Highest Possible Resolution Seismic
Norman S. Neidell1, Andy Cuttel2, and Bill Kamps3
1N. S. Neidell & Assoc., Houston, TX
2GGS- Spectrum, Inc., Houston, TX
3Tsunami Development, Houston, TX
Huygens’ or Holographic Imaging of the earth subsurface using seismic
survey data produces substantially greater spatial and time resolution than may be obtained by commonly used signal processing methods. For this reason such imaging is often called “High Definition” Imaging.
Attainable resolution using Huygens’ Imaging represents the highest possible values with limits imposed by the imaging approximations, estimated propagation velocities, noise, and the geologic character. Such character relates to the sediment deposition and its energy, having specific expression in terms of variations over the effective Fresnel Zone and vertical grading or transitioning of the lithologies. For such imaging, as typical of Holographic methods, illumination bandwidth is largely incidental, and frequencies in the image domain may range between 3 and 10 times the input bandwidth, and possibly greater as geology ultimately permits.
Not only should we expect much improved Attributes
, but also the possibility of newer
which relate more closely to the geology. These may include measures of depositional energy and “indices” of “correlatability” with well information. We should also derive further information about fractures, connectivity and other reservoir related properties.
In this initial study we present examples of Holographic Imaging and examine just a few of the most basic Attributes
. Moving beyond the obvious advantages in broader bandwidths for frequency and wavenumber, we see remarkable improvement in particular in Velocity Analyses. Coherence
also show much higher resolution and interpretable detail. Faults, chimneys and other features can be seen with clarity including in many cases evidence of “wrench” character.
AAPG Search and Discover Article #90078©2008 AAPG Annual Convention, San Antonio, Texas