--> Abstract: The Dynamic System of Hydrocarbon Accumulation in Junggar Basin, Northwest China, by Ming Zha, Kongyou Wu, and Jiangxiu Qu; #90078 (2008)
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The Dynamic System of Hydrocarbon Accumulation in Junggar Basin, Northwest China

Ming Zha, Kongyou Wu, and Jiangxiu Qu
CUP Shandong, China, Dongying, China

Junggar basin is one of the structurally complex petroleum basins in northwest China. A study has been conducted to investigate tectonic evolution, overpressure system, geochemistry, and reservoir distribution in the basin. The key factors that control hydrocarbon accumulation and distribution in Jurassic and Triassic sequences include high-quality source rocks from lacustrine sequences, effective migration pathways and development of active traps. There are seven sets of source rocks from Permian to Jurassic in northwest, central and south portions of the basin that provided abundant hydrocarbons for migration and accumulation. The main faults were active during Triassic to Tertiary, connecting hydrocarbon pathways from deep Permian to Cretaceous reservoirs. Five regional Previous HitunconformitiesNext Hit exist in northwestern slope and central uplift of the basin, with four forming two dual-pathways and one being sealing. Those faults and Previous HitunconformitiesTop linked with continuous sandstone bodies, constituting effective and long-distance migrating pathway networks for hydrocarbon accumulation. Overpressure in Jurassic and Tertiary were main drives for hydrocarbon migration and accumulation. The dynamic system of petroleum accumulation can be divided as six subsystems.


AAPG Search and Discover Article #90078©2008 AAPG Annual Convention, San Antonio, Texas