Formation of Shallow Marine Bahamian Dolomites: Identifying Five Unique Types of Dolomite in the Bahamian Platforms
by K. Willis

Discrete Fracture Models of the Austin Chalk Group
by C. E. Wilson, A. Aydin, M. Karimi-Fard, L. Durlofsky, A. Sagy, and E. Brodsky

4D Evolution of a Normal Fault Array During Rift Initiation: An Integrated Digital Outcrop Study of the Nukhul Half-Graben, Suez Rift, Egypt
by P. Wilson, F. Rarity, D. Hodgetts, and R. L. Gawthorpe

Seismic Geomorphology of Shelf Sands
by L. Wood, D. Pinkston, T. Hedayati, B. Kiel

Source-to-Sink Linkages Between Clinoform Architecture and Deepwater Deposits, Eastern Mexico Margin, Southern Gulf of Mexico
by L. Wood, L. Moscardelli, W. Ambrose, J. Bermudez, C. Caraveo, and G. López-Leyva

Basin-Wide Extent and Local Variability of Rift Climax Deposits: a Regional Perspective from the Miocene Upper Rudeis Formation, Suez Rift, Egypt
by P. Woodman and R. Gawthorpe

The Significance of CO-Existing Micro- and Meso-Crystalline Silica Cements in the Upper Jurassic Brora Sandstone, Inner Moray Firth, Scotland
by R. H. Worden, S. C. Haddad, D. Prior, and C. Smalley

New Maximum Flooding Surface Ages in Third- and Fourth-Order Depositional Sequences in the Cenozoic and Mesozoic
by W. W. Wornardt

Condensed Facies Successions: Recognition, Occurrence and Origins
by P. Wright

4D Evolution of Deepwater Fold and Thrust Belts: Dynamic Interactions with Syntectonic Sedimentation and Erosion
by J. E. Wu and K. R. McClay

Reservoir Architecture Modeling of Complex Meandering Belts: A case of Gudao Oilfield, Bohai Bay Basin, East China
by S. Wu, D. Yue, and J. Liu

Utilizing Earth-Based Resource Exploration Approaches on Mars
by D. Y. Wyrick, D. A. Ferrill, A. P. Morris, and K. J. Smart

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Rock Mechanics of Shale
by Z. Xia, C. H. Sondergeld, C. S. Rai, and R. Sigal

The Effects of Reservoir Heterogeneity and CO2/H2S Mixing on CO2 Storage: Insights from Reactive Transport Modeling
by Y. Xiao, T. Xu, and K. Pruess

Dolomitization in Reflux, Mixing, Geothermal, and Hydrothermal Systems: Developing Predictive Diagenetic Concepts with Reactive Transport Models
by Y. Xiao, G. D. Jones, F. F. Whitaker, and S. A. Guidry

Paleogene Deep-Water Sandstone Provenance and Reservoir Quality of Offshore Areas of Northern South America
by X. Xie, P. Mann, and A. Escalona

Early Mesozoic Paleogeographic Reconstruction and Hydrocarbon Implications for the Southern Ordos Basin, China, based on U-Pb Detrital Zircon Geochronology
by X. Xie, P. L. Heller, and K. R. Chamberlain

Petroleum Potential of the Tibetan Plateau, China
by T. Xu and X. Huang

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Up-Estuary Variation of Sedimentary Facies and Ichnocoenoses in the Mixed-Energy Gomso-Bay Estuary, Korea
by B. Yang, M. Gingras, B. Dalrymple, and S. Chun

Limestone-Sandstone Clinoforms in Middle-Permian Lacustrine Deposits, Bogda Mountains, NW China – Implications for Progradational Infilling of Intermontane Lake Basins
by W. Yang, W. Guan, Y. Wang, Q. Feng, Y. Liu, and N. Tabor

Huimin Petroleum System in Bohai Gulf Basin, East China
by Z. Yang and J. Zhang

Fracture Cementation and Its Effects on Permeability Directionality in Tensleep Sandstones, Wyoming
by P. Yin and S. Wo

Reservoir Connectivity Evaluation in The Reservoir Architecture Framework
by T. Yin and C. Zhang

Distinction Betweeen HCS and Antidune Stratification: A Key to Detect Process vs. Product Changes
by S. Yoshida, M. Ito, Y. Nemoto, and R. Sakai

Faults as Conduit Barrier Systems for Oil and Brine Migration
by Y. You, M. Person, and V. Bense

Salt Tectonics and Their Relationships to Hydrocarbons in the Kuqa Foreland Fold-and-Thrust Belt, Northern Tarim Basin, China
by Y. Yu and L. Tang

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Shallow Gas Production Along the Cedar Creek Anticline in Southeastern Montana
by D. Zander

Genetic Indexes and Facies Mapping of Hyperpycnal Systems. A Case Study in the Oligocene Merecure Formation, Venezuela
by C. Zavala, J. Marcano, J. Carvajal, and M. Delgado

Paleomagnetic Dating of Alteration Associated with Fluid Flow Events in Carboniferous Carbonates, Northern Rockies
by M. S. Zechmeister, S. J. Pannalal, R. D. Elmore, E. C. Ferre, V. J. O'Brien, and M. A. Evans

Understanding Seismic Detection and Resolution of High-Frequency Sequences and Systems Tracts
by H. Zeng

The Dynamic System of Hydrocarbon Accumulation in Junggar Basin, Northwest China
by M. Zha, K. Wu, and J. Qu

Establishing Fluvial Reservoir Architectural Elements Trough Petrophysical Motifs: Example — Upper Tertiary Fluvial Sandstones, Gondong Oil Field, Onshore Bohai Bay, PRC
by R. Zhai, S. Wu, and J. D. Pigott

Laboratory Tests to Determine Role of Bioproducts in Seafloor Gas Hydrate Accumulations
by G. Zhang, R. E. Rogers, and W. T. French

Characterization of Fault Sealing for Hydrocarbon Migration – A Case Study in the Chengbei Step-Fault Zone, Bohaiwan Basin, China
by L. Zhang, X. Luo, D. Xiao, J. Su, S. Yuan, and C. Yu

Integrated Reservoir Characterization of a Thinly Bedded Carbonate Reservoir to Improve Waterflooding in Horizontal Wells in the D Field, Oman
by G. Zhao and F. Li

Improved Geological Understanding and Exploration Practice of Stratigraphic Traps in Chinese Sedimentary Basins
by W. Zhao, C. Zou, and C. Jia

Coatings on Sediment Grains in the Navajo Sandstone, Black Mesa, Arizona, and Potential Implications on Water-Rock Interaction Kinetics
by C. Zhu

Bioremediation of Groundwater Uranium Contamination: Field Experiments and Biogeochemical Modeling
by C. Zhu, Z. Zheng, M. Reeder, and Q. Jin

The Relationships Between Neogene Shallow Water Deltaic System and Hydrocarbon Accumulations in Bohai Bay, China
by W. Zhu, J. Li, and X. Zhou

Seismic Sedimentology Applied to Qinan Sag, China
by X. Zhu and Y. Dong

Delta Asymmetry and Sequence Stratigraphy of the Cretaceous Notom Delta of the Ferron Sandstone, Utah
by Y. Zhu, J. P. Bhattacharya, D. Garza, and P. Dischington

Late Cenozoic Tectonic History of the Qilian Shan, Northeastern Tibetan Plateau, Revealed by the Sedimentary Records of Northeastern Qaidam Basin, NW China
by G. Zhuang and B. D. Ritts

Differentiating Freshwater & Brackish-Water Successions Using Trace Fossils
by J. Zonneveld, M. K. Gingras, and S. T. Hasiotis

Late Devonian Phytoplankton Productivity Enhanced by Aeolian Iron?
by J. E. Zumberge, H. Illich, S. W. Brown, C. Scotese, and T. Moore

Petroleum Trap Leakage Processes Revisited
by C. Zwach and M. Erdmann