--> Abstract: Characterization and Modeling of the Broom Creek Formation for Potential Storage of CO2 from Coal-Fired Power Plants in North Dakota, by James A. Sorensen, Terry P. Bailey, Steven A. Smith, Anastasia Dobroskok, David Fisher, Wesley D. Peck, Edward N. Steadman, and John A. Harju; #90078 (2008)
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Characterization and Modeling of the Broom Creek Formation for Potential Storage of CO2 from Coal-Fired Previous HitPowerNext Hit Plants in North Dakota

James A. Sorensen, Terry P. Bailey, Steven A. Smith, Anastasia Dobroskok, David Fisher, Wesley D. Peck, Edward N. Steadman, and John A. Harju
UND EERC, Grand Forks, ND

Future fossil fuel-based energy production facilities may include carbon management strategies as part of their overall operational plans. Brine-saturated formations appear to have significant capacity to store carbon dioxide (CO2) provided that they have adequate porosity, permeability, temperature and pressure conditions, and competent seals. The brine-saturated Broom Creek Formation in the North Dakota section of the Williston Basin has been identified as being a potential sink for large-scale CO2 sequestration. The Pennsylvanian/Permian Broom Creek Formation is a laterally extensive sandstone at the top of the Minnelusa Aquifer System which is capped by the Opeche shale. A wide variety of previously generated data, including well logs, core analyses, water analyses, and other published data, have been used to construct a detailed geological model of an area of the Broom Creek Formation in the vicinity of six coal-fired Previous HitpowerTop plants located in central North Dakota. The geological model, in conjunction with injection simulation modeling efforts, is being used to develop estimates of injection rates and predictions of plume size and migration tendencies. This case study describes an approach that can be applied to conducting subregional scale characterization of geologic formations for the purpose of large-scale CO2 sequestration operations.


AAPG Search and Discover Article #90078©2008 AAPG Annual Convention, San Antonio, Texas